Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer


A month later



The drive to Mom’s doesn’t take long, but Dani and I haven’t spoken a single word since we got in the car.

We pull up at the front of Mom’s house and park. I turn to look at her, but she’s as stunned as I am. What do I say? What can I say?

Dean’s and Alec’s cars are both here, meaning we’re running late. But, considering what we’ve just gone through, I think they’ll be understanding.

Neither Dani nor myself make any move to leave the car. Instead, we’re both staring out the window, shocked and confused.

There’s a knock on the window, and when I turn, I see Serena standing beside my window. “Hey, are you two okay?”

Dani and I are still speechless. I nod my head, unable to form any kind of words.

“Okay,” Serena says slowly. “Are you coming in?”

Again, all I can do is nod.

Dani climbs out of the car, and I watch as she walks around and waits for me by the driver’s side. I get out of the car, and grab Dani’s hand, holding it tightly.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Serena repeats.

“Yeah,” Dani croaks.

“Yep,” I say with a nod.

“I forgot my phone, so I just came out to grab it.” Serena holds her phone up, then stares at us. “I’ll see you both inside.” Serena glances at us hesitantly, before heading into Mom’s.

“You okay?” I finally ask Dani.

“I think so. You?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Yeah, I get that.” She grips my hand tighter as we walk into Mom’s.

Still numb and confused, we walk to the backyard where Dean, Joanne, Thomas, Alec, Serena, and Mom are all sitting around. “Your turn to grill,” Alec says when he sees us.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asks as she stands.

“Twins,” I say.

“What?” Dean asks.

“Holy shit! Twins?” Mom yells. “Are you sure?” She looks down to Dani’s little baby bump, and places her palm on her stomach. “Twins?”

Dani nods. “Twins,” she whispers.

Mom hugs Dani, then me.

Dean and Joanne are the first up on their feet to congratulate us, followed quickly by Alec and Serena.

“I thought I was going to be there for the ultrasound,” Mom says.

“Sorry, Mom, but Dani was having some pains, so Doctor Allard sent her this morning for an ultrasound.”

The excitement dies down, and I lead Dani over to the bench seat so she can sit. “That’s okay,” Mom says. “But can I come to the next one, please?” She places her hands together in prayer.

“Of course,” Dani says.

“Did I ever tell you kids, I was a twin? My sister passed away the day we were born.” She lowers her eyes for a moment, thinking about her sister.

“You never told us, Mom,” Alec says softly.

Mom lifts her chin and smiles. She hugs Dani again. “Did they tell you how far along you are?”

“We’re just over ten weeks,” I say.

“Aww, I can’t wait.” Mom claps her hands together.

Conversation settles and everyone is talking when Dani leans over and whispers, “Do you realize with the dates we were given, this means these babies were conceived the first night we were together?”

I slowly turn my head to look at her. That means the night I lost my virginity, is also the night we became pregnant with twins. What the actual fuck? “That was the night I...”

“Yep,” she confirms.

“And we...”

“Aha.” I can’t help but laugh. “What?” she asks.

“I’ve got super-sonic swimmers.” I puff my chest out, feeling like I’m a damn super hero. “Yeah, alright. I’m okay with this,” I say cockily.

“Rhett, it’s your turn to fire up the grill,” Alec says.

I give my girl a kiss before I stand and strut over to the grill to start it up. Yeah, I’m fucking awesome. Straight out of the gate and I knock my woman up with twins. Fucking twins. I’m so fly right now.

“Serena, how’s your brother?” Mom asks.

“He’s doing okay. He’s due to come home on Saturday, and I can’t wait to have him back,” Serena replies.

“I’m looking forward to having him here for family dinners.”

Family dinners are going to change in a major way. “Oh, we have news too,” Dean says grabbing all our attention.

“Yeah, remember how I said Hope offered for me to own and run a dessert bar in the food court they’re creating?” Joanne says. She sits taller and prouder, and I can feel this is going to be awesome news. Not as awesome as twins, but still.

“Am I quitting my job to come work for you?” Mom asks.

“No, because I’m not doing it.”

“Oh.” Mom sinks down, upset.

“Because we’re starting the process to adopt,” Dean says.

“Fuck man!” Alec jumps up and throws himself on Dean.

I walk over and give Joanne a huge hug, before embracing Dean. “Good news, man. Fucking good news.”

Dani stands, and after giving both Joanne and Dean a hug, she comes over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. “There’s only one more thing I want,” I say to Dani as I stare down into her eyes.


“Marry me?”

“In a heartbeat,” she replies.

My life is fucking awesome.