Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer





What the hell happened? Dani didn’t even look at me once after she took our order. I thought there was something between us, does she not feel the same way? She had the other girl bring us our drinks and food. I didn’t want the other chick, I wanted Dani to serve us. I wanted to be able to touch her hand, watch her cheeks turn pink when she’d catch me watching her. I wanted to see her, not the other chick.

Mom’s gone out somewhere, and I’m sitting on my bed looking at advanced paramedic courses. My phone rings from beside me, and I see it’s a video call from Pen. I slide it open and continue looking up courses. “What do you want?” I ask.

“Get your ugly ass ready. We’re going out.”

“I’m not in the mood, Pen.” Not after the way Dani shut me down.

“Yeah, I can see. I’ll be at yours in about fifteen.” She rips her t-shirt off over her head, and slides her jeans down her legs standing in her underwear. It’s not the first time I’ve seen her exposed, and it certainly won’t be the last. “I’m getting changed now. So hurry up.”

“I said no, I’m not coming.”

“You have to.”

“Why?” I ask and glimpse at her as she’s taken me with her to her closet while she searches through her clothes looking for something to wear.

“This one?” She holds up a tight red dress.

“Your tits look good in that one,” I say as I go back to my courses.

“This one it is then.” She holds the phone right up to her face. “You’re coming with me.”

“No. I don’t want to.”

“Too bad. You have to. Wear that black shirt, and your black dress pants. You know the ones, right? Oh, and slick your hair back too.”

“Who am I impressing?”

“No one, but I don’t want to get hit on by every guy there, so you have to be my pretend boyfriend. Hurry up. I’m grabbing my shoes, and I’ll be there soon. I’ll drive, but you may need to drive back.” She winks into the phone.

I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

“Fourteen minutes.” She hangs up, and I throw my head back and sigh.

I don’t feel like going out, but I know Pen will get herself into a world of trouble if I’m not there. I mean, I know she can handle herself, but I also know she’ll drink which means she can’t drive. And I’d be so angry at myself if she got herself into trouble and I wasn’t not there to help her.

I grab the clothes she wants me to wear and start chuckling to myself. “I don’t need someone to dress me,” I say as I grab the dark blue shirt instead of the black one. Before I know it, she’s knocking at my front door. “Whoa,” I say when I open it. “How did you get so tall?”

“Heels, baby. Heels. Check out how good my legs look.” She walks down the hallway like a damn model. “And check my ass out.” She looks over her shoulder to me. “It looks good, doesn’t it?”

I let out a sigh. “Yes, Pen, your butt looks good,” I say in a flat voice.

She notices I’m not wearing the black shirt. “Why are you wearing that?”

“Because my mommy stopped dressing me when I was two!” I playfully yell.

“Fine. Wear that, but I can tell you, you won’t pick up. On the other hand, the black shirt is guaranteed to get a chick on the end of your stick.”

I let out a long groan. “Remind me why I’m coming with you tonight again?”

She links her arm through mine as we head out to her car. “Here, you drive. I can’t drive in heels. These look so good, but they’re totally impractical. However, I want to go out and pick somebody up. Or get drunk. Whichever.” She shrugs as she gets in her car.

“Where are we going?”

“There’s a new club over in Willow Heights. I have no idea the name of it, but I heard it’s awesome. It’s on Josepp Street.”

“Oh, yeah, I know the one you’re talking about. Apparently, they have poles.” Well, this might be a good night after all. Girls on poles. Hell, yeah.

“I wanna learn how to pole dance. I heard it’s great for your core.” She taps her finger to her bottom lip. “Wanna learn with me?”

“No,” I respond immediately. “No chance in hell do I want to learn to pole dance.”

“You know why they have to wear as little clothing as possible?” she asks. I shake my head. “Because they need to the grip the pole with their skin. If they’re wearing clothes, it’s slippery. So the less a person wears, the better.”

A mental image of Dani dancing on a pole just for me makes me shift in the driver’s seat. “Is that right?” I ask pretending I’m invested in the conversation.

“What do you think? Should I do it?”

“If you want to.”

“Nah, come on. Can you see me as a pole dancer?”

“For my extremely limited knowledge of pole dancers, it’s about building body confidence and core strength. And you lack in neither.”

She punches me lightly in the upper arm. “Jerk.” I chuckle a bit louder. “I’m putting on music, because I don’t want to hear your stupid voice anymore.” She turns the music on, and starts bopping away in her seat, preparing for the night ahead.

I find the place easily, but have to park halfway up the street because there are no spots available closer. I look at the broken street light I’ve parked beneath, and I’m grateful I’m here to keep an eye out for Pen. We walk toward where the music is coming from. A bouncer stands out in front, carding people before he lets anyone in.

“Rhett, how you doing?” He holds his fist out, and I bump mine against it.

“Yeah, good. How are you?” I have no idea who he is, but in this town a lot of people know Pen and me just because of our job.

“Penelope, looking good.” He opens the door without carding us.

“Thank you.” Pen looks up at him, giving him a huge smile and swiveling her hips as we head inside where the smell of alcohol hits me hard. The music is loud, the club is about two-thirds full. Instinctively, I look around the club searching for the emergency exits. Pen leans in as she’s moving her body in time to the music. “One in the back-left corner, and one halfway down the left wall.”

Smart-ass. I look up, and see there’s also an upstairs. “There’ll be an emergency fire escape up there too,” I say.

“I need a drink.” She stands at the bar and waits for the bartender to arrive. I lean against the bar just keeping an eye on everything that’s happening. “Scarlett?” Penelope nearly screeches.

“What?” I turn to see the bartender serving Penelope is Dane’s sister, Scarlett. “Oh shit,” I mumble.

“Hey, Scarlett,” I say as I place my hand to Pen’s back.

“Pen, Rhett, how you doing?” Her mouth is tight and her eyes are wide. I think she’s as uncomfortable as Penelope and I am right now.

“Um.” Pen side-eyes me. “Good. Um.” She looks around the club, nervous.

“A vodka and lemonade and a beer please,” I say to Scarlett.

Her vibrant blue hair is pulled back in two pigtails. “Sure thing.”

The moment she turns her back, Pen leans into me. “I had no idea she worked here. If Dane’s here, we have to go, okay?”

“Of course.”

Scarlett returns and smiles widely. I pull my wallet out, and Scarlett gestures that these drinks are on the house. “Thank you,” I say.

She looks to me, then her eyes dart to Penelope and she smiles before moving on to the next customer. I grab Pen’s free hand and lead her toward the back where there are seats and long sofas lining the back wall. A lot of people are out on the dance floor, and Pen is swaying her hips to the music as she sips on her drink. “I’m gonna dance. Here.” She hands me her drink before taking off into the mostly full dance floor.

I keep my hand over her drink as I watch to make sure she’s okay. Pen doesn’t need someone to dance with, she’s happily doing it on her own.

The music flawlessly changes from one song to the next, and Pen is still out on the floor. Her eyes are closed and she’s just feeling the music. “Hi,” an incredibly beautiful woman says to me as she sits down.

“Hi.” I give her a forced smile but drag my eyes back to Pen.

“I’m Laura.” She holds her hand out.

With both my hands full, I balance my beer on my thigh, before shaking her hand. “Rhett.”

“That’s an unusual name. You don’t often see young, good-looking men with a name like Rhett.” She arches her brow, then seductively sucks her drink through her straw.

Um, not gonna happen. “What can I tell ya; my parents chose it.” I don’t want to come across as rude, but back off lady.

“What do you do, Rhett?” she purrs when she says my name.

Not sexy at all, lady. “I’m a fireman. And you?”

“Oh, a fireman?” She begins fanning herself.

“Hey, baby. Thank you for holding my drink.” Pen sits on my lap and kisses my cheek.

“That’s okay, sweetheart.” I wrap my arm around Pen’s waist. “This is Laura. Laura, this is Penelope, my girlfriend.”

Laura’s shoulders drop, and she looks behind me. “Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies’ room.” She’s out of here in a split second.

“I saw you from the dance floor, and you were trying to move away from her. I thought you needed saving.” Pen throws the rest of drink back, places the empty glass on a nearby table and takes off back to the dance floor.

I keep an eye on Pen when I see a waitress walking around collecting glasses. I wave her over, and order Pen another vodka and lemonade and a water. She takes my money, and soon returns with both.

I look for Pen on the dance floor, and notice she’s moved toward the middle, dancing with a couple of people. Casually, I look around the club and see someone who looks like Dani standing at the bar. I crane my neck just to get a better look. When she’s in full view, I can’t help but smile. She’s in her own little world, sipping on her drink as her body is moving to the music. I grin as I watch her. She moves toward me but she hasn’t noticed me yet.

Suddenly, she straightens, and pulls her shoulders back. She turns, and sees me staring at her. Instead of smiling, she looks almost disappointed. Dani drops her gaze, before finally lifting her chin and heading over toward me.

“Hey,” she says as she stands beside me. Dani looks so uncomfortable. Her eyes dart to my beer, then to Pen’s drink. Her jaw tightens and she nods slightly. “I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”

“Pen asked me to come. More like forced me.”

“Where is she?” Dani is cold toward me. I point to the dance floor. “Oh right.”

“You look beautiful, Dani,” I say taking in her thigh-high skirt, black boots, and black lacey top with her black bra beneath.

“Ha, yeah. Thanks,” she scoffs.

“You don’t believe me?” I ask.

“When you put me next to Pen, then no. I don’t believe you. She’s probably rocking a skin-tight dress, which will make me look like a potato.”

“Potato?” Is she insecure around Pen? “Well, to me you look absolutely perfect,” I say. “Do you want to sit?”

She worries her bottom lip between her teeth, and frowns while sipping on her drink. Dani appears conflicted and confused. What it going on? Finally, she sits beside me. “Look,” she says and turns to cast an eye out on the dance floor. “Whatever is going on between us, I won’t do that to Pen. I’m not that type of person, Rhett.”

“What? What are you talking about?” I ask.

“Come on, please, don’t treat me like an idiot.”

“What?” I repeat.

“You and Pen.”

“Are best friends. And that’s all we are. And that’s all we’ve ever been.”

“You two are always together. And she’s hot, and you’re...” Her hand flies up and down my body, but she doesn’t finish what she was saying.

“I’m what?”

“You two are like this.” She entwines her two fingers together.

“Yeah, we’re tight. But I can promise you, we’re not together in any other way. She’s my best friend, and I’m hers.”

“Hey, Dani!” Pen rushes over and sits on my lap. Dani shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Her whole posture slumps. “What’s going on? Should I leave you two to talk.”

“She thinks we’re together, Pen.”

“What? Eww. Please. Give me some credit, girlfriend.” Dani’s surprised reaction makes me chuckle. “It’s hard to wrap your head around, right?” Pen asks.

Dani nods. She’s trying to understand how we are. “You’re not...?” She points between Pen and myself.

“No, we’re not. She’s got my back, and I have hers.”

“I’m out of here. I’ve gotta get my dance on.” Pen stands and wiggles her hips. She throws her drink back, and takes off down to the dance floor again, leaving Dani and me to talk.

“We’re really not together,” I say.

“I always thought because you two are so close that it was inevitable.”

“Nope.” I shake my head. “I love her, and I always will. But, I’m not in love with her.” Apparently, according to Alec and Serena, I love you and you’ve always loved me.

Dani appears a bit more comfortable with what she’s seen and what I’ve said. “So, why are you out together tonight?” she asks as she moves in closer toward me.


“Ah. Right.”

“Who did you come with?”

She shakes her head and half shrugs. “On my own. I needed a night out. You know, just to leave everything and lose myself for a couple of hours. So, I caught a cab here because I’d heard some good things about this place.” She lifts her drink to take a sip. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from her lips. Her bottom lip plumps as it pushes up against the glass. She lowers the drink, and darts her tongue out to lick her lips.


Gulping, I blink and look away from her. I’m on the verge of dragging her over and kissing her beautiful, supple lips. Jesus. Supple? Fuck, I wonder how succulent and wet her other lips are. I’m in a world of trouble right now. I turn my head further away, and take several deep breaths trying to picture anything but her luscious mouth.

“You okay, Rhett?” Dani softly touches my leg, bringing me back to here and now.

I swallow and pull myself together. Turning, my gaze is on her lips again. Stop it. “Yeah, I’m good. You going to dance?” I gesture toward the dance floor.

“Yeah, I was thinking about it. Do you want to dance?” Her eyes light up with hope, but I have to tear her down because I don’t think it’s a good idea to stand or she may see the effect she’s having on me.

“I’m not much of a dancer.” You idiot, dance with her.

“Oh.” Her happiness softens, and she gives me a small nod. “Do you mind watching my drink and my bag?”

God yes, she’s going to dance, and I’m going to watch her move her body. Fuck yeah. “Sure.” What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not a fucking teenager anymore.

“Thanks.” She pushes her bag over to me, then turns to look around us. She sees the table close, and drags it over, places her drink on the edge and walks out to the dance floor.

Dani closes her eyes, and sways her body slowly, seductively to the music. She’s in her element. She’s totally alive in this moment, not worrying about a single thing going on in her life. I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s hypnotic and perfect. My body desperately wants hers beneath me.

“Ask her out,” Pen says as she plonks down next to me.

I don’t even look at Pen, I can’t. The most beautiful creature in the world is dancing only a few feet from me, and I’m absolutely floored by how attracted I am to her. I sit back, lean one arm over the back of the long sofa, and watch as she dances just for me. She probably has no idea what she’s doing to me.

“I thought so.” Pen chuckles, then blends back into the crowd on the dance floor.

Some random guy sidles up behind Dani, his hands are all over her. I sit forward, not liking what I’m seeing. He grinds into her, and she steps forward to get away from him. My heart is beating like fucking crazy. I stand, ready to lay him out on his ass.

I take a step, but Pen interjects, getting between Dani and the guy. As she’s dancing, she waggles her finger in his face, then points over to me. I step closer. The guy looks me over, then steps away. Pen turns and gives me a wink.

Yeah, buddy. Get your fucking hands off my girls.

Dani looks behind her, then over to me. She sees me standing and tilts her head to the side. Pen disappears back into the crowd, and Dani appears confused for a few seconds, before returning to where I am. “What happened?” she asks as she stands in front of me.

“He had his hands on you, Dani.”

“We were dancing,” she replies stoically.

“He had his fucking hands on you.”

“What the hell’s your problem, Rhett?” Her arms cross in front of her chest, waiting for a reply. I struggle with what to say. “Whatever.” She cringes, turns, and grabs her bag and flees toward the back where the bathrooms are.

What the hell just happened?

Fuck this shit.

I bring my hand up to my mouth, create an O and whistle. Pen turns to see me, and I gesture for her to come over. “What?” she asks.

“Watch the drinks.” I pointedly look toward where we were sitting. Pen rolls her eyes, but heads over and sits as I take off to find Dani.

I notice Dani’s heading into the bathroom. There’s a girl waiting to go in after Dani, but I push in front of her. “Sorry,” I say. Before Dani has the opportunity to lock the door, I shove it open and stand in there with her.

“Rhett, what the hell is your problem?” she yells up at me.

“You don’t let anyone touch you like that, Dani.”

She screws her nose and shakes her head. “Get out.” She points toward the door.

“No.” I grit my teeth together. “You don’t let anyone touch you like that again. Do you understand?”

“What the...”

I grab her around the throat, turn us and pin her up against the door. “Don’t you let anyone touch you again,” I say again. My chest is heaving, and everything inside me is going crazy.

Her brows slightly furrow before she lifts her chin and arches one brow. “Why? What are you going to do about it?” she challenges.

My heartbeat quickens, because this woman is sending me absolutely over the edge. “Just don’t.” I let go of her throat and step back. I look down for a second, trying my hardest to recall my control. I’m not this guy, I’ve never been this guy. I look back at her, and point toward her chest. With a clenched jaw and fire pumping through my veins, I say, “Just, don’t.”

She looks me up and down, and shakes her head. She straightens her skirt and sneers at me. “Get out,” she says in an even voice. She stands there staring at me, her eyes deadly serious. Her posture says she’s ready to flee. I watch as her chest heaves quickly while she intently glares at me.

“Don’t push me, Dani.” She’s sending me crazy. I’m doing things I’ve never done before.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “I need to pee.” She maneuvers past me, and starts lifting her skirt, trying to call my bluff.

“Then pee,” I say as I stand refusing to leave.

She keeps inching her skirt up, I refuse to look at anywhere but her eyes. When Dani realizes I’m not playing, she lowers her skirt again, opens the door and storms out. If I lose my mind, it’ll be because of her.

I follow her out, and notice the line has grown to three girls, who all snicker when we leave the bathroom. “Dani!” I shout. She flips me off over her shoulder. “Dani!”

She pivots around, stopping in the middle of the corridor. “I’m going home. Don’t follow me.”

“You caught a cab to get here. You’re not going to find a cab home.”

“Then I’ll fucking walk!”

I reach out and grab her upper arm before she can take off. She falls back into me, crashing into my body. “I’m taking you home.”

“Leave me alone, Rhett. I don’t need you to do anything for me.”

I drag her over to where we’ve been sitting, to find Penelope with her tongue down Dane’s throat. “Pen!” I say.

She startles and when she looks at me, her smile is so wide. I flick Dane a nod, and he replies in kind. Pen stands, and walks over to me. She can see an irate Dani standing beside me, and my hand around Dani’s upper arm. “What are you doing?” she asks.

“I was going to ask the same question.” I glance at Dane.

“He walked in, found me, and told me he’s an idiot and loves me.” She giddily wrings her hands together. “Anyway, I’m going home with him.”

And whenever they decide to break it off again, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces—again. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yep!” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. She then turns to Dani, and whispers something in her ear. The tension in Dani’s body quickly fades, and when Penelope pulls back, they both smile. She then leans up, and whispers loud enough over the music, “Don’t be a dick.” She gives me another kiss, then a hug. “Love you, loser. I’ll come over tomorrow to collect my car.”

Penelope bounces back to Dane, who opens his arms the moment she’s on his lap, attacking his face.

“Have you got everything?” I ask Dani. She replies with just a nod. “I’ll take you home.”

“I can get home on my own.” She shrugs out of the grip I have around her upper arm, but I notice she doesn’t try to leave.

I run my hand through my hair and just calm the fuck down. “Can I take you home, please?” I ask trying to pull back on whatever is going on with me.

Dani’s lips thin as she cocks a brow at me. “Fine.”

“Thank you.”

“Hmh.” She nods. I take her hand in mine, and lead her through the club, out the front door, then down to where I’ve parked Pen’s car. She reaches for the door handle, but I get there first and open the door for her. She gets in, and I notice the strap of her bag is sticking out of the bottom when I shut the door. I open it again, and lift the strap onto her lap. “Thank you,” she says, somewhat calmer than she was.

This night didn’t go the way I thought it would. I didn’t expect for Dani to show up, nor did I expect for Dane and Penelope to get back together so quickly. “I’m sorry, Dani,” I say as I drive toward where Alec said she lives.

Dani’s breathing is still loud, and she’s leaning her left arm up on the side of the door, while rubbing at her forehead with her fingers. “What’s your problem with me, Rhett?”

“I don’t have a problem with you.”

“Then why did you go all...” She huffs several times. “It was like I was your possession.”

I fucking wish.“I’m sorry.”

Dani turns her head to look out the window, but I can see she’s shaking her head. “Just...whatever.” We drive for few moments, before she says, “You can drop me off at the top of Thistle Drive.”

“I’m not dropping you off anywhere other than the front of your house, Dani.”

“Here we go again. You’re being this protective, over-the-top guy who acts like I’m your damn possession.”

I clench my jaw together, and tighten my fingers around the wheel. “I... I, I, just,” I stutter like an idiot. “I didn’t like that someone was touching you. You should be able to enjoy a night out without men groping you and thrusting up against you.”

“Did you stop to think that I’d like someone to be groping and thrusting up against me?”

That someone should be me. “I beg your pardon?” I snap as I slowly turn to look at her then return my focus to the road ahead.

She sits silent for the rest of the ride. We approach Thistle Drive, and Dani’s already taking her seatbelt off before I’ve even slowed. “Drop me here.”

“No,” I say.

“Drop me here!” she says with more force.

“No!” I reply with equal venom.

“Just stop the fucking car, Rhett!” she yells.

“No. I’m taking you home.”

“No!” She stomps her foot in frustration.

“Dani, it’s late and I’m not letting you walk the streets alone. You can either tell me where you live, or I’ll turn this car around and you’ll come home with me. The choice is yours.” Even though I already know she lives in the trailer park.

“I’m not going home with you.”

“Then you’d best tell me where you live. I’ll give you to the count of five, or you’re coming home with me, where I know you’ll be safe.”

“Safe from who?”


“I go for walks around here all the time. Let me out of the fucking car,” she argues.

“Two.” I hold two fingers up before placing my hand back on the steering wheel.

“Will you be reasonable, please?” She’s resorted to a softer voice.


“I live just down there; just stop the car.”

The trailer park is not just “down there.” It’s a good ten-minute walk from here. There’s no chance in hell I’m letting her walk home. “Four.”

“Let me out!” I glance at Dani, open my mouth to say the next number and start slowing to flick the car around so she can come home with me. “Fine. You’re so fucking annoying.” She’ll never be able to call my bluff. “I live at the trailer park, okay? You can now laugh at me for living there.”

“What? Why would I laugh at you?”

“Because I live in a fucking trailer, Rhett. I don’t live anywhere nice or fancy. I’m poor. Are you happy now? I’m fucking poor. Now, just take me home.” Dani’s not angry anymore, she’s sad. Her chin falls forward and her shoulders are shaky.

“Dani.” I reach out for her hand, but she moves closer to the door while refusing to look at me. “I don’t think it’s funny that you live in a trailer park with your parents. It’s a home that keeps you safe.”

She turns to look at me, her eyes are red and there are streaks of tears clinging to her cheeks. I want to pull over and wrap her in my arms, but there’s something about the way she’s looking at me that screams she’s devastated that she was forced to tell me where she lives. I pull up in front of the trailer park, waiting for her to give me directions on where to go. “Thanks,” she says as she jumps out of the car and rapidly walks away from me. I get out and follow her. She keeps looking over her shoulder to see if I’m there. Abruptly, she swivels and waits the few seconds until I catch up to her. “Can you just leave?” she hisses quietly. “I’m safe here. Just get back in the car, and leave.”

I look around and notice most of the trailers don’t have lights on and other than the low hum coming from a couple of televisions, it appears orderly and quiet. “I’ll walk you to your home.”

She throws her head back and huffs loudly. Her arms flail over her head. “Can you not just leave?”

“The moment I see you inside your home, I’ll turn around and walk away.”

She shakes her head. “In that trailer is Mr. Morrison. He lives there with his cat, and his goldfish. He’s about sixty and limps.” She points to one of the trailers. “In that one lives Jessica and Christa. They’re a lesbian couple who were thrown out by their respective parents because the parents don’t believe in same-sex relationships.” She points to another trailer. “In that one there, Miss Charlotte lives. She’s about fifty-five, and she went through a horrible, messy divorce where her ex-husband cleaned out her bank account and swindled her out of everything else.” She points to a trailer behind her. “In that one, is a mother and daughter.”

“I get it. You know everyone and you feel you’re safe here. But I don’t know them, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you between here and your front door.” Dani’s nostrils flare in frustration. “Please, let me walk you home so I know you’re safe.”

Dani runs her hand on the back of her neck as she shifts from foot to foot. Her lips press together in a slight grimace before she looks down toward the road. “I don’t want you to see where I live, Rhett,” she says in a small voice. “It’s bad enough you know I live here.” She waves her hand, signifying the trailer park. She swallows as I see more tears falling. Fuck, she’s ashamed. I step forward, and she counters with a step backward. “I have this much dignity left, please don’t take that away from me too.” She holds up her hand showing me less than an inch in measurement. She winces and sucks in a deep breath. “Please.”

The right thing for me to do is to walk her home. But she’s on the verge of losing it, and I don’t want her to go home only to cry and feel like shit. “You’ve got my number?” She nods. “I’m going to walk back to the car, and wait for you to message me that you got home okay. If I don’t get that message within ten minutes, I’m going to start knocking on everyone’s trailer until I find you.”

“I’ll message you in less than five minutes. Please, leave.”

How can a person feel so bad about where they live? I’m not judging her for living here. I have no idea why she feels I would. “Good night, Dani.”

“Good night, Rhett,” she says as she waits for me to leave. Against my better judgement, I turn and walk away. It’s killing me not being able to get her home safely. Absolutely tearing me apart. I’m on the edge, fidgeting as my mind races. I get to the car, and lean against the driver’s door, waiting for her text. Sure enough, she messages me. Home safe.

Sleep well.I get in the car, and head home. Why the hell is she so ashamed? I don’t understand why she doesn’t want me to see. Would it have anything to do with her parents? Is she not allowed to bring friends home? Wait, is that what I am? A friend? Nope, I’m not going to be thrown in the friend zone. Not with Dani.

Alec and Serena said the night of my birthday, she told me she’s always loved me, and I told her I love her. Does she remember that? Is she confused?

Something isn’t sitting right with me, because after tonight I know there’s something between us. I felt it in my gut, which means she would’ve felt too. I smack my hand against the wheel, frustrated with myself more than anything else. I should’ve kissed her. I should’ve claimed her as mine.

But, what if she doesn’t want me? Especially after I tell her my little secret.