Wildfire Phoenix by Zoe Chant

Chapter 26

“Blaise. Blaise.

Zephyr couldn’t make out her face in the midnight darkness of her cabin. She lay still as death next to him, limp and unresponsive. Cold with terror, he found her cheek, then her neck. Her heartbeat pulsed against his fingertips; faint, but steady.

He breathed out a silent prayer of thanks. His own heart still racing, he gathered her against his chest, trying to warm her chilled body with his own heat.

“Blaise.” He kissed her forehead, her closed eyelids, her slack mouth. “Blaise.”

Her breath whispered against his lips. He felt her smile.

“Zephyr,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

He pressed his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. “You shouldn’t have done that. Not for me.”

“I didn’t do it for you.” Her hands found his face, brushing away the tears clinging to his eyelashes. Her fingertips felt like ice. “I did it for us.”

“Your hands are cold,” he whispered, voice breaking.

His eyes were adapting to the darkness. He could just about make out her smile.

She drew him back down to her mouth. “Then make me burn.”

He did.

He kissed her, deeply, until her lips were flushed and hot. He took her hands—those strong, beautiful hands—and warmed her fingers in his mouth, one at a time, then kissed heat into her wrists, her arms, her shoulders. He covered her with his body, pressing her down, wrapping her in warmth.

“Blaise,” he whispered, again and again. “Blaise.”

“Yes.” Her strong arms wrapped around him, holding fast. “Yes.”

She was warm now, her skin hot against his. Not the searing heat of an inferno; something softer, gentler, though no less powerful. She was sunlight and summer, flooding his veins with golden heat.

Her lightest touch drew trails of fire across his skin. He found her nipple, and this time there was no hesitation, no fear. She arched up to him in joyful abandon, her fingers raking through his hair, her lips shaping his name.

He worked his way down, kissing spirals over her belly, her hips. He had never felt anything as soft as her inner thigh. He spread her wide, and learned the taste of her, the shape, exactly how to lick and suck to make her hips lift and her breath catch.

“Zephyr!” Her thighs clamped around his head, her body pulsing hard against his tongue.

Every sound she made stoked his own need. He was on fire, every atom of his body burning with exquisite agony. He couldn’t endure another second, and he never wanted it to stop.

He would have stayed on that sweet, tortuous edge for longer, reveling in her gasps as he brought her to another climax, but Blaise tugged his head back up. With a deft twist, she flipped him round, shoving him back onto the bed and straddling him. He still couldn’t make her out properly in the darkness, but even her silhouette was enough to take his breath away.

“My turn,” she whispered, and bent down.

Her tongue slid over his tip, and all thought vanished. There was nothing but Blaise; the wet heat of her mouth, her soft lips, her weight pinning him down. He’d thought himself on fire before, but now, now he was ablaze. Pressure gathered in him like a storm on the edge of breaking. When she enfolded his length, drawing him deep into her mouth, his whole body knotted tight with the effort of holding back.

“Blaise,” he gasped, hands fisted in the sheets. “I need you. I need you now.”

She released him, with a last long, lingering lick that tore a deep groan from his throat. She straddled his hips, all her glorious heat just inches away. He couldn’t help straining up, every part of him yearning for her.

Her hands found his. He closed his fingers, interlacing them through hers, as she slid down onto him. And there, there she was at last, there he was, in her, around him, together.

He was lost from that first embrace of her silken heat. He thrust up, hard, and felt her fingers clench on his even as her body tightened around him. She rocked, her urgent pace drawing him ever deeper.

And with every thrust, he felt her coming closer; all her fierce brilliance, her bright courage, her shining determination, racing toward him like wildfire. As lightning struck through him, as she clenched around him, all barriers between them burned away. Her soul linked to his like their hands were linked, like their bodies.

“Zephyr!” Blaise cried out as the bond between them blazed bright, unbreakable and eternal. “My mate!”