Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Is Seth all right?” Luka was trying to look past Bastet who was working some magic on his foot. It had, as Osiris predicted, gone gray, but it hadn’t withered, and it wasn’t painful, which Luka was happy about. He could live with a gray foot, provided he could use it, but the beautiful goddess who introduced herself as Bastet, tutted over it, and even now Luka could feel the warmth of her magic working to undo death. “Bastet, I appreciate what you’re doing, but my mate…”

Bastet flicked a quick glance over her shoulder. “Seth is being comforted by his father. It’s only about five thousand years overdue, so let’s leave them to it, shall we?”

“If you say so.” Luka leaned back on his couch. “Forgive me for asking, but why did you come? I mean, I understand Ra, and I recognize Horus, so I’m assuming from what was said, the other two women are Isis and Nephthys, but how do you tie into Seth’s story?”

“Apart from being Ra’s daughter too, and one of the few beings in the pantheon who actually believed there was something a little fishy with Osiris’s story?” Bastet chuckled. “Our ancient stories don’t do us any favors, but I am pleased to see many rifts healing, and ancient wrongs blessed with the light of truth. Seth has been scorned for far too long, and yet his protection of our father never wavered, even if he could get a bit grumpy about it at times.”

Luka couldn’t help chuckling too. “It’s just his way. Once we solidified things between us, he became the best mate a wolf could hope for. I love his grumpy face.”

“As you should. But mention of your wolf does bring us to one teeny tiny problem that’s not so tiny anymore.” Bastet rested her hand on Luka’s belly. “Your new life has responded to their father’s storm and power and are keen to leave their snug little pouch.”

“I wasn’t sure if I just had a sore back, or if I was having contractions.” Luka rubbed his back. “Should I call Silvanus? Apparently, Seth notified him to do the cutting.”

“The great Silvanus has graciously acceded to my request to facilitate this birth, young wolf. If it had been Seth carrying your offspring, then he would’ve been required, but I am the goddess of birth among other things, so your delivery is my domain.”

“Seth get pregnant?” Luka’s eyes widened. “I’m not sure…”

“Maybe next time.” Bastet’s eyes twinkled and she winked, but then her face was serious again. “I must confess, I am not a fan of cutting people open. Natural childbirth is my preferred domain. However, I understand from looking at you that your wolf form is not very big?”

“He’s big in spirit, but yes,” Luka conceded, “his physical form as an omega wolf is smaller than most.”

“Just as I thought. And unlike natural wolves, you’re giving birth to regular human-sized babies. I fear your wolf would feel very uncomfortable trying to go through a natural birth.”

“Er, yes, I think so to.” Luka’s balls wanted to shrivel at the thought, and even his eager wolf retreated a bit. “Is that even a thing? I thought males couldn’t give birth naturally. I mean, males getting pregnant isn’t something that happens all the time either, right?”

“More gods are finding their mates. I have hopes for others in our pantheon.” Bastet glanced over at Horus and Anubis who were still talking to their mothers. Osiris wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “But the last natural birth I presided over – my beloved Ja, mate of Lasse who is son of Poseidon. He’s a sphinx, a shifter, just like you, but his shifted form is a lot bigger.”

“Sphinx? Like the one guarding the pyramids?”

“The sphinx guarding the pyramids is Zosime, Ja’s sister.” Bastet looked sad for a moment. “A long time before those pyramids were formed, Zosime knew great love. She found her mate, but he was human, and she was afraid to tell him of her other form. He was killed, before she could claim him, and she turned to stone, vowing to never change back, sitting sentinel, watching the sunrise every day, a permanent monument to her dead love.”

“Oh no. What devotion.” Luka touched his hand to his heart. “I had always hoped to go and see her one day. That was before I met Seth, of course.”

“You should go,” Bastet agreed. “Get Seth to take you and ask Ja and Lasse to accompany you. She spoke, last time Ja and Lasse went. She may do it again, if they go with you. Her devotion to her mate is an example for us all.”

“Wow.” Luka was still getting used to being able to travel without going on planes or having to worry about passports. Going to Egypt to see the great Sphinx, with her brother. Mind boggling. But then Luka’s back twinged, and he winced, rubbing the spot across the top of his butt. “Er… Could you get Seth over here please? I think, no matter how you imagine me giving birth, it needs to happen real soon. I know Seth will want to be here with me.”

“I’m sorry, Luka, but that I can’t do.” Bastet waved her hand and suddenly the area around the couch was surrounded in shimmery nets, blocking out the outside world. “The birth of god children is always done in private which is why Ra couldn’t tell you how he came to give birth. Not even your mate may be with you. But you’re right. Your little ones are eager and as it would be too uncomfortable for you to shift, how about we try some magic?” She held out her hands.

“As an anesthetic?” Luka took her hands. “I haven’t had my powers very long.”

“Hmm, sort of. You’re a doctor, right? So you know about doing a c-section.”

“I know how to do them.” Luka nodded. “But with my bulk, I can’t see to cut properly. I can’t hold my belly out of the way and make the incision without risking the munchkins.”

“That’s where we use our magic.” Bastet’s voice took on a soothing quality. “Hold onto my hands and close your eyes.”

Luka closed them, his wolf sensing the magic coming from the powerful goddess.

“That’s perfect, now I want you to imagine you’re laying flat on a table at the hospital, just like any other client would be.”

Imagining the delivery room at the last hospital he worked at, Luka nodded, his eyes still closed.

“There’s a knife in your hand – a surgical knife…”

“Scalpel,” Luka whispered, his mouth suddenly dry.

“The scalpel in your hand. Now you can see where you need to cut. You know exactly where the incision line needs to go.”

In his mind’s eye, Luka could see it clearly – both his belly and his hand with the scalpel in it. The duality shook him a moment, but he kept his focus.

“There is no pain as you make the cut,” Bastet soothed and Luka got the impression of her hands slipping away so he focused on her voice.

“The incision is clear, wide, and a perfect arc across the belly.”

“A perfect arc,” Luka breathed out through his mouth. “Done.”

“That’s right, now keeping your eyes closed just one moment more, wait… here comes the first baby.” Luka felt a lump on his physical chest. But before he could say anything, Bastet was saying, “And here is the second. Ooh, nice healthy sons. Now one more thing and then you can look. I want you to imagine the incision you made is like a zipper made out of skin, and I want you to run your fingers over the incision, zipping it closed.”

That wasn’t easy. The lumps on his chest were moving, and yet Luka was still trying to focus. In his mind’s eye, he held out his thumb, pressing it at the edge of the incision he’d made and then slowly running it along the cut edges.

It closed. Luka could hardly believe it. He could feel his own thumb running along the cut he’d made, but his hands were busy holding babies he hadn’t seen yet.

“Right to the other edge, that’s right,” Bastet’s voice grounded him. “Now lift your thumb, and then… bam, open your eyes.”

Luka’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked down at two perfect beings nestled on his chest. “Congratulations, Luka, you and Seth have twin boys.”

“Oh wow. I did it. We did it.” He looked up at Bastet. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you. I delivered my own sons.” Tears formed at the corner of Luka’s eyes, but his hands were full. “They’re so quiet. Are they okay?”

“They won’t be quiet for much longer.” Bastet giggled. “Seth’s been banging on my ward for the last ten minutes. Hang on.” She waved her hand, and Seth was there, his hair disheveled, and what looked like a bruise on his arm.

But before Luka could ask him what happened, Seth was by the couch, his arms around Luka and their precious sons, tears streaming down his face. “Oh, my amazing mate, I love you so much,” Seth cried brokenly. “So very much.”

And just as Bastet predicted, one of Seth’s tears dropped on one of the twin’s faces, and the baby jumped and started to cry. Two wails later, his brother did exactly the same thing. Letting out a long breath, Luka rested his head against his mate’s.

The threat from Osiris was gone. Seth was accepted by his immediate family at least, and Luka wasn’t going to push for more. Their sons had arrived and were perfectly healthy, and more importantly, he and his mate were more in love than ever. Life couldn’t be more perfect, Luka thought as he remembered his own father. His father had done so much, teaching Luka how to be independent, to stick up for himself, and to forge the life he wanted. And now I have it.Thanks Dad.