Raging Fires by Candace Camp


Jake was sitting on the couch the next afternoon, waiting for Kelli to get ready to go out to dinner—not LePur, where he suspected they were permanently blackballed. Toby was on the sofa with him, his head on Jake’s leg, giving the gift of ten thousand dog hairs on his favorite jeans. Jake’s phone rang, and Jake picked it up, ignoring Toby’s disapproving look.

The screen read Emma. Jake smiled to himself. His agent was calling to congratulate him on the win. She didn’t know how very good his win had been.

“Hey, Em. Watch the game yesterday?”

“Are you kidding? Saw every minute of your performance. To mix sports metaphors, you knocked it out of the park, kid.” She went on for a while, talking skill points and comparisons and teams that were in need of a starting quarterback. “Howard will up your price; I wouldn’t be surprised if he calls me wanting to tie you up for another year. But Las Vegas, Miami, and Cleveland are obviously going to be looking for a starter. Kyle Cummings got hurt—again.”

“No way I’m going back to Miami.”

“No. Of course not. I’m just saying, there’s going to be a real market for quarterbacks next year. You’ve got another exhibition game to flash your stuff.  Who knows, Moran could get injured this year.”

“You’re all heart, Emma.”

“I’m your agent. And it’s a realistic possibility. He’s getting old.”

“Neil’s a year younger than you,” Jake pointed out.

I’m getting old. That’s not the best situation for you, anyway. I’m really interested in Vegas. They drafted some good rookies this year, and they’ve been smart in their trades. I think they could be building a contender.”

“Emma. Emma. Stop.” Jake cut her off before she could really get rolling.


“I want to stay in Phoenix.”

There was a long moment of silence. “Is this a joke?”

“No. I’m serious. I like it here.”

“Jake, you can’t throw away your career just to stay with a girl.”

“She’s not just a girl, Em. She’s my wife.”

“So? Wives can’t move to some other city?”

“She’s got a career, too. We have the bar.”

“You could sell it. Or hire a manager. Or, hell, if she has to stay there, you can do what you were talking about last time I saw you—have a permanent home in Phoenix and play wherever.”

“And be MIA for half the year? That’s not exactly my idea of being married.”

“Jake, do you realize what you’re doing? What you’d be giving up?”

“Yeah, actually, I do. I had the money and fame before; I know what it’s worth. And I know what I’m getting if I stay. I have Kelli. I have friends. I have a bunch of relatives, crazy as they are. Hell, Emma, I have a dog.” He stroked his hand over Toby’s head. “Do you know I’ve never been able to have a dog because I’m gone all the time?”

Emma sighed but didn’t say anything, no doubt trying to think how best to hook him.

“Look,” Jake went on before she could marshal her forces. “I’m not saying take whatever Howard offers you. Squeeze him for all he’s worth. But it’s not that bad a decision. I’m only twenty-eight, so I’ve still got some good years ahead of me. And, like you said, Neil Moran is getting older. How long is it going to be before he retires? Or maybe some other team offers him a gazillion dollars to go to them. In the meantime, I’m learning from one of the best quarterbacks in the country, I’ll make decent money, not to mention qualifying for retirement benefits and not getting my head beat in on a weekly basis.”

Emma snorted. “You’re not doing it because it’s smart.”

“No, I’m doing it because I’m happy. I have a life here, which I didn’t at any other place I played. On the one hand: fame and money. On the other hand: an actual life. I’m going to choose life.”

Kelli walked in, messing with the clasp of a bracelet.

“Em, I’ve gotta go.” Jake stood up and tossed his phone on the couch.

“Wow, that sounded dramatic,” Kelli said. “Can you help me with this?”

“Sure.” He grasped the delicate jewelry and maneuvered it closed. “You look beautiful.”

She was just wearing a simple white sundress, but those were his favorite on her. And her hair was in a braid, which always reminded him of their first time.

“Thanks. You look good, too.” Kelli smiled at him, then caught sight of his jeans. “Except for all that hair on your pants. Toby, I don’t see how you have any hair left with all you leave behind.”

She began to fuss over him and Jake wrapped his hand around the silky ribbon in his pocket. Once he’d actually thought about what Kelli wanted, he realized he couldn’t buy her some new trinket. She cared about the things that were already important to her. The things she loved.

“Here.” He turned Kelli so she was facing away from him before she could go after his clothes with a lint roller. “I have something for you.”

“You did not get me some expensive necklace.” She sighed.

“Actually, this time I didn’t.” He tied the blue ribbon around the end of her braid.

“What?” Kelli flipped her braid to the front and examined it. The blue had faded a bit and the ribbon was unweaving itself at the ends, but she smiled like he’d given her the most precious gemstone. “Is this—”

“That ribbon,” he finished for her. “Yeah.”

“You kept it all this time?” Kelli’s eyes filled with tears.

He nodded. “I tried to throw it away a bunch of times, but I never could.”

“Oh, Jake…” She stretched up to kiss him softly on the lips. “I love you.”

“I love you. And this time I’m going to keep you—not just the ribbon.”

Kelli smiled, blinking away a tear. “Thank you.”

Jake grinned and caught her hand in his. “So… did I score some points?”

“Less now that you asked.” Kelli teased, her grin telling him all he needed to know. “But I’ll give you a little leeway. I’m not looking for perfection.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and give it to you anyway.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “How about we skip dinner and celebrate my staying in Phoenix in a much more satisfying way?”

“Wait. Phoenix? I thought after that last exhibition game, tons of teams would—”

“Oh, they want me. How could they not?” He grinned as Kelli swatted his arm. “But no team could want me as bad as I want to be here with you. Now let me take you back to that cramped little bedroom and show you.”

Kelli threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her up in one smooth motion. “I’d take that over dinner any day.”