Mafia War by L. Steele



I look over to find my Nonna engaged in conversation with my wife. They seem to be getting along. Nonna says something and Karma chokes on her drink. I take a step forward when she places her drink on the table and composes herself. She glances at Nonna, who smiles at her. The old bat actually smiles… And it’s one of her rare genuine smiles, too. What the hell?

What are they talking about? And why do I care about it, anyway? I turn my attention back to Sebastian, "It’s time." I jerk my chin at him, then pivot and walk out of the living room, down the corridor to my study. My father follows me and closes the door after him. I walk to the bar in the corner, pour whiskey into two glasses. My father walks over and accepts a glass from me.

We each take a sip in silence, then my father turns to me, "It’s a mistake, accepting Luca back. He’s turned on you once; he can do so again."

"Didn’t ask for your advice, father."

He bares his teeth, "She’s making you weak. This is what happens when you think with your dick. If you’d only killed her as you’d originally planned instead of marrying her, Xander might still be alive today; she—"

"That’s enough," I snap.

My father’s eyebrows rise up. "Don’t raise your voice," he growls.

"Don’t talk about my wife. Not now, not ever. Next time you do so, I’ll—"

"What, kill me?" He bares his teeth, "You’d kill your own father over a whore?"

"Shut up," I snarl, "shut the fuck up."

He laughs, "You’re losing your ability to think straight."

"And you…" I tighten my grip around my whiskey glass, "are overstepping the line."

"I am your father." He chuckles, "I am meant to overstep the line."

"You’re nothing to me," I growl. "The day I consolidate my power with the rival clans, I will take over as Don, and then… You will be nothing to anyone in the Cosa Nostra."

"I look forward to that day."

I snort, "You expect me to believe that?"

He looks me up and down. "You may find it difficult to believe this, but I am your father, and nothing would give me more pleasure than my oldest son succeeding me."

I place my glass on the bar counter, "If that is all—"

"Xander was a liability."

"Excuse me?"

"He wasted all his time painting."

"He had a gift."

"He fucked men."

"I am aware."

The Don stiffens, "You knew it and you didn’t do anything about it?"

"He was entitled to do as he pleased."

"Not when he was my son."

"I am not going to stand for you talking shit about him," I growl.

"He’s better off dead. At least, his funeral provides a stage for you to turn up the pressure on our rival clans. Now is the time for you to act, to take assertive action that will allow you to consolidate this hold over our rivals, to increase the influence of the Cosa Nostra, to—"

I throw up my fist and catch him in the jaw. He stumbles back, and the glass slips from his grasp and crashes to the floor. "The fuck?" he growls. "How dare you raise your hand to me?"

"I’ll do more than that." I straighten as the door to my study flies open. Seb rushes in, followed by Massimo, Christian, Luca, and Adrian. They pause when they notice the Don bleeding from his mouth.

He levels his gaze on me. "You are making a big mistake, boy," he murmurs, "you don’t want to make an enemy of me."

"You became my enemy the day you raised your hand to me."

"It was the only way to ensure you grew up to be a man."

"I grew up, all right… To hate you. I don’t want you anywhere near my wife or my brothers."

"They are my sons, too."

I turn to the men. "Choose, then," I snap, "him or me."

They glance at each other, then Seb turns to me, "We’re with you fratellone. You’ve been more than a father to us, more a parent than the Don has ever has been."

My father chuckles. He glances over the faces of the men, then laughs again. "You leave me no choice then."

"Leave, father," I jerk my chin toward the door, "you have your answer."

"You are going to regret this, each one of you."

Seb walks over to the door and holds it open. The Don turns and stalks over to the exit. He pauses, then turns to glare at us, "When you need help, don’t bother coming to me. When you lose everything, including that pretty new wife of yours, you remember that it was I who was behind it."

Turning, he leaves.

The door snicks shut.

"What the fuck?" Christian explodes. "What the hell was that about?"

"He wasn’t very complimentary about Xander," I rub my fingers across the back of my neck, "It was inevitable."

"I mean, what did he mean by that threat?"

"That?" I raise my shoulder, "Who the fuck cares?"

"He’s not one for idle threats, brother,” Massimo cautions.

"Neither am I." I snatch up my glass, drain it, top it up again, then walk over to take my seat behind the desk.

"Out," I jerk my chin at the door, "it’s time to cut this bullshit short."

Ten minutes later, I lean back in my chair as I take in Nikolai and JJ. The silence stretches as none of us speak. Neither JJ nor Nikolai shuffle in their seats nor look uncomfortable. Their faces wear the same expression of patience that I assume my features reflect… At least, I hope it does. I glance between them, then consider my drink.

"Revenge," I finally say, "is a powerful emotion. It can make or break a man. It can galvanize you to do the kinds of things you didn’t think you were capable of."

"And you need revenge," JJ ventures. "Hell, I would too if it were my brother who was killed in an explosion, and my wife who was hurt."

"She was pregnant," I growl. "My wife was pregnant."

Silence descends, then Nikolai murmurs, "I am sorry, brother. How can we help you?"

"By helping me track down the bastards behind this."

"I’ll spread the word… Hell, if your speech earlier hasn’t gone viral within the underground network…in a manner of speaking, that is," JJ offers, "I’ll make sure I alert all of my sources. It’s only a matter of time before the perpetrators are found.

I jerk my chin, "And you, Nikolai?" I train my gaze on him, "What are you thinking?"

"Whoever did it was, clearly, after your life."

"That's no secret. He’s the Capo. Hell, they want him to step down from becoming the Don." JJ frowns. "They were trying to finish him off before he took the position."

"Is that all it was?" Nikolai drawls.

"What else could it be?" JJ replies.

"You tell me," Niko holds my gaze, "you sure you’re looking in the right place, Michael?"

My heart begins to race and my pulse pounds at my temples. I lean back into the chair, and the handle of my knife that’s tucked in at the small of my waistband digs into my back. "You’re implying—"

"That it may have been one of your own." Niko nods. "Don’t tell me the thought hadn’t occurred to you?"

It had, but I am not going to own up to it. "You let me take care of what happens with my clan." I tip up my chin. "I simply need you to spread the word among your men and their contacts. I want the culprits to be brought to heel before Christmas."

JJ whistles, "That’s only a few days away."

"More than enough time, if the two of you get behind the effort."

"You threatening us, Michael?" Niko asks in a soft voice.

"I am…" I glance between them, "reminding you that when we embarked on this partnership, it meant that you prioritize my…request before anyone else’s."

"Your brother was killed; it’s like my own was taken from me." JJ raps his knuckles on the table, "Consider it done."

I turn to Niko whose gaze narrows. He seems like he’s about to say something, then changes his mind. "I’ll get my men on the job."

I rise to my feet and so do they. JJ turns to leave and Niko follows.

"Nikolai," I call out and he pauses, "I am counting on you."

He glances at me over his shoulder, "Partnerships are almost as important to me as family." He touches his forefinger to his forehead then stalks out.

I walk toward the bar and pour the rest of the whiskey into my glass. The door opens and her scent reaches me. I stiffen, then place the now empty whiskey bottle down on the counter. The door snicks shut and footsteps approach. I sense her pause behind me. She touches my arm and I pull away. I walk over to my chair and sink down into it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as she stands there, still dressed in that black dress that outlines her every curve. She reaches up, removes her hat with the netting and places it on the bar counter. Instantly, my gaze is drawn to the wound on her forehead. Her features are pale, her frame too slim. There are dark shadows under her eyes, and fuck, if she doesn’t look like she’s going to collapse any moment. As if on cue, she sways and I curse. I slam my glass down on the table, then lunge forward. I reach her just as she puts out a hand to steady herself.

I swing her up in my arms and she protests, "Put me down, Michael."

"Not a bloody chance."

She chuckles, "You’re swearing like a true Brit."

"God forbid," I snap as I walk toward the door.

"Where are you taking me?" she asks in a soft voice.

"To bed, which is where you should have been all day."

"I couldn’t have missed the funeral, Michael," she protests. "Xander was my friend… maybe one of the only friends I have made since I came to Sicily."

"What about Cassandra and Aurora?"

"They are my friends too, but Xander... He was special, you know?"

A ball of emotion clogs my throat. I increase my pace, until I reach the steps. I take them two at a time and reach the landing. I stalk down the corridor to her room, then shoulder my way inside. Her cat meows, then brushes past my legs. I stumble, right myself. "Bloody cat," I swear, and she laughs.

"Yep, my influence is rubbing off on you, Capo."

I reach the bed, lower her down onto it, then reach over and pull off her stilettos. "What was the need to wear these god-awful things? You could have worn something that did not put so much pressure on your back."

"Worried about me, Capo?"

Her soft voice coils in my chest. My heart stutters and my groin hardens. Every sense in my body seems to focus in on her. I straighten, take in her pale features. "Painkillers," I growl. "Where are your painkillers?"

She nods toward the bath and I walk over, rummage around in the shelves behind the mirror until I find them. I walk over, hand them over to her, then pour a glass of water from the carafe on the bedside table. She swallows down the pills with the water, then sinks back. I take in her dress-covered body, "Why don’t you take that off? You must be uncomfortable in that."

She hesitates and I scowl, "I’ve seen everything there is to see, Karma."

She looks like she’s going to protest, then nods. She sits up and I grip the hem of her dress. I drag it up and she raises her hips, then her arms so I can pull it up and off of her. I drape the dress over the chair, then take in her pale body. She’s wearing a black bra and panties, and I take in the marks on her shoulders, across her chest, the small bandage across her belly button where they’d had to perform a keyhole surgery to stop the internal bleeding. My heart thuds in my chest. My gut twists. I sit down next to her on the bed and touch the bandage. She flinches and I pull back. "Does it hurt?"

"No," she whispers, "it’s…just difficult seeing it, that’s all."

I flatten my palm across her belly and goosebumps pop on her skin. "Are you cold?"

She shakes her head. The cat pads over to me, brushes against my leg again and mewls. "He wants to come up on the bed." Karma says softly. I bend, pick him up, place him next to Karma. The cat instantly curls into her side and purrs. She drags her fingers down his fur and smiles. I take in the way her fingers slide across his skin, how he stretches, then coils in on himself and closes his eyes. Lucky cat, to be able to press into her body and fall asleep with not a care in the world. Fuck, how can I be jealous of a bloody cat? And since when have I started using 'bloody' to swear? Maybe she is right. Maybe more of her influence has rubbed off on me then I’d care to admit. I rise to my feet and she reaches up and grabs my wrist.

"Stay, Michael," she implores. "Please, just for tonight. I don’t want to be alone."

I glance away, then back at her. "You need to leave, Karma," I finally say. "I can’t do what’s needed if I’m constantly worried about you. It’s best you return to London, to your family."

"You’re my family, Michael. You and your brothers. I am one of you now."

I shake my head, "I can’t justify putting you in so much danger."

"If you think my leaving you will help lessen it, then you are wrong." She sits up and the cat protests, then rises up on its feet and stalks away to the other side of the bed. "You know I’m safest when I am with you."

"I know no such thing."

"Why are you being so cold, so withdrawn? Why can’t you see what’s in front of your eyes?"

"Karma," I warn her, "I don’t want to argue with you about this."

“Then don’t.” She stares at me and I hold her gaze. The silence stretches, then she sighs, "There’s no talking you out of this, is there?"

I shake my head.

"Fine, then." She glances away and her chin wobbles. A tear slides down her cheek and my chest tightens. I sink back onto the bed, gather her close. She coils into me much like the cat had done earlier and sniffs. "I wish I hadn’t lost the child, Michael. I hadn’t thought I was looking forward to the birth of the baby, but I was, more than I’d ever imagined. I mean, I’d never thought I’d become a mother, and now it’s all I can think of."

I wrap my arms around her, pull her closer. A shudder grips her as I run my hand in circles over her back. "I’m sorry, Beauty. Truly, I am."

The tears drip from her face, wet my shirt as I hold and rock her.

"I... I am also sorry that I interfered earlier today," she hiccups.

"Interfered?" I scowl, "What are you talking about?"

"When you went after Luca, I tried to stop you. I swear, I had no idea how that could be interpreted by the guests. I simply wanted to ensure that you wouldn't hurt yourself."

"I can take care of myself, Beauty," I press my lips to her forehead, "but your concern is much appreciated."

"Oh," she peers up at me, "so you're not pissed off that I made you lose face in front of everyone?"

"Maybe a little," I lie. "As you're aware, I don’t take kindly to being told what to do."

"Not even by your wife?" She flutters her eyelashes, still spiky from her tears, and my heart stutters.

I peer into her face, then half smile, "You're learning how to get your way with me, hmm?"

"Me?" she sniffles, "I'm doing no such thing," She snuggles into me, "I simply want to make sure that I am not treading on anyone's toes without realizing it."

I draw in a breath, "Nonna's been talking to you, I take it?"

"A little bit," she mutters. "She does have a point. I really don't want you to lose face because of me."

I notch my knuckles under her chin so she has no choice but to meet my gaze, "I'll never lose face because of you, Beauty. And you don't have to change yourself in order to be by my side..." I hesitate.

She frowns, "But? There is a but isn't there?"

"But, you still can't defy me—not in public, and not in private. I am not a man who can be ordered around."

"You don't say?" She widens her gaze, "I really hadn't noticed that about you, Capo."

I can't stop the chuckle that rumbles up my chest. I grasp the nape of her neck, bring my forehead to hers, "So damn sassy." I brush my nose against hers, then press a kiss to her mouth, before tucking her head under my chin.

She nestles against me, as I rub circles over her back.

Her body twitches, and I glance down to find her eyes shut. I hold her a little longer, until her breathing deepens. Then I place her onto the bed. I pull the sheets up and tuck them under her chin. I glance at the cat, who pads over and settles in beside her. "Keep watch over her," I murmur as I bend and kiss her forehead.

I straighten and watch her a few more seconds. I take in her now flushed features, those slightly parted rosebud lips, the slender length of her throat. When I leave, I know what I must do next.