Twisted Fate by Summer Cooper



Logan managed to control himself until they got into the suite. He didn’t manage to hold off until they got to the bed, however. She was in his arms and wrapped around him the second she walked through the door. He leaned into her until she leaned back against the door, ready to let him explore whatever he wanted to.

“I can’t believe you agreed to marry me.” He whispered as he trailed kisses down her neck.

“I can’t believe we actually got married.” She replied and hopped up to wrap her legs around his waist. “Are you going to take me out on that balcony so I can listen to the ocean as you fuck me?”

“If you like.” He mumbled back, his tongue out to taste her. “If I can manage to peel myself away from you.”

“There is a rather sturdy-looking couch out there.” She reminded him, but all he managed to do was murmur agreement. He flexed his hands around her ass, and she slid down his body to stand on her feet, her face up to his, ready for whatever came next. His hands tugged at her dress to pull it off and she moved to allow him to pull it over her head.

“Hmm, lovely lace.” He complimented her taste in pale pink panties with a matching bra. “But I really love the garter belt and stockings. It’s just too bad they have to go.”

“I’ll wear them for you again some other time.” She promised and tried not to whimper like a desperate teenager as he undid the bra and her nipples pressed into his chest. They were still so damn sensitive.

“Do you really want me to fuck you outside, Keily, can you wait that long?” Logan had her stripped bare for him now and his hand buried itself at the back of her head, using her hair as an anchor to pull. “Or do you want me to fuck you right here?”

“I want…” But he stopped her when he brought his face down to hers and kissed her so passionately that it took her breath away. When she had air to breathe again, a breath she stole as he unsealed his lips to slant his head, she moaned into his mouth. His hands were on her nipples, teasing the already tight peaks with such experienced hands that it nearly made her pass out. She inhaled his scent deep and forgot all about the couch outside.

“Come here.” Logan guided her to the bedroom, so much closer than the balcony, and dropped his clothes as they went.

Her new husband guided her onto her back, his weight held away from her as his leg settled between her thighs. She gasped when his hands found the still soft flesh of her stomach, an area he knew she hated, but he adored. The scar on her abdomen, the marks left by her pregnancy showed how strong she was, what she’d been through, and he adored the place she hated the most about her body. He’d told her that, but she still worried he’d look at her one day with disgust.

“You’re beautiful Keily, you always have been and you always will be. Nothing changes that. Every mark, every scar, only makes you more beautiful, darling.” He said now, and she couldn’t help but smile up at him.

“Only you could love me like that, Logan.”

“Any man with sense in his head could love you like that, Keily, but they’ll never get the chance, not as long as I have air in my lungs. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you love me.”

“I love you, too, Logan.” She didn’t have the perfect words, but those seemed to matter the most, so she repeated them. She pushed her arms around his neck as his fingers found the source of her hottest heat. She thought she said his name as his fingers teased at her with knowledge and just the right pressure.

He’d said he couldn’t wait for her, but he turned that into a lie. His fingers continued to stroke at her, continued to spark pleasure that she couldn’t ignore. Her fingers grasped at him, sliding across his chest, down further, to the very life and soul of him.

Keily cradled him in the heat in her hand for only a moment before he pulled away.

“I don’t want to come yet, Keily. Let me hear you moan my name first.”

She didn’t want to, but she let him go, so that he could have his way. For now.

She contented herself with pressing kisses to his neck, to his shoulder, whatever she could touch as he moved lower, until he was completely out of reach.

His tongue and lips slowly slid down her body, over her breasts where they teased, over her abdomen where hot breath set her on fire, and further, down to the very core of her desire where his tongue took one long swipe to gather her taste, to make her back arch. “Logan.”

He didn’t reply verbally, not that she could hear, he just made her moan again by taking another long taste of her. The air rushed out of her lungs and her legs clamped around his head until he nudged them apart. He needed air, she remembered for a second before she felt her legs trying to come together again. She forced them to stay apart, just enough that he could get air.

She loved him, but she was greedy when it came to pleasure. If he wanted her to get off first, then she’d make sure and take what he offered. There’d only be more to come anyway. A sultry smile stretched across her face as she ground her hips down, into his face, onto his tongue, her back an arch on the bed.

Pleasure blossomed every place his skin touched hers and it wasn’t long before she forgot how to breathe altogether, held her breath, waiting for that pressure to explode in a ripple that would force air back into her lungs as her back bowed the other way. Her fingers clung to the quilt on the bed, grasped at him blindly, until that interminable moment when everything inside of her pulsed.

“Logan.” She called out to him, wanting to tell him, bring him with her, but she couldn’t say anything else. Words didn’t come and thoughts fled into an oblivion of pleasure for what felt like days but might have only been a split second. She didn’t know and she didn’t care.

Logan’s patience finally snapped, and she hadn’t completely come down to earth when he rolled her over on the bed, pulled her up on her knees, and thrust into her smoothly and easily.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” She heard him groan and knew she wasn’t going to have to wait long.

His fingers dug into her hips, an exquisite pain that excited her more rather than put her off, but he didn’t need to guide her, she was already thrusting back into him. Later she’d get him out on that balcony, and they’d make love, sweet, quiet love on the couch, but for now, they both needed sex. They’d done love the night before, tonight, it was raw pleasure they both needed.

“I thought about you all day, Keily, thought about this moment, when I’d have you as my wife for the first time.” His words were short little gasps, timed to the thrust of their bodies.

Keily gasped in surprise when her walls pulsed around him suddenly, without warning and she wanted to pound the mattress in bliss.

“Damn, woman.” He groaned, “I can’t control myself when you do that.”

“I can’t help it.” She gasped back. “It’s your fault.”

She felt his response inside of her, a pulse that made her growl with feminine power. There were a lot of ways that Logan made her feel like a woman in control. This was one of the best ways. He’d lost all control when he came, and she knew it.

She was still glowing with pleasure minutes later when he got up to get a bottle of water from the fridge. “You have a fine ass, Mr. Sinclair.”

“As do you, Mrs. Sinclair.”

“Aren’t you glad I quit working for you now?” She asked, her hands behind her head, a sheet over her body.

“That might be the best day of my life, actually. Well, no, not really, but maybe.”

“I’m sorry I lied about my resume.” She admitted, at last, all these months later.

“I knew you did, babe, don’t worry.” He patted her hip and handed her the bottle, but she sat up to glare at him.

“You knew?”

“Of course, I did.” He laughed and brushed it off. “It didn’t matter. I have to admit, my intentions weren’t exactly honorable at that point.”

“I can’t blame you.” She mumbled and leaned back against his chest, her lips at his neck.

“I’m going to say this one last time, Keily, I don’t blame you for what happened. For a time, I did, but what could you do back then? Joe and his friends were worse than pigs and would have attacked you if you’d tried. They had blood in their eyes, that night they attacked me.”

“Joe’s dad was pissed about him being drunk the night before. He’d yelled at all of them for puking in the pool.”

“All of that because his dad yelled at him?”

“He was a child.” Keily frowned. “Even when we’d grown up, after we got married, he was a child. And yes, you’re right. Let’s not talk about him again.”

Logan tucked her head into his neck, his fingers softly stroked at her hair. “We’ll talk about whatever you want to talk about, Keily, whenever you need to. I just want you to stop feeling like that night was your fault, because it wasn’t. There was nothing you could do and anything you tried might have made it worse. If they’d hurt you that night I’d have died.”

“Do you remember when we were in the third grade and you brought me chocolates for Valentine’s day?” The memory had resurfaced all of a sudden, and she turned to look at him. “I can’t believe I forgot that.”

“I remember, but only because you gave me a very chaste kiss on the cheek.” Logan blushed, even now, at the memory.

“I wish things had turned out differently. I wish my mom hadn’t subjected me to so much shit, but we made it, at last.”

“We did, Keily. And I’m going to make sure you’re happy for the rest of your life.”

“Well, you did turn down my request for the balcony.” She reminded him with a devilish grin. “And it is dark out there.”

“I need more water first, woman. Don’t want me to get a leg cramp, do you?” He teased but did take another drink of water.

“I only want you to be as happy as I am, Logan.” She relented and moved to lean back against the headboard. “I really do.”

“I love you for it, too.”

“I love you, Logan.” She responded quickly but meant it. “I know I’ve said it a thousand times, but I really didn’t know what love was until you came along. I didn’t care about anyone but myself. I was a horrid teenager and an even worse adult. You made me grow up, made me see that the reason I wasn’t happy with the world had more to do with me than you.”

“Well, you have your mother to thank for that.” He tried to appease her and take the blame from her and she loved him for it every time he did it, but at the same time, she knew it wasn’t right.

“I have to be accountable for who I was, Logan.” She gave him a slight frown. “I could have chosen to be a different person when I left home.”

“Yeah, but you were married to Joe before you knew it, and he was and is the world’s biggest dick. Huge dick.”

“He is, I know, but still, I was a huge bitch, so it was kind of equal there.” Even if Joe deserved it. “Anyway, I just want you to know I realize that I was a spoiled little girl, and that the world doesn’t revolve around me.”

“I know you know that, but I hate to tell you this, Keily. It does revolve around you now. My world does, anyway. Our daughters’ worlds revolve around you.”

“Well, you’re our world. They adore you, you know? I love how happy they are when they see you.”

“I do too. It’s nice. I didn’t know what I was missing out on and I’m glad I have them now. You and our girls, I think you all saved me from a life of bored loneliness. I wouldn’t change our life for anything.”

“You might change your mind when they’re teenagers.” She warned and tried not to shudder at the thought. “But that’s a long way away.”

“Yes, let’s not rush puberty and boyfriends, and demands for prom dresses.” He shuddered too and cringed. “We’ll let them be little girls for as long as they want to be, thank you.”

“I agree.” She said and was about to roll over to tickle him, but her stomach growled with hunger.

“I’ll see what time the restaurant closes, shall I?” Logan said with amusement.

“Sorry. I was still on cloud nine when we went to dinner and when you all ordered snacks earlier, I was too excited to eat. Is it too late?”

“Seems not.” He answered after a glance over the menu by the phone. “What do you want?”

They dressed in robes while they waited for food and headed out to the balcony once it was delivered. The ocean rushed out there and she noticed a thoughtful look on Logan’s face. “What’s up?”

He put down his burger and looked over at her. “There was a shark in the water that day we were at the beach in Puerto Rico.”

“Are you kidding me?” She stared at him, her eyes wide with shock. “Is that why you didn’t want to go back to the beach?”

“It was. I didn’t want to worry you, but it reminds me of what I have to lose if I’m not careful.” He shrugged and picked his burger back up. “But don’t worry, I’d have torn that shark apart with my bare hands and teeth if it came near you.”

“I don’t think I’ll be going back in the water any time soon.” She assured him and sank back, her belly as full as her heart now. “That’ll be one worry off your mind.”

“It will.” His voice trailed off. “But how am I going to talk you out of this exhibitionism you’re so enamored with?”

“You’re not, and you know it.” She got up from the table to walk over to him and straddle his lap. “In fact, you promised me a little bit of fun out here. I think it’s time to collect.”

“You might be right, Mrs. Sinclair.” The burger dropped from his hands to cup her breasts. “And I’m going to love every minute of it.”

“Me too.” She started to say but it cut off in a gasp as his fingers and lips found her nipples.

Keily had changed a lot since Logan walked back into her life, but one thing would never change. She loved Logan with every fiber of her being and she’d prove it every day for the rest of her life. No matter how she changed, how much she grew up, or what kind of wisdom she gained, he was her husband now and she’d be his wife.

* * *

Thank you for reading Twisted Fate.

If you liked the story of Keily and Logan, they will make an appearance in my series Barre to Bar. Flip the page to read a sneak preview.