Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

One of my coworkers frequently talks about his sister and how amazing she is. She met me for lunch the other day and she’s gorgeous, but he left out the part about her using a wheelchair.

What do I do? Can she realistically date? I mean she did drive herself to the restaurant (how???) but could we have any kind of real relationship?


Wheely Confused

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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Confused,

I’m taking deep breaths to answer this.

Can I start with a hearty NO, you shouldn’t date her?

Not because she is in a wheelchair, but because YOU have a mind handicap.

Wheelchair users can do a lot of things that able-bodied people can. Often even BETTER.

They drive cars. They compete in sports. They go to dinner. They fall in love. They also answer a lot of invasive questions ranging from stupid to naive.

They. Are. Human. Just the same as their able-bodied counterparts.

Should you date her?

Only if you can realize that you’re the one with the issue and that she probably deserves much better. If you can’t reconsider how you view her, she’s much better without you.

-Dr. Love

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