Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

My boyfriend of almost a year cheated on me with other girls, so we broke up. I cried my eyes out to my so-called “best friend” who then STARTED DATING HIM.

I warned her that he would do the same thing to her and—big surprise—he did. Now she wants to come crying to me! Am I wrong to want nothing to do with either of them?


I Don’t Wanna Say I Told Ya So, But…

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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Told Ya So,

Yowza! You know what they say about cheaters: they’re likely to cheat again. As evidenced by your situation.

I’m not sure the level of friendship here considering your gal pal took up with your ex, but if you are truly friends, I know you’ll care that she’s hurting. EVEN if you tried to help her avoid it in the first place.

Can you listen without feeling the pain of your breakup all over again? Can you trust someone who would date your ex?

If so, bite your tongue and be there for your friend. Then I suggest going in together on a joint voodoo doll. Not that I believe in magic … but I do believe in the therapeutic power of a good pincushion.

You did say “either of them,” so I have to ask—are you still in contact with this turd wagon? Because … no. Just no.

See above instructions for voodoo doll.

-Dr. Love

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