Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

My girlfriend has gotten too skinny. She started some workout program and now has hard muscles in place of her soft curves I love. She looks and feels great, but a man needs a little something to have and to hold, you know what I mean?

So, I started sneaking high calorie foods into her diet. I’m up to about a stick or two of butter a day.

She’s starting to look the way I like, but she’s freaking out about the weight she’s gained and wants to see the doctor for a full checkup.

Do I confess?


Buttering Her Up

* * *

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Butter Up YOURS,

Should you confess? Yes. But please set up a camera first because I wanna watch the fallout.

You are ridiculous. Stop sneaking butter or anything else into her food. Now. Then pack your bags and go.

Women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Your girlfriend sounds like she’s very happy with where she’s at and would be much better without someone so deceptive and controlling.

Men like you should come with a warning label.

-Dr. Love

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