Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair


Do you know how terrifying it is to write a book that readers love?

Let me tell you: IT’S TERRIFYING!

Because what comes after success is writing the next book. And the expectations are HIGH. Which means… all the pressure. It’s been so amazing to see the reaction of all the readers to this series, but because of that, I feel like I spent the last month writing this book while breathing into a paper bag.

I hope that this book is everything you wanted, though each story has very different characters, so I’m sure some will speak to you more than others. I am currently halfway through writing Delilah and Thayden’s book, so I can honestly say each of these books bears the mark of the characters within them. I hope you love them ALL in their own way.

As for the age gap… I got some comments from my early readers that it was hard for them. I know that age gaps can be tricky. I started out with Gavin being younger and then his age just kept creeping up… and up… and up. Until he reached MY age.

That just felt RIGHT for him and right for Zoey. I know some people with big age gaps in their relationships, and while it’s not right for everyone, it IS right for some. (As long as it’s legal, people. Keep it legal!)

I’m going to continue this series all the way through Sam’s story, book number five, and hope to release a Christmas novella that’s a spinoff, following a main character who works with Sam.

If you want to keep up with all the new books, here are a few options:

  • Follow me on Amazon
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I plan to release a book every month or two over the next year, so you’ll want to keep up! I mean… I HOPE you want to keep up. ;)

Thank you so much for reading! If you love this book and the series, I’d love for you to leave a review or tell a friend.
