Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

My husband is a horrible dancer. Which would be fine except he thinks he’s a GREAT dancer. He always wants to go out to clubs or is cutting up the dance floor.

He thinks the people who gather around to watch are enjoying his moves when they’re really laughing at him.

I’m so embarrassed. Should I tell him he’s terrible? Or that I don’t like dancing? I can’t be subjected to the humiliation anymore.


Humiliated in Hartford

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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Hartford,

When it comes to truth telling, my roommate always asks these questions: is it uplifting? Is it encouraging? Is it beneficial to those who listen?

Your husband sounds like a fun guy. He also seems really happy, and I’m afraid your truth telling might take away something he deeply enjoys.

You can not go out dancing with him if you don’t enjoy it. Plenty of couples like different hobbies.

You can invest in dancing lessons. He’d probably enjoy it.

You could also embrace it. Get out there with him and get funky. Polish up some dorky moves of your own (I suggest starting with Elaine Benes from the show Seinfeld for inspiration) and wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care.

Maybe if you thought less about what other people think, you’d enjoy yourself as much as your husband.


Dr. Love

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