Claiming Them by Rosa Mink

Chapter 11


Iswear if this baby doesn’t decide to come, I’m going to go insane.  We are now at forty weeks and five days.  “I want to meet you, little girl.  Your daddy wants to hold you so come on already.”

“She’ll come when she’s supposed to, mama,” Luca says, moving into the room with a new glass of iced tea for me.  It might be forty degrees outside but I’m hot as hell.  I can’t stand wearing clothes.  Right now, all I’m wearing is a little nursing sleep bra, pj shorts and my wedding rings.

Luca’s charcoal colored wedding band glitters as the light hits the stones in it.  He said it was too much when I put it on his finger at the wedding, but I love it.  The stones are a match for my eyes, and the second I saw it, I knew it was his.  He loves when I kiss him with them open, when he takes me with them on him.  Every time he looks at his ring, I know he’s reminded of me.

“Get those pants off, babe,” I reply, my body on fire with need seeing his ass cupped by the tight denim.

“We’ve done it four times since yesterday.  Your tight little pussy needs a break, mama.”

“You know you can’t come strutting around showing me your ass and not expect me to get horny.  I can’t help it if between you and this baby all of my slumbering hormones have hit, and I have over ten years’ worth of pent-up need coming out.”  I flash him a little pout and he groans but doesn’t give me what I want.  This one’s apparently going to take the big guns, but I’m prepared for it.  “But I guess you just don’t want me anymore; I mean I know I’m fat and ugly…”

Luca picks me up from the chair moving us to the bed in a heartbeat, his eyes glittering, his jaw tight and I love it.  I love the way he puts me down next to it.  Love the cool air that hits my ass.  Love the little sting from his hand against it.  Love when he lifts me up onto the bed, putting me on my hands and knees.  But I especially love the depth and angle of his hard cock as he fills me, fast.

“I shouldn’t be giving you what you want after saying my girl’s fat and ugly,” he grunts while his fingers move down to my clit, sending it dancing.  “You know I can’t get enough of you and your pussy, especially with your belly this big, full of our little girl, mama.”

“Oh god yes, Luca right there,” I cry when he hits deep inside me.  The little strum on my clit is all it takes to push me over and I come hard.

I miss his fullness when he pulls out, but when his big, thick, shiny cock bobs in front of my face, a smile hits.  His hands guide my head until I have my tongue wrapped around him, teasing him, before taking him down.  The little tug on the bra pushes my breasts out, and Luca watches them sway as his hand wraps around my hair, so he can take over.

His taste is mixed with mine, but I don’t care, it’s my favorite flavor now.  My cheeks hollow as I suck on him, wanting him coming for me, giving him what he’s given me.  I tease the soft spot under his head, and he pulls out, pumping his cock twice, before his cum hits my breasts, shoulders, and neck.

I should be satisfied but I’m not. Feeling his stickiness on me just makes me hotter.

“Fuck, come here, mama,” Luca says guiding me down until I’m propped up by the huge stack of pillows.  His eyes flow over my swollen breasts, down my giant belly, then dip down until he can see my aching pussy.  “You need daddy to make it better, don’t you, mama?”

“Yes, please, Luca,” I moan.  His fingers trail up my thighs, teasing my pussy.  Soft at first, then harder when my hips buck.

His mouth moves down, sucking on my breasts and I buck again.  “You love me getting these ready for our baby girl to get here.”

“Yes, more,” I moan, and he doesn’t disappoint.  He gives me just what I need and more, his hands and his mouth pushing me up then over and I let out a scream as the orgasm hits harder than before.

Luca’s fingers are petting my pussy calming me when our eyes meet, wide in shock.  “Mama, was that…”

“My water broke.”  I nod laughing as he picks me up, moving us into the bathroom.  “What are you doing?” I add when he turns on the shower.

“I can’t have our baby girl meeting you for the first time with my cum all over your gorgeous tits.”  The shower is quick, and he dries me off, helping me into something warm for going outside while calling his sister.

Olivia will tell the others, including Tyler, who she still busts for being a jerk to me.  He’s back to being my boy and I love it.  I especially love though that he’s at the apartment and not here with us.

The evening passes slowly as the contractions gain strength and I’m glad to have Luca for this.  Mark couldn’t stomach it when I was having Tyler and I was stuck with Julia, telling me to stop moaning that it wasn’t that bad.

Luca and Olivia just tell me to let the grunts and moans and cries out, supporting me through it entirely.  The little cry that finally comes makes me cry as Diane settles our little baby girl onto my chest.

“You did so good, mama.  Look what you made,” Luca says softly, kissing the tears away.  “She looks just like you, Rylee.  Fuck, no dating, ever baby.”

That pulls laughs from all of us and I reluctantly let her go so the nurses can clean her and me both up.  Luca picks her up the second he’s back in the room with her, moving her into my arms with a huge smile.  “She’s perfect, mama.  Seven pounds, three ounces.  Nineteen and a half inches.  A night owl I’m sure with that twelve-o-two a.m. birth time.”

A new smile hits me as Luca rests on the edge of the bed with me.  “Twelve-o-two?  How do you like your birthday present, daddy?”

“Shit…it’s perfect, mama,” he says, kissing me softly.  Our little girl lets out a cooing cry pulling our attention back to her and Luca smiles deeper.  “Okay, I guess she can date when she’s thirty-five.”

“You don’t want her to have this much love in her life until then?” I counter holding his gaze.  “That doesn’t seem very fair.”

“Fine, then thirty, but that’s it,” he states kissing my forehead then hers.

I lift her in my arms, giving her one of my own assuring her, “Don’t worry, Alessa, we have eighteen years for me to work on him.”

Luca chuckles, then holds us until I slip off to sleep.


Alessa lets out a hungry cry and I lift her from the stroller, settling her onto my breast with a smile on my lips.  I love nursing my little girl and god, Luca loves watching us.  He’s incredible to us and even Tyler’s completely sold on him now.  We’re all meeting here for lunch today for his birthday but I’m early.  I guess that’s what happens though when little girl sleeps the whole night, letting me feel relaxed and calm, and ready to attack the new day.

Not to mention lets me and her daddy get some incredibly special time together.  Sex with Luca is even hotter now and I can’t imagine a day that we don’t indulge ourselves in some way.

“Rylee?”  My heard turns holding back a groan seeing not only Mark there but Kristen, Julia and Daniel as well standing there staring at me.

“Sorry I’m late, mama,” Luca says, dropping a kiss onto my forehead as he slips into the chair next to me.  His attention flows over to the group outside the little gated section that separates the sidewalk from the café seating area, then comes straight back to us.

Alessa releases, letting out a little cry, and I slip her out from under the soft nursing blanket, handing her to her daddy.  “You can burp her then.”

He settles her against his shoulder, patting and rubbing her back, but our girl is stubborn.  “Come on, baby girl, you know you need to.  Can’t have you being a crank for mama all afternoon if you don’t.”

“What the heck, Rylee?” Mark says, staring between us in shock.  His eyes hit my rings, flowing back to Luca’s and his jaw drops further.  “You’re married?”

“Yes, we are,” I state as Tyler comes over to us, his jaw tight seeing his father there with the others.

“Hey Mom, hi shorty,” he adds kissing my cheek then Alessa’s.  “Dad, Grandma, Grandpa.  What are you all doing here?”

“Walking by to see your mother’s disgraceful behavior.  What is on your nose?” Julia adds making me smile.

“My birthday present from my husband,” I answer, loving the nose ring entirely.  Laura was right, I’d have hated not getting it.

We also pierced Alessa’s ears that day, but it was a surprise to Luca.  He was growling about it in front of the entire shop and the moment she let out a cry as Laura did the first, followed quickly by the second, he was in total daddy mode.  It’s hot seeing my giant tattooed man cradling our little girl, who does look just like me.  She’s darker than Tyler ever was as a baby and easily passes for being Luca’s as well.

“We’re trying to enjoy my birthday, you all need to go,” Tyler tells the group, stopping Julia before she can say anything else, impressing Luca even more.

Two days later I’m surprised to find Mark walking up the steps as Alessa and I are on the porch swing, enjoying the afternoon.  Luca’s cut back his hours in the shop, only going in for client appointments rather than being there every day, all day, and I love it.  I mean, I love being there with him, doing the book work still, but there’s something really special about being home with him in the middle of the day.

“Mark, what are you doing here?” I ask dropping a kiss to Alessa’s head as she lets out a soft coo in her sleep.

“I uh…wanted to talk.  Seeing you the other day was a shock.  Tyler never mentioned anything about you getting married or you having a…baby.”

“It wasn’t your business, Mark.  What happened since I left the house was mine alone,” I state, smiling when the dogs slip up onto the porch from the backyard, settling between us and Mark.  The cat slips out of the doggy door as well, hopping up next to me, resting her head on my lap, purring instantly.

“You uh…wanted to talk about what happened and I uh…I told you…but she…she’s…”

“She’s Luca’s,” I tell him, not about to let him drag us through anything.  “Doesn’t matter who was there to start, he’s the one that was there for us, for her, and she’s his.  He’s her legal father. As my husband, he has every right to be.”

“I’m sorry, for everything that happened with us,” Mark says, stopping when the backdoor opens and Luca comes out, smiling when he spots us.

“Knew you’d be out here with the crew, mama,” Luca teases, lifting the cat up onto his lap taking her spot.  I sink into his side, unable to keep the smile from my lips, a soft sigh bubbling up and out of me.

“I’ve never seen you this happy before, Ry,” Mark says reminding me he’s here.

“I never was until now.”

“Seeing you the other day, I remembered the night you left and wondered is all…I’m not going to butt in,” Mark adds as Luca’s body tenses against me.  “I wasn’t cut out to be a father.  I’m sure you know that already.  I won’t say a thing to my mother.  She won’t ever know, and I’ll sign whatever legal documents you need or want.  She’ll be better off not dealing with the Curtis family.  I’ll add her to the trust…”

“Not necessary,” Luca states, holding us closer.  “I may not have the Curtis wealth, but I can take care of my girls for life.”

“Alright, I’ll have the lawyer send you the legal papers you’d want or need.  Take care of them, least she deserves is to be happy after putting up with us for eighteen years,” Mark replies before leaving, letting me snuggle deeper with my man.

“He’s lucky he kept ten feet of distance between him and my girls,” Luca growls picking us up moving back into the house.

Alessa sleeps the entire time that Luca owns my body, making me laugh and sigh happily at his possessiveness.  He doesn’t stop in the morning either I discover when instead of our normal morning lay about, Nana comes in, taking Alessa from me giving me a grin.

“What’s going on?” I ask Luca when we’re pulling up to the shop.  Every time I’ve come to work, I’ve brought Alessa with me.  Being here without her now seems odd.

“Putting my name on your skin so everyone knows you’re mine,” he states, that growl in his voice once more, making it impossible to refuse.  He takes me into the private studio space reserved for piercings and tats in delicate areas, making me grin.  “No one gets to see mama’s tits, not even a hint of them except for me and princesa.”

A little laugh bubbles up, and despite my nervousness, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as I’d anticipated.  Then again, it may be because every time we took a break, Luca’s mouth was somewhere on me.

“Ready to see, mama?” he says when he’s finished and I nod, not caring what it is.

A smile hits seeing his name on my shoulder, laughing softly.  I didn’t think he’d meant it literally, but I can’t argue over the sight of his name there.  It’s even more than that though, with the crown above his possessive.  I truly am Luca’s, just as he’s mine.

“Like it, mama?” he asks, lifting my chin to meet his gaze.

“No…” I tease, giving him a kiss when he looks like he’s about to explode.  “I love it, Luca.  You and our little girl, this new world you’ve given me.  This new family you’ve brought me into.  I know I belong to you, and now so will everyone else.”

“Love you so damn much, mama.  Right now, I need you taking my cock, easing the ache you’ve caused me, and I want to stare at my name on you while you ride me,” he growls, ruining yet another pair of my underwear.  It’s so worth it though.

Nothing on earth could possibly make this life better now.  I have my gorgeous man and our daughter.  A home full of love.

Never thought I could have this life a year ago when I was leaving.  This definitely wasn’t my plan, it’s so much better.