Claiming Them by Rosa Mink

Chapter 3


Oh my god…holy hell.  Tonight, has been a complete mess all around, and now, the biggest, hottest man I’ve ever seen is standing in front of me.  He’s wearing a short sleeve shirt and one of his arms is covered in tattoos.  Never in my life have I ever thought tattoos were hot but on him and those bulging biceps…oh, it’s hot.

Not to mention that short, cropped hair and beard he’s got going on.  Combined with those brown eyes and dark tan and I seriously think I just ruined my underwear.

It certainly didn’t hurt that he showed up right as I was feeling scared, banging on the door warning he’d call the cops.  I don’t even know who he is, how he knew I needed someone to break up the tirade that Tyler was spewing.  But I definitely won’t argue him showing up.

Never in my life have I been afraid of my son, until today.  I swore I smelled alcohol when I hugged Tyler when he arrived.  Which is something else I’ve never known until today.  This was first time he’s agreed to come over in the month since I’ve been living here.  We’ve had lunch and dinner a couple times together, but he hasn’t really talked to me, and it hurts.

What he said tonight hit me hard, but I can’t begin to pretend that I can live like that ever again.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” the tattooed giant asks, his tone soft and gentle, his hand brushing the hair from my eyes.  His fingers are slightly rough against my skin, but I like the feel of them on me.

“Yeah, thank you.  I’m really embarrassed you had to hear that,” I add, taking a step back from him to get myself together.  He’s only here because he likely heard something, or maybe my neighbor did and called the super?  “I um…I’m Rylee Curtis.  That was my son…”

“Luca Moreno,” he says, ignoring my flailing attempt to find the words to explain things.  “I live across the hall from you.  I’ve been meaning to introduce myself the last month, but work was hectic.  I’m glad I was here tonight though,” he adds, stopping me from moving to the stove when the timer goes off in my ballet style flats.  “Those things won’t keep your feet safe from that glass.  Is it done or does it need something else?”

“It should be done,” I state, watching him move to the oven and take out the now sickening smelling chicken cordon bleu.  It’s Tyler’s favorite and why I made it.  I choke it down on a good day but now, it’s about to make me throw up.

Luca sets the dish onto the island, before grabbing the broom out of the little closet next to the fridge.  I’m guess his place is similar considering how easily he found it.  I’m also amazed that he’s doing it and that I’m letting him.

I come out of the fog surrounding me as he stands with the dustpan full of glass shards.  Starting to tell him the trash can is under the sink in the island, but he already has the door open and dumps the mess.  “Uhh…”

“It’s where I keep mine.  Fairly sure my place is a mirror of this one, except yours actually has shit in it.  Other than some furniture and my TV, I live lightly,” he says, giving me a smile, and god, it makes my insides clench.

“You didn’t have to do that.  Tyler’s upset and he accidently knocked the bowl and plate off the island,” I lie, glancing at the chicken with a shudder.  “That’s his favorite.  I made it for him since he finally agreed to come have dinner here with me…”

“You hate it,” he states surprising me, but even more so when he grabs the dish and dumps it into the trash.  He takes the bag from the can, tying it shut, before moving to me, taking my hand.  “Come on, let me get you something to eat you can stomach.  We’ll talk about this ‘accident’ your son had.”

Half of me is telling me to be smart, to stay away from this dangerous looking giant, while the other half is telling me to get as close as possible.  I hesitate shocked by my reaction to him.

He’s a stranger and all I can wonder is what his beard would feel like against my thighs.  Mark never grew facial hair, well, he never grew it out.  He’s the only man I’ve kissed in thirty-five years, and rarely ever down there, so wondering what Luca’s beard would feel like as his mouth is on my pussy is definitely not something normal for me.

“I promise you’re safe with me, sweetheart.  I have three younger sisters.  I wouldn’t let any asshole put their hands on them so I wouldn’t even dream of doing it to someone myself.  It’s not like I can hide considering I live right next door, so if I did do something stupid, you’d know where to send the cops,” he adds with a grin and god, it makes me melt.

“How do I know you actually live next door?” I ask when he holds out his hand to me.  It’s insane but I’m going to go with this man.

“Come with me and find out,” he states, his fingers wrapping around my hand when I put it into his, grabbing my purse then step into the hall with him.  I lock my door with one hand as he hasn’t let go of my other, then watch him set the trash bag down on the floor outside the door opposite mine and dig out a set of keys.  His door pops open and he moves us into the entryway of it, pointing to a photo on a table.  It’s him and four women, three are younger than him, while the fourth is clearly his mother.

“Okay, you live here,” I state, unable to keep the smile off my lips.

“That I do, sweetheart.  You ever need anything, I’m your man.”

We moved back into the hallway, and he locks his place, grabbing up the bag of trash then deposits it in the trash shoot as we move to the elevator.

Once we’re outside, a hint of apprehension hits.  I don’t know him, and it seems crazy to get into a vehicle with him.  He’s a near stranger.  The only things I know about him is his name, he has three sisters, and he lives across the hall from me.

“The place I’m thinking of is only a few blocks away.  You want to walk it, get some fresh air, clear your head sort of thing,” he suggests, and I almost kiss him.

“Yeah, walking sounds good,” I agree, letting him lead us towards a little park area I didn’t know was back here.  I haven’t headed this way while exploring the neighborhood, but I definitely should have.  There are four food trucks parked around the edge of a lot and my stomach growls when we head towards one boasting of tacos, enchiladas, and tamales.

“You okay with Mexican?  There’s also a really good one on the other side of the lot that sells gyros and Greek salads if you’d rather have that,” Luca states as we stop close enough to read the board but not in line yet.

I can’t stop the grin that hits thinking of salsa and chips and cheese.  “Are the tamales authentic or just the knockoff versions?”

“One hundred percent authentic,” a voice says coming around to the front of the truck, surprising me when I see one of the women from the photo in Luca’s place there.  “Mama would kill us if we tried to take shortcuts with them.”

“This is my sister Camila. She owns the truck and I promise, the food won’t kill you, sweetheart,” Luca says, making Camila’s brow lift, her similar eyes brightening.

I can’t help but wonder the age difference between them.  Until seeing them side-by-side, I would have sworn that Luca was a lot older.  Then again, it could be that beard because now, I’m thinking he’s younger than he looks.

“Don’t tell me you finally got a girl, Luca.  Mama will be calling a priest to reserve a wedding date in a heartbeat,” Camila states and my heart slows as Luca gives me a wink.

“We’re not…I live next door to him.  It…I…it’s…”

“She’s had a rough day.  I thought some fresh air, good food, and green grass was in order,” Luca tells his sister who just laughs before moving back into the truck with a nod.

“I’ll bring out a variety.  I already know how much my brother can eat,” Camila says, and I crazily let Luca guide me over to a section of grass that’s empty.  I can’t resist taking off my shoes once we’re sitting, my toes digging into the soft earth.

“I’ve missed this.”  The words pop out, making his brow lift a bit at me, his eyes crinkling a bit at the corners.

It reminds me that he’s definitely younger than I thought and to stop thinking stupid things.  But my body doesn’t listen one little bit.  Neither does my mouth.  “Sitting outside, bare feet in the grass.  I’d go out to the backyard at the house and sit there for hours under the pergola, my feet in the grass, a big floppy hat on my head, and a cup of tea wondering what happened to my life.”

“At the house that your ex chose?” he says reminding me what he overheard, and I let out a sigh, nodding.