Cowboy Bikers MC Lawmen by Esther E. Schmidt



My dick has been hard for hours. Priorities have kept me in this chair to make sure we’re hot on RedBorder’s tail. The woman might have been killed weeks ago but for us everything is fresh and new. We have a few leads already and I’ve put people on it.

Fisher arrived back at the clubhouse about an hour ago and got us up to speed about all the details he obtained. For now, everything is handled and my brothers are stalking out of church, all except for my VP and Enid is still in her seat next to me as well.

“I’m going to go over your father’s notebooks again,” Fisher states. “Something has been bugging me about a theory he mentioned.”

“The one where he stalks his victims for weeks before he goes in for the kill?” Enid questions and Fisher nods.

My VP doesn’t say anything else but gets up and strolls right out the door.

Enid releases a deep breath when she stares at his retreating back. “He lives for revenge and it’s going to break him in the end.”

“You’re right, but we’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

She slightly tilts her head. “When he’s gotten his revenge? Because I’m not so sure what happens if we do get a lead and he kills a person before we even have the chance to verify he actually is the RedBorder killer. Though, I know he wouldn’t but you get what I’m saying right? He looks like he’s running on vengeance and that right there will drain him in the end.”

I’m annoyed by her words but I also have to admit she’s right.

“Like I said, we’ll deal with it when the time comes,” I snap a little too harsh and roughly shove my chair back to get to my feet and throw the files back into the drawer.

She’s glaring at me when I face her. I’m an asshole because I wave my hand in the direction of the door to usher her out of church without a word. I can practically hear her frustration and for the life of me I can’t figure out why I’m treating her like this.

If I keep this up there’s no way she’s going to let me inside her sweet pussy. And I fucking know it’s going to be sweet if the kiss we shared was anything to go by. Dammit. I could settle for another kiss with those tasty lips but by the way they are curved down in annoyance I’d say my chances are less than zero for that to happen right now. Though, instead of walking out the door, she slams it shut and whirls around to face me.

I’m confused for one fragment of a second before she enlightens me. “I know it’s none of my business but you have to keep an eye on him to make sure he has the backup he needs. I mean, the guy barely comes up for air and you know damn well we need more than a breath to stay sane.”

Anger rises. The need to back up my brother flames through me. I know damn well Fisher is balancing a thin line but he’s holding himself together pretty damn good. Besides, we’re a brotherhood and we always keep an eye on one another.

“You don’t know him,” I growl. “About me, about any-fucking-one of us. We live for this shit. It’s in our blood, sweat, and tears. Murder, mayhem, destruction, leaving no stone unturned to make sure justice prevails. We’re not some rookies or outlaws jumping on a bandwagon to bring down a scythe on anyone’s neck who so much as smells like a killer. We always make sure there is no doubt until we bring down a suspect.”

She shoves my chest. Hard.

“You’re an asshole,” she snarls right back with enough anger. “I didn’t question anything or anyone. Hell, I just said I knew he wouldn’t shoot the first person who looked remotely good for the murders. I was just voicing my concerns because I’ve started to care about him and I can tell by the dark circles underneath his eyes he’s not getting enough sleep. But what fucking ever. I’m out of here.”

Before she can so much as turn, I have her by the throat and cage her in against the door with my body.

“Like hell you’re leaving. I told you where you’d be at the end of the day,” I rumble, leaning close enough our noses are touching.

“Okay, I clearly made a mistake to think Fisher needs a break because you’re bordering on insanity if you think I’m going to end up in your bed,” she hisses.

I give her a smirk and lean in right next to her ear. “I don’t need a bed to take what I want from you.” I press my thumb against her jaw and guide her head to the side to let my tongue trail a path along her jugular, feeling her erratic pulse spike. “I can feel the need simmering through your pulse so don’t fucking deny you don’t want me inside you.”

She takes a choppy breath and her whole body shudders when I give her an openmouthed kiss on the spot where her neck meets her shoulder. I press my lower body against her to make her feel what she does to me as I make sure to mark her body with my teeth and by sucking a sliver of her skin into my mouth.

One of my hands is now cupping her breast through the thin fabric of her t-shirt and I swear I can feel her nipple harden underneath the attention I’m giving it. Fuck. Another jolt of lust slams into me as hard as my cock already is.

I’m ripping the pants off her, shoving them down along with her panties and drop to my knees. My face is at pussy level and I can smell her arousal wafting around me. She’s still kicking her shoes and pants away when I take in her neatly trimmed pussy, puffy and slick and mine for the taking.

Grabbing one of her legs, I throw it over my shoulder and force her to lean back against the door. I tilt my head, open my mouth and cover her pussy completely and spear it with my tongue to lick deep inside her.

She throws her head back, knocking it hard against the door as she groans loud, “What are you? What? Fuuuuuck, Atticus, oh.” Another long moan fills the air and I fucking relish in the way she doesn’t hold back.

Hell, I’m pretty damn sure some of my brothers heard my name, drenched with lust, overtaking the air right through the damn walls.

“That’s it, sweetness,” I rumble against her slick entrance. “I like my name tumbling from your lips. Gonna hear it again when I make you come.”

Her hands slide into my hair and she tugs hard. “Then make me come and stop using your tongue for talking.”

“Such a sweet and greedy pussy,” I mumble as she grinds herself against my face.

With one hand I have a firm grip on her as my other hand comes to play between her legs. Sliding one finger inside her hot channel, I flick her clit simultaneously while I keep my eyes on her face to see what she likes, testing the strokes, sucks, licks, every single thing until I find the right combination to get her to the brink of orgasm. And it’s then I pull away and sink my teeth into the inside of her leg, making her cry out.

Yeah, I like her glaring down at me and when I cover that sweet tasting pussy again, she sags right into me again. She’s fully under my spell and I have full control of her body. The thought has the cum leaking from my cock and I can’t wait to spill myself inside her.

Sliding two fingers into her, I start to rub the spot that has her crying out and trembling in my grip. Holy hell, she has one tight pussy.

“Come,” I grunt. “Coat my fucking tongue and let me taste the pleasure I give you.”

She curses loud right before she takes a gulp of air and groans, “Aaaaaaattticuuus.”

Yeah, I’ve never heard a woman say my name in such a way. It borders on aggravation yet it’s laced with lust and adoration. The aggravation part is due to the glaring she did mere seconds before her orgasm overtook her.

My cockiness it something that’s ego filling and most definitely something that triggers her aggravation and yet she rides my tongue as if I’m giving her a taste of heaven itself. And yet it’s the other way around; she lets me taste her slice of heaven.

Before she can come down from the bliss I put her in, I surge up, free and palm my cock, hook an arm under her leg and place myself at her entrance. Her fists go to my cut, fisting the leather. She’s about to say something but it turns into a scream right before I bury myself inside the tightest pussy ever.

And when I’m rooted deep, the feel of what I just did, along with the strung-tight body I’m holding in my arms, makes fucking sense.

“Fucking hell, woman,” I growl and bury my head into the crook of her neck to stay rooted. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything?”

“Didn’t have time. I thought I had. Didn’t expect you to devour and conquer in one go,” she grits through clenched teeth.

I have to bite the side of my cheek to prevent myself from laughing. I’m still rock-hard at the realization of her being a virgin. It’s crazy for her to be one at her age and yet I’m fucking thrilled I claimed her pussy as mine and mine alone.

“I’m not complaining here,” I tell her in a soft voice. “But how the hell is a woman like you still a virgin at the age of twenty-eight?”

She’s still clinging to me and I can feel her chest rising and falling a few times before she eventually says, “Something along the lines of a jumbled mess of incidents. Never the right time, guys being dicks instead of using them. And there was this one time I had this sexual experience where I was going to do it when I was nineteen. But either the guy wasn’t fully in when he filled the condom or he had a pinky-size dick because I felt nothing. Let’s just say that experience was more than enough to put it on hold and focus on my career instead. And then my career became my life.”

Understanding dawns. “I was one of the dicks, right?”

“Well, you sure are using it now,” she murmurs and releases a nervous chuckle but it makes her walls clench around me.

I groan and slide out an inch or two and confess, “I can’t be sorry for something that feels this damn good.”

“Speak for yourself,” she says and gasps when I thrust back inside.

Instead of speaking I decide to take the distraction we created and focus back on the fucking when she’s obviously more relaxed now. Her fists are still lodged in my cut–holding on for dear life–but her pussy is relaxing around my cock as I slowly start to slide in and out.

Pulling my head back, I crash my mouth over hers; needing to taste her. She melts against me and I swear she’s starting to push that tight pussy back on my cock every time I pull back. I can practically taste our connection.

Her sweet scent wafting around me, her earlier orgasm still on my tongue as I dominate her mouth and the rest of her body with my cock. To know I’m the only one who has claimed her fully this way is sweeter than her pussy.

Screw whatever experience she had when she was nineteen; I’ll make sure she remembers only my cock claiming her body. Studying her face, I try to discover what she enjoys the most. I’m grinding my teeth as I keep up the lazy pace and make sure to surge up at the right angle to give her pleasure.

She’s so damn gorgeous when she’s balancing the desire to tip over or keep chasing the orgasm that’s bound to explode. Her pupils are dilated as she stares up at me, lips parted, cheeks flushed, little gasps with each thrust I bury myself inside her.

Fuck. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed every detail about blowing a fucking nut. Before the gorgeous woman in my arms, it was all about the instant rush and getting there fast and hard while now? I’m trying to hold back with everything I got and yet I can’t wait to fill her with my cum. Fuck. I suddenly realize I haven’t even slapped a condom on.

Stilling inside her I place my forehead against her and ask on a choppy breath. “Didn’t put a condom on. You on the pill? I’m clean. But–”

“On the pill, keep going,” she groans and gasps a, “Yes!” when I start to pound deep inside her.

She feels so damn good, it’s almost like the rush you get when you’re getting a peek at all the presents lying beneath the Christmas tree, filling your body with joy and excitement as you run forward and start to rip away all the wrappings. It’s exhilarating and earth shattering. Exactly what’s happening to the woman shuddering against me as her pussy ripples, clenching my cock as if it wants to strangle it into submission.

I’m done for, abso-fucking-lutely obliterated when my balls draw up and I’m jetting stream after stream of cum inside her. My body trembles through the force of the orgasm and my eyes almost cross. I’ve never experienced sex this forceful and maybe I’m hyping it the fuck up because of this woman.

The way she has held my attention ever since I laid eyes on her–and even before when we met all those years ago. How she gave me her innocence to corrupt. Let’s not forget she made me forget a ground rule I’ve never broken; don’t fuck without a condom.

She makes me forget everything around me; there’s only her. I keep her pinned on my cock as I hold her against me and walk us back to the table so I can balance her on there. Dammit. I should have taken her to bed like I told her I would.

A fucking virgin. She deserved a bed where I could spread her out, feast on her magnificent tits that are now still covered. Her chest is rising and falling and the way her auburn hair is spread out all over the table. So. Fucking. Sexy. And it makes my dick harden inside her once more.

I can’t feel sorry about the way I claimed her, as a matter of fact I’m about to put it on repeat when I hear a hard voice, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” before the door sings open and Fisher steps inside.

He takes in the scene in front of him and shakes his head. “Really? Using church to get your rocks off? Leave the door open when you’re done so the stench of sex will fade when we have to be in there in an hour because I have a fucking lead.”

My anger is boiling and I know I’m being inconsiderate and the man lost his old lady and hasn’t had sex or so much as looked at another woman since, but that doesn’t mean he can disrespect me or the woman who just blew my damn mind.

“Don’t disrespect my old lady,” I snap without thinking.

The words hang heavy between us but I don’t regret them. If anything, in the days since I met the woman it’s become clear she fits into my world–right by my side–unlike any other I’ve met. And for sure as fuck I’m not going to pass on something that feels so fucking right.

Hell, my cock is still hard as a rock and buried inside her as I glare at my VP and say, “Close the door, me and my old lady will be right out.”

“Sorry, Prez,” he mutters, suddenly looking disheveled as he retreats and closes the door.

Enid pushes her upper body up by placing her elbows on the table. Her face was hidden behind the back of the chairs and I had her private bits covered with my body but with the way her legs were wrapped around my waist along with the scent of hot sex heavy in the air it didn’t take much of a guess what went down.

Besides, someone told Fisher not to enter church, and the way Enid was screaming my name when she came? Yeah, everybody knew what went down and the flush on her cheeks also reminds me of her innocence.

I slightly shift and my cock slides out some, making her wince and I’m a total idiot for thinking I could fuck her again. She must be sore as hell. Reaching out, I cup the side of her face.

“We’re going to get dressed and I’m taking you to my room where we can clean up or take a shower. Then we’ll dive back into the case and the lead Fisher was talking about.”

She pushes at my chest, wincing once more when my cock leaves her pussy. And fuck, the red smear staring back at me while I watch my cum leak from between her legs is one fucking sight to see. She’s about to jump off the table but I keep her in place.

“One sec,” I croak and let my fingers slide through our mixed juices. “That’s a beautiful thing right there.”

“That’s a dirty mess right there,” she mutters with an uncomfortable chuckle.

I don’t want her to be uncomfortable so I lean in and kiss the fuck out of her before pulling back and tell her, “Sexy as fuck is more like it. Did you hear me claim you? You’re mine and we will be making dirty messes on a regular basis.”

“Okay,” she murmurs breathlessly.

The corner of my mouth twitches while my chest expands with satisfaction, knowing she accepted my claim and is fully in this; just like I am.