Lucky Bounce: Game On, Part 2 by Jennifer Lazaris


Holly stretched her arms above her head, coming awake with a contented sigh. When she opened her eyes, panic seized her.

She was in Eli's room.

In Eli's bed.

His side was empty, with nothing but rumpled sheets to show he'd even slept there.

Her heart thudded wildly as she threw off the comforter. She'd stayed in here last night to comfort Eli, but she must have fallen asleep.

Oh, no. She'd forgotten about Miss.

Holly leaped from the bed and raced across the hall. It had been more than six hours since Miss had eaten a meal, and if the calico didn't eat every four hours, she usually got sick and vomited.

The door to her room stood wide open, and Miss was nowhere to be found. Fear stole through her as she tried to process what might have happened.

What if Miss had snuck out the front door and into the hallway?

"Miss!" Holly yelled, running down the hall. She came to a screeching halt in the kitchen, peering around wildly as she hunted for the cat.

"Missy! Where are you?"

"We're in here," Eli called from the living room.

She turned the corner and found Eli stretched out on the wraparound couch. A content and happy Miss cuddled on his chest, snoozing away. She woke, peered up at Holly, and gave an exaggerated yawn.

"What's going on here?" Holly asked, putting her hands on her hips. Miss never cuddled with anyone but her. Not even with Penn.

"We're watching the morning news, right, kitty?"

Miss closed her eyes and settled back down on Eli's chest.

Holly rubbed her forehead. "I know, but how did this happen?

"I heard her meowing about two hours ago, so I fed her, but she kept crying. I let her out, and she followed me in here. Now, we're hanging out."

He scratched Miss's chin, and she lifted her head, blissing out from the attention.

Huh. What a little hussy. Apparently neither of the Wilkes women were immune to Eli Donnelley's charms.

"So I see," Holly said, trying to hide a smile. "How much did she eat?"

"Uh, I gave her one of those things in the fridge. I figured that was a serving."

"You figured right." Holly took a seat on the couch. "She likes you."

"Of course she does," he said with a grin. "What's not to like?"

Holly rolled her eyes. "You seem back to your old self today."

"I am. I slept well, aside from your snoring."

"I do not snore!

"Keep telling yourself that, doll. But you totally do. You look like an angel when you're sleeping, but that foghorn sound..."

Holly picked up a throw pillow and held it above her head. "If my cat wasn't on your chest right now, I would bop you over the head with this thing. And trust me, I have excellent aim."

Miss lifted her head and gave Holly the stink eye, then let out an aggravated mew.

"She's switched teams, Wilkes. She's now firmly on Team Eli." He scratched Miss's ears, and the calico went back to her blissed out state. "Hey, can cats wear those little jerseys like dogs do? I should get her one with my name and number on the back."

"My cat is not wearing your jersey," Holly muttered, flopping back on the couch. "Forget it."

"I'm not sure if you're hungry, but there's oatmeal on the stove, and I doubled the ingredients of my smoothie this morning. I put the rest in the fridge for you."

"Oh," Holly said, raising her eyebrows. "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do after last night."

"There's no weird stuff in the smoothie, is there?"

"Nope. Strawberries, bananas, protein powder, milk, and some spinach and kale. It mostly tastes like strawberries and bananas, though. You can't taste the veggies."

"Nice. I think I'll have some." She paused. "Don't you have practice this morning? It's getting kinda late."

"Yeah." He sighed heavily. "I'd rather just go back to sleep, though."

"Should we schedule a dinner interview for tonight since we didn't do it last night?"

"What about lunch instead? If you don't mind dropping me off at the practice facility, we can grab something somewhere. Then you can take me to pick up my SUV. I remember where I left it."

"If it means I can drive that amazing car again, I'm in."


"What other cars do you have?" she asked.

"A Mercedes-Benz and a BMW."

She stood and stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. "Wow. Nice. Still, I think I’ll stick with the sports car.”

Eli laughed, and Miss jumped down from his chest. She flicked her tail from side to side, a sign she was highly annoyed.

"Aww, Missy Moo," Holly cooed. "Did the big, bad man scare you, sweet girl?"

Miss lifted her paw and began to groom herself, ignoring Holly completely.

Damn. Maybe her cat was firmly on Team Eli.

"Sorry, Miss," he said, sitting up. "I didn't mean it."

"Oh well. I'm going to go have the leftover smoothie and oatmeal," Holly told him. "What time do you want to leave? I still have to shower."

"Half an hour?"

"That works."

She scooped up Miss, and the cat immediately put her paw against Holly's nose.

"For future reference, this is what's known as ‘talk to the paw’ in Miss-speak."

"Noted." He laced his hands behind his head. "Where are you taking my fuzzy buddy?"

"Back to my room. I don't want her roaming around the condo without supervision. She likes to do weird stuff like chew on plastic bags, and that's not good for cats."

He reached out and playfully tickled Miss's foot. "Remember, Miss, you're Team Eli from here on out, okay?"

Holly smirked as she left the room. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

* * *

After dropping Eli off at the Kingsnakes practice facility and getting nasty glares from a few women waiting for him near the entrance, Holly spent a half hour driving around the city, enjoying the raw power of the sleek yellow sports car. She sped down a few side streets and blasted the stereo as she cruised along, singing at the top of her lungs.

It was the most fun she'd had driving in ages. Relying on an undependable clunker to get her around town had killed her enthusiasm for being behind the wheel.

She went to a bookstore to browse for a while before sitting down at the coffee shop to work on questions for the feature. By the time her phone beeped with a text, two hours had passed.

Eli: Hey, Wilkes. We're finished here. Come pick me up, and we can go somewhere to eat.

Holly: K. Be there in ten.

She dumped the remnants of her iced coffee into the trash, slid the laptop into her backpack, and hurried outside.

A group of men in their early twenties crowded around the sports car, admiring the vehicle and peering into the windows.

Holly pressed the key fob so the beep got their attention, but she didn't unlock the car.

The group looked up at her as she walked toward them.

"Is this your car?" A tall guy in a black baseball hat who appeared to be their ringleader gave her a thorough once-over. "Hot girl drives a hot car. What the hell do you do to be able to afford a vehicle like this?" He smirked. "Or who do you do?"

A rumble of laughter went up among the men as she stopped next to the car.

"I have somewhere to be," she said calmly. "Show's over. It's time to go."

Baseball Hat Guy narrowed his eyes. "No, it's not. I asked you a question, baby."

Holly stared back at him. This tool thought he was such hot shit, showing off in front of his goofy goon squad. "I'm not your baby. Now step away from the car."

"Yeah? Or what? What are you going to do, baby?"

His friends snickered as Baseball Hat Guy inched closer to her.

She crossed her arms. "If you don't leave me alone and get the fuck away from my car, I'm going to scream my face off, for starters."

He took a step forward, blowing his hot, foul smelling breath in her face. "Yeah? Do it, and I'll give you something to scream about. Seven fucking inches, in fact."

Holly tried to move away, but he backed her up against the side of the sports car, blocking her in place with both hands.

"I bet you're a totally wild fuck, aren't you?"

She'd gone from being mildly aggravated to utterly terrified in the span of a heartbeat. There had to be at least six stores in this plaza, and yet there was no one around.

One of the men standing nearby lit a cigarette. "Dude, forget this bitch. We gotta go to Jack's and get the money he owes us."

"You guys go. I'm not done here. I'm gonna have some fun first."

He grinned at her, and her stomach roiled at the sight of his rotten teeth.

Mustering up the last shred of bravery she had, she looked him square in the eyes. "Get away from me, asshole. You're a second away from getting a knee to your balls."

He dug his fingers into her upper arm, making her cry out.

"Yeah? Well, I mean business, too, baby."

Fear and adrenaline rocketed through her body, sending her into fight mode. She tried to push him away, but her arms hung at her sides, useless. She couldn't lift them at all.

No!No, not this again. Not now.

When she opened her mouth to scream, nothing came out except a long hiss of air. Her thoughts raced along with her pounding heart as she scanned the parking lot, looking for someone—anyone—to help.

In a moment of clarity, she managed to press the panic button on the key fob, and the car's alarm screeched to life.

Baseball Hat Guy jumped back as she stumbled away, holding the fob out in front of her like a weapon. She slowly backed around the car toward the driver's side, but the group had taken off running. By the time she was inside with the doors locked, they were gone.

Leaning her head against the steering wheel, she blinked hard, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. Her lower lip began to tremble as she looked at herself in the rearview mirror.

When her phone beeped, she jumped and let out a shriek.

Eli. He was waiting for her.

Unfortunately, he was going to have to wait a little longer, because she was in no condition to drive. Physically or emotionally.

"You're safe," she whispered. "They're gone. You're safe."

Jesus, she was spooked.

She tried to lift her arms to put them on the steering wheel, but once again, nothing worked.

"Fuck!" she yelled. What the hell was going on with her?

Closing her eyes, she did the same thing she'd done in the stairwell—deep breathing and calming affirmations. It helped the first time. Maybe it would work again.

Ten minutes later, her phone beeped with another text.

Eli: Wilkes? Where are you? Is everything okay?

Holly glanced down at the screen, then into the rearview mirror.

Waseverything okay?

Taking a deep breath, she tried to lift her arms again and was finally able to place them on the steering wheel with ease.

Choking back a sob of relief, she closed her eyes.

If she didn't find a way to manage her stress and fast, this was going to keep happening.

She reached for her phone and fired off a text message.

Holly: Sorry, got delayed. I'm leaving soon.

Holly started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, forcing herself to breathe slowly through her nose and out of her mouth.

Maybe it was time to learn how to meditate. Or she could try a yoga class and go to that spa Penn had raved about for regular massages and relaxation.

She flipped the radio on and cranked up the volume of the alternative rock station.

Time to put the incident out of her mind. It was over and done with, and those guys were long gone.

All she could do was move forward.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Holly pulled into the parking lot of the practice facility. Eli stood in the middle of an eager group of fans, signing hockey cards and posing for selfies.

She pulled up next to the crowd and beeped the horn.

He flashed the fans a smile. "Sorry. I gotta go, guys. That's my ride."

Holly climbed from the driver's side as he walked over to the car. It had taken all of her energy to drive over here, and she was wiped. Plus, her vision was beginning to go wonky.

"Do you mind taking the wheel?" she asked.

"Sure." Two blurry Elis smiled at her.

Oh, fuck. She'd had double vision once before when she'd been up late job hunting online. Thankfully it hadn't happened while she was driving over here.

"You're bored with the sports car already?"

"No, I'm just tired." She hated lying, but having to explain everything to him filled her with anxiety.

"Yeah, sure. I can drive."

Holly sighed with relief as she rounded the front of the car and got into the passenger side. Now she could relax and try to get this to go away.

Eli slid behind the wheel, revved the engine for effect, and tore out of the parking lot.

"Show off," Holly muttered.

"Do you want to go to Castle's Cupcakes?" he asked, ignoring her comment. "They've got some pretty good lunch options."

"Wherever we go is fine.”

"Have you ever been to Castle's?"

"That's Shaw's sister's place, right? No, I haven't."

"Yep, it belongs to his sister, Sloane. You have to try a cupcake after lunch and get some to take home. They're fucking amazing."

"I'll never turn down a cupcake." She leaned back against the seat. Her eyes were so tired she could barely hold them open.

"They're the best and worth every calorie.”

"You sold me. Drive on, Jeeves."

* * *

After finding an open space in a nearby parking garage, they walked the short distance to Castle's Cupcakes. Her vision had returned to normal, making her anxiety go down a few levels.

Holly glanced up at the purple and pink retro sign outside of the shop. "Cute place."

"I thought you'd like it."

"Eli, look." She nodded toward a little boy in an electric wheelchair twenty feet away from the shop's front door. He looked to be about ten or eleven years old, and his chair was completely covered in Kingsnakes stickers. His mouth hung open in shock as he stared at Eli with huge blue eyes.

"Hey, buddy." Eli grinned as he walked over to him. "You're really representing the team with your wheels. I love it!"

"You're... you're Eli Donnelley! The best defenseman on the Kingsnakes. Like, the best defenseman in the entire league."

"Wow, bud. You're great for my ego," Eli said, then laughed. "What's your name?"

"Uh... um, my name is Hunter. Hunter Teegen."

"Are you going into Castle's?" Eli gestured toward the front door. "Or are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"

"I was going in to buy some cupcakes to take home."

"Want to have lunch with us?" Eli asked. "We were just going to grab something."

"For real? Holy shit!" Hunter's eyes lit up, and then he frowned. "Oh man, if my mom heard me say that..."

"She's not here, so you're safe. Come on. Lunch is on me." He pressed the accessibility button next to the front door and waited for Hunter to enter the shop.

"You just made his entire life," Holly murmured as Eli followed her inside.

"It's the least I can do. Did you see his face? Man, I remember those days. I used to wait for my favorite players to sign autographs outside of the arenas. I'd have given anything to sit and talk with them. Kid fans are the best."

Holly cocked her head. "Sometimes, you surprise me, Eli."

"Are you okay with this?"

"More than okay."


Holly glanced around the cute little shop as they waited to order. The place had plenty of seating, with vibrantly-colored pink and purple tables scattered around. Photos of assorted cupcakes hung on the walls. Thankfully, it wasn't crowded, which meant Eli was less likely to be approached by other fans while they had lunch with Hunter.

A beautiful woman with long, dark hair pulled into a high ponytail greeted them from behind the counter. Her purple name tag had "Sloane" written across it.

The resemblance to her brother, Shaw, was striking, especially since they both shared those odd, silvery-colored blue eyes. On Sloane the color was softer, while Shaw's eyes were bright and piercing.

"Well, if it isn't Eli Donnelley." Sloane smiled at them. "Here for lunch?"

"You know it. This is my buddy, Hunter, and my friend, Holly. We're starving. Right, Hunter?"

The little boy nodded. "Yeah, starving."

"Get anything you want," Eli told him, "plus a dozen cupcakes to take home."

"Really? Wow! Um... what are you gonna have?"

Eli studied the menu above the counter. "Hmm. A chicken sandwich, a side of pasta, and a salad."

"I want the same," Hunter told Sloane. "With a cola. And some French fries."

"Wow, you weren't kidding about being hungry." Eli smiled at him. "What would you like, Wilkes?"

"A BLT and a side of French fries, please." She wasn't hungry, but if she didn't eat something, Eli would get suspicious.

"We'll order the cupcakes before we leave," he told Sloane. "I'll have water with lemon." He glanced over at her. "Holly?"

"Coffee. Two sugars, one milk."

"Great," Sloane said, punching their order in on a screen. "I'll bring everything over when it's ready."

Eli led them over to a large, wheelchair-accessible table. "This should do."

"I can't believe I'm having lunch with you," Hunter told Eli. "This is so cool. My friends are going to freak out."

"Want me to take a picture of you two?" Holly asked.

She was grateful to have something else to focus on instead of what had happened earlier with those guys. This adorable kid and his love of Kingsnakes hockey and Eli were the perfect distraction.

"Yeah!" Hunter pulled an Android phone from his backpack and handed it to her.

Eli leaned over toward the boy and cheesed at the camera. Hunter grinned from ear to ear as Holly snapped a few photos.

"Thanks," Hunter said as she handed him back the phone. "Now I have proof, 'cause I know Jackson will say it never happened."

"Who's Jackson?" Eli asked.

"This guy who lives on my street. He thinks he's such hot sh... er, stuff. We used to play hockey together. But he's turned into an ass...uh, idiot."

Holly bit her lip to keep from laughing at Hunter's attempts not to swear.

"Mind if I asked what happened to you?" Eli leaned back in his chair. "No pressure, though."

"I was in a car accident when I was nine. Two years ago. I was paralyzed from the waist down. It sucks all around, but it really blows 'cause I can't play hockey anymore. That's all I wanted to do. I wanted to be a hockey player. I love hockey."

Hunter tried to act brave, but his voice cracked as he looked down at the table.

She and Eli exchanged sympathetic glances before he turned his attention back to the boy.

"What do you mean, you can't play? You can still play, little man. Ever hear of sled hockey?"

Hunter frowned. "Sled hockey? No. What's that?"

"It's awesome, that's what it is." Eli's brown eyes twinkled as he gave Hunter a playful punch on the arm. "You play hockey, but you're on a sled instead of skates. I bet you’d be an awesome sled hockey player.”

“Really?” Hunter blinked. "And kids my age can play?"

"Yep. The Kingsnakes sponsor an adult and youth team sled league. The youth team is for ages six to seventeen. They play at our practice facility. You have to join."

"I..." Hunter's eyes filled with tears, and he bowed his head. "I can really play again?"

Eli put his hand on Hunter's shoulder, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "Yeah, buddy," he said softly. "You can play again."

Hunter wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and blinked quickly. "I really miss hanging out with my friends and shooting pucks and stuff."

"What position do you play?" Eli asked.

"Defense, just like you. You're my favorite player." Hunter's face turned pink. "But I don't know if my parents can afford to have me in sled hockey. Dad lost his job two months ago, and it's been kinda rough. I had to save my allowance to buy a few cupcakes for my mom’s birthday tomorrow, because there's no extra money for treats like that."

"Little man, you're going to play." Eli waved a hand. "Can you get your mom or dad to bring you to the practice facility sometime in the next week? Ask for the manager and give him your name, and tell him I told you to come down. I'm going to hook everything up so you can play. Your equipment, your league fees, jersey, and whatever else you need." Eli pulled out his phone. "I'm going to shoot the manager a text right now and let him know to expect you, and to bill me for whatever you need."

Hunter's blue eyes lit up; all traces of his previous tears gone—now replaced with pure joy. "Seriously? Holy shi... er, shoot! I can't believe this. I'm gonna play!"

Eli laughed. "Only if you stop swearing. Save the cursing for when you turn professional, okay?"

Hunter clapped a hand over his mouth. "No more, I promise. This is so awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Holly blinked back her own tears at Hunter's jubilation. She wasn't sure who was happier, Eli or the little boy. It was obvious Eli wasn't doing this for publicity, or to impress her. He just wanted this kid to play the sport he'd been missing for the last two years.

"No thanks necessary, bud. And I'll come see you play after we finish the playoffs, okay? Just remember—it's going to take time to get used to doing things a different way, but I know you'll kick butt out there. So be patient and practice. You can do this."

"I can't wait to get back out on the ice! I'll practice every chance I get."

Sloane stopped next to their table, holding a tray of food. She placed the plates and drinks down in front of them. "Enjoy, guys. I'll be back to check on you soon." She gave them a wink. "Now that I have my new employee, Leigh, trained on cash, I might be able to take a break around here for once."

"Are you going to come to any games in this series, Sloane?" Eli asked.

"Yep. Now that I have extra help. Gotta see my little bro kick some San Jose butt out on the ice," she joked.

"Sloane?" Leigh called from the register. "Um, I think I pressed the wrong button.”

"And on that note..." She waved as she walked away. "Enjoy your meals, guys!"

"The Kingsnakes are going to slay San Jose," Hunter said confidently, taking a bite of his chicken sandwich. "Me and my dad are planning on watching the series together. I can't wait."

Eli gave Holly an amused look before turning his gaze back to Hunter. "You think so? They're a great team. Plus, they've got two of the greatest defensemen in the league."

"No way! Those guys aren't as good as you," Hunter said automatically. "Yeah, San Jose's good, but I'm not worried." He paused. "Maybe I'm a little worried about the road games. Winning in the San Jose arena is always hard for you guys. I don't know why, though."

"If you figure it out, be sure to let us know," Eli told him. "We'll have a lot of fans traveling to San Jose for the away games, so hopefully it will give us a home-game atmosphere."

They sat around the table for the next half hour, talking hockey, laughing, and learning more about Hunter and his family. The coffee shop was mostly empty, and they hadn't been interrupted by any Kingsnakes fans. Eli was able to dedicate all of his attention to the little boy.

They discovered Hunter was an only child, and his mom worked two jobs—one at a grocery store and another as a receptionist. His father got laid off from his factory job and had been searching for work non-stop. He had a lead on a possible position and an interview next week. The kid obviously didn't have the easiest home life financially, but his parents seemed like good people.

Hunter leaned back in his chair and patted his stomach. "I'm stuffed. The food was great."

Sloane's new employee, Leigh, came over to clear away their dishes. She perked up at Hunter's review. "I'll make sure to tell Sloane you said that. She'll be thrilled."

"We've gotta get going, buddy," Eli told Hunter. "Let's go get your cupcake order, okay?"

"Sure," Hunter said, nodding.

They made their way over to the counter, where Sloane packed up a dozen assorted cupcakes for both Hunter and Holly, and Eli handed over his credit card.

"Are you okay to get home?" Eli asked. "You know, carrying the cupcakes and stuff?"

"Yeah. I do this kinda stuff all the time. I'm used to it," he replied.

Eli nodded. "Hunter, I know things are tough for your family financially right now, but does your mom ever have a night off of work?"

"Yeah, she's off Sundays."

"Awesome. Listen, I'm going to leave three tickets to the second game on Sunday at Will Call. Just give them your name, okay? It's on me."

Hunter's mouth fell open. "W-what? To a playoff game?"

Holly smiled at his reaction. This kid was getting the red-carpet treatment, and his reactions were truly priceless.

"Yep. Accessible seating too. I got someone who can hook you up. Food and drinks will be free, too."

"For real? I've never been to a game in person," he said, sounding awed. "Thank you! Are you sure it's okay?"

"Sure." Eli handed him the box of cupcakes. "Go with your family and have a good time. And be our good luck charm, okay?"

"This has been the best day of my whole life," Hunter declared. "The best day ever."

Eli smiled as Hunter threw his arms around his waist. He bent down to return the boy’s hug. "I'm glad you're happy. What do you say, want Holly to take a few more pictures of us before we take off?"


Hunter handed over his phone again, and she snapped a bunch of photos. Hunter couldn’t stop grinning as he and Eli joked around, taking a few silly pics together before taking some regular selfies.

She handed him back the phone, and he looked through the photos. "These are so awesome. I can't wait to show Jackson all of these pics."

As they headed back out into the Vegas heat, Hunter stopped his chair next to them. "Thank you so much, Eli. For everything."

"No worries. Be careful going home, okay?" Eli told him. "We'll catch up soon. Remember, I'm going to come to one of your games. Just have fun out there. That's all that matters."

"I will. And go Kingsnakes! You guys have to win the Cup!"

Eli laughed as they bumped fists. "I promise, we'll do our best. See you later, bud."

"That was so awesome of you." Holly elbowed him gently in the ribs. "I'm excited for Hunter. I'm not sure there's a happier little boy in Vegas right now."

He shrugged as they entered the parking garage. "The kid has had it tough, and his family is still struggling. He needs some happiness. I almost lost it when he got all choked up about the sled league. Fuck, I can't imagine what it must be like for him, you know? He's such a cool little guy, too."

"You made a fan for life. Lunch, selfies, sled league, a playoff game..." She hesitated. "Are you really going to go see him play?"

"Hell yeah! I love doing that kind of stuff. It makes their day when you do something personal for them, and it takes so little effort. I've been on the other side where he is. Not facing that much adversity, of course, but I know what it's like to hope your favorite player will stop to take a picture or sign an autograph. I've had good experiences and shitty ones as a kid fan, and I promised myself if I ever got into the league, I'd do everything I could to make sure the little fans went home happy if they met me."

"Do you do stuff like this often?"

He held the key fob out in front of him and unlocked the car. "I do. But I don't want that listed in your feature. I don't want accolades for that."

"Okay, but I have to say, I like this side of you," she told him as they got into the car. "Way more than the cocky, swagger-filled dude who was always chasing skirts and banging bunnies."

"Those days are gone, because I'm only chasing you, kitten. But you act like I can't be one if I'm the other," he pointed out. "And that's not true."

"Point taken. You're fantastic with kids, though."

"I guess. It's funny though, as much as I like kids, I don't want any myself. I have no interest in being a father."


"Are we off the record?"

"Considering I didn't even get a chance to start an interview with you yet, I guess we can be."

"Well, then, no. I don't want kids." He stopped at a red light. "Ever. I like being able to go where I want, when I want. Being tied down with babysitters and bottles and all that shit sounds like a nightmare. I want to pick up and travel at a moment's notice. Jet off somewhere and enjoy life.”

He flipped on the radio, putting an end to their conversation, and over the course of the fifteen-minute drive back to his building, she mulled over what he'd said.

Everyone had the right to decide if they were cut out for parenthood, but it was a damned shame he wasn’t interested in being a dad. Because as good as he was with children, Eli Donnelley would have made an excellent father someday.

* * *

Eli swung the sports car into its designated parking space and killed the engine.

As they walked in silence toward the elevator, the day started to catch up with her physically as bone-weary exhaustion hit her hard.

"Would you mind if I borrowed your soaker tub tonight?" she asked. "My bathroom has a tub, but yours look amazing."

"Sure." He nodded as they exited the elevator. "Make yourself at home."

"Well, since it's your personal bathroom, I didn't—"

He held up a hand as he unlocked the front door. "It's totally fine. I'm just gonna hang out on the couch and watch a movie until dinner."

"Sounds like a quiet evening."

"I agreed to thirty days of acting like a consummate professional around you, didn't I? Staring at the television will keep me out of trouble." He gave her a wink, and she snorted with laughter.

"Thanks." Holly kicked off her shoes and headed to the bedroom to feed the cat. "Do you mind Miss being out?" she called over her shoulder.

"Hell, no. I could use a cuddle buddy." Eli followed her down the hall and stopped at the door as Miss wound around her legs, mewing for food.

"Hey, fuzzball." He grinned as Miss peered up at him, her green eyes wide. "Want to hang out with me tonight?"

Miss let out another small mew, and Eli laughed. "Is that her way of saying hello?"

"Sure. But it's also her way of saying I'm hungry." Holly poured a tiny bit of dry food into a bowl and walked out to the kitchen. "Sometimes I give her a few kibbles to munch on while I go get her raw food. It keeps her occupied."

"I thought she wasn't allowed dry food."

Holly grabbed a container from the fridge. "Miss can have both with no issues. I severely limit the dry stuff, though."

"Ah, got it." He flashed her a smile. "Enjoy your soak in the tub. I'm going to go make friends with the couch."


Holly fed the cat, then went back to the bedroom and gathered her pajamas and underwear before padding over to Eli's luxurious bathroom.

She turned on the faucet and dumped some fancy bubble bath into the tub as it filled.

After peeling off her clothes, she climbed into the bath and sank down into the bubbly, steamy water as the faucet continued to run. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth surround her and wash away the day.

All she wanted to do was forget what had happened with those guys. It had scared the hell out of her, and what had come after—not being able to lift her arms and the double vision—had freaked her out.

But this... this, at least, was pure bliss.

Forty-five minutes later, the water had turned lukewarm. Reluctantly, she drained the tub, then got dressed in her pajamas and tied her hair into a ponytail.

Peering into her room, she found Miss snoozing away on the comforter instead of hanging out with Eli. Maybe she wasn't in the mood for socializing tonight, either.

Holly’s stomach had settled, and she was hungry enough for a pre-dinner snack. She fixed herself a slice of peanut butter toast and a cup of tea, then carried both into the living room.

"Is it okay to eat here?"

"Sure," Eli said, glancing up at her. He stretched out on the couch, one arm behind his head. "I eat in here all the time."


Holly curled up with the tea and toast on the opposite couch and got lost in the action movie on the big screen.

Fifteen minutes later, she scratched her shoulder, then winced when her arm started to sting. Lifting her sleeve, she found the beginning of a bruise. A gift from Baseball Hat guy.

Eli sucked in a breath and shot up off the couch as she slid her sleeve back down. "What the hell was that?"

Holly set down her tea. "What? I didn't hear anything."

"No. On your arm." He stared at her. "What the hell was that, Holly?"

"Nothing," she said quickly. "It's nothing."

Eli sat down next to her. "If it's nothing, then show me."

Letting out a ragged sigh, she slid her sleeve up.

"Those are finger marks. Imprints of someone's fingers, Wilkes." His voice was eerily quiet. "Who did this to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she mumbled, her voice wavering.

Son of a bitch. She didn't want to lose it. Not here. Not in front of him.


His voice was kind and gentle, and her eyes welled up at the sound.

"I need to know if someone hurt you, honey."

"Why? I don't need you fighting my battles for me."

"Please, Holly. Just tell me."

She took a few deep breaths and glanced down at the floor as she fought back tears.

"If I talk about this, I'm going to cry," Holly said, still unable to look at him. "And I fucking hate crying."

* * *

Eli stared at her, his stomach churning. "Please talk to me."

Holly bowed her head, focusing her gaze on the floor as if she couldn't bear to look at him. She took a few more deep breaths before speaking.

"It happened today, right after you messaged me to pick you up. I left the coffee shop and went outside. A group of guys had gathered around your car, admiring it. When I approached, one of them got rude and mouthy."

"What did he say?"

"He asked me what—or who—I did to afford such a nice car." She paused, wrapping her arms around her middle. "I told him to move, and he asked what I was going to do about it."

Mother fucking piece of shit asshole.

"I said if he didn't move, I'd scream. He told me if I did, he'd throw me in the car and give me something to scream about. Seven inches, in fact." She gritted her teeth. "He fucking wishes."

Eli closed his eyes and blew out a breath, biting the inside of his cheek to keep his rage in check. If he'd been there, he would have ended this guy. Fucking ended him.

"He backed me up against the car and said he bet I was a wild fuck. He—" Holly's voice broke, and instinctively, he reached out and took her hand. She glanced down at their intertwined fingers but didn't pull away.

"He boxed me in against the car with his arms so I couldn't move. And when I told him to let me go—that I meant it—he told me he meant it, too. Then he grabbed my arm really hard."

A tear rolled down her cheek, and she brushed it away with the back of her hand. Fuck, he hated seeing this proud, independent, strong woman driven to tears like this.

It gutted him.

"It hurt," Holly whispered. "There wasn't anyone around, and his friends were just standing there, watching and laughing. Stupid fucking assholes. I couldn't even scream. I tried but n-nothing happened."

Her tears flowed freely then. "I was just frozen. I couldn't do anything." She shook her head. "My mind finally jolted into action because I pressed the panic alarm on the key fob. It scared them off."

The blind rage and anger he felt over what had happened to her shot his adrenaline into overdrive. He stood, dragging his hands through his hair, and began to pace. "Holly, you should go to the police."

"No. Look, they scattered. It's over and done with."

"But look at what he did to your arm! He shouldn't be able to get away with this."

"Eli, this is my decision. It's not easy for women to come forward about stuff like this, okay? And frankly, I don't want to put myself through all of that. Besides, I don't even know who they were. They're dust in the wind."

He sat back down and sucked in another breath. "Fuck. No, I get it. But Holly, why didn't you tell me?"

"I just couldn't." She drew her knees to her chest and bowed her head.

"But why?"

"Because I didn't want to break down like this in front of you."

"You were physically assaulted. You're allowed to be upset, pissed, angry, whatever."

"I know, but..." Holly shrugged. "I couldn't."

"After last night, I thought we were starting to trust each other. I've never told anyone about my mom until you. No one even knows she's living out here. And when I fucking melted down last night..." He sighed. "Let's face it, a panic attack and puking in the park isn't my finest moment, but you were there for that, and you helped me. I thought maybe you'd let me be there for you, too."

"I didn't even tell Penn." Holly sniffed, and he handed her a tissue. "I have a problem being open with people. With being vulnerable. I don't like letting people get too close."

"Me, too. See? We're more alike than you think."

"Oh, God." She let out a choked laugh. "I thought you were supposed to be trying to cheer me up?"

Despite his worry over how small and fragile she looked right now, and that damned bruised arm, he couldn't help but laugh, too. "Face it, we both don't like people seeing us with our soft underbellies exposed. But you need to know I'm not judging you, Holly. This whole thing? It doesn't make me think of you as weak. You're the toughest chick I know."

"Chick?" She raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Toughest woman. But everyone needs a soft place to fall sometimes."

"And you're mine?"

"I could be." He squeezed her hand. "If you let me."


"I know," he muttered. "I know. It's not professional."

Holly sank back against the cushions and grabbed a throw pillow, hugging it to her chest. "Well, it's not."

"I'm gonna be honest with you, Wilkes. If that guy was in front of me, he'd be getting a good old-fashioned epic beat down. I'd have zero problems handing him his ass. He wants to lay hands, he can fucking lay them on me. Not that he'd get very far."

A small smile crossed her face. "I don't know, Donnelley. I've seen you fight during a game, and, well..."

He snorted. "I might not be as tough as John Cohan, but I have zero problems throwing down, and I rarely lose."

"I know. I'm just teasing. You're a damned good brawler. I've never seen you back down. You're a pretty good instigator, too."

"What can I say? I like getting under people's skin. And I'm fucking awesome at chirping."

"So humble."

He smiled. "Yeah, well. Holly, how did you manage to get through lunch with Hunter? I knew something was off when you pulled up at the practice facility, but I didn't know it was this level of intense."

"Honestly, it was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of things. Hunter was so happy, Eli. It made me happy." She hesitated. "What happened to me sucked, and it was scary. I'm not trying to minimize it. But I'm grateful it wasn't worse."

"Yeah. I'm really glad you're okay."

"Thanks. You know, I might go take a little nap before dinner. I'm exhausted."

"Good idea." He leaned forward and clasped his hands in front of him. "Holly, even though I'm doing my best over here to keep things professional, it doesn't mean I'm not here for you, okay? I've got you, Wilkes. I want you to know that. You need to understand that. I've fucking got you."

The words spilled out of his mouth before he even realized what he was saying, but he meant every word.

Holly stared at him for a few moments, then gave a slight nod. "I know. And thank you."

She leaned over and brushed her lips against his cheek before standing and hurrying from the room.

Eli ran a hand down over his beard. Maybe he'd overwhelmed her, but after last night, something between them had changed. He'd seen the vulnerable parts she didn't want anyone else to see, just like she'd seen things he'd rather keep hidden.

Secrets bonded people, but he wanted her to trust him enough to be the person she went to when she was hurt or needed help.

He hadn't gotten far enough to earn that trust, yet.

Still, this was a start, and he'd willingly take what he could get.