A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 10


Friday night seemed like an eternity ago. It had been seventy-two hours since I’d seen Harper. Three sleepless nights without her. I hadn’t invaded her dreams since Friday because too much could wreak havoc on her mind. I’d much rather create a commotion during her waking moments.

She would be here soon, and my day could begin. It was bizarre how I had allowed her to take such a hold on me. She didn’t even know she was doing it, but everything about her drew me to her in ways that I couldn’t explain. I’d never like my existence here on Earth, but I’d somehow managed. When I looked into Harper’s eyes, I saw much more than just existing. I envisioned a future.

“The grounds are clean.” David entered my study. “Security is being updated.”

“How did Terra get into my bedroom?”

“She scaled the wall and jumped onto your balcony. Your doors were open, and she let herself in.”

“I guess I can’t stop her from using her agility to gain access, but I will remember to lock my doors.”

“I’m having them alarmed today.”

“Is that necessary?”

“We haven’t had an upgrade in a few years. It’s probably best now that Terra is on the loose.”

“She won’t come back here.”

“She’s unpredictable.”

“I have faith you’ll keep her away from me.” I checked the time, eager for my attorney to arrive. “I don’t want Terra showing up when Harper is here.”

“Speaking of Harper.” He slid his tablet in front of me. “Hit play.”

“What is it?”

“Footage of the garage from last week.” He snickered. “I don’t check it daily, but when I was analyzing all the cameras last night, I came across this.”

I tapped the tablet and started the video. Harper was in the garage, taking pictures of my car in…the red dress. I leaned back in my chair, taking the tablet with me. She climbed in the driver’s seat and took a few selfies. Her stunning beauty aroused me.

“She has a fondness for the Mustang,” David said.

“It would seem so.”

As I continued to watch the footage, she got out of the car, did something on her phone, and then stared up at the security camera. I caught you. She shot me the most delicious smile before waving. Oh, Ms. Whitmore, you are fascinating. “Send this footage to me.”

“You’ll have it in a few minutes.”

“Make sure there are no weak spots in the guest bedroom. Harper may have to stay here, and I don’t want any intruders during her visit.”

“Which bedroom do you want her in?”

“The one closest to mine.”

“Of course.” David smirked. “It has a gorgeous view of the backyard.”

“I can feel your amusement.”

“I know.”

“How are things coming along with vampire Ralph and my London property?”

“He has assured me you should have what you want today.”

“That was fast.”

“Turns out the seller has been busy occupying the time of an eighteen-year-old female model.”

“That’s hardly illegal.”

“No, but he’s married.”

“I see.”

“To a man.”

“Oh, I guess that could cause some problems if his affair is revealed.”

“Turns out his partner is extremely wealthy, so if your seller is caught, he’ll lose more than his husband.”

“Humans.” I shrugged. “Such shallow beings, always giving into temptation. But if not for their weak minds, I wouldn’t be able to thrive on their misfortunes.”

“They will call this afternoon to negotiate the terms of the sale. It will be straightforward, and nothing Harper can’t handle.”

“Perfect.” Not only would I have the property I needed to build profitable, upscale housing, but Harper could negotiate her first solo deal. I liked where this week was headed. “What’s on the lunch menu?”

“Greta is roasting a turkey and making a multi-grain bread to go with it. Oh, and something about an avocado glaze to accompany the sandwich. I’m looking forward to it.”

“This is all new.” I wondered what had Greta so eager to try new recipes.

“Harper likes avocado on her turkey sandwiches, so Greta wanted to make her something special. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Not at all.” I handed him back his tablet, pleased that my staff had taken a liking to Harper. I anticipated her being with us for a long time. “The more at home we can make her, the better.”

“I’ll have the housekeeping service prepare the guest room.” He made his way to the door. “The one with the amazing view of the backyard that happens to be right next to the master suite. You know, the one where you sleep.”

“Are you quite finished?”

“For now.”

“When Harper arrives, have her come to me.”

As I looked at the numbers on my laptop screen, my mind wandered to the other night. What would have happened if I had kissed Harper on the terrace? Would she have been receptive? In her dreams, she ached for me. Her inhibitions were lower when she was in a fantasy state. In reality, she was hesitant. Terra was probably right when she said Harper was no match for me sexually. She couldn’t handle my beast. Could I reign that part of me in for Harper?

I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to try.

“Ms. Whitmore.” I sensed her presence as she stared at me from the doorway. “Are you joining me?”

“Yes, I…um…I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“You’re never an intrusion.” I admired how she always made her professional attire look trendy and appealing. It would be a challenge for me to concentrate on anything other than her in that navy blue halter dress and beige opened-toed heels. “My door is always open to you.”

“Thank you.” Her mind raced in many directions, making it difficult for me to capture her emotions. I picked up on her nerves, but today, she seemed more jittery than usual. “I started going over the terms on that new London deal of yours last night. It’s an aggressive bid.”

“Come in.” I stood from my chair. “I’d rather not discuss business with you out in the hall.”

“Oh, right.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, fidgeting with the ends of her perfectly curled hair. “I thought the seller wouldn’t budge?”

“I’m persuasive.” I came around my desk. “I’ve decided this is the perfect opportunity for you to close the deal.”

“What?” She stumbled into my office, dropping the file on the floor. “Oh! I’m sorry.” She bent down and frantically picked up the papers, shoving them back into the folder.

I joined her on the floor, kneeling beside her. As she reached for the contract, I took her hand in mine.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she peeked at me through the hair that had fallen in her face. The familiar scent of vanilla cake with a hint of raspberry radiated from her skin as the vein quickened at her neck.

I leaned closer to her, inhaling her sweet aroma as I recalled the lust in her eyes when I came to her the other night. Images of her lost in ecstasy from my demonic touch flooded my thoughts. I held the beast at bay. Now was not the time to unleash him, no matter how much I wanted to. When I ran my tongue along my lips, she dropped her gaze to my mouth.

“What has you so off-balance today?” Could it be me?