A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 28


“Wow!”I could hardly hear my voice over the loud booming of the bass. “This place is crazy.”

The atmosphere was sleek and dark. The patrons were trendy and dressed in expensive attire. Most of the women had their makeup professionally applied, and there wasn’t any shortage of false eyelashes in this room. The energetic vibe was what I needed tonight. Kiki found a gem when she went exploring last night.

“I told you.” Kiki hooked her arm in mine. “It’s the only place to be here in Greece.”

We made our way through the throngs of people and to the bar. They were packed ten deep, but Kiki pushed our way through. I often admired her boldness. Sometimes, it felt like she was the older sibling, always looking out for me and making sure I was okay. If it hadn’t been for her these past two weeks, I was certain I would have fallen apart far worse.

“This puts The Swanky Cauldron to shame.”

“Fuck The Swanky Cauldron.” Kiki laughed. “Who needs it?”

“You’re right.” We found a spot at the corner of the bar and ordered two martinis. “Fuck The Swanky Cauldron! Fuck Angelo St. Christian! Fuck my job! Fuck my career. Who needs any of it?”

“Whoa, sister! I think all that day drinking we did is finally catching up to you.”

“I like the way it feels.” I held up the glass the bartender placed in front of me. “Here’s to plenty more drinks tonight.”

“Okay.” She clinked her glass with mine, spilling some of the liquid onto the bar. “But maybe we should slow down and tone it down a bit.”

“Now you sound like me.” I licked the sugar rim.

“Oh, God! I can’t have that.” She chugged her martini. “Let’s both be more like me tonight.”

“As long as we’re cautious and safe.” I pointed at her. No matter how tipsy I was, I was still aware of my surroundings and knew the potential dangers. “No leaving with any strangers.”

“You’re no fun.” She pointed to our glasses when the bartender approached. “Two more, please.”

“I’m serious.”

“We’ll compromise,” she suggested.

“Let me hear it.” Maybe my sister had a future as an attorney even more than I ever had.

“We can dance and drink with hot, strange men, but we won’t leave with them.” She extended her hand. “Deal?”

“I don’t want to dance.”

“Then you drink with the hot, strange men, and I’ll dance with them.”

“Deal.” I shook her hand. “Now, let me finish my drink.”

The bartender set another round in front of us just as two men made their way next to us. Speaking of hot, strange men…

“Hi.” Kiki smiled at both of them.

They were tall, olive-skinned, and extremely sexy. I stared at the one closest to me, but all I could think about was…No, no, no! I refused to think about him. It was time for me to move on.

Kiki made small talk with one of them as the other turned to face me. He had the clearest blue eyes. Such a stark contrast from Angelo’s dark, onyx ones. I’m doing it again!

“Hello.” He smiled at me. “I’m Stephan.”

“Hi, Stephan.” I sipped my martini. “I’m Harper.”

“I love that name.”

“Do you?”

“What are you drinking?” He motioned to my glass. “That way I’ll know what to ask for when I order the next one for you.”

“A lemon drop martini, but it’s awfully presumptuous of you to assume I’ll let you buy me a drink.”

“A liberated woman? I like it.” He winked. “You can buy me a drink then.”

“What are you drinking?”



“Isn’t that the only way?”

The night my car was vandalized rushed to the front of my thoughts and drinking vodka with Angelo. That was the night he’d kissed me for the first time.

“How would you like it, Ms. Yale?”


“Straight or on the rocks?”

“Harper.” Stephan brought me back to reality. “I ordered you a shot of vodka so we could toast.”

“What are we toasting?” I asked.

The bartender poured the vodka and placed it in front of me, so I was pretty certain my new friend didn’t tamper with it.

“We’re going to dance,” Kiki said. “I’ll be right over there. You can see me the whole time.”

“Have fun.” I picked up the shot glass as Kiki and the sexy guy moved through the crowd and to the dance floor. “She loves to dance.”

“How about you?”

“Not so much.”

“What do you love to do, Harper?” He inched closer to me. “How do you unwind?”

“I usually don’t.” I picked up the drink and slung it back, closing my eyes and shaking my head. “Ugg.” I stuck out my tongue. “This is not five grand a bottle.”

“So, you like your vodka expensive?”


“There’s this quiet restaurant a few blocks from here. They have top shelf liquor and amazing food. Want to go there with me? We could get to know one another.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think so.” I motioned toward Kiki. “I can’t leave my sister.”

“She’s in good hands.” He ran his finger down my arm. “I promise.”

“I’d rather stay here.” I tapped the bar. “But don’t let me stop you from finding someone who will go with you.”

“I want to go with you, Harper.” He rested his hand on top of mine. “You won’t regret it.”

“I’m sure I won’t regret staying here more.” I slipped my hand out from his and set it on my lap. I couldn’t bear anyone but Angelo touching me. “Are you local?”

“No, I’m from the states.”

“Me too.”

“Where about?”


“I’m from Boston.”

“What brings you to Greece?” I didn’t really care, but it couldn’t hurt to make small talk. What else did I have going on?

“Business. You?”


“Nice.” He finished his drink. “Let’s get another round.”

“I should probably slow down.” All those drinks by the pool today were catching up to me already and adding too much vodka on top was a terrible idea. “I haven’t finished my second martini yet.”

“You’re on vacation.” He pointed to our empty vodka glasses when the bartender came over. “You should be celebrating.”

The bartender honored his request and poured us another round. My head spun but in a fun way.

“I feel like I need to be upfront.” I sipped my martini. “I won’t be leaving here with you tonight, so I don’t want to waste your time. There is a whole bar full of women who would be happy to have you buy them a drink.”

“I’m not interested in any of them.”

“Well, as long as you know we’re not going to do anything but talk.” I was ready for this guy to leave me alone now. I gazed around the bar, trying to figure out how I could make my escape, but it was too crowded, and Kiki was surrounded by tons of sweaty people bumping and grinding. I was stuck for now.

“There’s nothing wrong with talking.” He winked. “It can lead to all sorts of things.” He downed his vodka. “Let’s dance.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bar stool.

“No.” I tugged my hand out of his. “I don’t want to.”

“You need to loosen up.” He wrapped his hand around my waist. “Dance with me.” He pressed his body against mine. “You definitely won’t regret that.”

“Let go of me!” I pushed at his chest, looking around for some assistance, but it was so crowded, and everyone was drinking and dancing. No one paid any attention to what was going on around them. “Get away from me!”

“Listen to me.” He got close to my ear as I tried to struggle out of his hold. “You’re going to leave here with me. You’re not going to put up a fight or cause any problems. Do you understand?”

Before I realized what was happening, Stephan was ripped away from me and being slammed head-first against the granite bar top. Once I recovered from the shock of almost being abducted, I gazed in the direction of my savior who had a firm grip on the sleazeball who’d tried to assault me.

“Hello, my love.” Angelo winked at me. “It looks like I got here just in time.”

* * *


I kept my temper in check because if I had let this scumbag take Harper out of the club, I would have killed him. I wasn’t sure I still wasn’t going to do that at some point tonight, but I didn’t come here to eliminate anyone. My main focus was on the goddess standing in front of me, utterly shocked I was here.

When the bouncers approached us, I tugged the piece of shit up from the bar and tossed him in their direction.

“Get him out of here,” I ordered.

“Right away, Mr. St. Christian.” They hauled his ass and the dirt ball who had Kiki in his sights out of the club, and to one of my demon associates who owned these streets. They would take care of the matter for me. David and I saved Harper and her sister from them but I would make sure they couldn’t hurt any other innocent women.

As he was being carted away. I pulled out the bar stool for Harper and guided her into it. I would have ordered her I fresh drink but I could see in her wild gaze that she’d had enough to drink tonight.

“Kiki.” She looked over at the dance floor, panic building in her expression.

“David has her.” I stood close to her, trying to calm her. “She’s fine.”

“What are you doing here?” The panic was replaced with fury. “How did you even know I was here?”

“I wouldn’t leave you unattended in a foreign country.”

“You’re having me followed?”

“More like watched.”

“Like that’s any better?” She picked up the shot glass and downed the liquid. “It burns.”

“It’s cheap.” I shook my head. “You’ve had enough for tonight.” I pushed the glass away from her. “I’d like to go somewhere and talk.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, so you should leave.” She motioned toward the door. “I don’t want you here.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

I’d always been inclined to give her what she wanted, and this was no different. Harper might have said that she didn’t want me here, but deep down, I could feel she wasn’t truly sure. That assumption had nothing to do with my arrogance but rather came courtesy of my empathy.

“Fine, but I don’t have to talk to you.” She flagged the bartender down. “Another martini, please.”

When the bartender looked at me, I shook my head.

“Are you kidding me?” She glared at me. “I’m a grown woman.”

“Then act like it,” I said as the bartender moved away from us.

“Who do you think you are?”

“I know who I am.” Don’t test me.

“Do you remember throwing me out of your life because you couldn’t do us anymore? Your words, remember?”

“I do.”

“You don’t have any right to tell me what to do. I don’t need you in my life. I’m fine without you.”

Her words wounded me more than any demon from Hell could have. I deserved her rage but it was difficult to accept.

“Why are you even here?”

“Because I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you. I don’t have any excuses.”

“I wouldn’t accept your excuses any more than I would accept your apology, so you should go back home and forget about me.”

“I don’t believe a word that’s coming out of that pretty mouth of yours.” I stroked her cheek, encouraged when she didn’t back away. “I know that I hurt you. I had my reasons, and as absurd as this may sound, they had nothing to do with our relationship and everything to do with outside forces.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It means that there are some things that I can’t explain.” I despised not being able to reveal my true self to the one person I’d give anything to tell.

“I can’t accept that either.” She slipped off the stool. “I’m going back to my hotel. I need you to leave me alone.”

I followed her out of the crowded club and to the pavement. When she got outside, Harper took a deep breath and then stared at me.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” She shouted. “You threw me out of your life like I didn’t matter. You don’t get to come back a few weeks later because you’re bored or you made a mistake.”

“You’ve always mattered.” I reached for her hand. “You always will.”

“Then why did you hurt me?” She sobbed. “Why did you abandon me?”

“I was trying to protect you, but now, I know the only way I can do that is if we’re together.” I pulled her toward me, pressing my lips to her forehead and breathing in her sweet scent. “I’ve been throwing cake bath bombs in the bathtub since you left, so that I could smell you, but it’s not the same as having you with me.”

“That’s fucked up, and what are you trying to protect me from?”


“Oh right, you can’t tell me.” She struggled out of my hold. “You tossed me out of your life, and I got fired from my job at my uncle’s firm and thrown out of his legacy. All that agony, and I can’t even know why?”

“Calvin fired you?” I’ll kill that spineless prick. “It doesn’t matter. You don’t need them. You have a very powerful client already.”

“You’re not my client.” She started down the street but abruptly turned back toward the club. “I can’t leave Kiki. We had a deal.”

“David has her, remember?” I took her hand and walked away from the club. Then, I reviewed her words, and my curiosity got the better of me. “What deal?” I asked.

“No leaving with hot, strange men.” She rolled her eyes. “Obviously, I’m breaking that rule.”

“I’m not strange.” I smirked.

“Yeah, right.” She hurried her pace. “I’m only letting you walk me back to my villa because I have to pee.”

“Whatever it takes.” I shrugged. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

“Not enough to deal with you.”

When we got to the corner, she looked left and then right. “I think it’s left.”

“It’s right.” I crossed the street and headed to the gated resort where she was staying.

“Why do you know where I’m staying?”

“I already told you, I would never leave you unattended even when I can’t be with you.”

“More cryptic bullshit?”

When we got to her door, she leaned against it. “This is where you get off. Don’t pass go, don’t collect two hundred dollars, just leave me alone.”

“I’m coming inside with you.” I placed my hands on either side of the door, caging her in. “You can argue, but you won’t win.”

“You’re the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.” She huffed as she opened her wristlet and took out the card key. “I’m not arguing because I don’t care one way or the other.”

“That’s not true.” I took the key from her and swiped it in the door. “You care a great deal. As do I.”

Once we were in the door, she walked down the long hallway. I followed her into the second bedroom, but she had disappeared into the bathroom. I switched on the lamp and waited for her. Seeing her at that bar and helpless from that jerk’s advances infuriated me. I tried to protect her by leaving her, but that hadn’t work. Being without her had been the worst time in my life, and I had been through hell and back. Literally.

Hell was a piece of cake compared to being without her.

When she emerged from the bathroom, she leaned against the doorframe and pulled off her heels. She was a vision in that strapless pink dress that sat high on her thighs. Her hair wasn’t blown out straight like usual and instead, fell down her back in wild curls.

“You’re still here?” She stumbled toward me.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Where have I heard that before?” She placed her hands on my shoulders. “Oh, wait, you didn’t leave. You told me to leave. Now, I’m returning the favor.”

“I’ll leave if you can say that’s what you really want.” I pressed my finger to her lips. “But make me believe it.”

“Leave.” She tried to give me a stern look, but she was far too adorable for that.

“I don’t believe you.” I lowered my mouth to her jaw, caressing my lips across her soft skin. “I’m begging for your forgiveness, and I don’t beg for anything.” I ran my fingers through her hair. “Ever.”

She turned her head to meet my lips, skimming hers along my mouth. I sighed against hers before claiming her. I tasted her, held her closer, and kissed her long and hard. It had been far too many days since I’d been with her.

“You hurt me.” She pushed against my chest. “Why did you do that?”

“I told you I don’t have any excuses. You have to know that I’m sorry.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“I believe that.” I kissed her. “I’ll earn back your trust. I promise.”

“We’re going to have to start over. No more lies, no more secrets.”

How could I agree to that when I couldn’t tell her my biggest secret?

“Can we forget everything tonight?” She backed me up to the chair across from the bed, tugging at the bottom of my shirt. “I just want to feel something other than pain.”

My head told me not to do this, but my body responded in other ways as I lifted my arms and let her take my shirt off. I closed my eyes and allowed the pleasure to take over when she kissed my neck and worked her way down to my chest.

I gripped her wrist when she went for my belt buckle. “You’ve had too much to drink tonight. I can’t take advantage of that.”

“I’m taking advantage of you. I’m still furious with you, but I want to have to sex with you.” She pushed me into the chair. “Besides, I lost my buzz when you slammed that guy’s head against the bar.”

“You mean the guy who was about to abduct and traffic you?” I glared at her. “That didn’t kill your buzz?”

“He was overbearing, but I could have handled him.”

“His partner was doing the same to Kiki when we arrived. They had a car waiting in the alley behind the club. If David and I had been five minutes later, tonight would have played out much differently.” Of course, my security team wouldn’t have let them get far but I couldn’t imagine the trauma that would have caused Harper and her sister if it had gotten even that far.

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” I shook my head. “I’m never letting you out of my sight.”

“I should thank you.” She traced her fingers over my tattooed skin. “You’re my very own superhero even if I don’t like you.”

“You like me.” I gripped her hips and brought her closer to me. “You definitely like my tattoos. When we get home, we’ll get you one.”

“I got one,” she stated proudly as she turned around. “Unzip me.”


“Just take my dress off.”

Lowering the zipper, I discovered she wasn’t wearing a bra. When the dress hit the floor, all that she had on was a pale pink thong. She turned around to face me, giving me the most incredible view of her almost naked body. My cock stood at full attention.

“See.” She circled her new tattoo with her hands; it was positioned just above her hip bone.

“No,” I whispered as I stared at the pink broken heart tattoo that now scarred her flawless skin. “I left you alone for two weeks, and this is what you did?”

“You broke my heart.”

“I’ll have my tattoo artist fix that as soon as we get home.” I would never forget the pain that tore through her and transferred to me the morning I told her it was over. I didn’t need a reminder every time I took her clothes off. “He can turn that into something else.”

“What if I don’t want something else?”

“You will.”

“Maybe.” She slipped off her thong before straddling my lap. “You can start by making everything up to me right now.”

“How can I do that?” I placed my hands on her hips, rubbing my erection into her smooth center.

“You know how.” She unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants, lowering the zipper and setting my erect shaft free.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” I latched my mouth onto her aroused nipple, licking it and sucking until she moaned.

“Yes.” She lifted her hips and grabbed the base of my cock. “I need you.”

“I’m yours.”

She pressed my tip to her wet slit, inching her way down, pushing on my shoulder for support as she worked herself onto me. I rested my head against the chair, letting her take the lead. I willed my demon to back off. Harper needed this moment of control, and I would let her have it.

Once I was fully sheathed inside her tight pussy, she set her pace. At first, it was slow and careful, but once she found the confidence, she hastened her tempo, riding me with a force I hadn’t expected.

I feasted on her breasts as she bounced up and down on my lap. It was glorious to have her fuck me. Gripping the arm of the chair, I lifted my hips, hitting her at a different angle.

“Yes!” She screamed out. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Our long, slow breaths turned to heavy pants as the sweat trickled down our skin and left us covered in dampness. I trailed my hands down her sides and to her ass, grasping it in my firm hold and guiding her up and down.

“Make me come,” she breathed. “Please.”

Without breaking our connection, I stood up and slammed her against the wall, violently propelling my pelvis forward. She held onto me with such need as our bodies slapped into one another. She twisted one hand into my hair, tugging at it as she climaxed, all as she shook and clenched around my cock.

“Harper!” I roared out her name, coming inside her as she bit down on my shoulder. “Hell.”

“You mean heaven.” She tightened her hold on my hips with her legs and kissed the bite mark she left behind.

“Maybe I do.” I carried her to the bed and gently placed her on the mattress. Removing my shoes and taking off my pants, I took my rightful spot next to her.

“Thank you for saving me tonight.” She curled into my side.

“It’s you who saved me, my love.”

* * *

Quietness fell over the room.Harper stayed close to me, creating a calming atmosphere. Her presence soothed my restless beast. I had allowed my body to relax enough to fall into a deep slumber, one I hadn’t permitted in weeks. Not since the day I told her to leave.

I should have known better than to fall into a false sense of security. Koradon appeared behind my closed eyes, staring at me, emitting anger and rage. His emotions filled my head with his wrath. I couldn’t have escaped from it if I’d tried.

“You took something that belongs to me, boy,” he growled.” I want it back.”

“It was never yours.”

“You have no use for it.”

“Don’t I?” I laughed. “As long as you want it, it’s extremely useful to me.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game.”

“I told you to leave me alone.”

“I’ll leave you alone when you give me what’s mine.” He clenched his fist. “If you don’t, that pretty little human sleeping so securely by your side will pay the price.”

“Shut your mouth.”

“All she wants to do is trust you, but how can she when she doesn’t know what you are?” He snarled at me, baring his sharp teeth. “What will you do when I slit her throat open just like I did to your mother?”

“No!” I shot up into a seated position, my body seared from within. “I’ll kill you!”

“Hey.” Harper sat up and rubbed my back. “Are you…” She dropped her hand from my back, paralyzed in fear.

“What is it?” Had Koradon hurt her? I reached for her, but she scooted away from me.

“Your eyes!” She screamed out. “What’s wrong with your eyes?”