Corrupt by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 9

“Tell me you’ve got some kind of update, Jaxon.” Captain Ricci glares at me over the video chat.

“I wish I could. I’ve done everything in my power to stay close to Angelo. I don’t know. I get the feeling that he’s spooked. Something or someone has tipped him off.” I tell my CO.

“We both know if someone tipped him off, you’d be dead.”

Don’t I fucking know it.

“Well something has got him running scared. I’ve even tried to casually bump into him since he returned to New York, without blowing my cover. But, it’s like he’s avoiding me. I’ve called, sent texts, nothing.”

“Goddamn it,” he slams his hand down on his desk.

“We do still have one more trick in our back pocket,” Vinny chimes in. “I slipped the stupid bastard a card for a fake escort service that we’ve set up. Rumor has it that his wife is scheduled for some play time tonight and that Aria told him he should really have a little fun himself. That card may or may not have been left laying on his kitchen counter at some point today as a reminder.”

The thought makes me smile. “Slick bastard. Do I even want to know?”

“Just keep your phone on and stay aware,” Captain Ricci warns. “If he calls that number, I want you wherever he’s at ASAP.”

Our little conference call ends and I’m left waiting.

Waiting for Angelo Bellini to call. Or to fuck up so royally that we’re able to catch him right in his tracks.

It’s late in the evening when my phone rings.

“Angelo’s given his bodyguard the night off and is headed for the hotel. The team is en route. Time to move,” is all Vinny says.

I dress quickly, throwing a ball cap and glasses on my head. It takes me five minutes to get to the hotel and slip in the backdoor. From there I take the cargo elevator up to the floor below where Angelo’s room for the night is. Tonight he didn’t ask for the penthouse.

“We caught him on a wire tap canceling tonight’s delivery. Someone tipped them off down at the docks. Our security guard has been shot, allegedly on orders from Angelo. That, paired with the information we’ve been gathering is enough to bring him in,” Ricci fills me in the minute I walk in the door.

“Why the fuck didn’t you all tell me that earlier?”

“We had some concerns. Long story but we had to make sure you were not the one tipping him off,” Vinny added.

“Oh, so first you think I tipped him off and now you called me in for what?”

“To arrest him. He’s called for an escort. We need you to bring him in,” Captain Ricci informs me. “Wait for him to give you the money and then you can arrest him. We’ll be right behind you.”

The team is already slipping the small bug in my ear.

A million thoughts are running through my mind and I’m questioning everything. I shouldn’t be the man going in there right now.

“You’re the only one who can do this. Because he trusts you.” Vinny seems to read my mind.

“He trusts me, but my own team doesn’t.”

“It’s not like that. Not at all.” Ricci quickly adds.

Right. Of course it’s not.

“Alright, are you ready?” Ricci pats me on the back once I’ve changed into nicer clothes.

Tonight, I will finally get to close this chapter and get back to my life. Putting Angelo Bellini behind bars and firmly in my past.

I answer with a silent nod before slipping out the door and making my way to Angelo’s room.

Two knocks on the hotel room door and then I hear shuffling on the other side.

“Jay? What’re you doing here?” The shock on his face is almost palpable as the door opens and I get a chance to take in the man standing before me for one last time.

“You called my employer,” I reply, flatly.

“So, the night you were at the bar . . . were you working?”

Ah, if only Angelo knew the whole truth. “My answer doesn’t matter. It won’t change things.”

Only it would change things. It would change everything. My whole mission would be blown and I’m willing to bet I’d have a bullet between my eyes.

Angelo nods ever so slightly before pulling a white envelope from his jacket pocket. “I’m unsure what your fee is, but I’m certain this will be more than enough.”

I smirk, hiding my offense. This is what he’s reduced us to. He’s only a target, Jaxon. My mind pleads with my heart. When the fuck did I let my feelings get invovled in this whole thing?

“What is it you want me to do?” I do my best to play coy, knowing that it’s what he wants. After a week or more of not getting what he wants, Angelo will need to feel that control again. To use me for all I’m willing to give.

“Go strip, and then I’m going to use this on you,” he grins wickedly, pulling his belt from the waistband of his pants.

Oh so he thinks he’s going to punish me. Turnabout is fair play, or so they say.

“I brought a toy we could play with as well.”

“Oh?” he raises a brow and moves forward to palm my cock that immediately responds to his touch.

This is it. The moment I’ve worked my ass off for. Or had my ass worked for, if I’m being honest. Reaching behind me, I pull the cuffs from my back pocket and spin them around my finger. “I haven’t used these in the bedroom before, but I’d like to.”

“I’ll make sure to take it into consideration for tonight’s events,” he damn near purrs as he licks his way up my neck before biting my ear.

I should feel guilty about this. But I can’t. Not after the way he’s treated me and not after all the proof we’ve finally gathered against him.

“No. You won’t.” Moving quickly, I spin Angelo around and overpower him. The cuffs click around his wrist and seconds later the rest of the team is breaching the room.

“Angelo Bellini, you are under arrest,” my voice almost cracks as the words come out of my mouth.

The list of charges against him only begin with soliciting a police officer and paying for sex.