Almost a Countess by Jenna Jaxon

Chapter 14

With more than a little trepidation, Dora led Violet and Tris through the front door of Bromley Manor.

Hanson’s brows rose significantly, but otherwise he greeted her guests and took their things.

Please tell Mrs. Carlyle we have guests for the next few nights. Have her and Annie prepare the Rose room for them. You can arrange for their things to be taken there as soon as possible, can you not, Hanson?”

Of course, Miss Harper.” The butler bowed. “I’ll get James and inform both the housekeeper and cook about the new guests.”

Thank you, Hanson. Violet, Tris, let’s wait in the upstairs parlor while your room is being readied.” She quirked an eyebrow at them. “I beg your pardon. I assumed you wished to share a room, however if I have presumed too much, I can have another room readied for you.”

Violet’s lips puckered as she seemed to be containing her laughter.

Eyes narrowed, Tris shook his head at her. “One room will be sufficient, I believe.”

Smothering her own laughter, Dora led them up the formal staircase to the first floor and the large room where her family had always gathered in the evenings. A somewhat masculine chamber, the walls painted a deep blue, and furnished in blues and bronze, it held a comfortable sofa and chairs in several groupings. The walls were strewn with paintings of hunting scenes, dotted here and there with mirrors and gilded sconces.

Please make yourselves comfortable. I’ll just ask Hanson to arrange for tea.” She intended to do more than that. Dora hurried out of the drawing room, picked up her skirts, and ran the opposite way down the corridor toward the viscount’s apartments, praying Finn was there. A discreet knock was answered by a cheerful, “Come in.”

Dora opened the door to find Finn fully dressed, lying on top of the green jacquard coverlet, his left foot swathed in bandages and propped on a pillow.

Good afternoon, Dora.” His cheery smile melted her heart so it took her a moment or two to reply to his greeting.

Good afternoon. I see Mr. Cardrew did stop by while I was gone.” She nodded to his foot.

Aye. It’s tender, but it should mend enough tae be able tae ride in a day or two.” He cocked his head. “Yer cheeks are flushed. Are ye quite well?”

Automatically, Dora pressed her hands to her hot cheeks. “I climbed the steps too quickly.” That plus the dread of the coming interview was making her more nervous. “I have some news.”

Oh?” He sat up, his face eager. “What is it?”

My friends Lord and Lady Trevor are in the drawing room down the hall.” She glanced away from him. “I told them you were here.”

I see.” His face gave away nothing. Impassive as stone. “Have they come tae banish me from the house?”

No, of course not.” She rushed to the bedside, suddenly needing to be closer to him. “I am mistress here unless my parents are in residence, which, I assure you, they will not be any time soon. No one can deny the house to you save me.”

Then why dae ye look as though ye’re standing on nails?”

She was incredibly tense. Dropping her shoulders, she breathed deeply and tried to relax. “Because they wish to meet you and, as I predicted, Lord Trevor has quite a lot to say about your presence here and your current legal status.”

I suppose he would if he’s someone who cares for ye, Dora.” He smiled at her, and a load lifted. “I can hold my own with his lordship and his wife.”

You will have no problem with Lady Trevor. Indeed, she may be persuaded to be an ally in managing your journey to London.”

Lord Trevor, however, will be a different business, I’ll wager.” Finn shrugged. “We will come tae an accord one way or another. I beg you no’ tae worry.”

You can beg all you want, but it will do no good.” She grinned at him and got one in return. Finn was the most comfortable gentleman to be around she’d ever met. Was it any wonder she enjoyed his company so much? “Are you able to walk down to the drawing room? I can ask Hanson to produce a cane if that will help you.”

That might be best.” Finn sat up on the bed and slid slowly to the floor. He winced as he put weight on his left foot. “I can always use it tae fend off Lord Trevor.”

Dora shuddered at the image but nodded. “I’ll order tea and ask Hanson to bring one to you. My father kept several here.”

As soon as he does, I’ll go tae the drawing room.” Finn’s eyes sparkled, as if he expected to enjoy the coming confrontation. “I must beard the lion in his den,” he grinned at her, “except it’s actually yer den.”

Make no mistake, whosever den it is, the only lion in residence will be Lord Trevor.” Dora left quickly to find Hanson. Finn’s light-hearted attitude was encouraging, and attractive, but she’d known Tris for some time. Long enough to understand this introduction and ensuing conversation would test Finn’s mettle. And if the Scotsman did or said anything Tris didn’t like, he might very well challenge him despite Violet’s admonition. She prayed the gravity of the situation had not escaped Finn.

Having found Hanson and given her orders, she carefully climbed back up the steps, dreading the coming interview almost as much as she had the one with Lieutenant Scarlet. She hated to think of Tris and Finn squaring off against one another and prayed they would keep their tempers in check.

She entered the drawing room to find Violet sitting on a bronze-colored sofa, Tris at the sideboard sipping what she believed was cognac from a crystal tumbler. “I found Hanson and have ordered tea. Lord Aberfoyle will be here shortly. He was resting after Mr. Cardrew attended his leg this morning.”

Tris made a choking sound and spat out the swallow of liquor he’d just taken. “Damnation, Dora.” He wiped at his face with his hand. “Now the doctor knows you have a gentleman living under your roof. If he hasn’t already put two and two together and arrived at the conclusion that this man is the escaped prisoner, he’s a fool and a quack.” Tris daubed at the wet stain on his cravat with a handkerchief then threw up his hands. “If he has come to that conclusion, you can expect the lieutenant to knock on your door at any minute.”

Dora paused to get her anger in check before answering. “Mr. Cardrew was informed that Lord Aberfoyle was Mr. Bowman, my cousin, who had arrived to break his journey to Edinburgh and injured his foot dismounting in the pouring rain yesterday evening.” She stared at Tris, who seemed unaffected. “I am not the fool you think I am, Tristan. Neither is Lord Aberfoyle.”

What Lord Aberfoyle is—”

What Lord Aberfoyle is is here, my lord.” Finn stood in the doorway, leaning on her father’s blackthorn stick with the embossed silver top. “And he is nae fool either.” He limped into the room and directly to Dora. “I believe ye were going tae introduce me tae yer friends, Miss Harper?”

Bless him for not using her first name in this instance. “I would be honored to have you meet them.” She turned her back on Tris and led Finn to Violet. “Lady Trevor, may I make known Lord Aberfoyle, a friend of mine. Lady Trevor is one of my dearest friends.”

I am delighted to meet you, my lord.” Violet extended her hand as she cut her gaze over to Dora. “Miss Harper has told me something about you, but I would like for us to become better acquainted still.”

I would be honored, Lady Trevor.” Finn kissed the air above Violet’s hand.

An exasperated groan behind them told Dora Tristan would explode were he not allowed to join the conversation. As much as she would’ve liked to build his suspense a little more, she wanted this meeting to go as well as it could. She turned to Tris. “Lord Aberfoyle, allow me to also present Lord Trevor. We have been good friends as well.”

My lord.” Finn made a formal bow then straightened and very frankly looked Tris up and down.

Lord Aberfoyle.” A crisp, almost curt bow from Tris, who then took out a quizzing glass of all things and proceeded to peer at Finn. “Miss Harper informs me that you have run afoul of the law in recent days.”

I have, my lord. A trying time, made tolerable by Miss Harper’s kind understanding. I could no’ have made it tae this point wi’out her assistance. I canna repay her for her generous hospitality.”

Indeed.” Tris dropped his quizzer and stared curiously at Finn. “Would you like something besides tea, Aberfoyle?”

Much too jovial for Tris, given his earlier animosity toward Finn. Yet here he was leading Finn over to the sideboard, about to ply him with drink. What he intended to say to him Dora wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Still, she had an inkling of an idea that Finn could hold his own and Tristan might be in for a surprise.

You really needn’t worry about Tris, Dora.” Violet was patting the sofa beside her. “He has promised me he will not issue a challenge of any kind to Lord Aberfoyle.”

Yes, but I cannot give the same guarantee about Finn.” Wanting to test the waters, so to speak, Dora purposefully slipped his first name in.

True to her good nature, Violet did not look shocked at the intimacy, although she did have a certain twinkle in her eyes. “Finn?”

Yes.” Dora looked away just as the door opened and James appeared with tea. Thank goodness. She could hide her embarrassment while acting as hostess. “Short for Phineas.”

I suspected as much.” Violet smiled and looked over at Tris and Finn, now deep into some discussion. “Although I have only just met him, I think he’s a very personable gentleman. Two lumps of sugar and a good bit of milk.” She accepted the delicate teacup with a pattern of pink and yellow roses, and stirred her tea slowly. “Have you formed an attachment so quickly, Dora? Is that wise?”

I assure you it was not my intention but,” Dora’s gaze followed where Violet’s had been and her heart beat double just to see Finn standing there, “one cannot help to whom one is drawn. I would like to spend more time with him, to see if I think we would suit.” She dragged her gaze away from Finn and brought it back to Violet. “What can I do, Violet? Now you and Tris are in residence, I’m certain your husband will endeavor to keep us apart until Finn is ready to leave. A short time, true, but I do wish to talk with him more, like we did last night at dinner.”

I am sure we can arrange for the two of you to spend time together, if,” Violet stared at her over her teacup, her brows raised, “and only if, you promise me you will do nothing whatsoever but talk.”

Until that moment, Dora hadn’t thought to do anything else, but now Violet had brought the idea to mind, she couldn’t put it out of her mind. If they were alone together, might Finn try to kiss her? Did he think of her as more than just the woman who had saved him? And would a kiss be the entryway to deeper intimacies? She wasn’t ready for such things yet, but if and when she was… “I will promise you to only talk to Finn if we are alone, but in return you must tell me…”

Tell you what, my dear?”

How to seduce Finn.”


Somehow, Finn had known Lord Trevor would attempt to get him alone as soon as possible to read him the riot act where Dora was concerned. He supposed he could have put it off, but what point in delaying the inevitable dire warnings until after dinner? Might as well assure the gentleman immediately that he had no intention of seducing the lady, and that all his actions had been quite honorable.

Aberfoyle, what the deuce are you doing?” Trevor poured him a good two fingers of the spirits and set the glass on the sideboard before him.

Sharing a drink with ye, my lord, among other things.” Finn sniffed the tumbler, pleased to discover an older vintage of cognac. “If ye mean why am I imposing on Miss Harper’s hospitality still, that is totally due tae my inability tae ride. Once I can travel, I will be on my way. I am in as much hurry tae go as ye are for me tae be gone.”

And what about the damage you have already done to Miss Harper’s reputation? You spent the night together in a house with only servants for chaperones.” The gentleman’s face hardened, and Finn was taken aback by the ferocity he beheld. “Should word get out about this behavior—I have no idea that it would, but gossip seems to spring up from the earth like weeds—I will seek you out and you will, of course, marry her.”

Pompous ass. “I am almost insulted, Trevor, that ye think ye need tae state such a thing. O’ course, having stayed the night in her house without benefit o’ chaperone, although I was locked in my room, mind ye, I would certainly agree tae marry Miss Harper without hesitation.” He glared at Trevor. “A gentleman could dae nae less.”

At least we understand one another, Aberfoyle.” Trevor nodded and sipped his cognac.

I think yer larger problem may be convincing Miss Harper tae marry me.”

That notion seemed to give Trevor pause. His mouth firmed, as though the cognac had suddenly soured. Finally, he shrugged. “If she objects, she can be made to see reason. In the end, she’ll do what she’s told.”

Ye dinna know her well, dae ye, my lord?” Impertinent, of course, but Finn didn’t suffer fools.

The tumbler in Trevor’s hand trembled slightly and the man’s jaw creaked with strain as he clenched it. “Had I not promised my wife to have restraint, you’d be receiving my challenge this instant, sir.”

For making a simple observation? She told me the story o’ yer betrothal, my lord, and why she ended it. Ye’re still fond o’ Miss Harper, clear enough. However, I suggest that if ye think she’ll play the dutiful young woman and blindly dae what she is told, she has changed since ye last saw her, for that is no’ the Miss Harper I’ve encountered these past two days.”

Trevor eyed him, seemed to think over his words, then shook his head. “She does seem much changed since the winter. More self-assured, certainly, and bolder than I’ve ever seen her.” He sipped his drink, his face pensive. “When I knew her in the fall and winter, she was extremely docile.”

A snort of laughter erupted from Finn. “Docile is definitely no’ a word I would ever use tae describe Miss Harper, my lord.”

I’m beginning to see that.” Lord Trevor shifted his tall frame from one foot to the other and regarded Finn with a little less hostility and a bit more curiosity. “Lieutenant Scarlet told me you are accused of treason. However, Miss Harper says it is a much less serious crime. Can you tell me—”

A sudden flurry of activity and an actual shriek from Lady Trevor stopped Trevor’s inquiry flat.

What the devil?” Trevor put down his drink. “Violet, are you quite all right?”

Yes, my dear. Pay us no mind.” His wife was now laughing with Dora.

What the deuce was going on? He and Trevor exchanged a glance, Trevor rolled his eyes, then they turned back to their drinks and conversation.


Dora!” Violet let out a little shriek that drew the immediate attention of Finn and Tris.

After they reassured the gentlemen, the men went back to their conversation and Violet put her arm through Dora’s and pulled her close. “My dear, what are you saying?”

Fire brushed her cheeks, and Dora resisted the urge to fan them lest she draw more attention from the others. “That may not be the proper word for what I want, Violet. But I know nothing about courtship, and I need to know what I can do to make Finn desire me. The way Tris desires you.”

Violet pursed her lips. “You mother didn’t teach you how to attract a gentleman’s attention?”

Shaking her head, Dora frowned. “I was betrothed to Tris from my seventh birthday. I guess she thought I didn’t need to know such things since we all knew who I was going to marry. It’s putting me at a distinct disadvantage now.” She cocked her head. “Did your mother teach you?”

To her surprise, Violet blushed as deeply as Dora had. “My mother died when I was quite young.”

But you did learn from someone, didn’t you? You made Tris fall in love with you.”

That was a very different thing, Dora.” Her friend looked so uncomfortable Dora began to regret asking her. “We met under trying circumstances that contributed to our falling in love.”

I would consider finding a fugitive on a creek bank who could be arrested at any moment trying circumstances as well.” Dora hadn’t meant to sound belligerent, especially when Violet’s words actually gave her hope. “I beg your pardon, Violet. I didn’t mean to snap at you, but I’m simply at a loss for what to do.”

Do you affect him that strongly, my dear? I know you said you are drawn to him, but marriage is a serious commitment. He is almost a stranger to you.”

But he doesn’t feel like a stranger, Violet. That is the thing.” How could she explain the feelings she had whenever she and Finn talked or laughed together? Like she had found her home after years of fruitless searching. “He is like discovering a piece of music you can play perfectly because it is so much a part of you.”

Oh, my dear.” Violet hugged her, and Dora thanked God once more that her friend was here. “I hope Lord Aberfoyle knows what a treasure he has in you. He will not deserve you, but if he truly loves you, that may be enough.”

But how do I discover if he has any tender feelings for me at all?” That was the crux of the problem. She knew her own feelings quite well but had no idea if he returned her affections to any degree.

As you said, you must spend more time with him. If he has any inkling he is interested in you, he will wish to be alone with you as well.” Nodding, Violet took up her tea. “Therefore, we must arrange for you two to go on an outing tomorrow.”

Just the two of us?” A more exciting prospect Dora could not imagine.

I know you should have a chaperone, but as that ship has sailed already, I do not think you need stand on ceremony.” Frowning, Violet held her teacup raised in a thoughtful pose. “Dancing is one of the most romantic activities, but alas we have no balls to attend until much later, and that will be in London in any case. The next most romantic thing I can think of is a picnic.”

A picnic.” A vision of her and Finn sprawled on a plush blanket in a bucolic setting, eating delicious little sandwiches, cookies, and cakes rose before her. Could there be a more perfect backdrop for them to come to know each other better? She sat up, all excitement. “Can it be arranged?” She shot a look over at the gentlemen, who seemed to be getting on rather better. “Tris will not wish for me to go and certainly not without a chaperone.”

Violet patted her arm. “You prepare for the picnic. Invent some pretext for Lord Aberfoyle to accompany you. Let me worry about Tris.” Her smile was secret and knowing. “When the need is great, there are always ways to distract a gentleman.”