Almost a Countess by Jenna Jaxon

Chapter 24


The sound of Dora’s voice brought him instantly awake. His darling stood before the bars, a thick blanket, a pillow, and two glasses in her hands. “Are you all right?”

He rubbed his eyes and stretched. “I must have dozed off as soon as everyone left. What are ye doing here? I thought I told ye tae get yer rest.”

Not when I could bring you a little comfort.” She passed him the blanket, which went through the bars easily. The pillow was a different matter. They had to flatten it as best they could until it finally squeezed through. Dora looked at the glasses then at the bars, and sighed. “I’m sorry, my love.”

Nae matter, sweetheart.” Finn had spread the blanket and propped the pillow up against the wall. He strode to the wine rack Perry had pointed to and snared the bottle from the bottom. “Tae him that will, ways are no’ wanting.” Finn wrenched the cork from the bottle and tipped it up to drink. Quite a good vintage. Perry hadn’t lied. He righted the bottle and sighed. “Making sure nae cork got intae your glass. Hold it out.”

The neck of the bottle went through the bars easily, so he poured her half a glass then raised the bottle. “Tae us, my love. A rocky start afore our marriage must mean smooth sailing after.”

Amen to that.” She clinked her glass against the bottle.

How did ye get past Gates?” He assumed Scarlet wasn’t standing the watch, and the other men weren’t currently fit to do it.

Mr. Perry gave me all the items then drew him away to give me time to slip down here. I only have a short while, and Mr. Perry will send down a maid with more linens. That will be my signal to return.”

Good man, Perry. Whenever we come through Grantham on our way tae London, we will give him all our custom.”

That’s a sweet thought, Finn.” Her voice was strong, but she hid her eyes. Worried, no doubt, about what tomorrow would bring.

Here, sit on the step and I’ll sit next tae the bars sae I can see ye.”

Nonsense.” She settled right down on the cold hard stone, next to him, and took his hand. “I came to be with you, not sit on a cold step.”

Ye are the most wonderful fiancée in the world, my dear.” Finn cupped her cheek. “Try no’ tae trouble yourself about tomorrow. When we arrive at the garrison, Scarlet will have tae turn me over tae the major. Then I’ll be safe from the lieutenant.”

But the major will have to try you, Finn. You broke the law.” Her face screwed up as she tried not to cry.

And ye will go tae London tae fetch my uncle. He will bring a solicitor and this entire mess will be straightened out. And nae matter how much I wish tae kill Scarlet, I have restrained myself sae far. This trouble will seem like a bad dream in a few days, and then the only thing we need worry about is obtaining yer father’s consent for our marriage.”

You make that sound like a fait accompli.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I assure you, it is not.”

He slipped his hand through the bars to caress her delectably soft earlobe. “Uncle Abernethy will accompany me when I go tae ask for yer hand. No one has ever bested my uncle in any deal. He will make sure that we are married as soon as possible.”

A special license?”

Of course. But at St. George’s church.” His hand strayed down to cup her cheek. “I want nae one tae say our wedding wisna fashionable.”

No one would dare.”

She turned to him, and their lips met, the taste of her making him wild that he could not touch her, could not hold her close once more. Cradling her head, he turned it until they melded and became as one. He slid his tongue into her waiting mouth, loving the soft feel of her, the sweetness of the wine that lingered there. An intense longing came over him, an ache that could only be satisfied by the woman he was kissing. God, but it would be an eternity until they could be together. “Och, this is torture, mo chridhe. To have you so near and yet no’ be able tae hold ye in my arms.”

Dora nodded. “I’m sorry now we didn’t spend last night in each other’s arms. At least we would have had that memory to comfort us.”

Nae, love.” He shook his head. What he wouldn’t give to have made her his own. “’Twas the right decision tae wait. If things go awry tomorrow, I’d no’ wish tae leave ye alone tae bear the shame if ye did quicken with my seed.”

She jerked her head up. “They cannot kill you for wearing that wretched kilt. The law is quite clear. At worst you’d be put in prison for six months.”

And I doubt they allow prisoners tae marry while they’re serving their sentence.” He fixed her with a keen eye. “I’d no’ want us tae have tae marry wi’ ye six months gone wi’ child.”

Well, that certainly won’t happen now, will it?” She softened her voice and stroked his cheek. “We can scarcely touch one another through these bars, so I’m sure we cannot indulge ourselves tonight even if we wished to.”

“’Tae him that will, ways are no’ wanting.’ Still, I believe ye’re right about that, mo leannan.” He kissed her palm. “But dinna call it a ‘wretched’ kilt, if you please.” Finn chuckled. “’Tis my father’s kilt, and I was proud tae wear it. Will be proud tae wear it when we wed, too.”

Phineas Macdonald, you’ll do no such thing!” Dora sat up and glared at him. “A second offence and they would transport you to the colonies for seven long years.”

Would ye no’ wait for me?” He smiled at her beguilingly. God, he loved to tease her.

I would not.”

Nae?” He frowned.

Nae.” She pulled his head toward her and touched her lips to his in a swift, fierce kiss. “I’d make them let me go with you.”