Tease Me Once by W. Winters


The office door shuts with a quiet thud and I lock it as I always do.  The keys clink as I test the lock.

It’s only as I turn that I realize I’ve forgotten my tie on my desk.  Pausing, I gaze down at my attire: gray slacks, a black leather belt that matches the onyx of my oxfords and a burgundy button-down.  The din from up the iron spiral staircase tells me The Club is already bustling with clients.

Fuck it.

I drop the keys into my pocket and then run my hand along my jaw.  Stubble lines my chin, but that’s how I prefer it.  I’m not interested in the typical dick-measuring contests men tend to have at nightclubs. Every other man who walks through those doors can feel superior behind the closed doors of this establishment.  The liquor flows for them in the private dining areas.  Women dance in burlesque shows and provide … other entertainment.

Most importantly, they’re comfortable conducting business here. Upstairs is for deals.  Handshakes are exchanged, money is passed under tables.  All arrangements are dealt with discretion.

And we remain aware of every business transaction and affair that matters in this city and the four corners beyond it.  Ever since Marcus left, we’ve taken the role of providing communication efforts for men in our profession.  With the clank of my shoes smacking against the iron, I peek down the hall from my office.

If everyone knows upstairs is where major deals on the East Coast are done, they know downstairs is where people go for not holding up their agreements.  The private rooms are mostly furnished for all manner of sin.  If ever the police raided, which they have before, there are plenty of women who escort the men in here to testify that they enjoy their partners in the privacy of those rooms.  In fact, there are only two that are concrete from wall to wall with a drain in the center of the room.

As I push the door to the main floor open, I smirk, remembering the latest officer’s brow cocking as I described what “water sports” were and that our club doesn’t judge kinks so long as men clean up after themselves.  Every so often the cops make a pathetic attempt at shutting us down. As far as the authorities are concerned, I run a gentleman’s club with playrooms in the basement.  Everything is consensual and the books are clean.  The numbers are balanced when it comes to what we show.

It’s easy to pass money through, moving around whatever amounts are needed for certain deals.  The devil is in the details, as they say.

The majority of our guests are on the up-and-up.  There may be whispers of what occurs, but they’re all rumors.  The most perverse allegations that have been proven are politicians who’ve brought their mistresses to The Club. There is no exception to what manner of debauchery we allow, so long as phones are left at the door with their coats and every check is paid.

The Club is my creation, my contribution to my family and the only way I’ve been able to stay on top of things while my brothers have stepped back.

They’ve moved on in life in a number of ways. They have children and lives I’ve never imagined for myself, let alone for them. I’ve taken on more of their burdens and more of what comes with this line of business.

Even Seth, my best friend, is no longer available like he used to be. His son is almost two now. My godson.

I do every damn thing I can for all my family, including maintaining our ruthless reputation.

The music is alluring, a downtempo mix that offers the same ambiance as the dim lighting and lit candles on every table.  The white wax provides a stark contrast against the black linens.

From this entrance, the stage, which is empty at the moment, is to my right. In front of me are the folding seats, separated into isolated sections, with the bar behind it. The hall leading to the entrance is to my right.  It’s private and discreet, although the tables are full of unsuspecting patrons at the moment.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Cross,” Scarlet greets me, tipping her chin down as she passes by. Her lips pick up into a simper, but her eyes don’t reach mine.  As she slips past, balancing the silver tray in her left hand with empty wineglasses and stacked plates, I peer across the room.

There are a dozen tables filled, another dozen empty.  A few tables consist of men in sharp suits toasting, while a few have groups of women, dripping of wealth in designer dresses and handbags.  Most tables are occupied by couples, though, preparing for a night out and having chosen this destination, more than likely, for the rumors of what’s happened behind these closed doors.

Scarlet and Angela are working the floor, both in short, deep red dresses.  We allow black, white, or a specific shade of red.  It’s an unwritten rule, one not explicitly stated anywhere.  But the colors have distinct meanings.

White is worn if a staff member is interested in playing, but has limits.  Hard limits.  It’s often soft touches, or heavy petting at the most.  It’s a tease, nothing more.

Black indicates the waitress, server or anyone wearing the color is off-limits.  No touching whatsoever.

Mia, the bartender currently occupied with cleaning the necks of the liquor bottles, has always worn black.  She’s slim and tall, with a deep V-neck dress that displays her cleavage generously.  Her jet-black hair is twisted into a tight bun at the nape of her neck.  She never wears an ounce of color, not even in her makeup.

Once a patron assumed the uniform color had no meaning.  He quickly found out he was wrong and that when she said no, it meant no.

The security who stood at the curtained entrance was useful that night in coloring that gentleman’s eyes black also.

Glancing toward my left, I note Jeffrey and Nicholas are working tonight as well.  They’re nothing but muscle, disguised in black suits and polite nods.

“Good morning, sir,” Angela greets me as I get to the bar, a smile playing on her lips.

My eyes drift down her dress, a tsk at my lips. “It’s well after noon, Angela,” I say, correcting her with a playful tone.

The red dress has a deep V that ends at the woman’s navel.  Which is the third color we allow and the most preferred.  Red informs the patrons the woman is available for whatever the men would like.

I don’t play where I work, but I have to admit I’ve been tempted more than once, in my weaker moments.  Angela is very aware I’m not interested.  Just as I’m aware she is a flirt with everyone and prefers Mia to any of the men she toys with.

Whatever arrangement they have is none of my business.

“Good afternoon then,” Angela replies and I don’t miss Mia’s gaze following her ass as Angela leaves.

“Coffee, Mr. Cross?” Mia questions.

“Please.” She’s worked for me since the doors opened two years ago, as have a good number of the staff.

Everyone is replaceable, though, and multiple bodies have come and gone since then.  One constant is the women.  There are a number of rumors surrounding the club and the one I love the most is that the women run this place.  That they have the men wrapped around their little fingers.  They make the rules, and they’re protected by myself and my brothers.

We’ve proven that more than once.  Of all the whispers, I prefer those the most.

Which leads my gaze to land on curves that sway with a deep red dress clinging to every inch of a new waitress.  And then she turns.

“Would you like your usual as well?” she questions a patron, but I hardly hear her.  The music fades to nothing as her long dark brunette hair falls down her tanned shoulders, teasing along the slender curve of her neck.  Time slows as the memories come back to me.


“Who’s that?” I say even though I’m certain it’s her.  Her plump lips match the deep red shade of the satin dress.  I knew her years ago, in a different life, although it seems both of us have grown since then.  My pulse quickens as I take in every inch of her.  The world around me stands still for a moment as the scene comes back to me when I first met her.  Her father’s as Irish as they come.  Her mother, Latina.  Braelynn’s temper comes from them both, her beauty, though … her dark eyes and curled messy hair are uniquely hers.  Although both seem tamed as my gaze begs for her to look back at me.

As my blood rushes in my ears, I hear her laugh at something the woman she’s waiting on says.  It’s feminine and quiet but it’s her.  Every bit of her that I remember.


“Scarlet’s friend,” Mia says just as Angela makes her way to us once again, a drink order slip in hand.

“The new girl?” she says and follows my gaze to her.

“What’s her name?” I ask, my tone low and my question holding a demand that catches both women off guard.

“Braelynn,” Mia answers.  Angela’s eyes hold a curiosity I don’t care for.

It takes a calm control to keep the statement on the tip of my tongue.  I know her.

When my mother died, she was the only one to tell me she was sorry.  It was barely a murmur, her hand grazing mine.  And then she was gone and my life changed forever.

“Braelynn.”  I speak her name out loud and nearly choke on it.  All the while, she doesn’t even notice me.

The ceramic saucer and mug tink as Mia cautiously sets down my coffee on the white marble bar top.

“Tell her to come to my office,” I instruct Angela, who stares back at me with wide eyes.  She doesn’t hold back her surprise.  A stray blond curl falls in front of her face and she brushes it away as disappointment registers in her gaze.

“Do you have something to say?” I keep my question spoken slowly, my gaze piercing through hers.  Her eyes widen ever so slightly as Mia takes a hesitant step back.

Color drains from Angela’s face as she shakes her head, gently swaying her halo of curls.

“’Cause it looks like you have something you want to say,” I add in a deadly low tone. My personal life is none of her concern.

She speaks in a single breath, her chest barely rising and falling. “Not at all, Mr. Cross.”

“Good.  Send her to my office when she has a moment.” Giving the command, I gather the mug and leave.  Not sparing either of them, or Braelynn, a single glance.