Inked Devotion by Carrie Ann Ryan



Tonight was the night.

After over a year of dating, tonight was the night Colton and I would finally take the next step. He’d called me this morning and asked me to meet him at one of our favorite spots. He’d sounded so nervous and told me that he was excited over something. Colton had sent over flowers the day before with a note saying, ‘just because’ and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Tonight, Colton would get down on one knee and propose to me. And I would say yes.

I loved him with every ounce of my soul and could not wait until we started our life together.

I bit my lip as I looked into the mirror, pinning my hair back from my face. I loved Colton. He made me smile, made me laugh, and I knew I’d spend the rest of my life with him. He was my everything, and I could not wait to say yes.

I wore a light peach wrap-dress, one that I loved and made me happy to wear. I felt pretty and like a princess. Instead of a crown, I had a planner and a tablet, but it worked for me. Just in case tonight wasn’t the night, I still looked and felt pretty. I was a realist with my head in the clouds for only moments, not the entire day, after all.

With one last look in the mirror, I made my way to my car, singing and dancing in my seat as I drove toward the park. The night was beautiful, with not a cloud in sight. The moon was full, and the sky was bright.

Romance filled the air, and if I were any more jovial and lighthearted, I’d be filled with cotton candy and annoy the hell out of my family.

I smirked as I parked, shaking my head. I was the giddy one of the group, just like Archer, but I probably hit the annoyance factor more. I didn’t mind since a grumpy Montgomery was a normal Montgomery. I’d be the weird one.

Hopefully, later tonight, I’d be the engaged weird one.

I picked up my bag and did my best not to skip to our meeting spot on the patio outside of Colton’s restaurant in the park. We’d met at this spot, and I’d fallen for him at that exact moment.

Montgomerys didn’t always fall at first sight, but when they did, it lasted.

I gripped my hands tightly in front of me as Colton came forward, his blond hair messy and pushed back from his face. The ends reached his collar, and while I knew he wanted a haircut, I liked the surfer look on him. He was gorgeous, tan, intelligent, caring, and mine.


His voice was smooth whiskey that slid over me, and I couldn’t help but smile wide. I loved this man so much, and it almost hurt sometimes because it was too much. I’d never fallen like this before, and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to make clear and coherent thoughts when he was around.

“Colton.” I went up to my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his. He was taller than me, so he always had to lean down for me to kiss him. I didn’t mind. He always made sure I could have his lips, his taste—his everything.

“I’m glad you could make it. I have a busy shift tonight but wanted to talk with you about something important and time-sensitive.”

I blinked, wondering if this was a different way to begin a proposal. I’d never been proposed to, however, so I wasn’t sure.

“I’m here. Thank you so much for inviting me out tonight. I love this spot. It’s the first place I met you.” My heart raced, and I told myself to calm down.

He blinked, distracted. “That’s right. I forgot. I like it because it’s so close to the restaurant, so I don’t have to take much time away. You know?”

Not really, but maybe I was making too much of his words.

“I’m glad it’s close, then.”

He smiled. “I have great news, Paige. Do you know Massimo? The chef out in New York that’s opening a new place?”

I tilted my head, dread pooling in my belly as my dreams of the evening began to shatter like fine glass all around me. “I remember him.”

He’d been a jerk and an egotistical asshole when he’d visited and had treated Colton like something under his shoe, but I didn’t mention that part.

“Good! Because he offered me a position. Head fucking chef. He needs someone to do it all. As a partner. It won’t just be his place, but ours. I’ll get to work with one of the best, Paige. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid to own a restaurant in New York and be in the scene, and now I finally get my chance. I’m so fucking excited, babe.”

I swallowed hard, the ringing in my head growing louder as I tried to keep up. “New York? As in… not in Colorado? What… what are you talking about, Colton?”

He seemed to realize he might have said the wrong thing because he winced before reaching out to cup my face. I took a step back, not sure I wanted him to touch me at that moment. I wasn’t sure what I’d say to him if he did.


“Please don’t call me babe.” I’d never hated it before, but I didn’t like it then.

“Paige. This is a great opportunity. Once in a lifetime.”

“I thought we were once in a lifetime.”

He grimaced. “Paige, baby. It’s a huge chance—my big break. I mean… I guess you can come with me.”

He guessed. As in, he wasn’t sure. As in, I wasn’t at the forefront of his mind.

“My entire family is here, Colton. My job. My life. I can’t just move to New York and start another Montgomery Builders. That’s not how this works.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “Shit. I didn’t think you’d react like this.”

“How am I supposed to react, Colton? I thought you were going to fucking propose, and now you’re saying you’re moving across the country and didn’t think about what would happen to me when you did?” I hadn’t meant to let all of those words out, and now there was no way to take them back.

Colton blanched. “Paige…it’s not that I don’t like you. I do.”

I held up my hand before he could break my heart any more than he had. “Don’t. Don’t placate me. Clearly, we were looking at this relationship from very different places. I—I can’t look at you right now.” I didn’t want him to see me break.

“I need to head back, Paige. I can’t let them do this without me. We’ll talk later. I promise. We’ll figure something out.”

I met his gaze, grateful that my eyes were dry. “No, don’t. It’s fine. Go. Just go.”

Then he did the only thing he could do, the only thing that broke me. He left. And he didn’t look back.

I stood on our spot, grateful for the privacy, but I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think.

I’d thought I’d found my happiness. I thought I was ready for my future.

It turned out I was once again the baby Montgomery with her head in the clouds and stars in her eyes. Colton didn’t love me. Colton wasn’t my forever. And somehow, I was supposed to walk away from here as if nothing had happened.

My body began to shake, and I pulled out my phone, knowing I needed someone. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t drive. I needed help.

Only I didn’t want to put that on their shoulders. I didn’t want to bother them and have them worry about little Paige again. That’s all they’d done my entire life.

I rolled my shoulders back and made my way to my car. I’d deal with this alone—just like I should have done in the beginning.

I’d put my faith in the wrong man, and I promised myself I’d never do it again.

The Montgomerys fell hard, and now it seemed they broke even harder.

I’d fallen once, and I vowed to myself even as I fought through the pain, I’d never do it again.

I’d never fall in love with anyone ever again.

No matter what fate tossed my way.

Next in the Montgomery Ink series?

Paige and… Lee change everything in Inked Craving

Want to read a special BONUS EPILOGUE featuring Benjamin & Brenna CLICK HERE!