Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 11



Elsa had gone on and on about how important the Benedetti family had been in her life. Her adoration for Stefano had been written all over her face. She’d been beaming when she’d told me several private stories about how Stefano had been her little helper for several years, learning to bake alongside her.

Until his father had no longer allowed him to spend time doing women’s things. Even sharing that part of the story hadn’t dampened her adoration of Roberto Benedetti. Her exuberance and the words she used made the patriarch sound like a god that everyone on the estate revered.

I couldn’t understand the logic or the loyalty. My rational mind was still unable to process the reason why, but I’d enjoyed spending time with her. She was the closest thing to normal that I’d experienced the past few days.

I studied Stefano as he drove, only half listening to details about the estate. The way the wind tousled his long hair was sexier than ever, his features softer than they usually were. It was easy to tell was how proud he was of the accomplishments made over several generations through two horrible fires, insect plagues, torrential destructive weather, and the loss of crops on several occasions. Today the estate was producing some of their finest award-winning wines, production higher than it had been in recent years.

But for all the glow and show, the legitimate side of the business, that’s not what had made them wealthy. Drugs and illegal cigarettes, money laundering and extortion had done that. I could never allow myself to forget that what they were involved in was criminal, destroying people’s lives.

Even though I tried to pull myself away, I found it impossible. He’d changed into less formal attire, his short-sleeve shirt and lighter pants making him seem more approachable. He also wasn’t wearing his weapon, although I had no doubt that he had at least one if not more in the car.

“Elsa thinks we should have the wedding on your parents’ estate.”

“Hmmm… She said the same thing to me. Whatever you would like to do, that’s fine.”

“But you won’t be involved,” I said plainly, studying his reaction.

“Sadly, I have business to attend to over the next few weeks.”

“Business. You mean destroying people. I assume that means you’re forcing me to have a quick wedding. And let me guess, no one that I know will be in attendance.” I didn’t expect him to respond.

“I wish I could allow you the wedding of your dreams, Alexandra, but it’s far too dangerous.”

“The bastards are going to try again. Aren’t they?”

“Yes, without a doubt.”

A cold shiver trickled down my spine. At least he’d answered me honestly. “Who are they, Stefano?”

Sighing, he twisted his hand around the steering wheel. “That’s what I’m trying to find out for certain.”

“But you think it has to do with my father, don’t you?”

He tossed me a quick look before slowing down. “Anything is possible, but the family has multiple enemies, many of which could have learned of my time spent in the United States. I need to be certain of their identities before I react.”

“Then you’ll kill them.”

“As I told you before, you won’t like the answers I provide.”

“I prefer the truth. Maybe it’ll be too much to handle, but you do come from a ruthless family. I’m not some naïve little girl, Stefano. I know exactly how you handle business when necessary.”

After taking a deep breath and holding it for some time, he gave me the kind of answer that I hadn’t wanted to hear but one I knew was the truth. “If you’re asking whether what I told you before was true, then yes, it is. I’ve killed people in my line of work. They are family enemies, men who would gladly turn the gun against me if given the chance. This is a war we fight every day and one the Benedetti family is determined to win. I never said I was a good man under any circumstances, but I do everything in my power to keep from hurting anyone innocent, especially women and children. My father followed that oath and I intend to as well.”

He made the entire situation sound almost polished and normal. I had no idea what to say to him, so I didn’t bother. How could I already have even a tiny number of feelings for a brutal murderer? Shivering, I closed my eyes for a few seconds, collecting my thoughts.

When he made a quick turn, the paved area switching to little more than dirt and gravel, I sat up in my seat. “Where are we going?”

“A surprise. Don’t you like surprises?” The coy look on his face was unusual.

“I’m not certain. It depends on if there are any dead bodies buried in the location.”

Chuckling in his dark and dangerous manner, he shot me a quick look. “I assure you that bodies are placed in locations where they will be found, but not on the Benedetti property.”

While I knew he was teasing to a point, I had no doubt he and his brothers had disposed of dozens if not hundreds of bodies in various places. I forced myself to look away, still curious where he was taking me. A few seconds later, the glorious location came into view.

I unfastened my seatbelt, rising off the seat and peering over the structure of the car. “Oh, my God. A lake?” I was shocked seeing the rolling hills give way to a stunning view of the mountains and rocky shoreline, the crystal-clear blue water as far as the eye could see.

Lago di Vagli,” he said in his deep baritone. “This is one of only a handful of locations where there’s easy access to the small shore. The majority of the land surrounding the water is either rocky or covered in dense forest. My ancestors bought this land because of this beautiful spot.”

“My God. I can see why. This is breathtaking.” For some reason, thoughts regarding my mother slipped into my mind. Maybe because she’d taken me to a beautiful beach location that was very similar the last trip we’d taken together before she was… before she died.

“I thought you would like.” He studied my face, his brow furrowing. “Is everything all right? You seem pale.”

“Just thinking about the past. When I was little, my mother took me to somewhere that had a similar view.”

“I would love to hear more about your mother.”

After a few seconds, I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about her. Not now. Not ever.”

Exhaling, he squeezed my hand. “If this is too painful, then we can leave.”

“No, this is a part of you. As you said, a special place.”

He nodded, offering a sympathetic smile. “It really is.”

His accent seemed richer, the husky velvet rolling across my skin creating prickles. As he crawled out of the car, he immediately opened the trunk then removed the items I’d purchased. After getting out, I shifted closer, holding my hand over my eyes to get a clear view.

A few seconds later, I realized he was humming as he prepared a canvas bag with several of the items, including two of the Plexiglas wineglasses Elsa had selected. She’d known where he was taking me. I was certain of it. I eased to the back of the car, unable to keep a smile off my face as he grabbed a blanket. As soon as he did, I noticed the arsenal he kept in the trunk, the large unzipped canvas bag providing a clear view of several guns.

Shivering, I backed away, the reminder of the kind of man I was dealing with never far from my mind.

He closed the trunk, reaching out in my direction. “Be careful. The weather always wreaks havoc on the path. I haven’t been here in a long time, so it might be treacherous.”

As he took my hand, tingles erupted along my arms and legs. He was careful as he headed down the trail, the view even more incredible the closer we came. When we were finally on the sandy shore, a moment of peace washed into my system. The water was turquoise, so clear I was able to see the bottom.

“I didn’t know this existed.”

“We have several lakes in the area, but this one will always be my favorite. I used to come here when I was a kid, dreaming of becoming an oceanographer or a shark wrangler or something.” He laughed as he placed the items on the sand, flanking my side. “There are stories involving this lake in particular. Some of the locals insist it’s haunted and that they are visited by ghosts on a regular basis.”


“Because there is a city buried under the water.”

“You’re kidding me.”

He laughed softly. “No. I used to know exactly where it is, but it’s been a long time. The environment is rich in fish and other wildlife and kept the locals from going hungry during the worst times. My mother used to spin a tale about the people who lived in the city. It was my favorite story that she ever shared.”

“I can understand why.”

Even though I remained mesmerized by the beauty of the setting, I sensed his overwhelming hunger, as if the man hadn’t eaten in weeks. The electricity arcing around us seared my skin, making it almost impossible to breathe. As much as I continued to desire to push him away, my attraction continued to increase to the point my thoughts were jumbled. Good versus evil. Light versus dark.

And nothing made sense any longer.

The pull toward the powerful man was so strong I felt lost.

In the moment.

In the need.

In the burn that boiled my blood.

His breathing erratic, he brushed his fingers down the length of my arm, swirling circles on my hand. I dared not move, my legs trembling to the point I would crumble with a single attempt. I closed my eyes, my mouth pursed and vivid visions of what I knew he would do to me flashed in my mind, one rolling after the other. And I wanted every action to happen. Damn it, I required his brutal touch. I longed to be kissed.

And fucked.

And used.

And dominated.

Tied to his bed for hours in tight shackles, forced to do his bidding, whipped for my insolence. I longed to remain naked, covered in his scent, his cum inside. And yes, I wanted nothing more than for him to use every hole, taking what he’d already claimed.

I was sick, aching inside, the thoughts ridiculous and sinful, but I couldn’t imagine anything else.

When he lowered his head, pressing his lips across the nape of my neck, I whimpered, my heart racing.

Voglio ogni centimetro di te,” he whispered.

“What are you saying?”

“I want every inch of you, and I always take what I must have.” He bit down on my skin, his rough tongue sweeping back and forth.

I clung to him, gripping his legs as my pulse skyrocketed. There was nothing else in the world but the two of us. He took his time, nipping my skin then rubbing his lips back and forth. As he wrapped his arm around me, tugging my shirt from my shorts and pressing his thick bulge against my bottom, stars flashed across my periphery of vision. How could I hunger for a man who’d turned into the devil? Did it really matter any longer? There were no other choices but to surrender.

As he unbuttoned my shirt, peeling the material away from my shoulders, I held my breath. Very gently he removed the unwanted item, tossing it away then cupping my lace-covered breasts. The moment he pinched my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, a series of moans slipped past my lips. The pain was biting and beautiful and amazing and… The world was spinning around me, and I could no longer feel my feet.

I wasn’t even aware that he’d unfastened my bra, sliding the straps down my arms. The wafting of the light breeze against my aching nipples was scintillating, goosebumps popping along every inch of skin.

He ground his hips back and forth, his cock throbbing. He was telling me in no uncertain terms that he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise.

Stefano was going to fuck me in the ass.

As he lowered his hands, unfastening my shorts, I didn’t fight him. There was no sense in doing so. He had utter control of me.

Now and always.

There was something filthy about the way he tugged my shorts down my legs, guiding me to step out of them. I was surprised that he didn’t rip my panties, very tenderly rolling them down my legs. When I was completely naked, I bit my lower lip to keep from crying.

Growling, he cupped my breasts again, squeezing and kneading my tender skin between his massive fingers. “I could eat you for days. Maybe I will.” He laughed in his dark and throaty way, making me tingle all over once again.

He dragged his tongue down my neck, moving to my shoulder and biting down. After pinching and twisting my nipples, increasing the level of anguish, he brushed his fingertips down my stomach, rubbing the tip of one back and forth above my pussy.

Teasing me.

Tormenting me.

I could hear just how ragged my breathing had become, echoes bouncing in my ears. I was chilled to the bone, but the explosion of fire in my belly threatened to consume me. Unable to stop my body’s reaction, I bucked forward, begging him in my way to touch me.

Finally, he did, swirling his finger around and around my clit several times.

“Oh, God. Yes.”

“You enjoy the way I touch you?” he asked in a gravelly tone.


“Do you hunger for my cock?”

I nodded, barely able to answer with a breathless whisper. “Very much so.”

“Are you a good girl?” His voice was raspier, more commanding.

“Yes, sir.”

He pinched my clit with enough force I winced, but I didn’t want him to stop. He sensed my increasing hunger, kicking my legs open wider then wrapping his other arm around my thigh, sliding it up and down the length of my pussy.

I was so wet and hot, trying desperately to catch my breath. Nothing had ever felt so good.

“I’m going to teach you things about your gorgeous body. You will be fucked in every way this afternoon. Over and over again.”

Another flash of light filtered across my eyes. I blinked several times, but there was no sense in trying to focus. I rubbed my bottom against him, the friction making my mouth water.

Chuckling darkly, he slipped several fingers just past my swollen folds, flicking them up and down.

“Mmm… Please.”

“Please what, Alexandra?”

“Please fuck me.” I was some wanton creature, not the woman I knew from before. My desire was too intense, turning me into a girl prepared to submit.

He pumped his fingers in and out several times and I met every thrust, trying to force his fingers in deeper.

“Tsk. Tsk. Only when I say.” His words were laced with a hint of harshness. “Stay where you are. Show me you can be a good little girl.”

Then he backed away, leaving me standing all alone.

I folded my arms across my breasts, uncertain of what to do. A part of me wanted nothing more than to finish the pleasure, finger fucking myself.

But I knew better.

He would punish me if I did so. This was his time, and I was fully under his control. I remained where I was, trying to keep from turning around. How could he do this to me?

“Come here, my sweet. My hunger is too great.”

As I turned around, I noticed he’d removed his shirt and had pulled out the wine. As he rested on the blanket, he seemed so relaxed. This was his special place, and he was allowing me to join him. I walked closer, the scent of his exotic aftershave spilling into every cell. I adored his fragrance, the incredible mixture of spices and musk. I could barely feel my legs as I walked closer, finally standing at the edge of the blanket.

What if someone saw us? What would they think?

The look on his face was carnal, the brute beckoning with a single finger. As I lowered down onto the soft surface, I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he opened the bottle of wine. A dark smirk appeared on his face as he handed me a glass, pouring halfway before shifting to his own goblet. He eased down onto his elbow, studying me intently and lifting his glass.

“To our wedding.”


The thought still resonated in an entirely different way than I suspected most brides. I still couldn’t imagine marrying him, spending the rest of my life in his clutches. Yet being so drawn to him, I also couldn’t imagine not enjoying the sinful coupling. I swallowed hard then touched my glass to his, the shift in wind creating another round of shivers. The taste of the smooth merlot was incredible, but a single sip couldn’t ease my trepidation entirely.

I glanced from one side to the other, half expecting to see soldiers hovering above us on the grassy hill.

He laughed softly, following my gaze. “No one is here. This is a very private spot. You can relax.”

There was no possibility I could relax entirely, but I folded my legs, hiding behind the glass. “Does anyone else come here?”

Shrugging, he glanced toward the water. “Not often if ever. Enrique couldn’t care less about the estate and Matteo is too involved with business. This was my personal respite as a kid, a place where dreams were made.” He took a gulp of his drink, smiling after doing so. “I’ve missed the enjoyment of our family wines.”

“You have an amazing product.”

He lifted a single eyebrow. “Which is why you don’t understand how our family could maintain an entirely different level of business.”

“You’re right. I don’t. Why can’t you just stop selling drugs?”

As he swirled his glass, I could tell by the darkness in his eyes that he was thinking about my question. When he finally answered, I was taken by the pride he had in being a part of a crime syndicate.

“Drugs have become a necessary evil in this world. They are everywhere, sold by thugs in the street and corporate attorneys in swanky offices on Fifth Avenue in New York. Much of the garbage that’s sold is laced with substances that kill within a few hours. My grandfather and great-grandfather and others before them realized that a quality product could be provided without ending life. That’s what they set out to do. That’s all my brothers and I have ever known. Are we labeled as criminals? Absolutely, but if the product is desired, this family will provide what is needed. For a hefty price.”

“The winery is nothing more than a cover.”

“And a way of life for hundreds of people.” He took another swig before reaching for my glass, easing both into the sand. “I’m not here to talk about business. Come here.”

I crawled closer, my breath skipping. When I started to lie down next to him, he waved me off with his hand.

“Sit on my face.”

Just the way he made the demand was dirty as well as sensuous. I scanned the perimeter before obeying him, straddling his face. I’d never felt so filthy in my life, but the sensations rocketing through me were incredible. My nipples were hard as rocks, the wind only adding to the electricity shooting through me.

Growling in a low and husky tone, he gripped my hips, widening my legs as he held me aloft. “You’re so wet.”

Shuddering, I couldn’t answer but the feel of trickles of juice sliding down both my legs was evocative. I closed my eyes, my body swaying as he brought my pussy closer to his face. As he usually did, he teased me with his tongue, sliding the tip across my clit several times. I was unable to keep several moans from popping up from my throat. He knew exactly how to keep my arousal heightened, pushed to an entirely different level than I was used to.

As he flicked his tongue back and forth, I couldn’t keep a smile from crossing my face. The wafting scent of my feminine wiles was a powerful aphrodisiac, even more so than the fragrance of his increasing testosterone.

He sucked on my tender tissue and within seconds, it was ultra-sensitive. Panting, I could no longer feel anything but the glorious way he was sucking me.

“Pinch your nipples for me, my bride. Soon they will be pierced.”

The thought was riveting, and I obeyed instantly, plucking my nipples then twisting and pulling them. I was driven to an almost instant nirvana as he became more forceful, dragging his tongue up and down the length of my pussy. But he took his time, languishing in his actions, keeping me just on the edge of the most perfect bliss.

With every swipe of his tongue, I was pushed closer to nirvana, but he was an expert at feasting on me, pulling back when I got close to orgasming. When he finally buried his face into my wetness, he became a total savage, the sounds erupting from deep inside of him nothing more than an animal in heat.

I continued pinching and twisting my nipples until they were aching, longing to be sucked by his hot mouth.

“Oh, yes. Yes. Yes.”

My guttural sounds seemed to delight him. He thrust his tongue past my swollen folds, shifting his face up and down as he feasted.

Unable to keep my balance, I leaned forward, placing my hands on the sound then undulating my hips. As he started to smack my bottom, I rode his face hard, my heart racing from the intensity of my actions. I fell into a perfect la-la land, hungering for more.

The hard smacks continued but I wasn’t able to feel the pain, just the amazing bliss he was providing. Within seconds, I knew I couldn’t hold back the explosive orgasm. As my entire body sizzled from the blazing heat he was providing, I threw my head back, trying and failing to hold back a scream.


The orgasm rushed into me like a massive tidal wave, forcing my body to jerk. I clawed at the sand, struggling to remain in position.

His growls became more prominent, every savage sound he made driving me into another raging climax. His fingers dug into me as he continued licking furiously, pushing me to another incredible round of ecstasy. I slapped my hand on the sand, no longer able to breathe, but he refused to let me go.

Stefano licked furiously, moving his head up and down until the second orgasm turned into a beautiful wave of euphoria. The scream coming from my mouth was strangled, my heart hammering against my chest. I had no idea how long he kept licking me but when I realized he was shifting my legs away from his face, sliding my shaking body away, I whimpered like some child hungering for more.

His face glistened, his nostrils flaring as he dragged his tongue across his lips before easing me onto my back on the blanket. As he rose to his feet, I took several shallow breaths. Every part of me was aching, longing for the brutal man to drive his cock deep inside.

He studied me with the most intense eyes as he finished undressing, finally lowering down and resting his hands on either side of me. The way his long hair framed his face and his dark eyelashes sculpted his chiseled features only adding to the tingles washing down to my toes.

“Now, I fuck you.”

As he lowered down, spreading my legs further apart, there was something so primitive about the way he was staring at me. He never blinked, his pupils little more than pinpricks.

I wrapped both legs around him, palming his chest. I continued to feel the euphoric effects, every cell in my body lit from the explosive fire. Purring, I trailed one hand down his chest, wrapping my fingers around his thick cock. As I rolled the tip up and down my pussy, he issued a low and throaty growl.

“Be careful teasing me,” he huffed.

“But that’s what you did to me.”

“Because I’m allowed.” As soon as I placed his cockhead into my swollen folds, he thrust the entire length inside.

The force was exactly as I expected but the sensations were so much more.

“Oh… My…” I bit back a cry as he lowered his head, pressing his lips against my nose before easing down to drag his tongue around my mouth.

“Such a little vixen.”

“Uh-huh.” I tilted my head, forcing out lips together, rolling my hands over his shoulders then tangling my fingers in his long hair.

When he slowly pulled all the way out, I felt a sense of loss. He slammed into me again as he pushed his tongue deep inside my mouth. The combination of wine and the taste of the man was irresistible. I wrapped my feet together as he pumped in and out, taking his time as my muscles expanded to accept his wide girth.

For a few beautiful seconds, we were as one, coupling out of a desperate need yet there seemed to be so much more. With every brutal thrust, my body was rocked. His tongue dominated mine, sweeping back and forth, leaving me breathless all over again. As another orgasm pushed into me, I dug my fingers into the back of his neck.

He thrust harder and faster, the kiss erupting into something savage and primal. I screamed into his mouth, pushing against him until I was able to arch my back. He fucked me long and hard, driving into me like a wild animal. Then just as quickly as he’d taken me, he rolled me over, forcing me to straddle his hips.

I shoved my hands against his chest, breaking the kiss and panting. “So bad.”

His smile was devilish, his eyes twinkling as he wrapped his hands around my breasts. “Always, sweet Alexandra.”

I no longer hated the sound of my name, his voice only adding to the desire that had already claimed me. As I began to ride him, bucking like a crazed beast, I threw my head back, blinking several times as I tried to stare up at the sky. It was no use, my mind as well as my vision far too foggy. He relinquished control if only for a few precious seconds. The feel of having his cock buried deep inside was amazing, the freedom of being out in the open deliciously sinful but it added to the electricity continuing to shoot through both of us.

“So beautiful,” he whispered as he rolled my nipples between his fingers. What was strange to me was that for perhaps the first time, I felt beautiful. While I wanted this to last, within a few seconds I was driven into another even more powerful orgasm.

He murmured in Italian, pinching my nipples as I blasted into ecstasy. I didn’t need to understand the words to realize he was letting go more than he’d done before. Perhaps there was some level of goodness inside of him.

A few seconds later exhaustion settled in, my pussy oversensitive. I dropped my head, trying to catch my breath. As he brushed hair away from my face, a dominating look crossed his.

“I can’t wait any longer to take every inch of you. It’s not possible. You are too tempting.”

Within seconds, he shifted me off his heated body, moving behind me. Gasping, I crumpled my hands around the soft blanket, trying to focus on the water as he rubbed his fingers up and down the crack of my ass. Panic almost settled in, forcing me to take several deep breaths. How the hell was I supposed to handle his thick cock shoved inside my asshole?

“Relax, my bad girl.”

I bit my lower lip to keep from crying as he slipped a single finger into my dark hole. My entire body shook as he pumped it in and out, adding a second then third finger.

He pressed his hand against the small of my back, caressing my skin as he drove his fingers into my forbidden place.

“So tight,” he whispered.

I continued to shudder, a rush of adrenaline keeping my muscles tense. Even the soothing feeling of his fingers sliding across my skin was unable to take away the apprehension. He wasn’t normally gentle in anything he did, certainly not romantic. This was a new layer of being taken by the powerful brute of a man. I tried to shove my ugly feelings aside but the moment I felt him press the tip of his cock against my asshole, I threw my head back and moaned.

“Breathe, baby girl. Just breathe.” His command was extra dark, but the words all tumbled together.

I took scattered breaths, bracing against what I was about to face. When he pushed his shaft just inside, I involuntarily reacted, trying to crawl away.

“Not so fast. You belong to me.” He gripped both hips, his fingers digging into his possession.

As the first wash of pain erupted into my system, I did everything I could to keep my sanity. “Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” There was no way to form an understandable sentence, and my thoughts were muddled as fuck. When he drove another two inches inside, hitting the tight ring of muscle, I was certain I was going to lose my mind, anguish smashing into my muscles. I flinched, tossing my head back and forth.

His patience ended and the second he thrust the entire remainder of his cock inside, I issued a silent scream. He leaned over me, holding his shaft inside as my muscles attempted to get used to being strained.

“That’s it. So damn tight. I love being inside of you.”

His whispered words pulsed in my ears as the sensations started to change, my muscles relaxing. He intertwined our fingers together as he pumped in and out, taking his time at first. But as the seconds passed, his hunger increasing, he became more forceful. Soon, he was pushing us both closer and closer to the ground.

I was shocked as the near anguish shifted, morphing into an unusual pleasure, one that I’d never experienced. Exhaling, I was able to relax as he plunged into me, finally meeting every hard thrust with one of my own. The rhythm was intense, but the enjoyment continued to increase. This was like the world of hedonism, where all fantasies could come true. I almost laughed at the thought as he continued fucking me.

His actions became wilder, the sound of his skin slapping against mine even more of a powerful aphrodisiac. He was ripping away the last of my inhibitions, pushing me into an unknown world, but his actions left me wanting more.

He nuzzled against my neck as he thrust hard and fast, pushing me beyond the limits of my reason. I could feel beads of his sweat sliding against my skin, the breeze keeping my nipples at full attention. Within seconds, I could tell he was close to coming, his breathing irregular and his body tensing. I lifted my head, a smile crossing my face as I squeezed my muscles.

His roar was a sweet reward as he erupted, filling me with his seed.

As the bad man held me against him, remaining inside, I couldn’t ignore the fact I was starting to fall for him. There was no acceptable reason or possibility of making it right in my mind.

But it was the truth.

A filthy, disgusting reality.