Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 16


“Who are you working for?” I asked for the fifth time. While both soldiers assigned to abduct Alexandra had died in the SUV, our soldiers had rounded up three more gunmen attempting to flee, none of whom seemed eager to talk. I had no patience for an enemy who dishonored a beautiful celebration in an attempt to destroy an entire family.

Alexandra was safe and unharmed, her resilience continuing to surprise me. But my anger remained, always just under the surface.

A dozen guests had lost their lives during the horrific attack, three of our soldiers as well. At least our enemy had paid a hefty price in body count. Cleanup had taken two full days. That had allowed for two days of grilling the three assholes to no avail. Time was of the essence. We needed to react soon, or our reputation would be branded in an unseemly manner.

They would talk or die on this day. The fuckers had no other choice.

Rumors had been rampant, yet no one had the guts to lay claim to the start of a war. In my mind, there were two possibilities, maybe three, although I doubted the French mob were ready to attempt a coup, not with the Russians breathing down their necks. Still, my gut told me Rossi was behind the betrayal.

If Arturo hadn’t overheard a conversation between two of O’Sullivan’s soldiers, things could have turned out much differently.

“It would appear the fuckers don’t want to talk,” I stated in Italian before shooting both Enrique and Matteo a look.

“Then we’ll need to up the game.” Enrique’s grin was heartfelt just seconds before he pulled the trigger, the bullet slicing into the thigh of one of the assholes.

While he howled in pain, the other two remained expressionless.

They had no identities on them, and none had been recognized by any of our men. They weren’t Russians and I doubted they were Irish.

We’d taken the prisoners to the same church that had recently been used for the recent coalition meeting. We’d kept them chained to one of the stone walls in between our attempts at holding decent conversations.

I crowded in the face of one of the men, shaking my head. “Now, talk to me.”

“Fuck you.” His English was excellent, his accent questionable. However, it was clear that he wasn’t of Italian descent.

My fury got the better of me and I backhanded him, sending the chair he’d been chained to flying against one of the cold stone walls. Hissing, I rubbed my eyes, about to end this. We would get nothing from them.

The door to the room opened and I jerked my head to the side, curious as to why Cassis had interrupted.

“Sorry, boss. I thought you’d want to know you have a visitor.”

“How the hell did the asshole find us?” Matteo barked.

“The Russian said by instinct,” Cassis answered.

“Russian?” Enrique huffed. “What the fuck?”

“Orlov,” I answered, my hackles raised. Either this was a ploy, or I’d been wrong about my assumptions.

Cassis nodded, giving me a curious look. “What do you want me to do with him?”

“Leave him there. I’ll deal with him.” I wasted no time heading outside. As I moved toward the brutal blond, I kept the weapon in my hand. “What do you want, Russian?”

Gregor turned to face me, issuing the same kind of look he had before. “I’ve brought you information you might want to hear.”

“I guess I’ll be the judge of that.”

Smirking, he glanced around him, studying the church for a few minutes. “You should marry her in a church, Benedetti. The only marriages that survive are those that happen inside a church. You need to be blessed.”

His statement was completely out of character. Exhaling, I remained silent, uncertain I could keep from shooting him between the eyes.

“You thought me your enemy. You were wrong. However, I have knowledge that you need,” he continued.

“In exchange for what?”

He laughed, the sound just as bitter as the tone I’d heard in mine countless times. “This is a gesture of good faith from Don Rossi and nothing more.”

Good faith.

Which meant we’d owe him something in the future. While neither of my brothers wanted to owe any man a favor, on this occasion, I felt there was no other choice.

“Please give my thanks to Don Rossi,” I said through clenched teeth. If Carlo Rossi had some insight into O’Sullivan’s plans, I was more than curious, but it would appear he wasn’t ready to provide every scrap of information.


The Russian kept the sneer on his face.

And as he began to speak, my grip on my weapon became forceful.

Minutes later, I returned to the church, storming into the room where the men had been held. Without hesitation, I fired three shots.

Then I walked away.

* * *

My father used to tell us that while revenge was sweet, it was sweetest when served cold. I’d always known what he’d meant, but it seemed more appropriate on this day.

There was no reason for conversation as my brothers and I headed for the man’s favorite destination, the café a location he’d been going to on a regular basis for years. Providing punishment in a local establishment was a clear reminder of what our father had been forced to endure just moments before his death inside a New York City restaurant.

During the aftermath of the deadly carnage, all three of us had spent countless hours making certain the information Orlov had provided regarding the attack had been accurate.

There was no doubt.

My thoughts drifted to the Russian’s comment about a wedding. Perhaps he’d been right. My mother had tried to encourage me to alter Alexandra’s plans, but I’d refused.

Maybe God had been angrier than usual at my blasphemy. At least my beautiful bride had survived the attack.

Arturo’s call had allowed just enough time to react, able to keep the second wave of our enemy’s soldiers from advancing. However, the soldiers disguised as guests had initiated the attack. They’d been given carte blanche, checked at security because we’d placed our trust in someone we shouldn’t have.

What Arturo’s warning had also provided was a clear indication that Michael O’Sullivan had attempted to plant a smokescreen with his request for a meeting. He’d had no intentions of calling off the war against the Benedetti family.

Just like I’d had no intention of keeping my pledge to honor our agreement.

That was the way of things. You trusted no one but those within your organization, and even then, you were required to test their loyalty from time to time. He’d made contacts through his tight connections with the Irish mob, making a business arrangement in order to keep his hands clean.

His accomplice had believed he wouldn’t be discovered.

Our three Capos remained outside the café, prepared to stop any attempt at retaliation or rescue. With only one soldier inside, we knew there would be no difficulty obtaining satisfaction.

I entered first, immediately scanning the small location. He was easy enough to find, basking in his glory as he sipped on his usual latte. I slipped onto the seat opposite, keeping a grin on my face.

“Stefano. What do I owe this pleasure?”

I studied Riccardo, remembering warnings from my father that sometimes our enemies were those closest. I had a feeling he meant in proximity, Riccardo’s territory butting up to ours. While there’d never been any outward signs of an attempted coup, as my brothers and I had always been taught…

Never trust your enemies, no matter how close the relationship might be.

“I think you are well aware of why we’re here,” I answered quietly. While there were few customers inside, there was no need to make a scene.

He suddenly realized my brothers were standing behind his chair. At that point, he seemed uncomfortable as hell. However, he took a sip of his latte, obviously debating what the hell he was going to do. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

“It would seem some of your soldiers can’t keep their mouths shut. Sadly, while enjoying the results of their massacre, they didn’t seem to realize that they were in the company of a good friend of ours. Gregor Orlov? While neither one of us trust the Russians on any level, I knew the man was telling the truth. You were behind the slaughter.”

To the man’s credit, he remained fairly calm, although he made a single mistake, flitting his eyes toward his soldier.

Enrique immediately took control, pressing the barrel of his Glock against the soldier’s side. “I don’t think you want to do that.” He reached inside the man’s jacket pocket, removing the weapon.

“Are you out of your mind?” Riccardo asked in a half whisper, his face almost a glorious shade of beet red.

“No, I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, I knew at our father’s funeral that what you were capable of. My only regret is that I didn’t follow through with my instincts. I’m handling that right here. Right now.”

The single shot was all that was necessary, the silencer all but eliminating the sound. As I walked out of the café, I felt vindicated, at least to a degree. Enrique would need to proceed quickly in order to bring an element of surprise.

At least Matteo had heeded my earlier demand, hunting down the person responsible for the attacks.

The sunshine beaming down on my face allowed me to smile. While this ordeal was over, our family remaining intact, there would be another battle to face.

And another.

Only not on this day.

Today was the beginning of the rest of my life.

As I glanced at my watch, my hunger grew. My lovely bride and I had a plane to catch.

* * *


They say love is blind. For me, love might be considered stupid, but it made my tummy flutter and my heart race. I felt light on my feet, even woozy but not out of fear or anger. The brooding Italian had that effect on me. As I gazed into his eyes, I remained surprised at the depth of his emotion. He was entirely different than only a few days before.

Maybe the fact I’d come close to losing my life had a profound effect on him. He’d been more protective, ensuring that I was safe as well as happy, saying very little about what had transpired on the few days since the horrible attack.

But I knew in my gut that he’d ‘handled’ the situation along with his brothers. Maybe I didn’t want to know the details. Then again, a part of me wanted to know everything about his life.

Our life.

I was about to become a part of his dangerous world and there was no pretending otherwise. What I’d finally come to terms within my mind was that I did believe love could conquer all evil. Would we live the fantasy world of the perfect marriage, a quaint little house, and a white picket fence? Never. But there would be laughter and passion, joys and sorrow.

And we would handle them together.

St. Tropez was everything that Stefano had described, glorious and picturesque, the ocean a stunning color of turquoise. The food was incredible, the people friendly, and the nightlife dazzling.

But everything paled to this moment in a tiny Catholic church. There were no guests waiting to share in our joy after we were married, no family to congratulate us after the glorious event. Even the witnesses were people we didn’t know. I didn’t have on the long white dress with the beaded bodice or a veil, just a simple yet beautiful frock I’d found in a local shop the day before. In my hands were fresh flowers we’d purchased together at a tiny market only two blocks from the church.

The two things that remained similar were the feeling in my heart and the hunky man standing in front of me.

As the priest continued, most of the ceremony in French, I realized that neither one of us needed the translation. We knew what being said.

For better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.

They were words I’d never wanted to say to anyone, but on this glorious warm day in the middle of summer, nothing could be more perfect.

Stefano cupped my face, his eyes glistening. “My beautiful wife. I will love and cherish you always.” As he leaned over, his hot breath tickled my ear. “As long as you obey.”

I could feel the blush creeping up from the base of my neck. His soft touch created a wave of desire, my nipples aching and my pussy quivering. As he tilted my chin, I could see tears in his eyes.

The man exuded passion in everything he did. When he captured my mouth, sweeping his tongue inside, I slid my arm around his shoulder, tangling my fingers in his hair. He tasted like sunshine and happiness.

Even though danger would always lurk in the shadows, enemies attempting to destroy what we’d managed to create, at this moment there was only the two of us and a future yet to come.

When he eased away, nipping my lower lip before doing so, I heard the deep rumble of a growl pushing up from his throat. Soon the man would ravage me.

My abductor.

My lover.

My husband.

And there was nothing I wanted more in the entire world.

* * *


The beautiful colors cresting over the horizon were breathtaking. A light breeze wafted across my skin, the scent of the ocean tingling my nostrils. The secluded villa had stunning views, the ocean only steps away. This was every girl’s dream of the perfect honeymoon. However, I enjoyed time alone, doing nothing else but dreaming as the water tumbled softly against the shore.

I’d been surprised when Stefano had agreed to allowing me to work on certain portions of the Benedetti Corporation, handling the financials for the legitimate side of his world. He might be surprised when I parlayed the family wealth into another level. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

I realized that a small portion of me missed my father, and maybe one day I’d be able to forgive him, but not yet. He’d been a broken man, someone who’d lost his soul to the same devil I thought Stefano had. However, Stefano wanted to be a different man. Only time would tell if he was able, but I wanted to be by his side through thick and thin.

As I felt his presence, I bit back a cry. He would always be the most impatient man, getting what he wanted almost every time. I refused to turn around, shivering as the breeze wafted the sheer nightgown that I was wearing against my aching nipples. The round of passion we’d shared the night before had been intense, leaving me wanting more.

Somehow, I knew that was going to happen without needing to ask.

When I felt the tips of his fingers brushing against my arms, a moan slipped past my lips, goosebumps now covering every inch.

“You left our bed without permission,” he said in a husky voice, the tone sending another wave of chills dancing down my spine. “You are very disobedient.”

“No, I’m actually a very good girl. At least that’s what you told me last night.”

Stefano pressed kisses against my shoulder, rubbing his lips halfway down my arms. As he crowded closer, rubbing his groin back and forth across my bottom, I closed my eyes, my desire making my blood boil.

“You will always be mischievous, which is why you will require discipline.”

I bit my lip and gripped the railing, twisting my hands as he slowly lowered the straps on my nightgown. Then he pulled me back, forcing my hands to my sides. When the thin piece of material floated to the deck, my pussy clenched and released to the point I was certain I’d orgasm. He preferred keeping me naked at all times, including during our private dinners at the villa.

I’d never seen him more relaxed, but he would forever be the dominant in our relationship.

Maybe that’s exactly what I’d wanted all along.

“You said you weren’t going to spank me,” I teased.

“I was lying.” His dark chuckle brought another wave of longing pooling in the pit of my stomach. “As a matter of fact, stay right where you are.”

“Yes, sir.” I twisted my hands, trying to keep from turning around. I knew what kind of punishment he’d dole out if I did.

After returning, he slid the tip of a single finger down the back of my neck, slowly trailing it along my spine to the crack of my ass. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

“You already have, several times,” I whispered.

“Not enough. Soon, my wife. Soon. First, you need a hard spanking.”

I darted my head to the side, able to see the nasty wooden brush he’d insisted I bring. I hated it almost as much as the belt.

Although a part of me craved his firm hand.

“Grip the railing and remain in position,” he commanded.

I obeyed, chewing on my inner lip from the anticipation.

When he smacked one side of my bottom then the other, I rose onto my toes, holding back a cry. The pain was instantaneous, shooting down the backs of my legs.

“You will learn to obey me in time,” he said in a sensual tone.

“And if I can’t?”

He cracked the brush four times in rapid succession.

“Then I might have to keep you in a cage.”

Another sudden quiver rolled through me, my blood on fire. “I’d like to see you try.”

As he brought his hand down too many times for me to count, I finally let out a wail.

“Be careful what you ask for.” He laughed again, breathing a swath of hot air across my shoulders before smacking me long and hard, moving rapidly from one side to the other.

I was wet and hot, my skin seared from the electricity shooting between us. When he brushed his fingers between my legs, flicking the tips across my swollen folds, I knew he was already losing patience, his hunger that of a true predator.

The thudding sound as he tossed the implement proved that I was right. When he intertwined our fingers, rubbing his throbbing cock back and forth, I pushed hard against him.

La sposa piu bella,” he whispered. “You are truly the most beautiful bride. I love you, Alexandra Benedetti.”

As he thrust the entire length of his cock inside my pussy, the force shoving me against the railing, images flashed in front of my eyes, unfolding a story of my life, both past and present.

But the vision of the future brought me joy.

A family.

As my mother’s face shimmered in one of the images, her smile exactly as I remembered, I could hear a quote she’d used often, one that I realized I was beginning to understand.

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.”

Anthony Brandt

The End