Saved Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Clara slept while I showered and she’s still sound asleep when I wander into the kitchen to check my phone. I didn’t want to take it with me to the bedroom in case someone thought that they needed me and interrupted the two of us.

I had to show her that I’m serious about taking care of her and making sure that she doesn’t get hurt, and I think that I finally did just that. She can fight it all that she wants, but Clara belongs to me and I’m never letting her go, especially not now that I’ve felt her tight cunt squeeze around my cock.

Groaning, I reach down to adjust myself. Just thinking about her makes me hard, but I have too much shit to do before I can crawl back into bed with her and wake her up for more fucking.

Just like I thought, there’s a slew of messages and a few missed calls on my phone. I hesitate, wondering who to call back first, but decide that our host probably deserves first response.

“You’re alive,” Freddy says. “I was beginning to wonder if someone had followed you two to the guesthouse and you were both dead.”

I grin at him and make a pot of coffee. “Not at all. What’s going on? Please tell me that you have good news.”

“I have news, brother, but I don’t know how good it is. Peter’s in town. The police picked him up with false tags but he’s out on the streets again, no questions asked. One of the guys we pay off to feed us info let us know that he was going to be let out.”

“So we need to take care of him.” While I talk, I get down a mug, then grab another just in case Clara wants some when she finally gets out of bed. Although, judging by how hard she’s sleeping right now, she might not be moving for a little while.

“Yeah, we do. I’m thinking that we put out some fake info and drive him out into a spot where we can handle it. Leave Clara in the guesthouse to make sure she doesn’t get caught in the crossfire.”

I nod, thinking hard. Johnny’s wife, Willa, had been more than wiling to act as bait when they needed to draw someone out to kill him, but there’s no way in hell that I’d even consider it with Clara. She’s too fragile right now and while I just helped to put some of her pieces back together and made her feel how important she really is, she could fall apart again at the drop of a hat.

“She will have to stay here,” I agree. “But I want a babysitter for her, just in case. Someone close to the family we can trust so that I don’t have to worry about anything bad happening to her while we’re gone. What time are we doing this?” I pour a cup of coffee and blow on it while I wait for his response.

“Now. I’m sending Zach down to the guesthouse. He’s good and can sit with Clara. As soon as he gets there, you need to join us. Sean is ready to go and the three of us will meet at the lot for the Art Loeb trail.”

I chuckle and put my coffee down on the counter. “Peter’s a big hiker, or what? Do you really think that that’s the best place for us to find him and draw him out?”

“It does sound strange,” Freddy agrees, “but I’ve got some people working on drawing him out. You know that the cops love it when we line their pockets, and some of them are more than willing to do whatever we ask.”

Nodding, I walk pat my hip to make sure that my gun is there. “Okay, as soon as Zach gets here, I’m out, but tell him to hurry his ass up. If we can get to Peter then we should be able to get some information about Nick and figure out how the hell we’re going to stop him.”

“You’re reading my mind. Zach’s on his way, so look for him. See you soon, brother.”

By the time I hang up and walk over to the door, I can see Zach coming through the woods. He’s packing and has a stern look on his face. Even though he’s not technically family, he’s always been around and is always on our side. The same blood may not run through our veins, but he’s a good guy and one we can trust and rely on.

“Hey, Zach,” I tell him, holding the door open for him to enter. “Thanks for looking after my girl.”

“Not a problem.” He gives me a grin that makes him look a lot younger than he is. “You guys have fun, okay? Do you want me to be honest with her about where you three went?”

Without pausing, I nod. If Clara and I are going to make this work then I’m going to have to be as honest with her as possible so that she’ll always believe me when I tell her something.

* * *

Twenty minutes later I pull up to the trail head parking lot and join Sean and Freddy there. There’s a police cruiser on the other side of the lot but ours are the only  cars there. As I watch, Officer Danes gets out and walks over to us. He has a wary look in his eyes like he’s not quite sure of what he’s doing, but he manages to smile at us.

“Gentlemen,” he says, swallowing hard. “How can I help you out this afternoon?”

“We need you to call Peter West and tell him that you forgot to give him some release paperwork. That if he doesn’t have this paperwork he’ll be picked back up by other cops so he needs to meet you here to grab it because you can’t get back to the department.”

The officer swallows hard. “What’s going to happen to him?”

I grin at him. “Don’t you worry about that, Danes. Just do what we want you to do and you can be on your way as soon as he shows up.”

He hesitates and I’m actually worried for a moment that he’s not going to do what we want him to, but then he gives a short nod and pulls his phone out. “You three are lucky that I still have his number,” he says, and I scoff.

“No, Danes,” I tell him, and his eyes snap up to meet mine. “You’re lucky that you have his number. Get him here, asshole, or I promise you that everyone will know that you’re a dirty cop.”

This makes him flush and he looks back down at his phone, tapping quickly at the screen before pressing it to his ear. While he talks, I turn to my brothers.

“We have to get as much information out of him as possible,” I tell the two of them, and they nod. “Then I don’t give a shit what happens to him.”

“Hiking accidents are a very real thing,” Sean tells us. “You’d be surprised how many people die when they get too close to the loose dirt at the top of a waterfall. It’s terrible, honestly.”

“It’s done.” Danes shrugs like he’s telling us that he just baked some cookies and they’re finally out of the oven. “Can I go now?”

“Not so fast, Danes,” Freddy says. “He needs to pull up and see your car or he’ll be really confused, don’t you think? Just hang out with us for a little while and I’m sure you’ll be back to stroking your cock behind the police department again in no time.”

The four of us don’t have long to wait. Sean, Freddy, and I all wait in our cars while Danes stands by his, a few pieces of paper in his hand. He looks nervous and I make a mental note that he’s probably not super reliable to work with on a regular basis. He always comes through, but right now he’s sweating like he ate undercooked chicken for lunch.

A sleek Mercedes pulls in to the parking lot and a single man gets out, stretching and glancing around the parking lot before walking over to Danes. I don’t have to look at my brothers for the signal, we all know that it’s time to go, and in just a moment, the three of us have him surrounded.