Saved Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Gavin’s kisses are warm and gentle as he runs them along my neck and down to my shoulders. He’s behind me, one strong hand braced on my stomach to keep me from falling forward, the other running a soapy loofah across every inch of my skin. The water is so hot that our skin is turning red and streaky where it hits, but I don’t want to step out from the spray.

I love it.

“You are incredible,” he murmurs right into my ear and I shiver as the sensation zips through my body. I wasn’t sure that I’d ever want to be touched again, not after killing someone, but right now I can’t stand that his hands are on my body but he’s not taking me for his own.

“Turn,” Gavin tells me, and I do, letting him rub the loofah over the rest of me. He’s already washed our hair and cleaned up himself, and I shiver when the water runs red before swirling around the drain and disappearing.

That’s a sight that I never want to see again, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that I never have to.

“I thought that you were hurt and it damn near killed me,” Gavin tells me. The loofah falls from his hand and he cups my cheeks, turning my face up to his. He’s so tall, so strong, and just being near him makes me feel safer than I ever have before. It’s insane that I would feel this way about someone so dangerous, and I know it, but I can’t help it.

“I’m okay,” I tell him automatically, which is the one thing that I keep repeating not only to Gavin, but also to myself. It makes me feel better to say it, like if I say it enough that it will finally become true. “Seriously, Gavin, I didn’t get hurt.”

“Your body didn’t get hurt,” he gently corrects, running his hands down my arms and taking me by the hips. I shiver when he pulls me closer to him. His cock is hard and throbbing and it presses into me, but I don’t glance down at it. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from his gorgeous face. “But you got hurt inside, Clara, and I know that. I hate that it happened under my watch.”

I know that now isn’t the time to ask but I reach up, lightly running my fingers across his scar. “What happened here?” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. “Who hurt you, Gavin? Why do you feel the need to protect me like you do when you don’t have to?”

I realize that I hit the nail on the head when he sucks in a breath. At first I don’t think that he’s going to tell me, but then he kisses me, our tongues tangling together like that’s going to be the one thing to give him the strength that he needs to answer me. When he pulls back, he’s breathing hard, but he reaches up and traces the scar before giving me a small nod.

“We were all little,” he says, and I know immediately that he’s talking about him and his two brothers. “We were playing at home, annoying the hell out of my mom when someone broke into the house. They didn’t like the way our dad was running business and had come by unannounced to talk to him about it, but he wasn’t home. It was just mom and the three of us.”

I have a terrible feeling where this story is going but I can’t stop it now. We’re on a train and there’s no way to slow it down or get off the ride, not when the words are spilling out of him this quickly. I wish that I could take it back, take back whatever trauma he suffered, but I can’t.

All I can do is listen.

“The man was drunk, or high, I’m not sure, and he was so angry when mom wouldn’t tell him where dad was. Sean and Freddy ran to call dad and to try to get help, but I stayed behind with my mom. I was only ten, but that didn’t stop the man from hurting me when I tried to save her.”

I see the scene in front of me as clearly as if I were watching it on TV right now. Little Gavin would have done anything to save his mom, even going so far as to put himself in terrible danger in order to do it. I want to tell him that it’s fine, that he doesn’t have to tell me anything else, but I can’t seem to form the words and it’s like a dam has finally broken.

Whether or not he wanted to tell me what happened, the words are spilling out of him now and there’s no stopping them.

“He didn’t have a gun, which I remember thinking was odd and I remember thinking meant that I was going to have a real chance to stop him, but he did have a knife. He lunged for mom and I jumped in front of her. There was so much screaming that day, Clara.” Pain drips from his voice.

“It’s okay,” I say, cupping his cheek. “You don’t have to tell me the rest.” I want to spare him from speaking about it, but at the same time I know that the more he tells me, the more I’ll actually understand about this man. He was wounded, not only physically, when he was younger, and it’s obvious that he still carries that damage with him.

“I couldn’t save her,” he says, “but I promised myself that I wouldn’t ever let anything bad happen to the woman I loved when I grew up. This scar is my reminder and I almost failed today.”

“But you didn’t.” There aren’t any other words that I can say that might make him finally understand how much I mean what I’m saying, so I do the only thing that I think will be able to get my point across. I kiss him, my tongue forcing his lips open as I reach down and grip his cock.

It’s so hard, so hot, and he lets out a soft moan as I run my hand up and down it, squeezing it and biting my lower lip while I watch emotions play out on his face.

“Please, Clara,” he tells me, his voice strangled. “Don’t make me wait another second to be in you. I need to show you how much you mean to me and that I’m never going to let you get hurt again.”

I could let him take me right here in the shower. In fact, my entire body is screaming for me to turn and open my legs for him, but I drop down to my knees instead, the hot water pouring down on me. His cock is right there, ready for me to worship it, and I take it in my mouth, running my tongue along the huge bulb and then down the shaft.

It’s hard to hear over the thrumming of the water on my head, but Gavin moans, the sound so loud that it seems to be in the very air that I breathe, then I feel him grab the back of my head. His fingers dig into me and he rocks forward, slipping his cock between my lips and slamming it down my throat.

“I don’t think that I’m going to be able to last long,” he tells me, pulling out and then slamming back in. “You feel so fucking good, Clara. Being in you is like coming home.”

I grab his shaft, working my hands up and down it before raking my nails up his thigh and lightly squeezing his balls. I feel his muscles trembling as he goes deeper and deeper in my mouth. Keeping my eyes shut tight, I do my best to relax my throat. I want him to feel as amazing as he makes me feel.

His fingers press so hard into the back of my head that I could pass out from the feeling of it. This is heaven, and I can’t believe that I had to wait this long to worship his cock. Grabbing his hips, I push him back, letting his cock spring free from my mouth before looking up at him with a grin on my face.

“You are wicked,” he tells me, reaching down and running his hand along his shaft. “My wicked girl is the only person in the world who can bring me to my knees by falling on hers. You belong to me, Clara, you know that, right?”

“I know,” I manage, then I open my mouth for him again, moaning with pleasure when I feel his tip slam into the back of my throat. This is heaven right here.

“I’m going to cum,” he warns me, twisting his fingers in my hair and holding me tight as he works back and forth in my mouth. “You feel so fucking good, Clara, I’m not going to be able to last any longer.”

In response, I dig my nails into his thighs. I want to push him over the edge but I also want to make him feel a little pain. When he’s in me his cock stretches me in a way that I’ve never felt before. It’s heaven, but there’s a tinge of pain to it too.

I want him to feel that.

“Holy fuck, Clara!” He cries, thrusting one more time into my mouth. I feel him find his release and I swallow eagerly, now holding onto his thighs to make sure that I don’t fall over. “Fuck, that feels good!”

I hold him there, making sure that I get every last drop from him, then when he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up, I stand. Gavin kisses me, his tongue probing my mouth, his hands cupping and squeezing my body before he turns off the water and lifts me out, carrying me straight out of the bathroom before drying either of us off.