The Alpha by Jenika Snow



The motel was small, situated with thick cornfields behind it and a stretch of deserted road in front of the building. A small light flickered above the front door, the NO VACANCY light hanging from the window in vibrant neon red that intermittently flickered, threatening to go out permanently.

It was late—or early, depending on how you looked at it—but I wasn't going to wait another moment to make her mine. I’d already waited so long for Evelyn.

After Odhran hacked into the GPS in Evelyn’s cell phone, pinpointing her coordinates, we’d set out. Every part of me hummed with the anticipation of seeing her face-to-face for the first time, of taking the scent of her right from the source.

Of telling her she was mine.

Odhran pulled the rental into the parking lot, the loose gravel kicking up under the tires. He pulled to a stop a good distance away from the actual interior of the motel. I thought about how she was feeling right now, how she was processing everything Darragh had told her. I wanted to comfort her, to make sure she wasn’t panicked, that she knew my entire life revolved around her and making sure she was happy.

Whether she believed in the supernatural or fated mates didn't matter, because she’d understand and believe it all soon enough. Because I wasn’t letting her go.

Odhran cut the engine, and we sat there for a moment in silence. I let my gaze move over the exterior of the lot, looking at each room, my focus finding the one I knew she was in, thanks—once again—to Odhran’s hacking skills.

I was a fighter, not a tech expert, and if I had been left to my own devices on this journey, it would’ve taken me a hell of a lot longer to track her down. But I would have eventually. So I was thankful for Rory, a tech expert in the Guard, who’d given me intel before I’d taken this trip, and Odhran’s skill set, because it made finding Evelyn faster and placated my beast.

“Are ye sure ye want tae do this?”

I looked over at Odhran, stifling the growl that would’ve risen up in my throat. For long minutes I said nothing, just stared at him within the dark interior of the car, knowing I shouldn’t say what was about to come from my mouth.

“Ye would have done anything tae get tae yer mate.” The words felt like acid from me, and as Odhran’s expression shifted to agony, I wished I could take them back, ask his forgiveness for bringing up his lost mate. For she may not be dead, but the fact that he’d had her for a moment in time and lost her was one and the same. “I shouldn’t have said that—”

“No, ye’re right. I shouldn’t have questioned what yer plan is. It’s no’ my place.” He stared out the windshield again, his jaw working under his scarred, whisker-covered skin. “I would have—would do—anything tae have her by my side once more.”

“I kno’,” I said softly. The air was thick and heavy with melancholy. My throat was tight with emotion. I couldn't imagine or comprehend finding Evelyn only to have her taken from me. Yet here was Odhran, still surviving, forever searching, even though he’d lost her decades before.

He’d had my back countless times, saved my life on numerous occasions in war-stricken situations. He never questioned my motives, never went against how I did things. He was fucking completely loyal.

But as I sat here with the silence descending on me as if it was a weight on my shoulders, I knew what he pointed out was right.

Hunting down my mate like this wasn’t only going to make things worse. It might even push her away farther, make her run from me more. But I couldn’t stop myself, not when there was a fire in my body that told me if I didn’t do this, I would die.

I stared at the door of the room she was in, practically able to hear her pulse beating. The sound moved through the space that separated us, slamming into my body. I hadn’t even seen her in person yet, hadn't touched her, smelled her, made her mine… but she was already everything to me.

She had been before I even met her.

My heart outside my body.

My soul in physical form.

One part of me told me to wait until she came to me, that things would be better, that she’d trust me, that she’d realize we were meant to be together. Another voice told me to take action, to go to her, force her to see reason, that I’d never let her go.

They were two waging voices and emotions inside me, one a nagging, sinister part telling me she’d never want or accept me, that she’d never accept what I was. It told me I’d always be alone, but that no matter what, I’d be her shadow. I’d stay by her side so she’d never be alone, so she’d always have a protector. I’d rather be her silent protector and keep her in my life that way than never see her again.

That would be the slowest, most painful death imaginable.

I clenched my teeth so hard I was surprised they didn’t crack, my body humming being so close to her yet so far away. I got out of the car and shut the door silently, common sense going right out the fucking window as I stalked across the parking lot and stopped in front of her motel room door.

The metal was dented, the paint peeling in some places. I placed my hand on it, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, sifting through everything until I focused on the other side. The soft sound of her breathing, the gentle swish of her legs moving under the blanket as she shifted on the bed—noises that calmed me immensely. Because she’s so close.

I focused on the steady thump-thump, thump-thump of her heart beating.

So close. So close to finally making her ours, my wolf growled in male satisfaction.

I slowly opened my eyes and slid my hand down to grab the handle. I could have tried to do this differently. But I wouldn’t. I was too impatient for her. I twisted my wrist in one firm, swift motion that had the flimsy lock popping out, the mechanics failing. The noise was loud enough for a shifter to hear a mile away, but a human deep in sleep might not pick up on it.

And I didn’t know if I wanted her to see me breaking in and stalking her, or if I wanted her to stay asleep so I could stand by the edge of her bed and just stare at her.

I stayed where I was, listening for if she roused from the soft clanking of the lock breaking. More swish-swish coming from under the blankets as she adjusted herself in bed, but she otherwise stayed asleep.

Anger and protectiveness slammed into me at the thought that she was helpless and vulnerable.

I stepped inside, closing the door as well as I could given the fact that the lock was now broken. The soft click of it staying in place was the only thing I heard at first. But then I filtered everything else out and focused on the bed. Her form was so small in the center of it, this tiny mound under the floral-print blanket. The only light was a sliver of golden-yellow streetlight that came through slightly parted curtains, cutting across the ground and barely reaching the bed. But I could see perfectly.

I closed my eyes at her scent. It was addicting. Intoxicating. It was the most powerful thing I’d ever experienced. Sweet with undertones of floral, so fucking delicious that my cock stirred, thickening, lengthening against the fly of my jeans. I angled my head down slightly but kept my gaze locked on her as I took a step forward, holding in the animalistic sound of how pleased I was being near her.

I silently, stealthily moved forward until I was at the foot of the bed, concentrating on every inhale she made, watching the rise and fall of her chest as she was at her most vulnerable.

Her hair was a long fan of darkness across the white sheets, a stark contrast that was beautiful in every way. Her head was turned so it faced the lone window, and I stared at the column of her neck that was bare, my canines lengthening at the very thought of piercing her throat, of giving her my mark so that everyone would know she was mine.

So everyone knows if they touch her, I’ll kill them.

I didn’t have a plan in mind when I came here aside from making Evelyn mine in all ways. I’d only felt the need to go to her, to be with her. I told myself I’d figure out the rest when the time came. And that time was now.

But as I stood there, I was at a loss with what my next move was. It was the first time I’d experienced this in two and a half centuries.

I walked around the mattress, finding myself reaching out and trailing my fingers along her silky hair, the long locks like silk against my fingers, the scent of flowers slamming into my nose and tightening my body. I picked up a lock of her hair and started running it between my fingers. And then because I was a crazy bastard, I braced my hand on the wall above the bed, leaned forward, and brought those strands to my nose.

My eyes closed on their own as I took in the scent of her, as I inhaled the very essence of my female until she was ingrained in my body forever. There would never be a time when I couldn’t find her, where she’d be lost to me.

She was now a part of me. Forever.

And when I scented her wakefulness, watched the way her body relaxed further against the bed, her nipples tightening, I kept the locks to my nose and kept inhaling, unable to stop taking her scent into my body. And when I smelled her blossoming arousal, a low rumbled growl left me, my wolf arching in pleasure, pressing forward even more.

Take her right here, right now. Part her creamy thighs and drive deep into her, mark her neck, and bind us together.

I opened my eyes, and that’s when I saw she was fully awake, her eyes so big and blue, her expression one of shock and something else, something dark and potent that had me growling again.

It was one I recognized. Need.

She might be human, her mind kicking into fear, but her body… her body was so very ready for me.

Her body knew what I was to her, and was primed and willing… ready.

And now there was no going back.