The Alpha by Jenika Snow



A few days later

Istared out the hotel window at the sprawling cityscape before me. We weren’t deep in the city, only an hour or so out from the rural area we’d previously been. I equally loved and hated it.

Although it reminded me of the atmosphere I’d always been surrounded by, it also brought up memories of how isolated I’d always felt, even though I always had someone—albeit strangers—an arm’s length away.

“That’s insane,” Darragh breathed out.

I drew myself back to the present and focused down at the screen of my phone. Darragh lay on a massive bed, staring at me with wide eyes.

“I mean, Cian told Caelan everything, but there were so many details I didn’t know until you just mentioned them.” She exhaled and shook her head. “Fucking insane.”

I snorted. I’d just finished telling her about the last few days and everything that had happened since the last time we’d spoken. “Yeah. That’s one way to put it.” I laughed softly.

“I’m so glad you’re okay—well, relatively speaking.”

Even on the video, I could see her gaze searching my face and what she could see of my body, the cuts and bruises looking worse over the last couple of days, so I knew she was worried.

“I’m fine. Promise,” I said again, because I knew she needed that affirmation. I felt my face heat and knew I was blushing as I thought about how I was really okay, because Cian had ensured that… more than once a day since we’d been at the hotel.

“I just wish I was there with you.”

I smiled and nodded, then said, “Me too.” We both started laughing. “I feel like we just had this same conversation.”

Darragh became serious and sat up on the bed. “Do you know when you plan on coming here? Cian said something about bringing you to Scotland, but—”

“I won’t leave him while he’s here helping Odhran.” My throat tightened as I thought about the other Lycan. “It’s…” I didn't know what to say, hell, how to even say it.

“Yeah, Caelan told me all about it,” Darragh said softly. “It’s heartbreaking, and I don’t blame you for wanting to stand by your man and help.”

My throat tightened again. “Yeah.” It was all I could say.

A moment of silence passed, and it was as if we were paying some small respect to Odhran, or maybe saying a prayer to a higher power that would help make his way easier.

“Tell me about all the wonderful things that are happening there,” I finally said.

I listened as she talked about her relationship with her father, Colin, and how it was strange and heartbreaking to hear his side of things and why he wasn’t in her life. I was insurmountably happy for her that she’d found that piece of her family. She deserved all the happiness.

The sound of the shower running drew my attention, and I glanced over my shoulder to stare at the partially closed door that led to the bathroom. Steam billowed out from the crack, and my body instantly heated at the images of him under the spray of water as it slid over his hard, muscular form.

“You must be thinking of something really nice to put that kind of smile on your face,” Darragh teased, and I laughed softly before looking down at the screen again.

“I’m just thinking about how much has changed in such a short time and how afraid I was at first, but I’m now so grateful.” Even with the poor connection and fuzzy screen, I could see her smile was genuine and that she understood exactly what I was talking about. She knew where I was coming from, because she’d gone through something monumental and kind of crazy herself.

“Who would have thought our truths would be stranger than fiction?”

I laughed, agreeing wholeheartedly. “Yeah, life has a way of turning your world upside down without you realizing it. It’s scary as hell, but the end result is pretty damn fantastic.”

I glanced back out at the window, the sun having set an hour before, the lights of the city flaring like little flames scattered throughout the night sky.

“We’re leaving the hotel tomorrow and supposed to go to Adryan’s nightclub tomorrow night.” I looked at the screen again just in time to see her cringe before she masked her expression. “Yeah… I know.”

“Good luck with that. I’ve heard enough stories from Caelan about his uncle that if I never saw Adryan for the rest of my life, it would be like hitting the lottery.”

I couldn’t even say she was exaggerating. “I guess he wanted to personally invite us to check it out, but I know it’s also so he and Cian can talk about the next plans concerning Odhran and the Assembly.” We were both silent at the mention of that evil entity. I cleared my throat. “Although I’m not a club person, so it’s gonna be even more awkward for sure. And I think he sees us as… friends?” I didn't miss how I wasn't even sure enough about that statement, because I'd phrased it like a question.

She started laughing. “Or his version of a friend, I guess. He’s too arrogant and twisted to have any real friends. I’m pretty sure you have to be sane to make those kinds of connections.”

“Agreed. Adryan is sooo not the type to have friends, but I like to think that maybe he’s turning over a new leaf.” We were both frozen after I said that and then burst out laughing.

“More than likely, he’s just making nice in case he needs something from you two in the future.”

I figured as much. Before I disconnected the call we did a little bit more small talk before we promised to speak again soon. I missed her terribly, but I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to leave Cian. I set the phone down on the edge of the bed and walked toward the bathroom, placing my hand on the door and slowly pushing it open.

The humidity and warmth that immediately surrounded me in a hazy, hot cloud of moisture had me inhaling deeply. I smelled the body wash Cian used, and although it had notes of feminine subtlety, it was impossible to mask the masculine aroma that always surrounded him.

He stood behind the frosted glass doors of the shower, his form big and imposing, his shoulders wide, and his chest so broad he took up the confines of the small space.

I was like Pavlov’s dog, my body awakening, becoming aroused just from looking at Cian… from just thinking of him.

I quickly took off the oversize shirt I wore—his T-shirt—and let it drop unceremoniously to the ground. And then I padded softly over to the shower, pulled the sliding glass door open, and stepped into the humid, hot confines to stand behind him.

I stared at the broad, massive width of his muscular back, my nipples tingling and tightening, my pussy becoming soaked, my inner muscles clenching. I was sore between my thighs from the numerous times we’d fucked, had sex… made love, but still I wanted more. That pain only led to more pleasure.

His head wasn’t low as he rinsed off the shampoo from his hair, his biceps flexing from the subtle motions. I didn’t stop myself from lifting my hands and pacing my palms flat on his back. He didn’t flinch, but I did notice the twitch of his muscles from that small touch.

“My Evie,” he said softly, yet I heard the clear desire and yearning in his voice through the rush of the water.

I knew he’d been aware of my presence as soon as I opened the bathroom door. He finished rinsing his hair after only a second and turned around to look at me. I had to tip my head back to stare into his eyes. And the expression reflected on his face was one of pure, unadulterated rapture.

Water sluiced off his square jaw and along his full lips before sliding down the planes and slabs of muscles. At that moment I wanted to be water, droplets and beads moving sexually, erotically over his well-honed, powerful body. I was impossibly wet, so drenched that my inner thighs were coated with my arousal. I clenched my thighs to ease the pressure that settled there, but all that did was pinch my clit between my delicate folds, drawing a moan from me.

We said nothing as we continued to stare at each other, the heat from the shower incomparable to how hot I was for Cian. I looked down to trace the rolling hills of his abdominal muscles and stopped at his insanely huge and fully erect cock. The appendage twitched the longer I stared at it, growing impossibly thicker, harder.

I watched as the droplets of water continued to move along that length that stood straight out from his groin and pointed at me. I was jealous of those droplets and was about to drop to my knees and pay respect to Cian’s dick, when he growled low and had me in his arms a second later.

The startled sound that left me was one of pleasure and need as he pressed my back to the ceramic tile of the shower, my legs braced on either side of his waist, his mouth crashing against mine.

He started rolling his hip, grinding that hardness at the soft spot between my thighs until I was moaning and groaning against his lips, pleading and begging for him to fuck me.

He kept hold of me as he moved down my body, shifting me slightly so my ass was now resting on an outcropping shelf, the little bottles of shampoo and body wash clattering to the tiled floor.

My feet were braced on his shoulders as he settled between my thighs. I could feel his hot breath move across my exposed and spread pussy, and another shiver moved through me. I looked down at the top of his head, his form so big that even though he was on his knees, he still dwarfed me and the shower stall.

And then he started eating me out, worshipping my pussy like it was the only altar he’d pray at, like I was his goddess and he’d forever revere me.

And so I closed my eyes and let my mate take me away to what I was sure was heaven.