Grave Reservations by Cherie Priest


When I first began drafting this book in 2018, I specifically aimed for something lighter and funnier than my usual fare. After all, the world was dark enough already, wasn’t it? If I wanted to write something a little brighter than horror, then surely the time had come.

God help me, I didn’t know the half of it.

So now I’m composing this final piece at the tail end of 2020. Truly, this year has been an unparalleled horror show in many wild and terrible ways. But for me, it has also been a time of unexpected professional and creative growth. All things being equal, I suppose, I’ve weathered it as well as could be expected.

But I didn’t do it alone. I couldn’t have done it alone.

That said, I’m always reluctant to compose acknowledgments and thanks for a book—not because I don’t have plenty of folks to thank for their support, but because I live in fear of leaving someone out. As you might imagine, this clashes badly with my corresponding (and well justified!) fear of endlessly repeating myself.

With this in mind, please bear with me.

First, I send big ups and undying thanks to my agent, Stacia Decker—who believed in this book, even when I was afraid that maybe I should just stick to airships and ghosts. I am immensely grateful for all her help and guidance; I’m new to her stable of authors, but she’s made me feel welcome and valued at every turn. Likewise, a whole ocean of thanks to editor Kaitlin Olson—who beat this book into shape and shined it up like whoa. I’ve been so thrilled with her support and clarity! These two women are a whole new team for me, and it’s been nothing short of a joy to work with them both.

Next, the usual thanks go to my husband—J. Aric Annear—who pays most of the bills these days and plays Dog Valet while I’m trying to work. (Do you want inside? Do you want outside? Put that down! Drop it! Oh my God, what are you eating…? What’s this on the rug? Oh no. Oh no.)

Finally, for now at least, I must thank my Intergalactic Tipsy Lady-Friends in the secret Slack group of unconditional support. Everyone should be so lucky to have such cheerleaders in their corner, especially in times like these.