Ruthless Traitor by Heather Long


So, yeah—that happened.

You probably need a minute, so I’m going to sit here while you curse my name. Pretty sure they will be printing the buttons with #TeamMadAtHeather on them, if they haven’t already.

Still need a few more minutes to digest that?

Fair enough. I’ve got time. Get some water, take a breath, walk it off and come back.

I know in the very beginning, I promised you a happy ending at the end of the story. Well, we have a while to go before that end. While I always knew this is where Ruthless Traitor would end, I wasn’t prepared for it any more than you were.

It’s important to recognize that in Vicious Rebel, Emersyn made a choice to go back to the Vandals. She made the choice to stay there. In this book, she fights a battle with her brother to stay with the Vandals. She fights her own doubts. Her own fears.

The Vandals, Liam included, help strengthen her. They help her fight back and reclaim herself even if they aren’t one hundred percent sure of the battle she is waging. They know part of it. As much as she chose to go back to them, it was her choice to walk away—to protect them now.

They mean more to her than her own safety. She cares. Are you terrified for the next book? I am and at the same time, I know this journey is far from over.

Hang in there and feel free to drop into the Pack or the Spoiler group to yell at me.

