Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter

Bonus Scene

Dante ~ Eighteen years old

Today should’ve been a happy day. I guessed it was for my parents and my MC family when I looked at their smiling faces. They were proud I had enlisted in the army and had thrown me a huge farewell party at the compound.

College had never been on my radar. I was a lot more like my dad than my mom in that regard. My younger sisters, Demi and Dezi, were crazy smart and couldn’t wait to graduate high school to conquer the world.

I wanted to be a Knight like the other boys in the club. After I served my commitment in the army, I’d return to Minnesota to prospect. Dad had promised to sponsor me. Mom wasn’t thrilled about it, but she would never stand in the way of my dreams. All she wanted was for me to experience something outside of the MC life first. She’d always been reasonable. Both my parents were, really.

My mom and dad were the best. Having three kids in four years had been a cakewalk for them, and they’d had an extensive support network. Mom called the other old ladies her tribe. They helped each other out all the time. The kids in the club literally had dozens of aunties and uncles. When I was younger, the clubhouse had been like a daycare with all the biker brats running around.

For the last eighteen years, my dad and his MC brothers had been busy creating the next generation of KLMC members. It was pretty awesome to grow up with a built-in group of friends. We sort of had our own club. I, of course, was leader of the pack as the oldest boy, and Birdie was queen of the girls.

My chest tightened when I noticed my friends getting in place on the built-in stage. I didn’t have a musical bone in my body, but I liked watching from the sidelines… sort of.

Uncle Raul’s son, Ray, played guitar and had taught Storm’s son, Chase, and Hero’s boy, Gabe, to play. Not long after, Boxer’s boy, Max, had gotten a drum set for Christmas.

And who were the lead singers?

Ray and Birdie.

I exhaled a deep breath, then guzzled my beer. I wished it were whiskey in my bottle, but my dad wouldn’t allow it. None of the parents cared if the older kids had a beer or two during a party so long as we didn’t get drunk. It was impossible to sneak around here with dozens of pairs of eyes everywhere.

“Hey, Little D. Why are you all alone?” Ember asked. She stood in front of me, blocking my view of the band.

I took another swig from my bottle. “Just taking it all in one last time.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Sure you don’t mean taking her all in one last time?”

I cut my gaze to Ember’s. The fire in her eyes matched the color of her red hair. She looked a lot like her mom, Tara. I wasn’t sure what had flown up Miss Attitude’s ass. Probably hormonal-teen-girl shit. The estrogen in the air the last several years had been suffocating. The girls outnumbered the boys by a few.

“What do you want, Ember? Can’t you see I’m trying to relax before I leave to basic tomorrow?”

She huffed, mumbling something as she sat beside me. “Don’t lie to me.”

The intro of the first song began with Demi heading it off on the keyboard. The group was honestly amazing. They played everything: country, classic rock, R & B, 80s’ pop.

My eyes locked on her when the most beautiful voice came through the speaker behind me. I sucked in a breath, burning everything about her to memory. Long dark hair cascaded down her bare shoulders in soft waves, and the brightest blue eyes lit up the evening sky. I’d never get to caress her fair skin. And her goddamn smile made my heart weep.

When Ray’s voice speared through my ears, he jerked me out of my daze. It was then I realized they were singing a duet—a fucking love song.

My cousin strummed his guitar while looking out at the crowd. A few kittens were fangirling over him. Nothing new there. They always purred around Ray. He’d been patched in five years ago. His brother, Track, had replaced Uncle Raul as vice president over a decade ago. I’d heard rumors that Ray would take Track’s place when he retired.

I wanted to hate Ray, but he was my cousin and a genuinely good guy.

Birdie turned toward Ray as they sang in perfect harmony together. Their performances were flawless. Their chemistry was undeniable.

The way Birdie gazed at Ray wasn’t an act. She fooled everyone off the stage when she gallivanted around with her latest boy-toy of the week.

She didn’t fool me. She wasn’t into any of the dudes she dated.

Birdie and I had been best friends since we were in diapers. We were always together, which meant I knew her as well as I knew myself. Probably better.

It totally sucked that she didn’t feel the same about me. When we turned fourteen, she started noticing the boys outside the club. Then a couple of years later, I’d learned the truth…

Where in the hell could Birdie be? It was her sweet sixteen, the party was in full swing, and the birthday girl had vanished. Storm was pissed. He wanted his baby girl to sing on the new custom stage he’d built behind the clubhouse.

“Can you help me look for her?” he asked me.

“Sure, Storm. I’ll find her.”

“Appreciate it, Little D. Angel told me to leave Birdie alone, but I got a bad feeling. If you find her making out with one of her jock boyfriends, you tell me so I can beat his ass.”

I grinned. I’d love to see that. “Will do.”

I’d gone to all of Birdie’s hiding places. I knew them all, as any best friend would. But there was one place we never dared to hide in, or we’d get grounded for life: the club’s garage. It was where all the bikes were parked during inclement weather. It was off-limits to the kids unless they were with a parent.

I turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked. I had a feeling Birdie was inside.

Why would Birdie be in the garage? I rolled my hands into fists. If she was fooling around with that pussy quarterback, Forest, I’d beat the shit out of him.

Birdie was mine.

Although, she didn’t know it. Nor did she want to be mine.

I froze when I heard her crying. It came from the far corner. I jogged over and found Birdie alone.

“Hey, what’s wrong, birthday girl?” I sat beside her and tugged her into my arms. “I get it’s your party, and you cry if you want to. But, Birdie, it makes me sad to see you like this.”

She slapped my stomach. “Don’t be a dork, Dante. Just let me be sad.”

Dang. Sweet Birdie was in a bad way.

“Tell me what happened?”

“Nothing happened.” Her tears picked up.

I lifted her chin to see her pretty face. “Who hurt you? Forest?” I bit down on my back molars so I wouldn’t lose control.

She shook her head. “Leave it alone, Dante.” She laid her head on my shoulder. “Just sit with me.”

I could sit here all night with her in my arms. She smelled so damn good. I felt things I shouldn’t with her warm body against mine.

I should have told Birdie I liked her more than a friend. I’d been afraid to ruin our friendship, so I’d kept it to myself since the sixth grade.

What if she didn’t feel the same? What if she laughed at me?

Birdie would never make fun of a person. She was sweet and kind like her mom.

Dad had always said to go after what you want and not to let anyone stand in my way. He didn’t let Grandpa Justin get between him and my momma. I shouldn’t let anything get in the way of being with Birdie.

Now was my chance. Her crying had subsided.


“Why does the heart want what it can’t have?” she whimpered and curled into my chest. “It’s not fair.”

I fucking knew it wasn’t fair because I’d asked the universe the same damn question about her every night before I went to sleep.

Who was Birdie talking about?

“I don’t know why.” I patted her back.

“It breaks my heart every time I see him with a kitten. He has to know he’s hurting me, but he doesn’t seem to care.” She fisted my shirt, burying her face in it.

“What do you mean when you see him with a kitten?” Kittens were only with patched members in the club. Had Birdie lost her mind? A fucking patched member? They were all in their twenties or thirties.

Birdie jumped to her feet. “Oh my gosh!” She covered her mouth, mortified at her slipup.

“You were crying over one of the members?”

“I should get back to the party. Thanks for hanging with me.” She ran for the door.

“Birdie, wait!”

I groaned, squeezing my head between my hands.

She didn’t even deny being into one of the club’s brothers.

Clapping and whistling startled me. The song had ended. Birdie beamed on the stage as she curtsied. I couldn’t watch her making googly eyes at Ray anymore.

I got off the picnic table. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. Once I was gone, I’d move on and forget the one who would never be mine.

“Hey, where are you going?” Ember followed.

“I just need time alone.”


I stopped, dialing in to the disappointment in her voice. “I have some stuff to do.”

She stared at me with her big brown eyes like she had something to say. Pushing a section of her wavy red hair behind her ear, she frowned. “Do you really love Birdie?”

“Where’d that come from?”

“Don’t play dumb. We all know you have a thing for her. Have had one since… forever.”

My gaze traveled around the yard, taking in my family and friends. Had they really known I was in love with Birdie? No one had ever said a thing about it.

“Answer me. Do you love Birdie?”

“I don’t know what I feel. It won’t matter after tomorrow. I’ll be gone for four years. Everything will be different when I return.”

“Not everything.” She took my hand. “I’m gonna miss you like crazy, Dante.”

Hold up. What was happening?

Ember and I had known each other our whole lives. Why did I feel like I’d missed something crucial?

She surprised me by popping up on her tiptoes and kissing me. Her lips were soft and warm. I responded, wrapping my arms around her waist. I wasn’t sure what possessed me.

Ember Fuentes? She was a year younger than me, cute and usually shy.

My fingers went into her hair to deepen the kiss. I pushed her against the clubhouse wall so no one saw us. That little move made sparks fly between us.

Our kiss heated up as our hands went all over each other in a frenzy of lust. My mind whirled with confusion while my heart hammered with excitement.



Suddenly I was jerked back by my shirt.

Hero got in my face. “Why are you kissing my daughter, Little D?”

Ember squeezed between us. “Dad! Oh my God, how can you humiliate me like this?”

Hero didn’t take his eyes off me. “Answer me, boy.”

“I kissed him.” Ember put her hands on Hero’s chest. “Thanks for ruining my first kiss.” She ran away.

“Fuck. That was her first kiss?” he asked me, as if I knew the answer.

“I guess.” I shrugged. As far as I knew, Ember had never had a boyfriend or even liked a guy. Or I was the guy and had been totally oblivious because I was in love with Birdie.

Hero’s jaw twitched. “I don’t appreciate you pawing my daughter. Don’t think I didn’t see your hands on her chest.”

I winced. “Sorry. Got caught up in the moment.”

“Mhm. What are your intentions with Ember?”

Intentions? Hell if I knew. “I’m leaving for basic tomorrow. I had no idea Ember was going to kiss me.”

He studied me. “Shocked the hell out of me too. I thought you were into Birdie.”

“Crap. Does everyone know I like her?”

Hero smirked. “Everyone but her.”

I groaned. “Way to make a dude feel worse.”

“My pleasure. You were kissing my baby girl.” He grabbed my shoulder. “Let me give you a bit of advice.”

“Have at it.” I knew better than to tell Hero no.

“You’re leaving in the morning. Enjoy your freedom, son. Get your head straight, and when you come back, go after who you want.”

I flicked my gaze toward the stage. Birdie was singing and Ray was right there with her.

“That’s good advice.” After this new development, I had no idea who I wanted.

“Yes. And if you want my daughter when you return, you better do right by her, or you’ll answer to me. Not even Dodge can save you from me. Understand, Little D?”

I swallowed. “Yeah. I understand.”

“Good.” He stalked off.

I licked my lips, tasting Ember’s fruity lip gloss. My fingers tingled, wanting to touch her again. But Ember Fuentes?

I should feel guilty for desiring Ember after pining over Birdie for years, but I didn’t. She only ever treated me as a friend. I would have given anything to have her look at me the way she did Ray.

Ember… Boy, she’d shocked me to the core. I had no idea she liked me. I honestly didn’t know how I felt about her.

Hero was right. I needed to go to basic, enjoy my freedom and get my head screwed on straight.

Birdie’s songbird voice stabbed my heart, while Ember’s kiss was branded on my lips.

Thank God I didn’t have to make a decision tonight.

Are you ready for the next generation?

Knight’s Legion MC Legacies

Coming Fall of 2022!!

I know, dear reader, I know. It’s a long time away, but I promise to keep you occupied with other books while you wait. For example, the KLMC’s resident jokester and dirty talker, Lynx, gets a text message that turns out to be more than he bargained for, times two, in…


the next exciting installment in the Knight’s Legion MC series. Get your copy


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