Alien Warrior’s Second Chance by Sue Mercury

Chapter 11

I’m almost home.

Zorras peered at planet New Vaxx on the viewscreen and felt calmer than he had in ages. He’d been on Earth for nearly a full moon cycle and was grateful his business there was finally concluded—the VAMOB website hadn’t suffered any recent attacks and the number of human females registering for the mail order bride service had nearly doubled in recent days.

As a thank you for his service, Director Yorrsan had offered to move Zorras to the front of VAMOB’s waiting list. If Zorras had accepted, he would be bringing a human female home with him at this very moment. But he’d declined the director’s kind offer, unable to imagine himself with any female but Karla.

The sweet beauty haunted his dreams.

Had she received his letter? Had she read it more than once?

He liked to think she’d found meaning in his carefully chosen words, words that had flowed directly from his heart.

Would she give him a second chance?

He had spent much of his free time on Earth meditating, teaching himself ways to control the lust fever that consumed him whenever he saw her. Would she appreciate his efforts?

He glanced at the radar screen to see the men under his command following his cruiser in perfect formation. Pride swelled within him at how successful the mission had been. Even though he’d spent every moment of his time on Earth missing Karla so much it physically pained him, he had enjoyed working side-by-side with his people’s top minds. Though he’d been charged with leading the mission, he had worked just as hard, perhaps even harder, than the men under his leadership. Despite being offered a position as a commander several times while on Earth, he had refused each and every time.

Yes, not only had he refused a mate from VAMOB, but he’d refused multiple command positions as well. Most of his warriors probably thought he was mad for doing so, but he’d never been more certain of anything in his life.

He wanted to settle down with Karla and devote his remaining days to improving Starzzia and his people’s quality of living. He was old enough to retire if he wished. Perhaps once he and Karla mated, he would retire or cut back on his warrior duties. He wanted to spend his days and nights with her, sharing happy times and building memories with the sweet beauty.

No longer a young man, he now understood the value of slowing down and spending as much time as possible with the people he cared about most. He wanted to spend more time with his son as well, and once Drecc and his mate had offspring, he wished to be a doting grandfather. He imagined Karla at his side through all of this and warmth filled him to bursting.

He reached Starzzia and guided his vessel into the main hangar. The warriors following him did the same, and soon the mechanics were pouring over the ships, making the required inspections and compiling lists of repairs that would need to be done.

Once Zorras checked in and gave a full report to Commander Hezz, he set off for the large white stone house where Karla lived. It was late afternoon and a beautiful day, with a vibrant blue sky and scarcely a cloud to be seen. As he walked through the marketplace, taking the fastest route to Karla’s home, he tried to remember his meditations and he started practicing the deep breathing exercises.

I will not lose my mind. I will not kidnap her. I will show her patience and be romantic in the way human females desire.He paused at a flower stand and purchased the largest bouquet they offered, hopeful that she would like the present.

Just as he neared the edge of the marketplace, he caught a glimpse of long silver hair gleaming in the sun. His pulse quickened and his blood heated. He halted and watched as Karla walked with Axall and Rachel. Axall was holding a squirming Samur high in his arms, and the child kept peeking over his father’s shoulder to look at Karla. Every time the child did so, Karla would smile at him or make a silly face. His heart warmed at the sight.

He quickly moved to intercept her, clearing his throat to get her attention. She turned to face him, and her eyes widened when she met his gaze.

“Zorras!” To his great satisfaction, she sounded joyful as she spoke his name, and there was a definite spark of happiness in her pretty blue eyes. She called out to Rachel and Axall, informing them that she would catch up with them later. Then she strolled straight up to him, looking him up and down, as if worried he’d gotten injured during his recent mission.

“Sweet beauty,” he said, and it took all his willpower not to reach out and touch her. He continued with his deep breathing exercises.

“Um, are you okay?” she asked. “Sounds like you’re having trouble breathing. Want me to call for a healer?” Worry flickered in her gaze, and he was touched by her concern.

He exhaled slowly and smiled at her. “I am fine, Karla. I am simply trying to suppress my mating lust so that I don’t lose control and carry you off.”

Her face grew pink, and she drew in a shaky breath. “Well, that’s, um, very gentlemanly of you. Thanks. I think.”

“It is my pleasure, sweet beauty.” He offered her the bouquet. “These are for you. I noticed you wear blue more than any other color, so I got you a bouquet filled with differing shades of blue flowers.”

She accepted the gift with a smile and pressed her face into the flowers, taking a long inhale. “Oh these smell wonderful, and they are gorgeous, too. Thank you, Zorras. And blue is my favorite color—you’re very perceptive.” She glanced down at the blue dress she was wearing, another gown in the Vaxxlian fashion that accentuated her full bosom and flowed down her body like a waterfall.

“You are very welcome,” he finally replied. He concentrated harder on his breathing and fought back the rising lust in his veins. Star God, it would take all his strength not to carry Karla off and maul her. He could easily imagine her silver locks spread upon a pillow as he pressed his body to hers and claimed her as his forever mate. His sweet second chance.

He cleared his throat and turned slightly, offering his arm to her, a gesture he’d observed human males doing in old-fashioned movies from Earth, the sort of entertainment programs he had used to better study her people’s dating customs. “Would you like to walk with me?” he asked, still sticking out his elbow and praying she placed her hand upon his arm.

She stepped closer and placed her hand in the crook of his arm. Fluxx, her intoxicating scent threatened to drive him wild. But he kept breathing in and out in a steady, deliberate rhythm, determined to tamp down his urges. He started walking through the marketplace, proud to have Karla at his side.

“Are you taking me to the skywalk again?” she asked.

“If you would like to visit the skywalk, we can, however, I thought we could visit the donut shop first. We can get a table, enjoy some delicious pastries, and spend time getting to know one another better.” Also from his studies of her planet, he had learned females usually preferred going on dates in public locations, as it made them feel safer, at least during the early stages of a courtship.

“Donuts sound great,” she said, “but there’s something very important you need to know first.”

“What is that?” He tensed at the serious expression on her face, and he wondered if she planned to place stipulations upon their time together. Deep, steady breaths…

“Donuts aren’t pastries,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone, then increased her pace through the marketplace, forcing him to keep up with her rapid strides.