Alien Warrior’s Second Chance by Sue Mercury

Chapter 4

A strange recognitionpassed through Zorras, causing his chest to tighten as a soulful longing grew within his heart.


He couldn’t explain what was happening, but he knew one truth with absolute certainty: Karla was his soulmate.

Retracting his hands from her hair, he stared at her in disbelief.

How could this be?

He’d been mated before, of course, but his beloved wife had perished several years ago during the war against the Irrcons, when planet Vaxxlia was destroyed by the enemy aliens.

He had loved Alinsha and he missed her, but he could not deny the boundless attraction he felt toward this small human named Karla.

Though he knew nothing about Karla, he could not imagine turning and walking away from her. The impulse to toss her over his shoulder and carry her home seized him, a compulsion so fierce he nearly grabbed her. But he held back, sensing her reluctance.

It was said that Vaxxlians could have human soulmates—this was the promise of Vaxxlian Matchmakers, a service in Starzzia that was run by two human sisters who professed to be psychics. The sisters matched unmated human females who sought refuge on planet New Vaxx with their Vaxxlian soulmates. Drecc had found his mate, Colleen, by using the matchmaking service, and he and his human female were clearly in love. Zorras had no doubt that Drecc and Colleen were soulmates.

Zorras was certain that if he brought Karla to Vaxxlian Matchmakers, the psychic sisters would confirm their status as soulmates.

“Well, I-I’m afraid this meeting must end. I need to go,” Karla said after a long moment. “My housemates are expecting me back soon. If I don’t return in a timely manner, Axall will probably come searching for me.”

“I know where you live,” Zorras reminded her, warmth filling him at the prospect of seeing her again. “I will visit you tomorrow and we will discuss our future mating.”

Future what now?” Karla blurted, her cheeks growing a pleasing shade of pink.

“Our future mating,” Zorras replied in a confident tone. “Surely you must feel this”—he gestured between them—“and understand what it means. Surely you must feel the truth of this situation in your heart.” He felt Drecc stiffen beside him and knew his son was mildly uncomfortable, but Zorras would say what needed to be said, regardless of the fact that he and Karla weren’t alone right now.

“I am happy to make your acquaintance, Zorras, but I really must return home soon. Furthermore, I have no plans to take a mate. I came to New Vaxx on a special invitation from Warrior Axall and I’m not under any obligation to mate with a Vaxxlian.” She started backing away and Zorras’ spirits sank.

“I could grab you and carry you to my home,” he told her, following her step for step. His muscles tensed, his body preparing to sprint after her if she bolted down the street. “I could mate with you and make you mine. We would exchange vows and become a mated pair in the eyes of the Star God.”

“Father, I will meet you at the end of the street once you are finished speaking with Karla. I would remind you again that she’s under Axall’s guardianship.” Drecc marched away, his shoulders stiff.

“I’m leaving now,” Karla said. She took three steps in the opposite direction and shot him a challenging look when he started to follow. “Stay where you are. If you try any funny business, I will scream and curse and kick you square in the balls.”

“I think I will enjoy fighting you, my sweet beauty,” he said with a wide grin. “Do not worry—I would never truly hurt you—but I will enjoy holding you tight in my arms as you struggle, kissing you senseless, and caressing your pretty silver hair.” Zorras’ longing for Karla was becoming almost painful. He ached with the need to hold her close and breathe in her scent. He desired her down to the very depths of his soul.

He’d been so lonely since Alinsha’s passing. Sometimes he had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, when the missing of her became too much. Many nights he had prayed to the Star God for healing, and he had also prayed for a second chance at love—prayed for a human mate of his own. He’d recently visited Vaxxlian Matchmakers and signed up for the service, though he had yet to receive a call from VM with news that they’d found his soulmate.

No wonder he hadn’t received a call from VM. Given Karla’s insistence that she didn’t want a mate, she obviously hadn’t visited Vaxxlian Matchmakers yet. The psychic sisters couldn’t determine the exact identity of a warrior’s soulmate until the female showed up at VM and made her presence on this planet known, as well as her desire for a mate. Zorras didn’t understand how the matchmakers’ talents worked, but for some reason the women couldn’t name a female they hadn’t personally met and touched.

Karla stared at him with wide eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly, which of course drew his gaze to her sizable bosom. She wore a flowing dress in the Vaxxlian style, though it was tight across her breasts and left little to the imagination. Another growl rumbled from his chest.

“Hey, my eyes are up here!” Karla said, lifting one hand high and snapping her fingers, as though trying to physically pull Zorras’ eyes upward.

“Karla! There you are!” A deep voice carried over the noise of the marketplace, and Zorras groaned at the sight of his son’s friend, Axall, striding through the crowd.

“Oh, hey, Axall,” Karla said, waving at her approaching guardian. Zorras couldn’t miss the relief in her demeanor.

Clearly, she trusted Axall, and this knowledge caused jealousy to flare in his chest, even though Axall was already mated and therefore wouldn’t be a rival when it came to claiming Karla.

Yet when Karla aimed an affectionate smile at Axall, Zorras had to restrain himself from attacking the younger male.

“Is Warrior Zorras bothering you, Karla? Is he the reason you are late getting home?” Axall reached Karla’s side and shot a frosty look at Zorras.

“Nope, we were actually just saying goodbye,” Karla replied quickly. “I, um, ran into Drecc and he introduced me to his father, and we were just talking about… about donuts. Yep, that’s it. He says chocolate frosted donuts are better than original glazed donuts, which is just crazy talk—everyone knows original glazed are the superior donut in the universe of donuts—and we were having a friendly chat about that.”

Axall shifted in an uncomfortable manner when he glanced at Zorras again, and Zorras knew it was because his eyes were likely glowing. A Vaxxlian male’s green eyes glowed when he was sexually aroused. He might be in a public setting, but those few moments he’d spent looking at the swell of Karla’s breasts had caused a rather uncomfortable situation in his pants. Namely, his cock was swollen large with the urge to sink inside the beauty known as Karla.

Frustration rippled through him at the knowledge that he couldn’t carry her off now. Axall had a blaster on his hip, while Zorras was unarmed. Normally, he carried a weapon, but his favorite blaster was currently being repaired. Since New Vaxx wasn’t likely to suffer an enemy attack in the near future, he’d opted to forgo wearing a weapon today.

But even if he were armed, it probably wouldn’t be smart to instigate a fight with Axall, especially in Karla’s presence. Such an action would do nothing to endear him to her, and he found himself wishing to win her affections and her trust.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Karla,” he said, inclining his head toward her. “I will see you again soon. I promise.” Though the movement was awkward to him, he managed to blink a single eye at her—winking at her with his right eye in what he hoped was a flirtatious manner. He had observed many Vaxxlian-human couples as they fell in love and had noticed many of the human females employed this move on their males, always in a playful manner. But more and more Vaxxlian males were winking now too, and he’d noticed the human females usually laughed in response to a wink.

Unfortunately, Karla didn’t laugh.

Instead, she peered at him for a moment, her eyes wide with surprise, before she spun around and walked away without another word. Axall looked between Zorras and Karla with a knowing expression, an obvious twinkle of amusement in his gaze. Finally, Axall took off after Karla, catching up with her at the edge of the marketplace.

Too soon, the sweet beauty disappeared in the crowd.

But Zorras knew where she lived. He also knew that he would not stop seeking her out until she agreed to become his mate.

Until she agreed to become his forever.

A second chance. Another mate.

Tomorrow. He would visit her tomorrow.