SEAL’s Command by Makenna Jameison




Ashleigh carried a huge tray of appetizers into the living room as Slate hurried over to help her. “Wow, what all did you make?” he asked, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the spread of food, reaching for the tray.

“Bacon-wrapped scallops, crab dip, spinach dip, and a small charcuterie board,” she said with a grin. “I know you love the crab dip.”

Slate lifted the heavy tray from her arms and carried it toward the buffet table where other food was already spread out. “You should’ve had me carry this out of the kitchen for you,” he said. “I know you love to cook and didn’t realize it was ready.”

He set the tray down as she arranged the bowls of dip and appetizers. The chips and French bread she’d sliced were already on the table, and the others had brought lots of food and desserts as well.

“I knew you’d come help me,” she said with a laugh.

Slate raised his eyebrows.

“What?” she asked innocently. “Your eyes are on me wherever I go.”

“Damn straight,” he said with a smirk, but she saw the amusement dancing in his gaze. “Do you blame me? I love having my teams over, but I’m already looking forward to having you alone later on tonight.”

Ashleigh flushed as his lips quirked, and she knew he was remembering making love to her this morning. He’d bent her over in bed, her hands clutching onto the headboard as he took her from behind. Slate was powerful and strong, and she always loved the different ways he made love to her, commanding her body until she cried out his name.

Laughter erupted from the dining room, and the two of them looked over to see Grayson and Hailey showing everyone their baby girl. “That sounds like a story,” Ashleigh quipped.

Slate shook his head, watching as the others glanced from the baby to Grayson in disbelief. “I’m not sure I even want to know. I’m assuming it must involve Ghost on diaper duty.”

“Have you ever changed a diaper?” Ashleigh asked with a laugh. “It’s harder than it looks.” Slate did a double-take, seeming surprised. She shrugged. “My sister has kids. I’ve definitely changed a diaper before. It’s not for amateurs.”

A tall guy she hadn’t seen before crossed the room, handing Slate a six-pack of beer. He scrubbed a hand over his short-cropped beard, glancing from the food back to the two of them. “Commander,” he said with a nod. “And you must be Ms. Moore.”

Slate set the six-pack on the table and wrapped his arm around Ashleigh’s shoulders. “I don’t think you’ve met Havoc yet,” he said.

“Havoc? I don’t think so,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m Ashleigh.”

The dark-haired guy grinned and shook her hand. “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but it’s all true. Nice to meet you. I better go say hello to everyone.”

Slate glanced down at her, a twinkle in his green eyes. “He’s hell to deal with sometimes,” he said in a low voice. “A damn good SEAL though.”

“I bet you were hell to deal with when you were younger,” she teased.

Slate chuckled, ducking down to kiss her right there in front of everyone. “What makes you say that?”

“You’re stubborn.”

“Only when there’s something I want,” he admitted. “And I’m happy as hell that you’re moving in with me, Ash.”

“Me too,” she said with a private smile just for him.

Raptor chuckled as he walked over to them with his wife Clarissa, his arm slung around her shoulders. “You two look like you have a big secret or something, sir.”

Slate grinned. “I’ve convinced her to move out to the West Coast. Ashleigh’s selling her condo in New York and moving in with me.”

“Congratulations!” Raptor said as Clarissa hugged Ashleigh in excitement. “Can I say that I’m not at all surprised? You’ve been a new man since you met her, sir.”

Slate chuckled as he looked at the younger SEAL. “She’s definitely my better half. I’m happy as hell she’s staying.”

“What’s going on?” Grayson asked as he and Hailey came over to join them. She had her baby girl bundled in her arms, and Ashleigh smiled at how happy they both seemed.

“I’m moving to California!” Ashleigh said. “Slate asked me to stay, and I agreed.”

“Congrats, sir,” Grayson said. “You two are good together.”

Ashleigh and Slate exchanged a glance, smiling. “That’s what Slate’s brother and my best friend Anna said, too. They totally set us up. We should mess with them a bit though,” she mused. “Anna will expect a big thank you or something if she hears I’m moving to California permanently. I should text her and say what a terrible idea ever getting us together was.”

“I didn’t know you had such a vindictive streak,” Slate said with a chuckle.

“I’m a writer,” she said as the others laughed. “Plus, remember Anna had tried to set me up before as a joke and failed miserably.”

Slate’s lips quirked. “Right. The online dating fiasco.”

Ace walked over to the group that had gathered around them with Logan and Harper, the other woman looking ready to have her baby any day now. “Is everything okay?” Slate asked Ace, frowning at his expression.

“Yeah. No. She just texted me,” he said, quickly thumbing a response into his cell phone and looking concerned.

“Who? The girl you were worried about?” Raptor asked.

Ace held up his phone, showing them the latest message.

I’m in trouble.

Ashleigh worried her lip, looking at Ace. “What kind of trouble?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ve got a hunch,” Ace muttered. “I need to call her. We usually just text, but I’m worried.” He excused himself and moved across the crowded room as the others began to gravitate toward the food.

“This is amazing!” Taryn said, glancing over at Ashleigh. “You’ll have to tell me your recipe for the crab dip. I love it!”

“It’s Slate’s favorite,” Ashleigh said. “And I’m happy to send you the recipe.”

“Oh, me too,” Kim said as she snuck a bite from Ethan’s plate. “This is so good. If we ever have our ladies’ night, this is a must.”

A knock on the front door had Slate looking over, and Troy and his girlfriend Caitlyn came walking in along with Tyler and his date for the night. Slate nodded at his men, glad to see they’d shown up. He didn’t frequently host his teams at his home, but with Ashleigh planning to permanently move in, he wanted her to get to know the other women better. He might not deploy like his men, but he could be on base for extended periods during important missions. Having the support of other military girlfriends and wives would be beneficial. Plus, he knew Ashleigh would want to support the other women as well.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her aside as everyone began to pile their plates with food. “I saw you looking at Harper earlier,” he said in a low voice. “And Hailey and her newborn. I know I said I never wanted kids, but I’d be willing to have them if that’s something you really want.”

She looked up at him in surprise, seeing the intensity in his green eyes.

“Kids? No. I actually was thinking I can’t imagine ever being pregnant. I’m happy for them, but that’s not something I want. Why, do you want them?” she suddenly asked.

“I never did, but I want you to be happy.”

“No, I still don’t want kids, Slate. I love that you’d be willing to do that for me though.”

“I’d give you anything,” he said, his voice gruff. His hand trailed over her blonde hair, and she practically shivered at his touch. “I just want you to be happy. You’re moving across the country for me, selling your place. I want to be certain you’re getting everything you want, too.”

“I am happy,” she assured him, her heart swelling as his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. “I’m moving for us. The only thing I want is you,” she said. Slate pulled her so that she was flush against his body and then moved his hands to her cheeks, kissing her deeply.

The men on Slate’s teams began to whoop and cheer, and she flushed as Slate kissed her again, right in front of everyone. “I love you, Ash. So much,” he said, the emotion thick in his voice.

“I love you, too, Slate. I can’t imagine anything making me happier than this.”

He smiled and then grabbed her hand, lifting it to his mouth so he could brush his lips over her knuckles. “I’ve just got one thing left to do.”

Suddenly, he knelt down in front of her as she gasped, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket. He opened the lid, and tears smarted her eyes as she saw the engagement ring. A hush fell over the room, and she felt warmth swelling within her. “Ashleigh, I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I want to protect you and make you mine forever. I want to wake up with you in my arms every day. Will you marry me?”

Tears glistened in her eyes, and she smiled as a few spilled down her cheeks. “Yes. Yes of course I’ll marry you!”

The room erupted into applause as Slate slid the engagement ring on her finger and then stood. His thick fingers tangled in her hair, and then he kissed her, hard, holding her to him. She clung to his chest, holding onto him tightly as she felt so happy, she might just burst. Slate softened the kiss, but they still stood there, completely wrapped up in one another. She never wanted to let go.


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Thank you so much for reading Slate and Ashleigh’s story! If you enjoyed this book, you’ll love SEAL’S CODE. Find out what happens with Everett “Ace” Walker and the mysterious woman he met online.