Saxon’s Distortion by C.A. Rene


I have about twelve hours before the media storm hits. They know too much now, and they’ll be blasting it all over every platform. A female and her unknown boyfriend are the University Rapists. Once that happens, he’ll run. The police are on the verge of getting Veronica to talk and it’s only a matter of time until they pull the dorm room occurrences out of her, then storm the place. I would like to leave them a gift.

“Saxon,” Amelia’s soft voice fills the car’s interior, “do you have to wear that stuff on your face? It’s scary.”

“Yes,” I smile at her, “and that’s the point.”

“What now?” Her knee bounces as she watches the driveway of Brian’s house. “Do we kill him inside with his parents? Are you killing them too?”

“No, I’m not killing them.” I settle my hand on her bouncing knee, “I have an idea to draw him out, but need your help.”

“Okay.” She nods.

Her trust in me has no boundaries. She’s accepted the explanation of who I am and tonight she’s about to actually witness it. She’s letting me take her on a bloody journey and be the first one outside of my family who accepts it. At least, I hope she accepts it.

“Call this number,” I hand her a piece of paper, “and tell him to meet you at the dorms. Tell him you have his girlfriend.”

“Oh,” her eyes widen, “sneaky. He hasn’t heard from her in days, he must be wondering where she is.”

“Yes, and he knows a lot about me. He’ll believe I’ll be there as well.”

“And he’ll be all too willing to go knowing he would have his chance to kill you.” She finishes my thought.


“Do you promise not to let him do that?” She looks at me once again with fear in her eyes. The mother of my growing child in her stomach, and the girl who’s proven she’ll take me as I am, no matter what that is.

“I promise.”

She pulls out her cell phone and punches in the number, turning on the speakerphone.

“This is a surprise.” His slimy voice has my jaw locking in rage.

“I doubt it,” Amelia sneers, and the sound makes me so damn proud. “After what you did to me, you had to know I would retaliate.”

“Where is she?” He demands.

“You should get her a vibrator,” her taunting voice has me watching her in awe, “she’s been thoroughly enjoying this taser.”

It takes everything in me not to snort out loud.

“You and I both know I don’t give a shit about the fucking broad, there’s someone else I want. Is he with you?”

“Maybe.” She says casually but her eyes are anything but.

“Where do you want me to meet you?”

“Dorm 2A.” She says, “you know which room.” Then she hangs up the phone. “We better hurry up.” She looks at me, “if we want to be there before him.”

“We don’t,” I grin at her, “we’re going to follow him instead.”

Ten minutes later, Brian comes out of his house, and gets into his Jeep.

“That was the Uber vehicle he picked us up in.” Amelia snarls, and I’m happy she’s here. She needs this as much as I do. “And that was the vehicle picking up Veronica from school. All the clues were right there.”

“They usually are,” I snort as we follow Brian at a safe distance.

We pull into the campus parking lot thirty minutes later, and he parks far off into the tree covered area. Then he sprints for the dorm entrance, disappearing inside.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Her voice is even, anger rising in its depth. “I am so fucking ready.”

We get out of the car, and I haul up my hoodie, watching as she does the same. We go in the same entrance he did, and pause, listening for any signs that he’s waiting to put the drop on us. I have my best friend and our unborn child to protect after all. We proceed up the stairs slowly, Amelia tucked close behind my back. We get to the second floor, and she stands back as I open the door, I wouldn’t put it past him to be waiting right here. The hallway is empty though, and I motion for Amelia to follow me.

We move quickly down the hall, not wanting him to leave the dorm too soon, and then we’re standing outside the door. He’s tossing shit around inside and muttering curses about stupid bitches. Just as I reach a hand to open the door, the door handle moves, the door opening to reveal the piece of shit. He’s surprised to find me there and I use that to catch him off guard with a front kick to his solar plexus. A move my mother taught me well.

Then, just as quickly, I’m on him, and my fist connecting with his face over and over. The crunch of bone, and pain filled grunts are music to my fucking ears. When he’s nice and groggy, I pick him up and toss him into the chair. His groans of pain make me smile. I pull the length of rope out of my hoodie pocket and begin to tie him to the chair.

“Black Slaughter.” He chokes on a laugh, “love the makeup.” His eyes land over my shoulder finding Amelia, “and your sidekick. The not so lesbian lover.”

“Shut up.” Amelia snaps at him.

“Is that the cure for lesbo disease? A good dick?” He taunts her further.

I slam my fist into his cheek once more and his head drops, blood dripping from the open wound. “I thought from all the time you were following me; you would’ve at least picked up on how I operate.” I tell him and sit on the end of the bed across from him.

“You were always fun to watch,” he lifts his head and grins at me, his teeth covered in blood. “A weird fucking kid who grew into an adult who likes to play with face paint. How could I not watch the freak?”

“Sounds like you have a bit of the gay disease.” Amelia throws in, and it’s my turn to choke on a laugh.

“I’m not gay,” he spits out, “just had a score to settle with the Greenes and what they did to my family.”

“What happened to Andrew Cox had nothing to do with my mother,” I cross my arms over my chest. “He liked watching the kids in his school a little too much, and he’s lucky my mother let him live.”

“Lucky?” He bellows. “He still died, and his family was forced out of Whitsborough. We are a founding family!”

“Ah yes,” I nod, “the prestige of being a founding family of Whitsborough. Such an accolade.”

“It is.” He sneers, hearing the sarcasm in my voice. “And his family—my aunt and cousins—were forced to live a life of obscurity.”

“Right, then why aren’t they here? Why aren’t they the ones fighting for their founding family name?”

“They’re afraid of the Greenes-”

“No!” I yell and cut him off, “they’re ashamed of their family name. Look what it’s linked to, you dumb shit.”

“I wanted to fuck the shit out of your lesbo girlfriend and leave her bloody on the road. Veronica loved fucking the girl’s asses bloody, that was her favourite part.” He taunts.

Amelia strides forward and slaps him in the face, “she told us how you forced her, you are disgusting.”

“Oh, is that what she said? I was forcing her?” He lets out a laugh. “She enjoyed every minute of it. It was her idea to be involved, to catch the attention of the Black Slaughter.”

Amelia looks at me with questions in her eyes and I shrug, I don’t have the answers to that.

“It’s true,” he continues, “Veronica hates the Greenes, especially after what Ivy did to her sister and what that did to her family. They were never the same after that.”

Sounds accurate.

“She wanted her revenge just as much as I did, the Greenes have fucked over almost every family in Whitsborough.”

“She told us you beat her.” Amelia tells him, “I saw the bruise on her face.”

“The one around her eye?” He shakes his head and laughs, “that was because the last victim hit her in the face with a rock, and then got away. That’s when your lesbian librarian found her in the parking lot.”

“She was dragged into doing those things because of your desire for revenge.” Amelia spits.

“Her cousin works security at the university,” he grins, “she asked him to help with her transfer from Whitsborough, and he liked to divulge certain things his department was lacking. Especially when his hot cousin was sucking his dick.”

“What?” my body jerks with surprise, “I wasn’t prepared for that.” I look at Amelia in shock. Her face looks much the same.

“She took your lipstick from your purse that day in the library, we watched you go in there, it was her idea to write a message with it.” Brian continues, but I’m really still stuck on the fact that Veronica slurped her cousin’s fun stick.

I can’t deny a lot of what he’s saying sounds true and can see Amelia feels the same, not that it matters. Veronica Hanes will probably spend the rest of her life in the psych ward.

“Kill him.” Amelia snarls, “let’s get this over with.”

“Just another tally for the Black Slaughter, right?” He keeps his voice steady, there’s no fear. They usually begin to beg at this point. “I don’t fear death.”

That just won’t do, I want to hear him beg.

I pull out my knife and begin to cut away his hoodie, the fabric shearing easily under the sharpened edge. He has a Nazi tattoo on his chest, and I roll my eyes at the sight, I’m not even surprised.

“I don’t like this.” I press the blade to the tattoo, “it’s disrespectful.”

“I don’t give a fuck.” He shrugs.

“Clearly.” I roll my eyes. “I’m gonna fix it.”

I dig my blade into the skin above it, and he grunts through the pain, refusing to display it. That’s fine, I’ve got time. I carve around the offending symbol and then slice it right off, finally getting a scream through his teeth. I throw the piece of skin to the floor and turn when Amelia heaves.

“Sorry,” she holds up a hand, “I’ll try to keep it together.”

I turn back to the blood running down his chest and decide to add to it. “I think we should leave a message for the police. What do you think Veronica would carve into his chest?” I ask Amelia, ignoring Brian’s snort.

“How about, ‘women beater’?” She suggests, “or ‘rapist’.”

“I like them both.” I return and get to work, carving the words into his chest. He’s screaming by the time I’m done, and give him a wink, “I knew I’d love that sound.”

“Fuck you,” he spits out.

“Woman beater and rapist.” Amelia reads the words and I nod, happy with my work.

“You really are gonna blame my death on my girlfriend?” He chuckles sarcastically. “She doesn’t have the nerve to follow through with a killing, no one will believe it.”

“No one knows that,” I shrug, “a crime of passion tends to be messy as well.”

“Are you saying you kill like a woman scorned?” He taunts, still being an asshole to the bitter end.

“I could,” I shrug, “but I have a woman you defiled right here.” I hold out the knife to Amelia, “come on, Melly. Kill him for me.”

She takes the knife from my hand without hesitation, and strides over to Brian.

“You tried to defile me, you hurt my best friend,” she growls into his face, “you are a despicable human.” She stabs him in the chest, through the hole in his skin from me carving off his tattoo. He screams, finally beginning to plead for his life, but his words are landing on deaf ears.

She yanks the knife out and stares at the blood coursing down his stomach and pooling in his lap. Then, she surprises me with her anger as she keeps stabbing multiple holes into his chest, blood spraying along her face and torso.

“Fuck you!” She screams over and over, continuing to stab him long after he takes his last breath.

“Melly, he’s dead.” I grab her arm as her strength ebbs. “You did it.”

She drops the knife with a cry, and quickly turns to me, crawling into my lap. Her face lands in the crook of my neck, and I feel the blood and tears soaking my skin.

“You did good,” I rub my hand along her back. “You gave him what he deserved, you’re so brave.”

She lifts her head and grabs my face in her hands. Her eyes roving between mine. “Thank you.” She whispers and then leans in to kiss me. My makeup and the blood on her face mix together and when she pulls away, I snort at the mess. She grins at my face too and flicks my nose. “I’m sorry about cornering you at your house that morning. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“I should’ve been a bit more patient about it, but to be honest, I’m tired of explaining myself. I can’t change.”

“I know.” She whispers, “it’s enough for me to feel you care, and it’s enough for me to accept this if I’m the only girl you’re with.”

“I can assure you, you’re the only girl. I don’t have time for others, females are a lot of work.”

She laughs at me and hugs me again, “thank you for protecting me, Saxon.”

“Thank you for letting me, Melly.”


I am now a resident of Whitsborough.

It’s been strange living here and yet, it feels right. I’m close to my sister and life has new meaning for me. I work with Adrianna’s husband Travis at his center for troubled teens and I help with counselling them through their trauma. I also hold meetings every weekend for adults suffering with their childhood trauma.

I bought my own house, just up the street from Adrianna, and I live there maybe one night out of the week. Most of my time is spent at the Greene residence with Amelia and Saxon. She’s now seven months pregnant and can’t be seen in public, save for the family. No one can know she’s pregnant.

Ivy and Neil were more than happy to take the baby, only Amelia had a few conditions. Ivy had to look like she was the pregnant one, and once the child is born, Amelia would forever be known as it’s aunt. She never wants the child to know the truth. I can only hope she doesn’t grow to regret that decision in the future, but for now, she’s the happiest I’ve seen her.

I come out of the washroom into the room across from Saxon’s. This is the room we’ve claimed for the time being, and I find her and Saxon snuggling. Saxon is flipping through images on the large screen TV he installed for us while Amelia stares transfixed.

“Where to today?” He asks, “Tuscany?”

She hums her approval, and he selects a photo of Tuscany with a red sunset in the background. As far as anyone outside of the family knows, Amelia has gone on a trip across Europe, and Saxon tries to stay true to that, selecting a different place each day he’s home.

Her tummy is now protruding quite a bit, and none of her clothes fit, which makes her so self-conscious. I think she’s beautiful and Saxon agrees because he can’t seem to keep his hands off her when he’s home. He leaves a lot, sometimes for a day, and others for a week. We know what he’s doing but we don’t discuss it, we treat it like his business trips. Which they kind of are. We don’t discuss what happened that night six months ago either, I don’t ever want to know the details, but I can see the contentment in them both that wasn’t there prior.

“Where are your parents now?” Amelia asks Saxon.

“They’re vacationing with Nana Sharla in Sicily.” He says with a smile. He’s been happy to hear his parents enjoying their retired lives. Neil has taken over Vin’s business and Saxon has taken over his mother’s responsibilities. So, they’ve spent their time travelling.

There’s a brief knock on the door and Saxon’s little sister pokes her head in, “I’m off to school, do you guys need anything?”

Dahlia has been adorable, the way she dotes on Amelia tells us she’s going to make an amazing mother one day.

“We’re fine, Little Flower,” Saxon gives her a smile, “have a good day at school.”

She gives us a wave and then we hear her feet pounding down the stairs. Amelia rolls over to her other side and awkwardly pushes herself up off the bed, holding her lower back as she stands.

“What time do you need to be at the center today?” She asks, waddling over to me.

“Early afternoon,” my hand lands on her stomach just as the little one inside kicks at it. We both chuckle, and Saxon sits up on the bed.

“That leaves plenty of time.” His grin is just shy of being sinister and I begin to feel a heat pool in my lower belly. “I think it’s time to give this guy another go,” he reaches into the bottom drawer of the side table and brings out the bag with the strap-on and lubes.

I cackle out a laugh and Amelia swallows thickly, apprehension lining her features. “I’m a lot fuller than I was back then,” she slowly shakes her head, “I don’t think…”

“It’ll fit.” Saxon assures her and tosses me the strap-on. “Suit up, Librarian.”

Mine and Amelia’s relationship is defined, we’re in love, and one day plan to marry. But Saxon, he’s a bit more of a mystery. Him and I have an easy-going friendship filled with trust and honesty, and he and Amelia seem comfortable and content with their situation. I don’t interfere in the specifics of it, it’s not my relationship to dwell on, and as long as they’re both happy, that’s all that matters.

I do as I’m told, excitement coursing through me as I undress, and toss my clothing aside. I pick up the confusing contraption and begin to suit up.

“Wait, is this safe for the baby?” Amelia asks, as she points to the large dong I’m strapping on. “That could bash in its skull no problem, it’s like a fucking bat.”

I snort at her words and Saxon scratches his chin, looking deep in thought. “You’re right,” he states, and I halt my movements, “I’ll fuck your pussy this time and Cordelia’s got your ass.”

“What?” She squeaks, terror filling her voice.

“I like that idea,” I continue to pull the straps tighter.

“Then how about I put it in your ass?” She huffs, her hands landing on her wide hips.

“Not with that big ass belly,” Saxon snickers from the bed, “now get over here and ride my cock.”

It’s an enigma how I have no jealousy for the man who fucks the life out of my girlfriend. If you would’ve asked me a year ago, would I let a man see me naked, fuck my girlfriend, and love him like he’s family? I would’ve laughed and soiled myself. But that’s exactly what we’ve become, a little family.

Despite her reservations, Amelia strips down and climbs over him, yanking his boxers off. She’s been insatiable while pregnant, and some nights, Saxon and I both pass out with exhaustion. She grabs his cock, licking around the piercing in the tip, and chuckling when he growls in frustration. Finally, she gives him what he wants, and sucks him deep down her throat.

“Get her ass prepped,” he tells me, his voice husky and deep. He’s not going to last long at all.

I grab a bottle of lube and run it over the large cock strapped to my waist first, then move between Amelia’s legs. I coat her ass in the transparent goo and make sure to work it deep inside her as well.

“Fuck yes,” she moans.

“You make your way inside her first, I want to feel you along my cock when it’s my turn.” Saxon instructs.

He’s usually the dictator when the three of us are together, and we let him because we like it. I grab the base of the large dildo in my hand and kneel between her legs, Saxon’s dick still firmly in her mouth. I line myself up to her asshole and begin to push against the tight muscle. She releases Saxon with a pop, her panting breaths loud in the room.

“It won’t fit,” she whines just as the head slips inside.

“Looks like it will to me.” I snicker.

“Fuck yes,” Saxon growls, “fuck her tight ass.”

I remember loving watching the dildo disappear into her pussy last time and this time is no different. Watching as she takes me inch by inch, has wetness coating my thighs.

Once I’m all the way in, Saxon scoots down the bed, his legs on either side of us. He grabs her hips as she moves to straddle him, and then he’s guiding her down his length. I wish I could feel it. His eyes roll back, and he moans loudly, clearly enjoying the feel of it.

“Start fucking her, Librarian.” He demands, and I do as I’m told. Withdrawing almost all the way out, and then pushing all the way back in. The ring of her rear hole looks stretched beyond its limit, looking red and angry, but I continue.

Amelia’s panting becomes loud moans, and when I look between us, her soaking pussy is gushing around Saxon. The sounds it’s making alone tells us how much she’s loving it, so I don’t stop. Instead, I pick up my pace just as Saxon does, and before long, we’re both pounding into her.

The sweat begins to run down my face as I keep my punishing rhythm, I’m starting to have a bit more respect for how much stamina men need. Sweat is pouring off Amelia, and just as I’m about to worry this is too much for her, she tosses her head, those golden curls hitting my face, and screams through an orgasm.

I slow my thrusts, keeping in time with Saxon, and within moments, he’s coming deep inside her, cursing through his own release. I pull out of her ass, my chest heaving, and my core humming. I drop the contraption to the floor and fall on the bed next to Saxon, Amelia’s head laying on his chest.

“What about our Librarian?” Saxon says into her curls, “I can see how wet she is.”

Amelia’s hand lands on my chest and she clutches my breast, “rain check, and I promise to eat it for an hour later.”

“Sounds good,” I chuckle.

“Or I can eat it right now?” Saxon suggests, and my breath gets lodged in my throat. “How about that?”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” my little vixen purrs as Saxon looks into my eyes, his green ones filled with a challenging look. I don’t hate the idea, as long as his dick stays away from me.

I part my legs in answer and his eyes widen in shock, I really like toying with his expectations.

“Let’s find out what all the hype is about.” He grins and throws me a wink, “Amelia is always moaning about how good you taste.”

“So good.” She nods and scoots up on the bed, her fingers toying with a nipple as Saxon settles between my thighs.

His hands push my legs further apart, and then his face is between them, his lips brushing along my soaked pussy. The first thing I notice is how different he is from Amelia, the scruff on his face is so different from Amelia’s smooth cheeks, but I don’t hate it.

His tongue snakes between my pussy lips and I tip my head back with a moan as he finds my clit expertly.

“That’s so hot,” Amelia moans as her mouth seals around my nipple, her tongue flicking the hardened nub.

Saxon’s tongue does the same to my clit and I groan, my fingers sinking into his curls. I pull his head in closer and grind into his face, my pussy clenching, and my release rising quickly.

“Come all over his face, my love.” Amelia whispers in my ear, and that’s all it takes to make me detonate. I clench my thighs around his head and cry out, his tongue still lashing my sensitive clit. I could be smothering him and not give a fuck.

If he dies, the backyard is big enough to bury his body.