You Are Mine by Lucy Darling



“Idon’t want anyone coming or going from here,” I tell my brother.

“Got it, bro.” He gives me a mock salute.

I stare him down, not in the mood for his antics. He needs to be serious for once. I was hoping college would do that for him. I suppose he might need a girl to come along and knock some sense into him. It worked for me.

“Seriously. I got it. No one in and no one out.” For once he gives me what I ask for. “Go do what you need to do.”

“Thanks. Try and get her to eat something when she comes out.”

“On it,” he says before I’m out the door.

It’s about time something started going right for Kennedy and me. Even with as much pressure and shameless money Roman and I had thrown around, I still thought this might take a while. Luck was on our side when we found out the mayor was up for reelection as well. We’re both now top donors to his campaign. It will be worth every damn cent if it gets us Faith.

“I need a car,” I say when I get to the concierge desk. I drop a hundred on the table in front of him. He snatches it up.

“Right away, sir.” The kid is out of his seat to do my bidding.

I wait at the front entrance. The kid pulls up with a black car as my phone starts to go off. I don’t answer it until I’m on the road.

“I’m on my way.”

“Oz.” My mother’s voice comes over the speaker. I didn’t think rage and anger could hit me so quickly, but the sound of her voice proves otherwise. “I know we have our differences, but did you have to cut off everything?”

She’s trying to stay calm, not wanting to lose her composure. Even now she’s trying to fit into the world of the wealthy. It wasn’t too far from where Dad found her in a run-down bar after he’d gotten a flat tire. He swore it was fate.

I’d dismissed her shit before now, knowing it was her insecurities from her past that made her the way she is. That was until she went too far. Until she tried to take everything from me. When it comes to my wife and baby, I won't give even an inch.

“I know what you did.” I don’t even try to hide my anger. I want her to hear it.

“Of course you do. I told you months ago what I did.” She huffs, acting annoyed.

“I warned you. I told you if I found out there was more I’d make your world crumble. Mother or not. I don’t care what promise I made to Dad.”

“Dane Osborne. What the hell are you talking about? I’m a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them.”

“It doesn't matter at this point what you have to say. I know you hired someone to hurt Kennedy. My wife. The woman carrying my child!” I shout the last part. The line goes quiet for a long time.

“You both should come back home. We clearly need to all sit down and talk.” She’s lost her ever-loving fucking mind if she thinks I’m ever bringing Kennedy near her again.

“I don’t have time for this.” I end the call. The conversation is pointless. I toss my phone into the passenger seat. I’m almost at the judge’s office and need to calm down and focus. This is too important to fuck up.

My mother’s words roll around in my head. I grab my phone, checking one last time to make sure Ryan or Kennedy haven't called or texted.

Honestly I didn’t want to leave my brother to watch over her, but there wasn’t much of an option.

“You got here quick.” Carter is waiting for me outside.

“My mother called,” I inform him.

“You really did get a shit card when it came to your family.” He shakes his head.

Wasn’t that the fucking truth. My father, God love him, was a mess and half-blind to the shit going on around him. Mom is a snake, always thinking she’s doing the best for everyone, and Ryan has been a fuck-up since puberty. Well, he was until recently. He finally seems to be getting his shit together.

I am going to make my own family now. One worth truly having. If it wasn’t for Kennedy, that wouldn't be happening for me. Even having seen the baby on the ultrasound I worry over this not being real. That something or someone might try and take it from me.

An uneasiness starts to rise up in my chest. It’s then it dawns on me that I never told my brother that Kennedy was pregnant. So how the hell would he have known? My mind begins racing. Carter opens the door for me. I stop, turning to him.

“The family account. Does Ryan draw from that?” I ask.

I can’t recall offhand if I set up something separate for him when he went away to college. Dad had been smart for once and didn’t set a trust up for him thinking he’d blow through it too quickly. It was left in my hands to handle.

Carter’s whole body goes rock solid. Realization hits us both at the same time.

“I’ll fucking kill him,” I bellow before I’m on a dead run back toward my car. For once my mother and I could agree on something. She’s a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them. The same can’t be said for my brother though.