You Are Mine by Lucy Darling



Isit in the hotel trying to kill time. It’s the last thing I want to be doing. I’d rather be down at the women’s shelter getting answers. The first thing I did when the plane landed was go straight to the hospital. It took a bit of strong-arming and a huge donation to get the information I needed.

Based on the discharge date on the records, it seems that it’s been over three months since she went over to Healing Homes. Since it was months ago, there’s a chance that she’s no longer there, but at least I know she was at some point. Both the doctor and nurse at the hospital recognized her from the picture. The relief that I felt when they confirmed it was actually Kennedy is indescribable. A sense of hope bloomed in my chest that I was on the right track.

That feeling didn’t last long, though, once I made it to the shelter. No one would answer my questions no matter how hard I pushed. They barely let me step foot inside the building. I wanted to say fuck it and go in anyway.

I managed to hold on to some rational thought. Especially once she told me it was only women and children that stayed there. I wasn’t going to burst in there and scare the crap out of a bunch of people that have already been through enough shit in their lives. Believe me, I wanted to, but I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. I’m not that big of an asshole.

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. “What do you have for me?” I ask my assistant.

“Roman King and his wife head up Healing Homes.” I asked my assistant to pull whatever she could on the shelter, hoping that I could find a way to bypass the rules without making a scene.

“Are you shitting me?”

“Nope. I think it has more to do with his wife, but Roman pours money into it.” Damn. When the hell did Roman get married? I never thought I’d see the day the cold asshole would fall in love and get married. I suppose others might say the same about me.

Roman and I aren't friends. More like acquaintances than anything. We run in the same circles and have a mutual respect for each other. The man might be an asshole, but he’s good at what he does, and he’s fair.

“Did you send the donation over yet?”

“It’s all done,” she chirps into the phone. She’s way too happy for this early in the morning.

I’m not really sure if the donation will do much now. Not if Roman is backing the place. Still, it might be something to get my foot in the door.

“Can I ask what’s going on, Oz? People are going to start asking questions, and your mother has been calling nonstop.”

“If I feel there is something you need to know then I’ll tell you. Get the rest of the list done. I want it all here quickly,” I say before ending the call.

I wish I had replaced her a few weeks ago when I noticed she was trying to flirt with me. She also tries to stick her nose in my personal business. I’d been so wrapped up in finding Kennedy that I put it off and just made sure she stayed the hell out of my office.

“Can you go take a fucking shower and change? No one is going to want to tell you anything with the way you look.”

I shoot Carter a glare, but he’s right. I could use a hot shower. When I’m done I’m going to call Roman. I’m just not sure how I want to play this.

Do I come right out and tell him who I’m looking for? He might ice me out the same as the woman last night. Or I could say I’m interested in the Healing Homes Organization. That I want to become more involved and would like a tour. Between that and the donation I sent, that should definitely get me in the door. Once I’m in, nothing will stop me from getting to Kennedy.

“I’ll be back,” I tell Carter, heading up to my room.

“I’ll get coffee,” he calls after me. My phone starts ringing in my pocket. No name shows. Normally I’d clear it, but since Kennedy disappeared, I answer every single call if I don’t know the number.


“Where have you been? You missed the gala last night.”

“Did you call me from a random phone?”

“Yes. It’s the only way I can get my son to pick up the phone when I call him. What if I was hurt or something major is wrong?”

“I think you’ll be okay. You have an army of staff buzzing around you all the time.”

“They aren’t my family.”

“I’m busy right now, and I told you last week I wasn’t going to the damn gala.”

She lets out an annoyed huff. I have to keep my anger in check. Lashing out at her will do nothing but make things worse. If it wasn't for Dad, I would have parted ways with her long ago.

My father might have been shit when it came to business, but for some crazy-ass reason he loved Mom. He made me promise to take care of her. He knew the sort of messes she could get herself into.

“I’ve been trying to be understanding with everything that you have going on, but this is getting ridiculous at this point. You’re lucky I offered her that money. Now you know what kind of girl she was before she got her hooks into you. Or worse. She could have become pregnant with how reckless the two of you were being. You would have been stuck for the rest of your life. Instead of being upset, you should be thanking me for having your best interest at heart.”

My mother’s words have me pausing outside my hotel door. Pregnant. Why has that thought never crossed my mind? Did she run from me knowing she is carrying our child? White-hot anger burns through my chest at the thought.

“If I find out you’re lying about anything you told me, we will be done. All of it. I’ll put you in a home and be done with you,” I tell her. I’m tired of these fucking games.

I know Kennedy. I’ve touched and tasted every inch of my shy, sweet girl. She doesn't have a cruel bone in her whole body. She wouldn’t even kill a spider.

“Why would I need to lie?”

“I mean about any of it, Mother. Even if you’re only stretching the truth. You think about that and call me back if you have something you want to confess. But Mother, you’d be best to remember that time is ticking. I’m closing in on my girl. I’ll get her side of the story then. I’ll get the truth one way or another.”

“You found her?” she gasps. I don't bother responding. I end the call and hop in the shower. I quickly clean myself up to get back downstairs.

The shower makes me feel a bit better, but I’m still on edge. More so than normal. My patience is wearing thinner by the second. I need to see my girl. My mother’s words keep circling around in my head.

“What happened?” Carter stands when he sees me headed his way. “Who pissed you off now?”

“My mother.” I shake my head.

“How are we doing this?” Carter asks, following me out of the hotel. He already has the car pulled up front.

“Going to go by there again. If that fails, I’ll make a few calls.” I slip into the passenger side. The shelter isn’t far from here. It’s hard to think Kennedy would rather be in a shelter than with me. “Stop!” I shout when I see the silky dark locks that fall all the way down her back. I would recognize her anywhere. I memorized every inch of my sweet girl.

I jump out of the car. My heart thumps faster with each step I take, willing the girl to turn her head my way. So many times I’ve thought I saw her. I was wrong every time. She reaches for the door to the little diner, her head turning just enough for me to get a look at her face.

It’s her. I waste no time. I bolt after her down the sidewalk before I run across the street. Carter calls after me, but there is no stopping me now. I finally fucking found her. I can’t even describe what I’m feeling in this moment. I pull open the door to the diner, which makes some bells jingle loudly. My eyes search everywhere, but I don’t see her. If my head is fucking with me again, I’ll rip this place apart. I clench my hands into fists, trying to cool my anger. There is no way my mind is playing this elaborate of a trick on me.

What the fuck?

“Can I help you sir?” an older woman with a pound of makeup on asks me.

“No.” I dismiss her and keep walking, searching for Kennedy. I pause when my eyes lock on the hallway where the bathrooms are.

“You have to be eating here to use the bathroom.” I pull out my wallet and drop some bills on the closest table. “Well then. Use whatever you’d like.”

I step into the hallway. The seconds seem to tick by as though they were hours. Getting impatient, I put my hand on the door ready to go in but it swings open before I can to reveal Kennedy. She lets out a small gasp, her hand flying to her chest.

“You scared me.” She tilts her head down in her normal shy manner, letting her hair fall forward to block some of her face. “This is the ladies’ room.” She lifts her head again. Her dark blue eyes lock with mine. There is no sign of her recognizing me in them. “I kind of can’t get out with you standing here.” Her pink tongue darts out, wetting her bottom lip. “Are you okay, sir?”

“I’m so fucking far from being okay, Kennedy.” I grab her. She lets out another gasp as I push my way into the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind me.

“What—What are you doing?” I put her back on her feet before turning and flipping the lock to the bathroom door. I close in on her as she retreats backwards until she meets the wall. “What’s happening here?” Again her tongue slips out across her bottom lip.

I’m the one who should be asking what the fuck is going on here. She stares up at me with no recognition, but she doesn't seem scared either. She’s not fighting me or calling for help.

“What’s happening is I’ve come to get my fiancée back. I warned you, Kennedy. Told you if you let me have you I’d never let you go.” I trail my finger along her jaw. She’s always so damn soft. “You agreed. You told me that you loved me and then spread those thighs and gave yourself to me in every fucking way.” Another small gasp comes from her.

My cock grows painfully hard thinking about that night. I finally thought I had it all. Then someone took everything away from me.

I watch as her cheeks bloom with a blush. I know that her cheeks aren’t the only thing that blushes; all of her does. She’s always hated it. I’ve always loved it. I grip her chin gently so as not to scare her any more than I probably have. Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers meet mine. I want her eyes always on me.

“I don’t know what’s happening,” she breathes out. The smell of cherries and vanilla fill my lungs.

“It doesn't matter. All you need to know is you're mine,” I say before I claim her mouth with mine.