A Christmas Caroline by Camilla Isley


Thank you to my son, Will and Bram characters are loosely based on him.

Many thanks to Silvia Meyer, a member of my Readers’ Group, who suggested Sam’s job. The idea of him being a mosaic designer tied in so beautifully with the story I’m still in awe.

Thank you to Rachel Gilbey for organizing the blog tour for this book and to all the book bloggers who participated. I love being part of your community.

Thank you to my street team, and to all of you who leave book reviews. They’re so appreciated.

Thank you to all my readers. Without your constant support, I wouldn’t keep pushing through the blank pages.

Thank you to my editors and proofreaders, Molly Hill at Both Barrels Author Services, Helen Baggott, and BBB Publishings for making my writing the best it could be.

And lastly, thank you to my family and friends for your constant encouragement.

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