One Christmas Wish by Brenda Jackson


SIERRASJAWDROPPEDas she stared at Vaughn. He was smiling and she knew there was no way he was joking. “You will become CEO of Lacroix Industries?”

There was silence and she saw he was staring at her mouth, and it seemed his gaze was making her lips feel moist. Suddenly, she became aware just how close their mouths were and wondered when that had happened. Instinctively, she licked them and saw how his eyes followed the movement of her tongue. What was happening here? Why did the way he was looking at her mouth tempt her to lean in close and...

At the sound of a car backfiring, she blinked and realized at some point her focus, their focus, had shifted from the conversation and onto each other. She knew as much as she had enjoyed last night and their hot kiss, it couldn’t happen again. Things were getting complicated and she didn’t do complication well.



“Are you saying that you will become CEO of Lacroix Industries?” she asked.

As if he realized what she was doing, namely getting the conversation back on track, he switched his gaze from her mouth to her eyes, smiled and said, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. He informed me today that he’ll be turning sixty next year and wants to spend as much time as he can away from the office with his wife and grandchildren.”

“That’s wonderful, Vaughn. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. And this calls for a celebration. What about dinner this weekend?”

Sierra was truly happy for Vaughn but knew what he was asking. If she said yes, it would constitute a date, and she wasn’t ready for that yet. Granted, she’d been divorced for two years, but she still wasn’t ready—especially with someone like Vaughn. If she wasn’t careful, she could become putty in his hands, and she couldn’t allow herself to be that way with any man ever again.

His intense gaze was on her again and, almost too late, she realized she’d been nibbling on her bottom lip. That’s what had caught his attention. She quickly stopped and decided to counter his question.

“What if I invite you to dinner here,” she said, easing her mouth away from his to settle back in her seat.


“Yes—I mean, no. Not here in the restaurant but upstairs in my apartment.”

When she saw the flash of heat that flared in his eyes, she felt clarification was in order. “Teryn will be there to help us celebrate, of course.”

His smile widened. “Of course.”

There was no doubt in her mind he’d figured she was letting him know that so he wouldn’t get any ideas. This wouldn’t be a date. It would be a dinner to congratulate him on his success. It was something worth celebrating, and he didn’t have any immediate family nearby and considered her a friend. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind that friends wouldn’t have kissed like they’d done last night.

“So, it’s settled. Teryn and I will prepare dinner for you this weekend. How about Sunday evening around four? Are you free?”

“Yes, I’m free and I look forward to dining with you and Teryn. Thanks for inviting me.”

She nodded and replied, “You are welcome.”

They finished eating and he told her just how good the soup was. “I’m glad you like it. I heard it was a big hit with a lot of the customers today as well. That’s good. You never know how something new will go over, but I think it was the lobsters. There’s nothing like freshly caught lobster,” she said.

“I happen to think it was all the other ingredients. I admit the lobster was tasty, but it’s the combination of everything that sets it off.”

His compliment made her smile. “Thanks.”

“How did things go at the committee meeting tonight?” he asked.

She was glad to change the subject and grateful he wasn’t making a big deal of her backing out of going out with him and inviting him to dinner instead. “It was great. Good ideas were floated around. There are nine of us, but the only two guys on the committee didn’t make it. They’d left town for a hunting trip. However, I think you probably know everybody who did come,” she said. “It was at Ashley Sullivan’s home. Velvet was there, so were Vashti and Bryce. Then there were Donna Elloran and Laura Crawford. I think you went to school with most of the ladies there.” She watched his features when she mentioned Laura and he hadn’t shown any reaction.

“Yes, I did. Did Bryce have the baby with her?”

She shook her head. “No, he was home with his daddy. Bryce said this was the first time Kaegan had kept him without her, but she didn’t seem at all nervous about it. I remembered the first time I let Teryn out of my sight to spend the night elsewhere. It was a pajama party for one of the girls in her class and I was a nervous wreck. I doubt I got any sleep that night.”

He smiled. “My mom was like that, too. It wasn’t so bad for me since I got to spend just as much time over at the Lacroix’s place while growing up as I did my own house, and it was vice versa for Julius. But with Zara my parents watched her like a hawk, because she was such a rebel.”

Sierra couldn’t help but grin. “I don’t recall Zara being a rebel. Like I told you, she was pretty popular and well-liked.”

He paused in thought and then said, “I think that’s the part of my childhood I most regret.”


“Allowing my parents to pick my friends for me. At the time I didn’t know any better and honestly thought that was the way of the world. I was related to the founder of the cove and that in itself made me special. At least that’s what I was led to believe. I wished I had at least one parent who hadn’t bought into that idea, but they both did. Dad even went so far as wanting to keep the French blood flowing in his offspring’s veins by marrying a woman of French descent.”

Sierra’s eyebrows shot up. “How can you say that?”

“Because it’s true. Dad told me himself. I’m not sure if my parents even loved each other. I believe they had a mutual goal, which was to mold us into being proud of our heritage that was passed on to us by Lafitte and our great-great-great-great-grandmother—our Creole heritage came from her because of her African roots.”

“The first Zara, right? Lafitte’s wife?”

He shrugged. “Or his mistress, since it was never proved that she was his wife, although my parents and grandparents believed that she was. Regardless, they were proud of our family’s heritage, which is why they named my sister after her. She’s the third female named Zara in my family.”

Vaughn told her again how great the bisque was. She told him that when he came to dinner, she would show him that she could cook up more than just soup. He laughed over that. They continued to talk and enjoy each other’s company.

Twice, she excused herself to go upstairs to check on Teryn. Her goddaughter rarely woke during the night, not even to take a potty break. She would sleep through until morning.

When Sierra returned downstairs she saw Vaughn clearing off the table. “You didn’t have to do that,” she said.

“I don’t mind. Besides, I wanted to. Where’s your kitchen?”

“This way,” she said, and he followed her into the kitchen.

He glanced around. “I’ve never been in a restaurant kitchen before. This is interesting.”

She chuckled. “What’s so interesting about it?” she asked, taking the bowls out of his hands to rinse and place in the dishwasher. The moment their hands touched she felt something, and wondered if he had felt it, too.

“Everything in here is big. I don’t think I’ve seen a stove that big before and you have two of them.”

“If business continues to grow, I might need a third.” She leaned against the counter. “One of my customers mentioned something last week that got me to thinking.”

“What about?”

“Mr. Sams and his wife are regulars who dine here at least three times a week. He suggested that I start serving desserts.”

Vaughn looked surprised. “Do you make desserts?”

“No. But I know someone who does. Do you know Freda McEnroe?” She turned to lead them out of the kitchen.

“No, I don’t,” he said, following her.

“You probably wouldn’t since she graduated the same year I did. Well, she moved back to town six months ago to start a small bakery. Ashley served some of Freda’s pastries at the meeting tonight and they were delicious. I thought of teaming up with her to supply my restaurant with desserts.”

He nodded. “That sounds like a great idea, and worth giving serious thought.”

“Thanks, and I will.”

They had reached the door and he said, “Thanks for tonight, Sierra. I always enjoy spending time with you.”

She was tempted to ask if he would enjoy spending time with Laura Crawford as well, since the woman had him on her radar. She shouldn’t let the woman’s words bother her since she and Vaughn were not in a relationship. But then she had asked him over for a celebratory dinner...

She decided not to tell him what Laura Crawford had said. She figured Vaughn would find out soon enough, and it would be up to him how he handled his business. However, she would appease her curiosity and ask him something she should have asked weeks ago. “I know you told me that you’re not seriously involved with anyone, but you can date someone without any serious involvement. So, are you presently dating anyone in the cove?”

VAUGHNWONDEREDWHEREthat question had come from. He held her gaze as he leaned back against the wall with his hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks. “No, I’m not presently dating anyone. In fact, I haven’t dated anyone living in the cove since I’ve been back.”

“So you haven’t dated in all the years you returned?”

“I didn’t say that.”

There was no way he would not be completely honest with her. She’d told him enough about that asshole she had been married to and he knew she had trust issues. The man had cheated on her. He didn’t know all the details, but knowing her ex had been unfaithful was enough. She hadn’t deserved that. No man or woman did.

More than anything he wanted Sierra to feel comfortable with him, to know he would never hurt her, that she could trust him and that she already meant a lot to him. On top of that, he wanted her to believe that a relationship with him would be easy and not difficult, and that it wouldn’t be one she’d come to regret.

Straightening, he took a step forward and reached out and took her hand in his. Immediately, he felt sensual energy pass between them. Not fast and furious like last night, but slow and composed, yet just as hot and raw. He squeezed her hand to keep her from pulling away.

“When I was released from prison and came here, I was still trying hard to get over what Camila had done. And like you, the last thing I was interested in was a serious involvement with anyone. The job Reid hired me for required a lot of travel and attending social events in his stead. I met women there. We didn’t date, we shared affairs that led to nowhere. Most lasted that one night.”

“Oh, I see.” When she tried tugging her hand from his, this time he let her. She tilted her head and asked, “Is that all you want from me, a short affair that leads nowhere?”

Vaughn knew if he were to tell her what all he wanted from her, it would probably scare her out of her wits. He went to bed each night thinking of seeing her naked, touching her, burying his head between her legs and tasting her, easing his body over hers, sliding inside of her to connect his body while they made love in a...

“I guess your silence pretty much answered my question.”

She reached out to open the door and he put his hand on hers to stop her. He was fully conscious of the sexual awareness between them and knew she was, too. “My silence was the result of me thinking about all the things I do want from you, Sierra. A short affair that leads nowhere isn’t one of them.”

He took a step closer, wishing there was some way he could tell her that, unlike with other women, he needed her for more than simple sexual gratification. “I deliberately avoided dating any woman in the cove for various reasons,” he said softly, “but that day I came in here, and I saw you... For me that was a game changer on so many levels.” He took a deep breath. “I felt a connection to you that I had never felt with anyone. What I told you, I meant, Sierra. I want to get to know you, I want you to get to know me. I don’t intend to rush you because I understand your need to feel comfortable with me. To know you can trust me. I’m willing to do things on your terms and your timetable.”

“Why me, Vaughn?” she whispered.

He knew he could tell her that, as crazy as it might sound, she was beginning to mean a lot to him. Sierra was the ray of sunshine he’d been missing in his life. He knew this after spending just a few weeks with her. He wanted and needed to spend more time with her. Talking to her was easy and around her he felt a sense of contentment he hadn’t felt in a long time. In fact, it was only when he read Marie’s letters that he would feel so at peace.

Taking a step closer, he reached out and tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. “Why not you, Sierra? There’s no other woman I want more than you.”

That admission caused a tightness in his chest. He had spoken the truth, but he wondered if she believed him. “I mean it,” he said, seeing the uncertainty in her eyes. His gaze held hers, determined for her to see the truth in his.

“Vaughn,” she breathed in a soft tone, and he leaned in and captured her mouth.

The kiss started off soft, gentle and, hopefully, convincing. Then, feeling possessive, he deepened it. He loved her taste and wanted more of it. Releasing her chin, he continued to kiss her while he moved his hands to her waist, pulling her closer to fit against him. He needed the taste of her for tonight, tomorrow night and all the other nights he went to bed thinking about her, dreaming about her and needing her. She tasted sexy, feminine and so damn delicious.

He tried to hold back a groan, but he couldn’t. Nor could he stop the quiver that passed through him when she began hungrily mating her tongue with his. When her fingers gripped his shoulders, he eased her legs apart with his knee for a better fit between them, knowing doing so revealed how aroused he was. He wasn’t sure how long the kiss lasted but knew he had to end it, or they would go beyond the point of no return. When he broke off the kiss, she slowly opened her eyes.

When he looked into her eyes and saw such potent desire, he felt intoxicated. He also saw a deep, intense sexual hunger that had her pushing his jacket off his shoulders to rub her hands over his chest. She went after the buttons of his shirt as if she needed to touch his bare skin.

He was determined to stay in control while allowing her to do whatever she wanted. When her hand touched his bare flesh and her fingers ran through the hair on his chest, he nearly lost it. He lowered his mouth to kiss her again, putting everything that he was feeling into it, ravishing her tongue greedily.

She snatched her mouth away and he saw the fiery look of intense need in her eyes. “Vaughn, I need...”

“Tell me, cherie. What do you need?” he whispered against her moist lips, although he had a pretty good idea.

She’d told him that she hadn’t been involved with anyone since her divorce two years ago. It goes without saying that some women failed to understand and accept that they could have primitive longings just as strong as any man. Abstinence wasn’t for everybody, and he’d heard from more than one woman that battery-operated toys didn’t always cut the mustard.

Her answer was in her kiss. She pulled his head down to capture his mouth with a frantic hunger. He tightened his hold around her, knowing she was coming undone in his arms. She broke off the kiss and stared into his eyes and he saw the sexual agony...and the plea.

That’s when he swept her in his arms and began walking, not sure where he was taking her. Then he recalled the office he’d passed when they were leaving the kitchen. Kicking the door shut behind him, he walked over to the love seat and sat down with her in his lap. Then he kissed her again.

When he released her lips, they were both panting for breath. He met her gaze when she said, “I need...”

When she didn’t finish, he knew she was pushed beyond her limit, yet he asked again, “Tell me what you need, Sierra.”

Instead of answering, she buried her face in his chest, as if she was trying to absorb his scent into her nostrils. She spread kisses all over his bare chest then leaned in to hungrily take his mouth again.

Shifting her in his lap, he lifted her skirt and eased his hands under, working their way up her legs, which seemed to automatically spread for him. He dragged his mouth from hers and whispered, “I’ll take care of you.”

Holding his gaze, she pleaded, “Please...” in a tortured whisper.

That’s when he worked past her lace panties to slide his fingers inside of her.


He captured the sound of her moaning his name with another kiss as he worked his fingers inside of her, stroking her. Her wetness and her feminine scent were proof of just how aroused she was. He had to fight back his own desirous need, determined to concentrate on hers.

She broke off the kiss to whisper his name in a deep, throaty sound just moments before throwing her head back, and he felt her explode in an orgasm. Tugging on her hair he brought her lips back to his, covering her mouth to silence her scream.

When he pulled his lips away, he watched as she forced her eyes open to stare at him for the longest time before whispering, “Thank you.”

Then she closed them again.