One Christmas Wish by Brenda Jackson


VAUGHNSLOWLYOPENEDhis eyes to daylight and to find a sleeping Sierra spread on top of him. He closed his eyes again and drew in a deep breath. In all his thirty-five years he had never experienced the level of intimacy he had shared with her all through the night and early morning. He felt so sexually satisfied, and it was all because of the woman whose warm and soft body was covering his. He could imagine waking up this way every day for the rest of his life.

Vaughn studied her features while she slept. She looked like an angel and nothing like the spitfire whose bed he’d shared. The woman who had surprised him when she pushed him on his back and began riding him like a woman who craved him as much as he craved her. She had released all that pent-up desire, but he had a feeling there was even more she still needed to let loose.

Although she’d been all in with their lovemaking last night, it wouldn’t surprise him if she woke up this morning filled with regrets. If Sierra still thought what they’d shared last night was one of those “just in the moment” things, he would take every opportunity to convince her that their time together would always mean more than that.

His plans for Sierra hadn’t changed. He intended to build on every good thing that was between them. Especially this, a night of earth-shattering and powerful lovemaking.

She didn’t love her ex-husband anymore, she’d said as much; however, she couldn’t get beyond the pain the man’s betrayal had caused her. But he had time and plenty of patience. And as one of the letters his pen pal Marie had written to him said, he had to believe that brighter days were coming, and if anyone deserved brighter days, he truly believed they both did.

Sierra stirred and he watched as she slowly lifted her eyes as she became awake. Then, as if she realized just where she was and whose body she was on top of, she jerked her head up and looked directly into his eyes. He saw panic followed by remorse in their dark depths and he said, “Good morning, cherie.” He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth down to his for a kiss as a way of calming the storm that wanted to rage within her.

Vaughn moaned when Sierra began kissing him back. Never had he enjoyed kissing a woman as much. When she finally pulled back, he tightened his arms around her, not ready to release her just yet.

“We need to talk, Vaughn.”

And quite honestly, he wasn’t ready to talk either. Especially when he had an idea where the conversation was probably headed. “Alright, we’ll talk, but let’s do it over breakfast, okay? I have a taste for blueberry muffins.”

She frowned. “You want us to go out? To the Witherspoon Café?”

He smiled. “Sure. Unless you have blueberries in your kitchen and can make muffins as good as Debbie Witherspoon.”

When she rolled her eyes, he thought she looked kind of cute. “Nobody can make those muffins like Ms. Debbie, so don’t even go there.”

“I was just wondering. Are you ready to get dressed? I need to go home, shower and shave.”

Vaughn watched her nibble on her bottom lip and knew she was thinking. Probably too much. “Do you have a problem being seen with me?” he asked.

Her eyes widened a fraction. “Of course not. We’ve dined together at the Witherspoon Café before.”

He shook his head. “No, you were dining there, and I joined you. I have an idea. How about you come home with me while I shower and get changed. Then we can go to the café together.”

She rolled off Vaughn to lie beside him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Shifting in bed on his elbow, he looked at her. “Why not, cherie?”

She hesitated a moment and then said, “I don’t want to flaunt our ‘just in the moment’ thing all over town.”

He didn’t say anything for a minute, then said softly, “I don’t consider what we had as a ‘just in the moment’ thing.”

“Okay, then a one-night stand. It means the same thing.”

“We didn’t have one of those either, Sierra.”

Sierra released a frustrated breath. “Okay, then what would you call it?”

Vaughn leaned over and cupped her face and said, “I would call it one hell of an amazing night. The best one of my life.”

He kissed her, needing to taste her again, and doubted he would ever stop wanting to.

She returned the kiss with as much passion as he was putting into it. And whether she knew it or not, he was putting everything he had into it. Every ounce of his being, his heart, body and soul. This kiss was like none other...but then he’d thought the same of the last one, and the one before that. He was convinced that every kiss they shared went up a notch or two on the passion scale.

When he finally released her lips, they were panting like they’d run a marathon. Before she could catch her breath to say anything, he quickly asked, “What were your plans for today?” She had mentioned last night that she wouldn’t be picking Teryn up until late evening.

She unconsciously licked her already moist lips. “I plan to drive into New Orleans to spend the day. Why?”

“Mind if I tag along?”

“You might not want to after our talk.”

He smiled. “I doubt there will ever be a time I wouldn’t want to spend with you.”

Sierra paused a moment and then said, “It would save time if we shower and dressed at the same time. You at your house and me at mine and I’ll be ready when you return.”

He nodded. “Alright.”

Sliding out of the bed, he didn’t miss the way her gaze raked over his naked body. “I’ll be back in less than an hour.”

She sat up, making sure to keep the sheet almost up to her chin. He sat on the edge of the bed to put on his socks and shoes and thinking the gesture was unnecessary, granted just how much he’d seen of her last night, how much of her body his tongue had tasted.



“Part of the reason I want to talk to you is to reiterate that last night was—”

“Fantastic. Simply amazing.” He leaned in and captured her mouth in another kiss.

SIERRAEASEDOUTof bed and on her feet the minute she heard the door close behind Vaughn. Last night had been fantastic and simply amazing like he’d said, but over breakfast she needed to make him understand why she still had to think of it as a moment thing for them.

She relived everything Vaughn had done to her, what she had done to him, what they had done to each other—and she had enjoyed every single minute of it. He possessed all the qualities a woman would want in a man...if she were free to pursue and indulge. No matter what Vaughn thought, she wasn’t ready to do either. If he thought he could change her position on that, he was mistaken.

Sierra headed for the bathroom and once there she gazed at herself in the vanity mirror. The reflection looking back at her was that of a woman who looked like she’d been made love to most of the night. Her hair was all disheveled, her eyes were brighter than normal and her lips looked like they had been thoroughly kissed more than a few times. And then there was that mark on her neck. Yikes!

She stood back and looked down at herself. Similar marks were on her stomach, thighs, and there was no doubt there were even some between her legs. Especially there. She blushed when she recalled how they got there.

Like she’d told Vaughn, she had no problem being seen in public with him. However, there was no reason for people to assume they were an item when she wasn’t ready to start dating again and wasn’t sure she ever would be. Last night was all about last night. It was about the moment and the fulfilling of needs.

Sierra looked at the clock. She would shower, get dressed and head over to the café. When she got there, she’d text Vaughn to let him know she decided not to wait for him and was there already. Might as well let him see her stubborn streak. Besides, regardless of what he’d said to the contrary, she was convinced after her talk with him, he wouldn’t want to spend the day with her in New Orleans.

A short while later she had changed clothes too often to suit her but wanted to look her best, and then wondered why she was making so much of an effort.

She straightened and looked at herself in the mirror again after finally deciding on a pair of jeans, one of her high-low blouses and her favorite boots.

To hide the mark on her neck she grabbed one of her favorite scarves from the closet. No one would think anything strange about her wearing one since they were stylish and were commonly worn this time of year.

Glancing out the window she saw that although it might be a little cool outside, a short jacket instead of a light coat would work. It was a nice day to walk the two blocks to the café. Doing so would clear her head, and she needed all her wits to deal with Vaughn.

The moment she stepped outside and locked the door behind her, she could smell the scent of the sea.

She paused before crossing the road and noticed a number of people had their boats out today and were passing the pier and heading out to the gulf.

It didn’t take her long to reach the Witherspoon Café. Once she got a table she would text Vaughn. She smiled, thinking he would see that instead of him being one step ahead of her, she was one step ahead of him, and that’s the way it would always be.

Adjusting the scarf around her neck she walked in and smiled at the waitress who approached her. “Good morning.”

The young woman smiled back. “Good morning. Your table is ready.”

Sierra’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “My table?”

“Yes. This way please.”

She followed the waitress and nearly stumbled when she was led to a table occupied by none other than Vaughn. What the hell?

He stood when she reached the table, and with a smile he leaned in close and whispered, “Checkmate.”