One Christmas Wish by Brenda Jackson


“I HATETOsay it, but I’m going to miss you when you leave tomorrow,” Sierra said, giving her sister a hug.

Sierra would have to admit this had been one of the best Thanksgivings ever. Her parents had left earlier that day and she and Dani could tell that they were happily living the life they wanted. Their parents told them they wouldn’t see them for Christmas but would probably travel back this way sometime after New Year’s.

Now she had some time with Dani. Sierra had forgotten just how much fun the two of them could have together, and Dani’s husband, Emory, was the brother Sierra never had, and the son her parents always wanted.

“Are you sure you don’t want to spend Christmas with us again this year?” Dani asked, as she stood at the window watching Emory and the kids play kickball.

“I’m sure. I got Teryn involved in a lot of activities here. She’s joined the youth Christmas choir and will be performing at church the Sunday before Christmas, and we’re decorating the restaurant for Christmas on the Main. I’m a contestant this year, so Teryn and I will be busy decorating for that. I want her to experience a Catalina Cove Christmas.”

A huge smile touched Dani’s lips. “I remember Christmas on the Main and how much fun it was. I guess there’s still the lighting of the Christmas tree, Christmas Wonderland and the boat parade?”

“Yes, and since I’m a part of the Christmas planning committee, I need to be involved in most of the events.”

Dani came to sit beside Sierra on the sofa. “One thing I can say, it was fun growing up in Catalina Cove and the holidays were the best.”

Sierra saw Dani had a whimsical look on her face. “If I didn’t know better, Dani, I’d say you’re homesick.”

Dani chuckled. “I honestly believe I am. I love living in Atlanta, but there’s nothing like Catalina Cove. All it took was a week here to make me see the contrast between the two places. They are as different as night and day.”

Sierra nodded. “Do you think you’d ever move back here?”

“Maybe one day. Emory and I have talked about it a few times. He likes it here, too. We even talked about looking into buying a place here to use as a summer retreat. Then it will be a place we can retire to years from now.”

“That would be awesome.”

“Yes, I think so, too,” Dani said. “I understand Reid Lacroix will be developing land for homes near the gulf. I heard there’s a list of interested buyers already.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Sierra said, looking at her phone when a text message came in. It was from Vaughn. Returning home tonight instead of tomorrow night.

Her lips slid into a smile. “Vaughn just texted me that he’s coming home tonight instead of tomorrow night.”

“Umm, sounds like he missed you as much as you missed him.”

Sierra frowned at her sister. “I didn’t say I missed him.”

Dani laughed. “You didn’t have to. I recognized that pitiful look in your eyes. It’s the same expression any woman gets when she misses her man. Trust me, I know. Then it’s followed by urges to jump his bones when you see him.”

Sierra rolled her eyes. “That’s how you operate, not me, Dani. I’ll see Vaughn tomorrow sometime after you guys leave.”

“Why wait when he’s coming home today? I bet the reason he’s coming home early is because he misses you. And regardless of what you say, I know you missed him as well.”

Sierra did miss him, and she had told him that when they had texted each other. “It doesn’t matter. Have you forgotten I have Teryn with me?”

Now it was Dani who rolled her eyes. “Stop making excuses. You weren’t going home tonight. You and Teryn were spending the last night here with us. Teryn and Crane are joined at the hips anyway. She can spend the night here like we planned, but you can spend the night with your guy. Then we can all meet up for breakfast in the morning at Witherspoon Café so I can have some of their blueberry muffins before we fly back to Atlanta. Besides, I want to meet him.”

“You know him already.”

“I told you I used to see him whenever he picked up his sister from cheerleading practice. He was a knockout then. For all I know, he might have gotten bald and have a gut. You claim he’s hot, but I need to see him for myself.”

Sierra nibbled her lip. “For all I know, he might be tired when he gets in. He might not want any company. He might be—”

“Stop it, Sierra. There was a reason he texted you to let you know he was arriving a day early.”

“You think so?”

“Of course I do, and I think this calls for a surprise.”

“A surprise?” Sierra echoed, knowing that she really shouldn’t. Her sister’s ideas could be totally outlandish at times.

“Yes. Text Vaughn back and let him think that tomorrow would be the earliest he’ll see you because you’re spending time here with your family. Then go home, get sexy, pack an overnight bag, and when you know he’s home, pay him a booty call surprise visit.”

Sierra’s body felt hot with the thought of what Dani suggested. “I can’t do that.”

“Sure, you can. I used to do it all the time before Emory and I got married. One time I showed up naked beneath a trench coat for makeup sex.”

Sierra shook her head. “That was too much information, Dani.”

Her sister laughed. “I know, but I enjoyed telling you about it anyway. So, will you do it or are you just claiming to be Miss Independent?”

Sierra tilted her head back and blew out a deep breath. She straightened her head and looked at her sister. “Yes, I will do it.”

VAUGHNSPLANEHADlanded, and since he’d left his SUV at the airport, it hadn’t taken him long to get home. It wasn’t until after the plane landed that he received Sierra’s text letting him know she couldn’t see him until tomorrow. It had been a disappointing drive from the airport in New Orleans to home. Once here, he immediately took a shower then grabbed a beer and came out on the patio to stare out at the gulf and relax.

It was dark, but he could see the flashing lights of boats cruising by. He had begun missing Sierra so much that he’d cut his time with Zara short by a day. She had understood. Hell, his sister had understood way too much. In fact, she’d been the one to put the idea in his head to come back early. Only problem was, he hadn’t planned things well. Actually, he hadn’t planned things at all. He’d just acted on emotions and hadn’t taken time to recall that Sierra’s family was in town, and she’d mentioned they wouldn’t be leaving until late Sunday. That meant they were still here, and he couldn’t expect her to leave them just because he’d decided to come back early.

So here he was, sitting in his favorite patio chair, staring out at the gulf and missing Sierra even more. At least he was only a few miles away from her instead of thousands of miles away. And even now he was getting turned on knowing they were breathing the same air. Catalina Cove air.

More than anything, he wanted Sierra to see how good things could be if their relationship went in a different direction, and she could love him as much as he loved her.

And he did love her.He had finally accepted just what Sierra meant to him.

He was about to take the final sip of his beer when he heard the doorbell. It was close to nine. Who in their right mind would be visiting at this hour? Most of his friends knew he was out of town. The only person who was aware of his early return was Sierra.

He quickly headed for the door, trying to downplay the excitement rushing up his spine in case he was wrong. Her text had said she couldn’t see him until tomorrow. Had she changed her mind and come anyway? Now he was practically racing to the door as adrenaline flowed through his veins.

When he reached the door, he paused to glance through the peephole. When he saw it was Sierra, he snatched the door open. He wasn’t sure why she was there—and frankly, he didn’t care. He was too elated to see her. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms.