One Christmas Wish by Brenda Jackson


SIERRAHADNEVERheard Vaughn sound so direct before. He was placing his feelings on the table and she could take them or leave them because he’d had enough.

He had pretty much spelled out what being in a relationship meant to him, and now it was up to her to decide if he was the kind of man she wanted. All she had to do was recall what had gone down in that meeting with Nathan and Judge Hargrove. Just how defeated she’d felt when she saw how close she was to losing Teryn.

Then, like a knight in shining armor, Vaughn had come through and saved the day for her and Teryn. What really touched her more than anything was that after all she’d said to him and how she’d acted, he still wanted her, and he was leaving it up to her to give them a chance.

“And if I say you are the type of man that I want in my life then what, Vaughn?” She tried to ignore how good he looked sitting there in his dark slacks and white button-down shirt.

“Then you put up with me, flaws and all, Sierra, and I’ll do likewise with you,” he said, claiming her full attention. “Then you’ll know that although I’ll always let you handle your business, I will still have your back and will be there whenever you need me—and even those times when you think that you don’t. It also means believing in me like I believe in you. Think you can handle that?”

She nibbled on her bottom lip, nodded and said, “Last week you said you love me.”

“Yes, and when I said it, you acted like it meant nothing to you and that you honestly didn’t give a damn.”

“I was upset and not ready to accept anything you had to say.”

“And now?”

And now more than anything she appreciated the generosity of his love. He was so giving, so loving and so protecting. What woman would not want a man like that in her life? A man who would bring her joy in the morning, afternoon and at night. A man who would be there not just for her but for Teryn as well.

“And now I have a reason to be happy because of you. When I think how things could have turned out...”

“They still would have turned out the same way, Sierra. I would have gotten you the best attorney money could buy. An entire team who specializes in family law if I had to. At no time would Flowers have taken you on without getting a piece of me in the process.”

With that fierce look in his hazel eyes, she believed him. “And just the thought that you came here, to this city, for me...” Her voice trailed off as she fought back tears.

“I would do just about anything for you, cherie,” he said softly.

His term of endearment had her easing from her seat on wobbly knees and slowly crossing the room to stand before him. He straightened in his seat and his legs instinctively opened as she stood between them. He looked up at her and she stared down at him. “I apologize for everything I said, Vaughn, and how I acted. I was so afraid of losing Teryn, and the idea of her being forced to spend just one minute in Nathan’s presence was killing me. I want another chance with you. I know what and who you are.”

“WHATAM I and who am I?” Vaughn asked in a low voice.

“You are a treasure and the man I love.”

He held her gaze for a long moment and saw the weary lines around her eyes. She looked beautiful but tired. He could imagine how worried she’d been over the thought of losing Teryn. “Do you honestly love me, Sierra?”

“Yes, with all my heart.” Then she asked, “Do you still love me?”

He nodded. “If I didn’t still love you, I wouldn’t be here in Chicago now. Love isn’t something you can turn off and on. It’s forever, Sierra. It’s being there for the person when they need you...even when they think that they don’t need you. It’s about sharing in their joys and their sorrows. It’s about protecting them from all sides.”

He reached up and pulled her into his arms, cradling her in his lap. He stared down at her and reached out to caress her cheek. “So, the answer is yes, I still love you.”

“Oh, Vaughn,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, too. You make me so happy.”

He smiled, brushing a thick lock of hair from her face. “That’s today. Tomorrow I might make you mad. That’s life.”

She chuckled. “That’s us.”

“Yes, that’s us and will always be us. I enjoy having you and Teryn in my life, and yes, I think of Teryn as mine, too. The two of you come as a package deal, one I gladly accept and consider a blessing. She is a special little girl full of love, warmth and vitality.”

Vaughn paused a moment and said, “And another thing, cherie. I want things I didn’t think I’d want again after Camila. I want marriage, babies and a lifetime of love. I have fallen hopelessly in love with you.”

Tears began streaming down Sierra’s face and Vaughn wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs. “I didn’t say any of that to make you cry, Sierra.”

“This has been an emotional day.”

Vaughn lowered his head and captured her lips with his. He needed this kiss and he wanted it. He’d gone without tangling his tongue with hers for way too long. The moment their tongues connected every nerve in his body caught fire and it spread through him.

Standing with her in his arms he walked into the bedroom and laid her on the huge bed. He stood back and looked at her.

“I don’t ever want to go through another week like this one,” he said. “I was miserable. Nothing was the same. I even missed eating your soup.”

He saw his words had coaxed a smile from her. “Sorry you missed my soup,” she said.

“And you know what else I missed?”

“I can’t even begin to imagine,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“I missed spending time with you, sharing heat with you, making love with you. Especially our lovemaking in your office at night, or any of those other times when I slide inside of you. You’ve always made me feel whole when we made love.”

Walking to the bed, he pulled her against his chest, just wanting to hold her and know she was back with him. Then, he began undressing her and when he had stripped her down to her undies and bra, he shook his head. Her sexy underwear would be the death of him yet. He needed to buy stock in that company.

He couldn’t help but stare at how her generous breasts were practically spilling out of her black lace bra with matching panties. “Did you wear that skirt and shoes to meet with the judge?”

She smiled. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s way too short.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “I thought you once told me that you like seeing my legs.”

“The operative word is I. That doesn’t mean I want every man to see them as well,” he said, removing his shirt and tossing it aside to join her skirt and blouse.

“That is not the outfit I had on to see the judge. I wore a business suit. It was important that I portray myself in a positive light at that meeting. I didn’t bring any extra clothes since I figured this to be an overnight trip, so I went shopping after you invited me to your room.”


“Because I wanted to look sexy for you. I always want to look sexy for you, Vaughn. So that skirt, blouse and my undies are all new. I bought them at the boutique downstairs.”

“That’s why you were late getting up here. Well, it was worth it. You look sexy.”


“Now are you ready for me, cherie?” he asked, lowering his pants and briefs.

He saw the way her gaze roamed all over his body. “Yes, Vaughn, I am ready for you.”

THETRUTHOFthe matter was that Sierra was more than ready. The area between her legs was pulsing and throbbing mercilessly. It always did whenever she saw Vaughn naked. She watched him retrieve a condom pack from his wallet.

That’s when she spoke up and said, “Unless you just want to use that, you don’t really have to. Since my divorce I’ve been taking injections, although I hadn’t been sexually active before meeting you.”

Vaughn tossed the condom aside as a huge grin spread across his face. “I definitely prefer not using it.”

“Then don’t.”

When he moved closer to the bed, she forced her gaze from his engorged penis. She scooted closer to the edge and reached up to stroke his face. “Today you saved me and Teryn. Thank you.”

He shook his head. “We save each other, Sierra. You made me believe in love again.” He removed her sexy undies but decided to let her keep on her black stilettos.

When he had her completely naked, his gaze raked over her entire body. “You are beautiful and the epitome of perfection.”

“I was thinking the same thing about you,” she whispered. Feeling bold, she ran her hands over his muscular chest and combed her fingers through the hair there, realizing just how much she missed touching him this week. How much she missed seeing him and being with him.

Reaching up, she tugged on a few strands of his hair. “It’s longer.”

“You noticed.”

“Yes, and I like it. Makes you look like a rogue pirate. I could imagine you being Jean Lafitte himself.”

He laughed. “Trust me, the longer hair wasn’t intentional. I canceled my regular barber appointment Tuesday.”

“Umm, like I said, I like it. In fact,” she said as her gaze roamed all over him, “I like everything about you. You are what dreams are made of. Hot. Sexy. Seductive.”

“I think the same about you.”

When she took his erection in her hand, he moaned. “I need to get inside of you, cherie. We will take things slow the next time, but right now your scent is calling out to me.”

She could believe it. Her panties had gotten wet the moment he had opened the door, and he’d stood there looking sexier than he’d ever looked before.

“You mean I don’t get to lick you from head to toe now?”

“Please hold that thought,” he said, easing her back and at the same time using his knee to widen her legs apart.

“I will definitely hold all my thoughts for later, Vaughn.”

When he had her flat on her back, she felt not only his heat but the need he was trying to hold in check. He was deeply aroused and so was she. This would be one bone-melting mating and would probably test the limits of both of their endurances, but she was ready.

He began easing inside of her while holding her gaze with searing intensity. He seemed to have gotten bigger and was stretching her insides to the max. He growled and she purred, knowing Vaughn was about to blow her mind.

She was prepared, but when he began moving with long, gliding strokes inside of her, Sierra knew she would never get enough of this. Of him. The total feel of his penis as he moved inside of her, going deeper and deeper, created a sexual enjoyment of the richest kind, the erotic friction of skin sliding against skin, muscles contracting and releasing, over and over again—it was all making her frantic. She lifted her hips and his pace increased, and what they’d missed out on while apart gripped them in the folds of a powerful rhythm.

His thrusts sent sensations rocketing through her that had every part of her quivering and her entire body humming. Being without him for almost a week had done this?

Although her body was aching for release, she wasn’t ready to surrender to the magnitude of his vigorous lovemaking. She needed this, the feel of being totally uninhibited with him. She loved the sound of their bodies slapping together, mingling with their moans and groans.

“I’ll never get enough of you,” he whispered, then lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her with the expertise she was used to.

Then it happened, she felt it all the way to her toes. When his body began shuddering, hers began shuddering as well. He lifted her hips and plunged deeper, and when she screamed out her pleasure, he threw his head back. She slid her hands to his backside, loving the feel of his buttocks contracting. This is what she wanted, what she needed and desired. And she knew it would always be this way.

When the spasms finally eased from their bodies, he slid off her and then positioned their bodies to lie side by side facing each other. Her body was slick with sweat and he leaned in to lick around her breasts then took a nipple in his mouth. Immediately, she felt the area between her legs rejuvenate as she started getting aroused all over again.

“Again?” she whispered.

He smiled and moved to reclaim his position over her. “Yes, again.”