One Christmas Wish by Brenda Jackson


“WELL, THATABOUT does it,” Vaughn said, snapping closed his briefcase. He had left Catalina Cove to fly to Phoenix, Arizona, almost a week ago. He’d met with the Colfax Group that consisted of the father, Jack Colfax, and his three sons, Jack Colfax Jr., whom everyone called Jaye, Dean and Franklin.

Over twenty-five years ago, Jack founded the Colfax National Bank, opening the first one in Phoenix, Arizona. Since then, more than seventy branches had opened, not only in Arizona but in Texas and Oklahoma. And now they were expanding to Louisiana. Specifically, Catalina Cove.

As the biggest employer in town, Reid Lacroix had sent Vaughn to make sure the acquisition of the cove’s only bank by the Colfax Group went smoothly. After meeting with the father and son team, Vaughn had no doubt that it would. According to Jack Colfax, the suggestion to acquire Barrows Bank had come from Jack’s oldest son, Jaye. Vaughn discovered that he and Jaye were about the same age and both were part of the same Greek fraternity.

While in Phoenix, Vaughn had spent most of his time in business meetings with Jaye. It didn’t take long for Vaughn to see that he was a sharp, highly intelligent and enterprisingly successful businessman who planned to expand the family’s banking business not only into Louisiana but to other states as well. However, Vaughn had a feeling the acquisition of Barrows Bank was very important to Jaye. Vaughn just hadn’t figured out why.

“Are you flying out today?” Jaye asked, coming from around his desk and breaking into Vaughn’s thoughts.

“No, I fly out tomorrow since I wasn’t sure we would conclude all our business today.”

“I’m glad you flew out here. I could understand Mr. Lacroix’s concerns since he’s the bank’s biggest client.”

Vaughn nodded. There was no need to tell Colfax that if Reid hadn’t wanted his bank to expand to Catalina Cove, they would not have. “Your team did an excellent job in providing all the information I needed. Do you know yet the name of the person who will manage the branch in Catalina Cove?”

“For the first six months or so, I will.”

Vaughn raised a brow. Since the Colfax Group would be expanding to other cities and states, Vaughn expected that Jaye Colfax’s expertise would best be used elsewhere.

“You will be moving to the cove then?” Vaughn asked.

“Yes. My personal assistant is looking into housing for me now. Hopefully, rental property won’t be hard to find.”

“It shouldn’t be this time of the year. For the bank to open the first of the year, I assume you’d want to move to the cove sometime before the holidays.”

“Those are my plans.”

It wasn’t what Jaye Colfax said but how he said it that gave Vaughn pause. Did the man have an ulterior motive for moving to the cove and opening a bank there? And why did Vaughn have a deep suspicion it had something to do with a woman? If that was true, then the man was putting a lot of time and effort, not to mention capital, in this business venture just to be in the cove to pursue someone.

But on the other hand, he could see acquiring Barrows Bank was a win-win situation for the Colfaxes. Reid might be their largest client, but there were a number of other businesses that channeled their money through the only bank in the cove. Unlike Larson Barrows, who’d always been tight with his money when it came to a number of things, the Colfax Group planned to put money back into the community and the people they served.

“Well, your takeover of the bank will be a plus for Catalina Cove, and I wish you success with all your business ventures.”

Jaye chuckled. “Thanks, but the business end is not what I’m worried about, it’s the personal piece.”

Personal piece?Vaughn nodded. “Then I wish you the best with that as well.”

“Trust me, I’m going to need it. And another thing—”


“I’d appreciate it if the news that Colfax Group will be taking over the bank isn’t leaked to anyone,” Jaye said. “At least not until the announcement is made at the town hall meeting in December.”

Vaughn didn’t say anything at first, thinking the man’s request was an odd one. Most people in Catalina Cove knew that Barrows was retiring and were probably wondering who would be taking over. “Alright, but what about Barrows? Does he know of this request?”

“Yes, he knows and won’t be saying anything.” Jaye paused a moment and then asked, “By the way, do you know a woman living in the cove by the name of Velvet Spencer?”

Vaughn shook his head. “No, sorry, the name doesn’t ring a bell. Is she someone you know?”

“Yes, she’s someone I know. I believe she moved there around two years ago.”

Just as Vaughn had suspected, Colfax’s interest had to do with a woman. “The only people I can say I’m acquainted with are those I knew before leaving the cove for college. I’ve only been back a few years, but I don’t recall our paths ever crossing. What does she do there?”

“I understand she’s a teacher at one of the schools.”

“I see.”

As if Jaye Colfax figured Vaughn might be seeing too much, he looked at his watch before saying, “Since you’re not leaving tonight, I’d like to invite you over to my place. I’m getting together with a few friends to watch the game. There will be plenty to eat and drink.”

Vaughn smiled. “Thanks, and I’d love to.”

AFTER VAUGHN MILLERleft his office, Jaye Colfax went to the window and looked out. The weather was typical for mid-October in Phoenix, and he was looking forward to moving to Louisiana for a while. According to Vaughn, although the town was located on the gulf, Catalina Cove rarely had real cold days. Like Phoenix, most days in October, the highs could reach the low eighties and the lows in the sixties. What he was looking forward to was the ocean being so close. He would definitely enjoy that.

His plans were falling together nicely and acquiring that bank in Catalina Cove was icing on the cake. That gave him hope that he could have a real chance at getting Velvet back.

When it came to business matters he was a born strategist, a trait he and his brothers had acquired from their father, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was the first to admit he’d failed. Mainly because he hadn’t recognized love until it had been too late.

So now he had to plan an entirely new type of acquisition. Jaye knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he intended to do whatever it took to prove to Velvet Spencer just how much he needed her in his life, and how wrong he’d been for taking what they had for granted and not realizing until she’d left just what she meant to him.

He knew Velvet, and for her to leave the way she had meant she didn’t believe he could change, that he would always be a man totally against falling in love, settling down and marrying. Hell, they’d been together, dating exclusively for over three years and he still hadn’t changed his mind about marriage.

For years the reason had been simple. Jaye never wanted to marry someone who would hurt him the way his mother had hurt his father, leaving him and their three sons to run off with another man. He would often see the pain in his father’s eyes, especially around the holidays. It had been years before his father opened himself up to love someone again, and Jaye was glad when Arlene had come into not only his father’s life, but his and his brothers’ as well. She was just who their father needed, and he was smiling again.

Jaye turned when he heard the buzzer on his desk. He went to his desk and pressed the button. “Yes, Kim?”

“Mercury Steele is here to see you.”

“Please send him in.”

Mercury was his best friend and had been since grade school. They had also been roommates in college. Mercury knew him better than anyone, even his own brothers. He and Mercury were just that close. Last year Mercury had surprised the hell out of everyone and met a woman, fallen in love and married.

Mercury walked into Jaye’s office smiling. Jaye noticed his friend smiled a lot these days, but this smile was even brighter than usual. “Any reason you’re in such a happy mood?” he asked.

“Yes, there’s a reason,” Mercury said, dropping into the chair in front of Jaye’s desk. “Sloan is pregnant.”

A smile spread wide across Jaye’s face. “I am happy for you. Truly happy. Has anyone told Eden yet?” Everybody knew that now that Mercury’s mother had gotten her six sons married, she was looking forward to grandbabies. And it seemed she was getting them left and right. Two had been born this year from Mercury’s brothers Tyson and Jonas and their wives.

“Yes. We told her last night at our regular Wednesday night get-together. Both she and Dad were happy.”

“I can imagine.”

“So, tell me, how was your meeting with that guy from Catalina Cove?”

“It went well. I plan to go there in December to check things out.”

“Cut the BS, Jaye. The real reason you’re going there is to see Velvet.”

Jaye nodded. “I want to do more than see her, Mercury, although seeing her is a first step. It’s been two years since she left me.” And left him, she had. She’d moved away without telling him where she’d gone. All his friends, including Mercury, had warned him that one day Velvet would get tired of being just his bedmate when she deserved to be his wife. He’d been stubborn and refused to see it that way, and his friends had been proved right. It took losing her to make him realize that he loved Velvet. He regretted thinking their relationship had only been about sex. Boy, had he been wrong.

She had given him plenty of chances and he’d blown every one of them. He had hired a private investigator to find her and now, he planned on getting her back.

“You’re right. It’s all about Velvet and I need her in my life.”

“Yes, you do. After being married to Sloan this past year, I can’t believe I fought it for so long. I love being married and you will, too. I wish you the best on your plan.”

“Thanks.” Jaye knew telling Velvet that he loved her wouldn’t cut it. He would have to show her.

“By the way, that guy from Catalina Cove will be in town until tomorrow so I invited him to tonight’s party at my place. His name is Vaughn Miller, and I like him.”

“Did you ask if he knew Velvet?”

“Yes. He doesn’t know her.”

Mercury stood. “I need to get going. I promised Dad I’d drop by and help him hang another painting Mom purchased. I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Will do.”

After Mercury left, Jaye sat at his desk thinking. He needed Velvet back in his life and intended to make her his wife.

“CANYOUWALK, DANI?” Sierra’s question brought on a fit of laughter from her sister, who knew just why she was asking.

“You are so funny, Sierra. Of course I can walk, but I suggest you direct your concern to Emory. I plumb wore him out.”

Sierra could believe it. She was convinced when they were giving out passionate bones, they overlooked her and gave double to her sister. Dani and Emory were two of the most passionate people she knew. They could never keep their hands off each other and were always touching. Even when they were out in public they held hands or he walked with his arm around her shoulders.

“The kids are okay?” she asked.

“Yes, they weren’t here the night Emory got home since I wanted him to myself. My in-laws kept them through the weekend. What’s going on with you? Any more action between you and Vaughn Miller?”

A part of Sierra wished Dani hadn’t brought up Vaughn since she’d been trying to keep him out of her thoughts. She hadn’t seen him this week so keeping him off her mind should have been easy, but it wasn’t.

She eased down in her favorite spot on the sofa in a pair of her favorite pajamas. Instead of a glass of wine, tonight she’d settled on a cup of herbal tea. Normally she would have been in bed by now, but she wasn’t sleepy. In reality, she just wasn’t ready to close her eyes and see him. Even after a week of not seeing Vaughn, she saw him aplenty in her dreams.


“Yes,” she said, when her focus was snatched back by Dani.

“I asked if there’s been any more action between you and Vaughn Miller?”

That was easy enough to answer. “No. In fact, he didn’t drop by the restaurant for soup this week.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

A slight frown touched Sierra’s lips. It sounded as if she should be lying on a couch with Dani as her therapist. “Am I supposed to feel some particular way?”

“You tell me. Do you feel indifferent, concerned, disappointed? Only you know how you feel, and I’m merely asking.”

Sierra sipped her tea. Not only had Dani inherited all those passionate bones, she had nabbed quite a few of the perceptive ones as well. It had always been that way with Dani. Even when Sierra had tried putting her best face on the outside, Dani always detected how she was really feeling on the inside.

“I don’t know how I’m feeling, Dani, and that’s the thing. When Vaughn came into the restaurant last Friday, he invited me to share a meal with him. I was on break, but I did sit with him and had a glass of tea while he ate.”


“And it was pleasant...and I felt things.”

“What sort of things?” Dani asked.

“Vibes. I actually felt vibes between us. I got turned on just looking at him. Whether it was watching him eat, drinking his ale, talking. Any time he moved his mouth I got hot. I mean burning hot.”


Sierra had a feeling she should not be sharing this with Dani of all people. Dani with all the passionate bones and an overabundance of perceptive ones. But Sierra wanted to talk to someone about these strange sensations she’d felt that night and every night since. If Rhonda had been alive, she could have talked to her, but her best friend was gone, so Dani was it.

“Yes, wow. For a moment I actually knew how it felt to want to jump a guy’s bones. Vaughn Miller is so sexy, so good-looking, so fine and masculine.”

“So, what’s the problem, Sierra?”

Sierra rolled her eyes. “The problem, Danielle,” she said, calling her sister by her given name, “is that I don’t have time for such stuff. I have a little girl to raise and—”

“Whoa. Don’t use Teryn as an excuse not to get some. How long has it been since you slept with a man and I don’t mean lie beside one or make love and pretend to have an orgasm. I mean, made love with to the point where you enjoyed it. To the point where you began riding him when he’s finished riding you.”

Dani’s words had Sierra choking on her tea. “What!”

“Umm, just what I thought. You need to get laid, Sierra.”

“I do not.”

“Yes, you do. However, I’m not sure Vaughn Miller is the man for the job.”

“Why not?” she asked, not that she thought any man would be the right one.

“Too rich. Rich guys can be selfish, overbearing and outright controlling.”

Sierra had news for her sister. Guys vying to be rich acted the same way. Dani had just described Nathan to a T. “If not Vaughn, then who?” she asked, curious to hear what Dani would say.

“I don’t know, Sierra, but I’m sure there are other eligible single guys in the cove who aren’t filthy rich.”

“First of all, there’s nothing wrong with filthy rich if you’re a decent person. Second, I don’t need to get laid, but if I did, I would think I would turn my attention to the guy who can push my buttons. Otherwise, I would feel nothing and he will feel everything.”

What she didn’t add, but what she figured Dani suspected, was the resentment in her words was aimed at Nathan.

“Okay, you have a point. But when and if you do hook up with Vaughn Miller, keep your senses intact. I recall he was pretty good-looking years ago, and—”

“I thought you didn’t remember him.” How could Dani remember him when she didn’t?

“I didn’t at first, then I recalled Zara’s brother who would pick her up after cheerleading practice whenever he was in town from college, and how all of us would drool.”

Sierra could see teenage girls drooling over a college-age Vaughn. She drooled over the adult version. She glanced at her watch. She and Dani had been talking a half hour already. That would have been fine if Emory wasn’t in town, since Sierra had no problem keeping her sister company.

“Where’s Emory tonight?”

“Thursday night football over at his folks’ house. It’s better for them to have the hoopla there since they make too much noise, whether their team is winning or losing. The kids need to sleep and not hear a lot of cursing and swearing. He should be home in an hour or so.”

“And you will wait up for him.”

“Of course.”

Sierra couldn’t help but smile. Although she teased Dani a lot about it, she was happy for her because one of them had hit the jackpot when they’d married. Emory and Dani were perfect for each other and they loved each other a lot.



“You’re going to find that special someone who is meant to be yours and no one else’s. Don’t give up. Who knows, it just might be Vaughn Miller. Who am I to say?”

Then, as if Dani sensed she was ready to change the topic, Dani smoothly shifted to Teryn, asking how she was doing, how she was handling first grade and her excitement for the approaching holidays.

“She told me last week she is working on her wish list for Santa.” After taking another sip of her tea, Sierra added, “And she told me to make sure I did mine. However, I only got one wish because I’m an adult. So, I guess what I wish for better be a doozy.”

Dani chuckled. “Yes, and I hope whatever you do wish for comes true.”