Jingle Bell Wolf by Terry Spear

Chapter 5

When they reached Blake and Nicole’s house, the other wolves said good night with woofs and barks, and then Landon and his sisters and Gabrielle loped to the next house. Inside, Rosco greeted each of them with big tail wags and licks to their faces as if they were all part of a wolf pack.

Then they shifted in their rooms, dressed, and joined one another in the living room.

“Good night, Gabrielle. That was fun,” Kayla said. “We’re so glad you could play with us. I want you to show me later how you can spring and fight like you do. I’ve never seen a wolf do that before but that was really cool. We’ll see you later, Landon.”

“Yeah, that was amazing footwork you used out there.” Roxie smiled.

“Courtesy of my jaguar friends,” Gabrielle said.

“Ha! I thought maybe Florida wolves were different from the Colorado wolves.” Landon was amused that that’s how Gabrielle had outmaneuvered him a few times with her strange moves.

Gabrielle laughed.

* * *

Everyone said good night, then Landon grabbed a bag from his bedroom with a pair of board shorts and his beach towel featuring a wolf. With his bag in hand, he took Gabrielle out into the snow and walked her to the lodge.

“So what do you think of the ski lodge?” he asked, hoping she loved it as much as they did.

“It’s beautiful. I love all the Christmas decorations and all the beautiful wolf details. It makes me feel like this is home. For a wolf, so to speak.”

“That’s what we love about having our own lodge. We can decorate it the way that makes it feel like home for all of us wolves.”

“I agree. If I had a vet clinic of my own—” Gabrielle abruptly quit talking and smiled, as if she remembered she wasn’t interested in taking over Doc Mitchell’s clinic. “Where are you going to change clothes at the lodge?”

“In the room we have for our skis.”

“All right, I’ll run up to my room and change and meet you at the pool then.”

“Meet me by the check-in counter so you won’t give other people the idea you can swim after hours without one of us being there with you. I don’t want to have to chase a mob of people out of there.”

She chuckled. “What about you? Won’t you give everyone the idea you’re breaking the rules if they don’t know you’re one of the owners?”

Landon returned her smile. “We put up a sign that says ‘Private Party,’ and that way people know it’s not open for guests.”

“Okay, that sounds like it could work. How often do you get guests asking about reserving the pool afterward?”

“Often. That’s why we also say it’s for staff only.”

“Okay, good. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” She headed for the stairs, and Landon was left thinking he’d gotten really lucky that she’d caught his attention the first night she was there, and that her friends hadn’t arrived yet or she would have been busy with them the whole time. Though he reminded himself she was there for less than a week and then would be gone. He was glad Roxie didn’t come swimming. She usually did when he did, except for the other night. But now she was allowing him some time alone with Gabrielle, which he really appreciated.

He dressed in a jiffy and headed to the pool, setting out the PRIVATE POOL PARTY: STAFF ONLY sign and leaving his towel on one of the chaise lounges before heading back to the check-in counter to wait for Gabrielle. He just wished there was something he could say or do to convince her to leave sunny Florida and live with the pack and continue dating him!

* * *

Gabrielle entered her room and saw a red-and-gold-wrapped Christmas present sitting on her dresser. She frowned. “What is this?” She read the card, which said From Secret Santa.

Okay, her friends weren’t supposed to do a Secret Santa with her.

She stripped out of all the winter clothes, tossing her parka, boots, gloves, socks, scarf, two sweaters, pants, and bra on the bed. She wasn’t used to wearing so many clothes in the winter. Then she hurried to put on her bathing suit—the red-and-green-striped one. It was sexy enough. She didn’t want to wear the string bikini while swimming with Landon and give him the idea it was a come-on.

She pulled on a cover-up, with no need to dress in her winter gear and do this out in the snow this time, for which she was glad. Her phone rang. No! She didn’t want to leave Landon waiting on her for too long.

She grabbed her phone off the table and saw it was Zelda calling. “Hi, are the two of you getting in sooner than you expected? I was going swimming. I’ll just meet you in the room in about an hour if you are coming in shortly.”

“The pool is closed now, isn’t it?” Zelda asked, sounding surprised.

Gabrielle slipped on her flip-flops. “Yeah, but I met one of the owners and he and I are taking a swim together, so it’s okay.”


“It’s just a fun diversion until you get here.” Gabrielle hoped her friends wouldn’t think she would ditch them for a hot wolf, even though she would love to spend more time with him.

“Oh no, we’re so glad you, uh, aren’t just sitting in the lodge room waiting on us. We were feeling awful about it.”

“No, don’t worry. I’ve been having fun. Landon taught me some beginner ski lessons even.”

“Really. But he’s one of the owners of the ski lodge?” Odette butted in and Gabrielle realized Zelda had put the phone on speaker and her sister was right there listening in.

Not that Gabrielle was surprised. “Yeah. The town is run by wolves. It’s just amazing. And they have a pub in town that is only for shifters. We’ll have to go there one of the nights we’re here. Who would ever have thought it, right? They even offered me a job as the vet here. Their vet wants to retire, and only shifters can run the businesses here. Of course I told them I had to return to Florida to my practice there.”

“Oh no. With three other regular vets in the co-op and a couple of floaters, they have it covered. With all the wolves in Silver Town… I mean, just think of all the dating opportunities you would have. You should consider the move,” Zelda said.

Odette quickly interrupted. “How nice. I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I’m not about to leave my practice.” Gabrielle sighed. “Though I have to admit it has been fun. You can meet Landon and his family and say hi to them when you get here. I ran with the family tonight as wolves. Oh, and they want me to teach them about the training you’ve given me as jaguars.”

The sisters laughed.

“They’re eager to meet you.”

“About that—” Odette said.

Gabrielle’s heart sank. “Don’t tell me you’re canceling on me.” As much fun as she was having here with Landon and his family, he couldn’t entertain her for the whole time she was supposed to be here. Surely, he would have to go back to work. And being on her own skiing wouldn’t be safe or fun.

“No, no, it’s just that, well, we’re so sorry for standing you up like this. We’re still trying to get ahold of Melany Williams. We promise we’re going to be there, after maybe a couple more days to wrap this up. If we can’t capture her in two days, we told the boss we’ll be on vacation, like we told him two months ago when we put in our leave form. Someone else can take the case if we don’t catch her by then. In the meantime, she has led us on a merry chase for now.”

“Two more days.” Gabrielle wasn’t sure what she was going to do by herself for that much time. So far, she’d done just fine because Landon took off the time to be with her. But she couldn’t imagine him taking off any more time to keep her company.

“Yes. Just two more days. We had always talked about sharing the cost of the lodging split three ways, but now we’re going to pay for your share,” Zelda said.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“We want to. You didn’t even want to go skiing until we finally talked you into it. And now you’re there all by yourself,” Odette said. “So yeah, like my sister said. The lodging is on us.”

“Okay, well, thank you.” Gabrielle really didn’t feel it was their fault and they had to make up for it monetarily. She was having fun so far. “Do you still think Melany is innocent?”

“Yeah, but not that many people do, so she feels they’re going to lock her up in the jaguar facilities and throw away the key and no one may ever find her mate alive or dead. But don’t you worry about it. See if Landon can take you skiing again or take some paid ski lessons, and by the time we get there, you’ll be on the black diamond slopes with us,” Zelda said.

“Ha! I did manage the intermediate slopes yesterday, but the expert slopes? I don’t think so. Not unless I lived here and skied all the time.”

“Wow,” Odette said. “We’re so proud of you! But, hey, if you took the job there, you could! And when we come to visit, we’ll all ski on the expert slopes together.”

“Thanks, I have had a good and patient ski instructor.” Gabrielle glanced at the Christmas present on the dresser. “Oh, before I forget, we weren’t going to get anything for each other for Christmas. Spending the money on the trip instead was supposed to be it.”

“That’s what we agreed on,” Zelda said.

“Yeah,” Odette said. “For all the years we’ve known each other, that’s the way we’ve done it, except for getting you that string bikini that one year on a dare.”

Gabrielle smiled. Wouldn’t they be surprised to learn she had reeled in a hot wolf while wearing it. “So one of you didn’t give me a Secret Santa gift?”

There was a significant pause, then Zelda said, “No. Who did it say it was from?”

“It just said ‘From Secret Santa.’”

“Was it left behind by the previous guest?” Odette asked.

“I don’t think so. It wasn’t here last night or today, but when I returned to change to go swimming, here it was, sitting on the dresser.”

“What is it?” Zelda asked.

“I didn’t open it. I wanted to make sure it was from the two of you. I didn’t want to open something that wasn’t mine.”

“Well, it isn’t from us, but maybe you have a secret admirer who is part owner of the ski lodge. So open it up and see what it is,” Odette said.

“No one would have gotten me a Secret Santa gift.”

“Are you sure?” Zelda asked.

“Yes. I guess I’ll take it down to the front desk and see if the former occupant left it behind. Maybe it had fallen under the bed and the maid was cleaning and found it and put it on the dresser while I was out skiing.”

“Can’t you just take a peek under the wrapping?” Zelda asked.

“You know what they say about curiosity and the cat?” Gabrielle said.

“You’re the one who piqued our curiosity,” Odette said.

“Well, I thought it was from one of you, and I hadn’t gotten either of you anything.” Which made Gabrielle think about how she should get Landon something to thank him for teaching her how to ski and for all the free meals he’d shared with her. She should get something for his family, too, for welcoming her with wolf runs. “Oh, I’ve got to go. Landon’s probably wondering if I forgot we were swimming next. I’ll see you in two days then.”

“You sure will. Have fun!” Zelda said.

They ended the call and Gabrielle grabbed her beach towel, Secret Santa gift, and key card, then left the room. She was going to call down to Landon to tell him she was coming, but she realized she didn’t have his cell number. She called the front desk instead. “Hi, I’m meeting Landon Wolff at the check-in counter and was delayed. Can you tell him—”

“Here, you can talk to him,” the clerk said.

“Oh, thanks.”

“Hello?” Landon had the sexiest, deepest male voice.

“Hi, it’s Gabrielle. I got delayed. My friends called, and I’m on the stairs now coming down.”

“Okay, sure. Are they coming in tonight?”

“No. They’re busy with a case. I told you that they work for the JAG. It’s a case they handled, and the woman escaped her escort.”

“Oh. But you’re not leaving here, are you?” He sounded concerned.

“No.” She smiled and waved at him as she entered the lobby and ended the call.

He eyed the Christmas package. Great. It looked like she had gotten him a gift. She switched direction and took the Christmas package to the check-in counter. “Hi, I think the previous occupant left this in my room.” She gave the lady her room number.

The clerk checked the computer. “You’ve been in the room for two days.”

Landon joined her. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone left this in the room.” Gabrielle shrugged. “I figured it was for a former guest and it fell under the bed or something. Anyway, it wasn’t in my room until tonight, sitting on my dresser. My girlfriends said it wasn’t from them.”

He read the tag. “Secret Santa.”

“Yeah, we don’t do that.”

He frowned. “Just set it behind the counter,” he told the clerk, “and when you have time, contact the former guest and see if they left a Secret Santa gift behind.”

“Sure thing.”

Still looking concerned, Landon escorted Gabrielle to the pool. Maybe it was because Gabrielle’s friends weren’t going to be here, and he was afraid she would pack up and leave.

“I’ll be here until my friends arrive. They said it would be two days from now.” She kicked off her flip-flops and pulled off her cover-up and laid it on the chaise lounge, ready to enjoy swimming with her new wolf friend.

“Okay, that’s good news.” He was watching her, waiting for the show. “No string bikini this time?”

She laughed. “I only wear that when no one’s watching.”

“Well, it did the trick on me. Immediately, I forgot to tell you that the pool was closed.” He kicked off his sandals and pulled off his shirt. Then he exchanged cell phone numbers with her so she wouldn’t have to call the front desk to get ahold of him again. “We’ll find out who the present belongs to and let you know.”

“Okay, thanks.” She dove into the pool and he joined her.

Then they were swimming laps back and forth. This was the life. Before she got here, she had learned the lodge had a pool, and that’s why she’d brought a couple of bathing suits, but she hadn’t thought she would be swimming with a male wolf. Two jaguar shifters, sure.

She reached the end of the pool near the lobby and turned and headed for the one that was outside in the snow. Landon swam beside her the whole time, not pulling ahead, but keeping the same pace, keeping her company, which she was thoroughly enjoying.

When they were outside, she paused and looked at the snow falling, the Christmas lights on the tree reflecting on the snow and the water, just beautiful. Landon came up beside her and put his hands palms up while he treaded water and caught the flakes. “So how does this compare to Christmas in Florida?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “This feels like a slice of heaven.” And then she kissed him as they both treaded water.

“I couldn’t have said it better.” He wrapped his arms around her back, holding her close, and kissed her mouth gently.

His body was a perfect ten and she kissed him back, their tongues sliding over each other’s in a long, meaningful caress, the heated water warm around them, their breaths frosty in the air, snowflakes covering their hair.

A winter wonderland for sure. Then she smiled at him, felt his growing interest in her pressing against her, their legs touching as they kept themselves afloat, his pheromones—and hers—coming to bear.

Now this was what she could have used earlier when they were trudging through the snow with Rosco, trying to return to the lodge.

“The question is,” she said, nipping at his chin, “will you be available for more skiing tomorrow, or do I need to hire a private ski instructor?” She could do a group lesson, but since she had already had private ski lessons, she really liked the personal attention they afforded. If Landon could do this again with her tomorrow, she preferred that rather than trying to hire someone else to do it.

“Hmm, that sounds like a challenge.” He kissed her mouth again, his hand sliding down her back, bringing her tight against his body. “I’m sure I can be off for the next two days and we can do more of what we did today, minus the snowboarder caught in the avalanche and the Rosco rescue, until your friends get here. When Nicole arrived here, we covered for Blake a lot—family helps out family—so it’s no problem at all.”

“Your family won’t be getting the wrong idea, will they?” She kissed the water droplets off his neck and licked a snowflake from his cheek before it melted, the shadow of a beard darkening his chin, his dark-brown eyes smiling.

“Sure they will. But I’ll assure them you’re not staying beyond your vacation here. They want you to have breakfast with us tomorrow morning, so don’t be surprised if they act hopeful that you’ll change your mind about coming here for good though.”

“Or that they told the pack leaders to invite me to take over the vet clinic here? I meant to ask your family who told them I was a vet, but I forgot.” She would ask them tomorrow, and she hoped they would be honest with her.

“I, for one, had nothing to do with it, and I didn’t mention it to any of them, so I don’t know how Lelandi learned of it.”

She believed Landon was being sincere. She licked his mouth and he kissed her again, this time holding her so she could relax and not have to tread water while he did all the work for them.

“That’s not to say”—he kissed her nose—“that I wouldn’t love it if you moved here. Though I would also love it if you continued seeing only me.”

She laughed. “But there’s a shortage of she-wolves. I would have my pick of bachelor males.”

“You would. That’s why I’m working hard at showing you I have what it takes to convince you I would be the only one you would want to date.”

She kissed his cheek. “I wouldn’t want to change partners at this point. Let’s go back inside. Despite how hot you are, and as warm as the water is, my head is getting cold.”

He slowly released her. “I’ll give you a head start.”

“No, I’ll chase you this time.” She didn’t want to feel panicked as he raced after her. She figured he would catch up to her quickly with his powerful strokes. “And don’t make it easy on me just so I can catch you.”

He chuckled. “All right. I’ll go first.”

But she didn’t want to lose either. And she dove right after him, not giving him more than a split second of a head start, going underneath the water and grabbing his foot before they’d even reached the glass divider. He turned and pulled her into his arms again.

He chuckled. “That was fast.”

“You were going too slow. Try again. We’re still out in the snow.” She smiled at him.

“No head start this time.”

As if she’d given him one the first time.

He dove under the water.

She dove right after him, not about to let him get away. He was kicking as fast as he could and made it under the glass divider. She came up under it and headed to the surface for a breath of air while he was still swimming for the end of the pool. She took off after him and finally grabbed his foot again.

He came up from under the water and laughed and pulled her into his arms again. “Damn, woman, you’re fast, and I swear I didn’t swim slowly so you would catch me.”

“I’m from Florida, remember? I swim a lot.”

He smiled. “I should have remembered that when you told me you were going to chase me.”

“Don’t tell me you couldn’t have caught me if you had gone after me instead.”

“Oh, hell yeah, I would have caught you. The incentive would be too great—not only because I want the prize, but because I have something to prove. Next time, I’m chasing you.”

She smiled. She would panic for sure. “Do you want to swim in the morning before breakfast with your family? And then have breakfast and go skiing?”

“You bet.”

“As long as you can square it with your family.” She didn’t want to take it for granted that he could take any more time off for her, despite Blake having taken off time for Nicole.

“It won’t be a problem.” Then Landon released her, and they climbed out of the pool.

They began drying themselves off. After he pulled on his shirt and his sandals and she pulled her cover-up over her head and slipped on her flip-flops, he wrapped his arms around her. “We’ve run together, saved a snowboarder together, played as wolves together, swam together, had meals together, skied together. It’s high time I kissed you good night before you take off to your room.”

As if they hadn’t already kissed each other! Despite his declaration, he waited to see if she was all right with it.

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed doing everything I have with you and with your family.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and tilted her chin up so he could lean down and press his mouth against hers. Warm, sweet, sexy, and memorable. She kissed him back and realized he was going to have a tough time walking through the lobby to the office and storage room with a full-blown erection in clinging, wet board shorts. She smiled up at him. “I can’t wait to enjoy the day with you tomorrow.” Then she released him.

“I’m looking forward to it also.” Then he wrapped his wolf towel around his waist, helping to hide his arousal, and walked her to the stairs leading to her floor. “Good night, Gabrielle. Pleasant dreams.”

“Believe me, they will be totally pleasant.” If she had any say in her dreams at all. “Wow, what a memorable vacation already. Good night, Landon.” Then she headed quickly up the stairs before she could invite him to stay in her room and cause even more speculation for the family and any other wolves who might have seen them glued together, kissing.

* * *

“It’s all working according to plan,” Odette told her sister, Zelda, at the hotel room they were staying at in Pensacola, Florida, even though she was aggravated they hadn’t been able to catch up to Melany. She felt the jaguar would have gotten a fair trial and Melany had no reason to run. As soon as they could, they were checking into her story to see if they could find her mate—alive. Now the JAG had additional charges pending against her. Though if they could find her mate alive, they would drop all charges against her.

Zelda started stripping out of her clothes to take a shower. “Only if Gabrielle takes the bait. But I never expected her to hook up with one of the owners of that new ski lodge.”

“I know. Me either. Lelandi said she would make sure Gabrielle met several bachelor males, all of whom are ski instructors and could show her how to ski since we wouldn’t be there to teach her. Who would have thought the owner of the lodge would teach her how to ski?”

“She’s going to be pissed off at us once she learns that we’d planned this all along,” Zelda said.

“Not the part about that woman escaping her escort. That was all true.”

“Just the part of how someone else could have gone in our place. We’re not the only JAG special agents on the force, after all.” Zelda pulled the pins out of her hair. “At least she didn’t get suspicious about that part.”

“She trusts us.”

Zelda rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but when she learns the truth?”

“If she finds a hunky wolf mate that she can’t live without, she will be thrilled we aided her in this way. She would never have done this on her own. Ever. She’s a wolf, not like us big cats. She needs a mate for life and she needs a pack.”

Zelda sighed and headed into the bathroom. “You’re right about that. Lelandi’s a trained psychologist. Hopefully, she can do some magic tricks to help Gabrielle see what a great place it would be and convince her to stay.”

“Then when we want to take our annual ski vacation to Colorado…”

“We can stay with Gabrielle and her new mate.” Zelda started the shower.

Odette turned on a movie to watch until Zelda was out of the shower. She’d had the idea of doing this once they had learned Silver Town was a wolf-run town and the ski lodge was just being built. They’d stayed at the Victorian Silver Town Inn and met Lelandi, who had welcomed them to their little slice of shifter paradise. And that’s when Odette got the idea that their good friend, Gabrielle, could find someone to love there. At least Odette and her sister had hoped she would.

For the first time in the three years they had asked her to ski with them, Gabrielle had finally agreed to go, and this was the first time it really mattered—since they had found the perfect wolf paradise just for her. They knew how she had lost her parents on a ski trip, so they’d worried that might be an issue for Gabrielle. But they’d hoped the wolf pack would make a difference in convincing her to stay.

Odette thought about the situation with Gabrielle dating Landon. So much for their matchmaking efforts. Their best-laid plans were always being upset by someone or something else they hadn’t counted on. But Odette smiled. So much the better.

Then she frowned. The main problem with this whole venture was that Gabrielle had lived in Florida all her life, and making changes that would be that great—new state, new clinic, new friends—could be a bit overwhelming.

Gabrielle had no mate prospects where she was now. And if she was still being stubborn-headed about taking over an established vet practice in a wolf-run town, Odette would have to ask Lelandi what else she could do to make it happen.

That’s just what she would do. She lifted her phone and found Lelandi listed in her contacts and selected her number. “Hi, Lelandi, this is Odette. Things seem to be promising as far as Landon taking Gabrielle skiing and all, but she’s not convinced that she should make any real changes in her lifestyle and move to Silver Town.”

“I’m going to talk to Doc Mitchell. I have some ideas about what to try next. Thanks for keeping in touch.”

“All right then. Work your magic.” Odette ended the call. She and her sister would continue to do whatever they could to make it happen from this end.