Harboring Hannah by Pepper North

Chapter 14

Blue, iridescent fabric filled her view when she woke up. Pulling her stuffie closer, Hannah needed a few seconds to figure out where she was. Hannah pulled the paci from her mouth and looped it over her finger so she wouldn’t lose it before sitting up in her crib to look around. The protective railing blocked her view, but Hannah could still see through the slats. This was her nursery.

“Did I fall asleep, Neela?” she asked the stuffie out loud as she looked around. Fuzzy images floated into her mind after rocking with her Daddy. Hannah felt good. She always slept better with Deke around. Her mind was more settled.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the hallway. Automatically, Hannah scooted to lean against the back of the crib, tucking the comforter around her and bending her legs in front of her.

“Little girl? Did you wake up?” Deke asked, walking into the nursery. He put a small device in the drawer under the changing table.

“Did you hear me?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

“I heard you through the baby monitor.”

“I’m not a baby,” she protested.

“Of course not. You’re my Little girl,” Deke assured her as he triggered something at the bottom of the rail to lower it.

When he tugged the comforter away, revealing her nude body, Hannah struggled to not cover herself from his eyes. Happiness welled inside her as he leaned in to press a kiss on her forehead and whisper, “You are such a beautiful Little girl, I’m so lucky I found you.” She scooted forward to throw her arms around his neck and hug him tight. She was the lucky one.

When he leaned back, Deke smoothed her hair back from her face. His eyes held such tenderness, Hannah forgot her nervousness about being naked. He was her Daddy. Putting her hand into his offered one, she scrambled out of the crib and followed him to the changing table.

“Time to get settled into your new life, Hannah.” Wrapping his hands around her waist, Deke boosted her up to sit on the padded mat.

“Lie back. Daddy’s going to make sure you’re healthy.”

Unsure what he was talking about, she followed his directions. He pulled a thick woven strap from the far side of the table to wrap around her ribcage. “What?” she asked, tugging at the restraint.

“I don’t want you to fall off, sweetheart. It’s okay.”

Hannah watched him open the drawer below the mat to withdraw a thick cylindrical object and a jar. He set the tube on a shelf out of her reach. She could see a silver tip poking over the edge of the wood. A rustle captured her attention. Looking over, she saw her Daddy removing the lid of the jar before setting it aside as well.

“Legs up,” Deke announced, wrapping one hand around her ankles and lifting her feet. He pulled a metal apparatus down and fitted her legs into metal holders before securing each with a Velcro strap.

“Let’s get this adjusted to fit you,” he remarked casually, pushing it up a bit. Click, click, click. The rattle of the mechanism conveyed the security of its hold on her body as he raised her hips off the padding and pushed her feet forward slightly, causing her bottom to spread.

“What are you doing?” Hannah struggled to free her legs. The wide strap prevented her from curling up and the support above her eliminated any kicking.

“Settle down, Little girl. I’m going to take your temperature,” Deke announced. He reached for the thick tube and dipped that silver end into the jar.

She saw a thick lubricant glob on the end of the device and knew. “Don’t put that in my bottom!” Her fingers scrambled over the belt holding her down, but couldn’t find the release.

“Little girls have their temperature taken in their bottoms.”

He spread her bottom a bit more to reveal that small, hidden entrance completely. Immediately, he pressed it deep inside her.

Hannah shivered at the feel of the thick intruder inside her. She tried to push it out, but Deke held it firmly in place. Finally, she drooped on the mat. “I don’t like this.”

He slid it a bit further inside her and declared, “Perfect. I’ll start the timer when you are ready.”


“The thermometer needs to stay inside you for ten minutes to be accurate. If you’re wiggling around, I have to restart the time. Are you ready to stay still?”

Her mind worked furiously. The longer she struggled, the more time it would stay inside her. She nodded. “I’ll be good.”

Deke opened the drawer again and pulled out a red ladybug timer. He turned the dial to ten minutes and set it down on the padding where she could see it. The mechanical tick, tick, tick of the timer made Hannah feel more in his control. She knew he wouldn’t budge from the time requirement.

When Deke moved, she focused on him once again. He pulled a folded, thick item from the shelf below her. After placing it next to the timer, he smoothed a hand over her torso down to rub her tummy.

“You’re really going to make me wear a diaper?” she asked, incredulous. Unconsciously, she squeezed her thighs together as the thought of being that much in his control turned her on. Just like those books.


He rubbed her tummy to soothe her. Deke turned the thermometer in her bottom, drawing her attention back to its presence. Automatically, she squirmed and then froze as his hand on her stomach lifted and readjusted the timer to say ten minutes.

“You’re restarting it?”

“You need to hold still, sweetheart.” He lifted his arm to the metal restraint holding her feet. “Let’s make this a bit more comfortable.” Several mechanical clicks sounded as he moved her feet slightly apart.

“That’s better. Hold still, Little girl. I’m going to check how you’re tolerating the thermometer.”

She looked at him in confusion and thrashed as he stroked a hand down the inside of her thigh to dip his fingers into her pink folds. Hannah heard the wet sounds of his fingers touching her intimately.

“Nooo!” she howled, embarrassed to have him know how turned on his treatment had made her.

“Daddy’s in charge. I’m glad to see you’re aroused, sweetheart. That tells Daddy that your bottom needs regular attention. Remember, you need to hold still.” His fingers continued to caress her as he lavished attention on those sensitive spots he’d discovered during their lovemaking.

“I can’t just lay here when you’re doing that,” she waved a hand at his moving between her thighs. She tried to resist the tingles gathering quickly inside her.

“The timer can be reset whenever you’re ready,” he reassured her gently.

The torturous stimulation continued as Deke adjusted the thermometer inside her as he touched her. Hannah pulled Neela over her eyes and tried to block out reality as the sensations demanded she pay attention to them. His finger circled her clit as the thermometer moved in quick thrusts. In. Out. In. Out.

“Ahhh!” she came with a scream. Overwhelmed by the forced orgasm, Hannah panted as she tried to regain control of her breath.

“Good girl,” he praised, gently rubbing the inside of her thigh with his wet hand.

When her eyes closed, Deke stepped away from the table to search her bed for the pacifier. Returning, he brushed it across her lips and slid it inside as she accepted it gratefully. He adjusted the thermometer back to the deepest position and reset the time.

This time, Hannah had no trouble laying still until it rang with a tinny sound. Her eyes fluttered open as he removed the thermometer and rotated it to read the results. She smiled when he announced her temperature was perfect.

“That wasn’t too bad, was it, Little girl,” he questioned as he cleaned the device with a small, moistened towelette.

“No,” she whispered, feeling the heat build in her cheeks.

“I think you like Daddy being in charge.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she admitted.

Hannah closed her eyes again to hide as he wiped between her cheeks with a fresh towelette to remove the excess lubricant. She shuddered in reaction to his intimate touch. Those tremors continued as he cleaned the juices from her pussy as well.

“My Little girl is so sensitive,” he complimented as he picked up the padded garment and opened it. With her bottom raised, Deke easily slid it under her hips. Releasing the restraints around her ankles, he lowered her feet gently to the table and pressed her knees apart to draw the padding between her legs. Within seconds, he had it securely fastened around her waist.

“Okay! All set! Let’s get some clothes on you,” he celebrated, helping her sit up.

Deke pressed his hands down on her thighs, pinning her in place as she scooted off. “Sit right here for Daddy.”

When she nodded, he walked over to the closet and opened it to reveal several garments hanging inside. Choosing two, he turned to offer, “Skirt or leggings?”

Hannah looked at the colorful leggings and the bright pink sparkly skirt. The latter looked almost like a tutu. “Can I wear the skirt?”

“Of course. It matches this shirt,” he commented, pulling out a white T-shirt with pink trim around the neck and sleeves.

Carrying them over to the changing table, he laid the skirt on the table. “Arms up,” he requested before dressing her in the soft shirt. The skirt he looped over her feet and pulled up to her knees. Lifting her from the table, he set her in front of him and adjusted the skirt up to her waist.

Hannah turned in a circle, watching her skirt lift into the air before settling into place. “I love this!” she announced, twirling around in delight.

She turned to look at her Daddy to make sure she wasn’t acting foolishly. Deke leaned against the changing table with his arms folded. His face was a picture of happiness. A big smile stretched his lips as his eyes twinkled.

“You look adorable. I’m glad I ordered that for you.”

“Really? You chose all those things for me?”

“I placed several orders after meeting you.”

“You were that sure I was your Little girl?” she asked, rushing toward him to lean her body against him.

Deke wrapped his arms around her and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “There has never been a doubt in my mind. Now, we need to go outside. Lollipop is coming home in five minutes.”

“I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Let’s go.” Taking her hand, Deke escorted her down the hallway and to the front door.

She hesitated, looking down at her outfit. It was great while she was with Deke alone, but was she brave enough to wear it around others? “Are you sure I’m dressed appropriately to meet Kenzie and Osiris?”

“Kenzie is going to ask where you got your clothes.”

“You can’t be that sure,” she protested.

“Bet you.”

“What are we betting?”

“Fifty kisses.”

“That’s it? Kisses?” she asked, feeling her forehead wrinkle in consternation.

“Your kisses are pretty important to me,” he gently answered.

A bark at the door fueled her to decide quickly. She held her hand out to shake and seal the deal.