Harboring Hannah by Pepper North

Chapter 18

Cuddled on her Daddy’s lap, Hannah listened to his strong heartbeat under her ear. His boat rocked quietly below them as Hannah relaxed. She inhaled, savoring the unique scent of her Daddy. Tucked under her shirt, his hand stroked her back. The callouses on his hand roughly caressed her skin.

“I love it here, Daddy,” Hannah shared.

“That makes me very happy, Little girl. I love you, Hannah.”

Sitting up, she searched his face. “You love me?”

“I think I’ve loved you from the very beginning.”

“I almost ruined everything,” she whispered.

“This will be the last time we talk about the past. I have a theory. You tell me if I’m right. I don’t think you ran away. I think you ran toward me.”

Hannah looked at him in astonishment as pieces of her thoughts clicked into place. “I hid from everyone. But… I couldn’t leave you completely. I slept by your boat a few nights, knowing you were on the other side of the hull.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know you were there. I would have spanked your bottom thoroughly and then held you close.”

“I made so many mistakes.”

“Sometimes, a Little’s path to their Daddy is convoluted. What matters is you’re here now.”

“I… I love you, too, Daddy. I’ve been scared to tell you. I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone. I didn’t want to jinx it,” she confessed in a rush of words.

“Tell me again.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

Deke pulled her close to kiss her deeply. When he lifted his head, they were both breathing heavily. “I love you, Hannah.”

Standing with her cradled in his arms, Deke walked to the opening in the railing. “Take a deep breath.”

“What are you doing? Daddy!” Hannah squealed as Deke jumped into the water with her in his arms.

Sputtering, she stared at him as they bobbed to the surface and treaded water together. “Why did you do that?”

“I have something for you to see.” Deke turned and swam toward the back of the boat.

Hannah chased after him. “What?”

“I’ve waited for you to see this, but you haven’t noticed. Our boat has a new name.”

Looking up at the back of the boat, Hannah read with wonder, “Hannah’s Harbor. You made this my safe spot?”

“Yes. You are always safe with me.”

The kisses that followed challenged his ability to keep them at the surface of the water. Deke rose to the challenge. Soon, their bathing suits dotted the deck of the boat as he showed his Little how delighted he planned to keep her.

* * *

Thank you for reading Harboring Hannah!

Coming next from Pepper North is Daddy’s Waiting. You don’t want to miss the first story of the thrilling ABC Towers series!

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