Harboring Hannah by Pepper North

Chapter 5

“No, Tommy! You can’t post it.”

A short time later, she wailed, “Please, Tommy. Don’t do this.”

Deke looked over at the now quiet figure lying nestled in the large bucket seat. Just a few days ago, he’d thought he’d lost her forever. Glancing back and forth from the road, he memorized her sweet face, relaxed in slumber. A peaceful sleep that had replaced her earlier unpleasant dream.

He’d listened carefully as she mumbled details. It hadn’t taken much to put two and two together. His Little had dealt with a lot on her own. Deke hoped that she’d trust him enough to tell him in the future. For now, he took things into his own hands. Grabbing her phone from the cupholder between them, Deke held the steering wheel steady on the now empty highway as he powered the device on.

Deke would have hesitated using the unlocking code he’d seen her input earlier, but he knew she needed help. After searching her messages from Tommy, Deke strangled his anger. She’d erased the video from her phone, but not his threats. Juggling his own device and hers, Deke captured photos of the conversation between the two. He didn’t look at anything else, and replaced her phone when he’d finished.

The dates matched her disappearance. This was why she’d hidden from him. Quickly, he sent the screenshots and Tommy’s contact information to a lawyer everyone at SANCTUM trusted. He’d asked Carrie to alert the town’s government broadcasting station that a lowlife had targeted them in a plan to air explicit content in the next livestream. Deke also included the message that Hannah was his Little girl and he’d be in touch soon.

Shaking his head, the information Deke had learned while searching for her didn’t add up. There was a marked difference between his perception of the quiet woman and the wild child her family seemed to think she was. Deke wouldn’t judge Hannah by her past actions—or maybe, in this case, past misunderstandings. For now, she was safe and in his care.

His phone vibrated with an incoming call. Quickly, Deke grabbed it and murmured into the phone. “Deke, here.”

“So, when can we expect you to arrive?” Josiah’s voice boomed from the device.

“Hi, Josiah. We’re on our way. Count on us arriving in three days. I’m going to take it slow,” Deke answered quietly.

“We? I thought you were alone. Did you find her?” Josiah questioned.

Deke grinned at the device. “Careful, your police background is showing. Yes, Hannah is with me.”

A movement from the passenger seat made him glance over. Hannah’s eyes were open, and she was listening. Deke winked and turned the speaker on so she could hear.

“Josiah, I have you on speaker now. The boat will slow us down a bit. Would you have Osiris and Kenzie keep an eye on Lollipop for a couple more days?” Deke set the phone in the cupholder between them.

“It will tickle Kenzie to babysit for your monster of a dog for a bit longer. Those two are best friends. She’s been talking to Lollipop about your Little girl. I think he actually understands.”

“He’s a smart dog. I can’t wait to see him and introduce Lollipop and Hannah,” Deke answered, extending a hand to Hannah. He smiled at her when she linked her fingers with his.

“Keep us updated on your progress. The Littles are excited to meet Hannah. I think they’re planning a bonfire party.”

“Thanks for the warning. That’s sweet of them. I’ll keep in touch.”

“Safe travels,” Josiah said, disconnecting the call.

“Do you think they’ll like me?” Hannah whispered.

Deke squeezed her hand to reassure her. “I don’t have any doubt that they will love you. There are eight Littles now living at SANCTUM full-time. In addition, one visits whenever she can close her store and her Daddy can bring her. Others visit frequently. I’m sure you’ll like them all. Each has their own story.”

Their silent thoughts filled the car as Deke drove down the highway, each involved in their own contemplations. When Hannah’s hand began twitching in his, Deke knew she was nervous.

“I thought we’d drive a few more hours and stop outside a big town. We’ll take a break whenever you need one. There’s a gas station in ten miles according to the billboards. Help me look for the right exit. We should see a huge puppy face advertising ‘The Spot’.”

“That’s the big chain of truck stops?” Hannah asked, sitting straight up in the seat to glance at their route.

“It is. Stopping there with the boat will be easy. I know they have an enormous parking lot. I won’t have any trouble finding a big enough spot.”

“I’m going to get a slushie. I saw an advertisement on TV once. There was a whole wall of different flavors.”

“We’ll walk around a bit and stretch our legs.”

“Look! There’s the puppy. Is that Spot?”

“That’s the logo for the truck stop. He’s cute, isn’t he?” Deke squeezed her hand, delighted that she seemed to have shaken off whatever worried her.

“He is cute. Does Lollipop look like that?”

Deke chuckled. “Lollipop is a big dog, Hannah. Pull up the pictures on my phone and you can see him.”

Coaching her through opening his phone, Deke directed her to his photos. At her quick inhale, he glanced over to see a picture of Hannah filling the screen. “One of my favorite pictures. Remember us taking those?” he asked.

“You held on to them?” she asked, sliding through several pictures that they had taken together.

Deke had sweet-talked the hotel kitchen to prepare a picnic for them one evening. He and Hannah had spent several hours in a secluded area of the local park, talking and enjoying time together. The photos revealed just how happy they were. Looking at them after she disappeared had been bittersweet.

“My favorite day ever,” he said softly.

“Really?” she asked.

Her voice rose in surprise, and he suspected she wasn’t used to having someone enjoy her company. “I knew then just how special you were to me.”

Not wishing for her to become self-conscious, he added, “Keep scrolling. You’ll see Lollipop.”

A huge furry face filled the screen as she swiped to the next photo. “Goodness! He’s huge,” she breathed.

There was a hint of nervousness in her voice that prompted Deke to say, “He’s a huge goof ball. Lollipop is a gentle giant. Fair warning, he’ll try to sit on your lap and drown you with sloppy kisses.”

Her giggle made him smile. “He loves Little girls. Keep scrolling. There’s one of Kenzie in there with him. She and her Daddy have been taking care of Lollipop while I was away.”

“They’re so cute!” Hannah said, discovering a picture of the gigantic dog wearing costume jewelry and an elaborate bow on his head while Kenzie hugged his neck wearing a matching accessory ensemble. “I bet Lollipop loves her.”

“I think he does, but Lollipop’s a brilliant mastiff. He knows Kenzie needs a dog of her own. Her Daddy selected a puppy for Kenzie. She’ll be ready to leave her mother next week.”

“A girl puppy?”

“Yes. I’m sure Kenzie will come up with the perfect name for her.”

“There’s the exit!” Hannah said, bouncing slightly on her bottom as she leaned forward. She set his phone in the cupholder between them before staring out the windshield as he drove closer.

“That place is huge!”

“It is, Little girl. Shall we potty first and then tour around? We’ll grab something to eat and drink before I fill up the tank.”


Deke pulled into the back section of the parking lot. “I’ll come get you,” he told Hannah, reminding her that he would open her door. Before she’d disappeared, he’d guided her gently into allowing him to take care of her. It had been a change for her. Hannah was so used to being on her own, she automatically did everything herself.

“Okay,” she said, dropping her hand from the door latch at his gentle reminder. When Deke opened her door, she scooted to the edge of her seat and paused.

“Let me,” Deke suggested, wrapping his hands around her ribcage and lifting her from the tall pickup. He set her feet gently on the ground before taking her hand.

After locking the truck, they walked the length of the parking lot to the front door. When she stopped just inside the front entrance in the middle of the flowing traffic, Deke stationed himself behind her to block traffic from running her over. He watched her look around as if trying to take it all in.


“I know. Huge, isn’t it? Let’s go to the bathroom and then we’ll look around.” Deke took her hand and led her to the back of the store. He stopped when she did to look at different items that captured her attention.

When they reached the entrance to the bathroom, he pulled her to the side and turned Hannah around to look at him. “Meet me right here when you’re finished. Don’t wander off without me.”

She nodded and then looked down.

Deke cupped her chin and raised her gaze to meet his. “I just found you for a second time. I don’t think my heart can handle losing you again. Can I trust you to wait for me if you’re out first?”

“I don’t want to be a bother,” she mumbled.

“You’re my Little girl. You’re important to me. If you decide you don’t feel a connection with me, I will take you to a location where I know you’ll be safe—not here where you’d have to hitchhike to get to the nearest town.”

She looked at him with big eyes. “You said your heart couldn’t handle losing me again.”

“Your protection and well-being are more important than my heart. My number one priority as a Daddy is taking care of you. I want you safe.”

“I’ll wait,” she promised.

“Thank you, Little girl.”

Deke watched her walk away from him. At the door, she turned to look back at him. Her spontaneous smile at finding him looking at her made his heart skip a beat. Damn, she’s beautiful.

When she disappeared, he walked into the men’s restroom. After relieving himself, he quickly washed his hands and splashed some water on his face. Still wiping the paper towel across his skin, Deke walked out to find Hannah in the spot he’d asked her to wait.

She stood on her tiptoes, looking over a chest-high divider into the next section at a display of stuffed animals. Her hands were clutched together in front of her body as if she needed something to hold. That section would be the first place to explore.

Deke tossed the paper towel in the trash before coming up behind her. He spoke softly, “I think you might like a friend for the trip. Let’s go look there first.”

“Oh, I’m too old for a toy,” she blustered.

“Never. Besides, I want to look for a gift for Lollipop. When I talked to Osiris last, Lollipop’s teddy bear didn’t make it back from the kennel.”

“Lollipop had a teddy bear?” she asked, sliding her hand into his when he held it out.

“He did. It was his favorite when he was a puppy. Let’s go see what they have. Maybe we’ll find something you love, too. What’s your favorite color?”

“Blue,” she immediately answered.

As they entered the aisle with stuffed animals, Deke watched her carefully. Her eyes floated over the display to stop on a light blue dragon with iridescent wings and horns. She turned to put her back to the pretty stuffie and focused on the teddy bears. Together, they searched through the choices to find one that seemed very sturdy.

“I bet Lollipop could love on this one a lot.”

“I think you’ve chosen a perfect stuffie for him.” Deke reached around her to pluck the dragon from the rack. “Squeeze this for me and tell me how soft he is.”

“She is,” Hannah automatically corrected as she hugged the blue stuffie close. Her eyes closed as she smiled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I should have known.”

“She’s really soft.” Hannah set the dragon back on the shelf and trailed her fingers across the stuffie’s scales.

“That’s perfect. I’ll take her, too.”

“You don’t need a stuffie,” Hannah laughed.

“Sometimes, life and death need isn’t as important as the comfort a stuffie can bring. Let’s get a cart. Hold this for me,” he asked, handing Hannah the blue plush.

Within minutes, the two stuffies were riding in the child’s seat in the front of the basket. Deke drove with one hand and held Hannah’s with the other. He loved watching her expressive face react to all the treasures hidden around the fancy truck stop. She didn’t ask for anything, just enjoyed looking around.

An hour later, armed with a large cup of sweet tea for him and a giant blue raspberry slurpie for Hannah, a box of fudge and cheese curls for the ride, and two stuffed turkey subs, Deke wheeled the cart up to the cashier.

“I can pay for…” Hannah started before falling quiet as Deke shook his head.

“You’re with me, Hannah. Carry your drink for me,” he suggested.

“Thank you,” she whispered as they walked out of the store with their packages and drinks.

“You’re welcome. Do you want to eat while we’re stopped, or shall I fill up the car and we’ll munch our subs on the road?”

“Let’s eat on the road if that doesn’t bother you while you’re driving.”

“I’ll get you to help me put mustard on my sandwich. Heading out is probably a better idea. I don’t like the look of those clouds. Let’s see if we can outrun the clouds to get to our stopping point.”

“Good idea.”

Deke maneuvered the long vehicle to one pump and started the flow of fuel to restock the truck. Rounding the truck, he opened Hannah’s door to find her on her phone. Smiling at her startled expression, he leaned in to pick up the package with her stuffie. “Let’s get these tags off her. What’s her name?”

“I was just looking for a girl’s name that means blue. I’m going to call her Neela. That means sapphire blue.”

“I like that. Do you need to let anyone know where you are?” he probed as he placed her stuffie on her thighs to fish his pocketknife out of his pocket.

“I sent my folks a text from the police station.”

“Good. Did you give them my name?”

“No. They’re not worried.” She swiped over her screen to pull up a message.

The answer to Hannah’s message of Just checking in to let you know I’m okay was, “Great. Have fun,” from one parent and an emoji of a thumbs up from the other.

Hannah switched off her phone and slid it into her back pocket. Her gaze jumped to his when Deke cupped the back of her head to pull her forward. Taking his time, allowing her plenty of time to resist, Deke pulled her lips to his. He kissed her deeply as he wrapped his other arm around her to hug her close.

A rude honk from a car at the pump next to him sounded. Deke ignored the interruption and savored their exchange. Leaning back, he smiled at Hannah and rubbed his thumb over her jawline. He took a reluctant step back and plucked the compact knife from her seat.

Extracting the small scissors, Deke carefully separated the plastic line holding on the tag from the dragon’s plush scales. With a careful snip, he freed the stuffie. “There you go. It’s been several hours since your medicine. I want you to stay awake so you can eat. Shall we try a half tablet to see if that will work?”

“Thanks. I don’t want to get sick again, but I hate being sleepy all the time.”

Deke pulled the package from the glove box and pushed a tablet out. Pressing it against his palm, he bent the chewable pill in half. He handed her one and watched her chew and swallow it with a gulp of the bright blue drink she’d selected.

“Stick out your tongue.” He laughed as she followed his directions and her eyes crossed, trying to see her tongue. He flipped down the visor and showed her the mirror. “You’re going to turn your tummy a pretty color. Neela will be blue outside, and you’ll match her inside.”

As she giggled at her dyed tongue, he closed her door and circled the hood to remove the nozzle. Ripping the receipt off, he returned to the cab to find her holding Neela up to the mirror to compare.

“My tongue is bluer.”

“It definitely is. Ready to hit the road again?”
