Harboring Hannah by Pepper North

Chapter 9

Delightful warmth surrounded her. Hannah wiggled contentedly against the heat source next to her. “Mmm!” she hummed in contentment.

“Did my Little girl sleep well?” Deke’s husky voice slid through the fogginess that surrounded her.

“Deke?” she asked, blinking her eyes.

“Daddy,” he corrected.

“Daddy,” she whispered. “I thought maybe it was a dream.”

“No way, Little girl. In this case, both our dreams came true. Are you ready for another day of travel?”

Hannah crossed her fingers under the covers. Please let this man keep looking at her like this—like she was the most precious woman on earth. “Are we almost to SANCTUM?”

“A long day today and we’ll be there tomorrow. We could break it up into three days if you’d rather.”

“No. I’ll be fine riding in your truck. I’ll just avoid the boat until it’s on water,” she rushed to answer. “I’d like to get to SANCTUM. I’m super curious about everyone.”

“We’ll entertain ourselves on the road today, talking about the wonderful people in SANCTUM. Kenzie has a lot of Little friends you’ll enjoy meeting.”

“What if they don’t like me, Daddy?”

“Littles love meeting other Littles. It’s like you’re a part of a secret club that only Little girls and boys can join. They are already excited to play with you.”


“Promise,” he answered, crossing an X on his chest. “Now, up! Showers for both of us.”

“Can I use the bathroom first?”

“Of course. When we get home, Daddy will start taking care of you completely. You’ll be able to potty anytime you want,” he assured her as she scrambled over the covers and down the foot of the bed.

That sounded confusing to her, but Hannah thrust that out of her mind. She needed to pee badly. Blushing when he followed her inside to warm the water in the shower, Hannah narrowly avoided having an accident by collapsing to the toilet. As she emptied her bladder, Deke threw two fresh towels over the shower rod before wadding up toilet paper for her.


“I can do it.”

“Daddy takes care of you, Little girl,” Deke answered, helping her up and wiping her dry.

“Good girl. In the shower,” he directed.

Deke steadied her as she stepped inside before following Hannah into the shower stall. As she rotated in the shower to get wet, he opened one of the new body wash bottles. When she reached for it, he shook his head.

“Daddy does that, too?” she questioned, feeling slightly off-balance as she adjusted to letting him care for her.


Hannah watched him pour the fragrant soap into his hand. When he curled his finger to beckon her, she walked forward out of the spray. He spread the cleanser over her body. She loved the feel of his hands on her skin. Deke’s touch was thorough but didn’t linger on her sensitive areas. His body responded to her closeness.

When she reached for his growing erection, Deke stopped her hands and corrected, “Ask for permission to touch Daddy’s penis in the future. We won’t play this morning, Hannah.”

Her face heated in embarrassment. She dropped her gaze to stare at her toes. He lifted her chin with a gentle hand. “We’ll have lots of playtime at SANCTUM, Hannah. I promise. I wish to feel your touch.”

Reassured, she nodded and smiled tentatively. Her reward was a brief kiss before he knelt in front of her to wash her feet, legs, and between her thighs. Hannah held her breath as he touched her so intimately.

When her front was cleaned thoroughly, he stood and directed, “Turn around, sweetheart. Let the water rinse you off.”

Rotating to let the water course over her face and body, Hannah exhaled shakily. She jumped as he reached around her to urge the water into all her nooks and crannies to wash away the lather. The touch of his hands smoothing body wash over her back comforted her. Hannah loved how he cared for her, even when it was embarrassing.

When he slid a hand around her tummy to hold her in place, she knew where his next target was. Hannah tried to relax but couldn’t help jolting forward as his fingers swept between her buttocks to press lightly against that small hidden opening.

“Shh, Little girl. Daddy will touch you here often. Bottoms need more attention than just during spankings,” he explained.

When she caught herself automatically nodding to agree with him, Hannah shook her head quickly. “My bottom will be fine,” she promised.

His chuckle informed her she hadn’t changed his mind. “Rinse off, Hannah.”

With the suds gone, Deke turned off the water and wrapped her in one thick towel. “Go play with Neela. Daddy will help you get dressed in a few minutes,” he instructed.

Scurrying out of the bathroom as he restarted the shower, Hannah climbed on the bed and hugged her dragon stuffie to her heart. Her mind boggled at all the changes that had happened in the last forty-eight hours.

“Send your best wishes, Neela, to me. I think my heart will break in half if Deke decides I’m not worthy of being his Little.”

Hannah knew she’d have to tell him sometime. She just didn’t want to break the news now. Damn Tommy. If she’d only known he was recording her. She’d never have slept with him.

* * *

Deke rejoined her in the main room, interrupting her thoughts. He helped her dress. Wearing one pair of the now clean and dry panties along with her jeans and a T-shirt, he’d helped Hannah stow all her clothes in her backpack. She loved that he placed her borrowed nightshirt in her bag.

Holding her hand, he walked her out of the hotel and helped Hannah into her seat. “Let’s stop at that restaurant and get some breakfast. Do you mind eating on the road? I’d like to get as close to SANCTUM as we can today.”

“I’m hungry,” she confessed, as her stomach growled.

“Me, too.”

With a bag of delicious sandwiches, a cup of coffee, and a soft drink for Hannah, Deke helped her back into the vehicle and secured her seatbelt. Before circling the hood to climb inside himself, he scanned her face. “I don’t want to give you medicine if we don’t need to. How are you feeling in the truck?”

“I’m okay if I’m in the front,” she assured him.

“Will you promise to let me know immediately if you felt queasy? I’ll pull over and we’ll get you some of the motion sickness medicine.” His piercing gaze wouldn’t allow her to lie.

“I promise.”

“Good girl. Let’s get going to SANCTUM.” With a pat on her thigh, he stepped back to close her door. Within minutes, they were on their way, munching happily on the fast-food treats.