Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



Gabrielaand I make our way back to the dining hall.

I wouldn't say we're closer after our chat, but I will say that the tension has eased since understanding has stepped through. The men are still chatting idly as we walk in, but the energy feels off. It feels...anxious. Or maybe that's me because Dante is now looking at me with a worried look on his face, something I've never seen before.

"What's wrong?" Gabriela asks, the energy feeling off to her too.

Oscar lights a cigar and leans back in his chair, smoke billowing into clouds right in front of his face. I walk to Dante and stand next to him. His hand reaches out to grab mine, but I don't sit as I stare into his worried expression.

"It seems after further investigation from Oscar and his men, Juan Carlos has been recruiting several men and has not only found the mansion's location, but has set up a camp not too far from here."

Hairs stand all over my body as Dante utters the words. I feel my stomach drop, low and filled with lead.

"He's been working beneath us the whole time. Oscar is going to bring some men here from Columbia, but we will need to train them diligently," he says and I sit next to him, staring at Oscar's smoke that billows in the room.

"He's going to stay here to assist with training. Gabriela, you will return home to mama. A few bodyguards will stay behind."

The room is silent and Gabriela stares at the floor for a while before looking up and addressing everyone in the room.

"I'll stay here. Mama doesn't need any more of my stress back home. And I'm tired of being kept in the dark. I'd like to know the war my own blood is in." She says this with conviction and surprisingly, the men don't argue with her.

"We’ll clear up some rooms in the east wing. It hasn't been occupied in quite some time," Dante says. "In the meantime, Emmie, you and I will be going on a little trip while Oscar brings the men here. It'll just be for the weekend."

A trip?

“Why can’t we be here for that? Shouldn’t you be here for that?” I question him, feeling like some more truth is being withheld.

Judging by the small, but anxious look on Dante’s face, I’d say that I’m right.

“Oscar, everyone, Sergio will guide you to your rooms. I’ll have some bags sent for you when we round up our men back home. In the meantime, please excuse us.”

Dante stands and grabs my hand, pulling me from the dining hall and walking towards the direction of his bedroom. Something is not right, and I can feel it. I feel it in the slightly tighter grip that he has on my wrist. I feel it in the air that’s now thick with unease. We get to his room and he shuts the door behind us, walking to his bedside to remove his watch and cufflinks so he can set them on the table.

“There’s something more and I know it. My real question is, will you actually tell me this time or leave me blindsided?” I ask him, a bite in my tone that’s unmistakable.

He sighs and sits on his bed, patting the spot next to him for me to sit down. I cross my arms over my chest and stand in my spot, not moving until he fucking spills. I thought we were past this? I thought we moved on from being elusive, but I guess not.

“Your father has a plan drawn out for your capture. He’s ready to put it in motion this weekend. Oscar hacked into his server and found everything. I have to get you out of here until we have more security and a solid plan in motion. We leave by jet tomorrow morning.” He rests his forearms on his knees, his head hanging.

I know he just told me the truth because I feel it like I feel our chemical pull, but something else is troubling him. I walk over and my hands wander to his hanging head, my fingers running through his soft hair. He groans and captures one of my hands swiftly, meeting my eyes as he does. His eyes are dark, near black with anger and worry.

“The things he has planned for you, Emmie...the things that I read. I want to rip his intestines out and feed them to him by hand.” His voice shakes and I sit on his lap, looking into his dark and anxious eyes.

“Tell me,” I command, and he closes his eyes, shutting me out. I touch his chin to look at me, but he keeps his eyes shut.

“I can’t relive it all or I’ll start breaking things. I don’t want you to see me like that. You’ve seen enough.” His voice is dark, and it makes chills run up the length of my spine.

“Please, Dante, anything. I have to know something.” I beg and he sighs, opening his eyes to look at me. They are filled with rage.

“He was planning to keep you locked away in his compound, force you to marry one of his assistants and then force you to carry that man's child. I saw the marriage certificate. I saw everything in fine detail.” His voice drops even lower, but I’m not drowning him out.

The room feels like it’s suddenly closing in on me. My chest feels heavy, and the lead is back in my stomach. My own father, the elite sex trafficker, is plotting for me to be his next victim. I feel like I’m going to be sick, but Dante sees everything written on my face and wraps one of his strong arms around me, pulling me tightly to him. His other hand grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

“He will never touch you, mi ciela, you hear me? Over my dead body.” I shiver in his grasp, willing the tears back.

He kisses me softly, but I feel his anger in the kiss still. I rest my head into his neck, breathing him in. I can’t imagine what all he saw. I don’t want to ask anymore. His admission was enough to put me into a state of shock. We are quiet for a moment, just sitting on his bed and breathing each other in. I never want this to end, I never want to leave his side. Mostly because I love him, but also because it’s safest for me here.

“Where are we going?” I ask quietly, pulling back to look at the small smile on his lips.

“Vegas, baby,” he says before kissing my nose.

Why Vegas?

“Any particular reason why?” I ask.

“Because it’s the city of distractions. And I know a friend who owns one of the luxury hotels. He owes me a favor,” he says and I nod at him.

“Vegas it is,” I say, and he smiles.

“Vegas it is. Now come here and let me love you.” He spins me and places my back on the bed, kissing from my chest all the way down to my toes.

It feels good as usual, but my mind is lost. It wanders to dark places. Places that are cold and empty. Places filled with strangers that want me dead. Places that I can’t see Dante in.

* * *

It’s four o’clock in the morning and I’m changing into a dark green, shift dress after I step out of the shower. Dante has taken the liberty of packing my bags for me and bringing them down to be loaded into the jet that will be here in ten minutes. I hear a knock on my door as I step into my heels, shocked to see that it’s my mother and not Dante. She looks healthier than usual, but she also looks scared.

“I overheard the men last night when I was doing dishes. I’m so sorry, Emmie. This is all my fault. I’m the reason this monster is even tracking you.” Tears fill her eyes and I rush to her before pulling her into a fierce hug.

“None of this is your fault, Mom. You didn’t ask for this man or for him to attack you twenty-one years ago. If anything, what you did that got us here with Dante was the safest thing for you to do. In a way, you saved us.” She scoffs and pulls back, dabbing at her eyes.

“I’m anything but heroic. I could’ve done more. I could’ve hidden you from him, taken you away somewhere, but instead I was busy neglecting you, tormenting you.” She’s sobbing now, her body shaking.

“You had your own demons, Mom. It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re here. We’re here and we’re alive, okay?” I wipe at her tears, and she nods slowly, looking into my eyes.

“I love you so much, kid. I’m sorry I never showed you just how much.” She sniffs and I smile, holding her hand in mine.

“We’re here now, Mom. I love you too. I’ll be back in a few days. I promise.” She nods and gives me a hug before walking out of the room.

I follow her down the stairs, meeting Dante and his siblings at the bottom of the staircase. Gabriela is not wearing any makeup today and she still looks like a princess. Oscar has a cigar in his mouth as usual, but he smiles at me. I can see that it’s genuine, so I smile back.

“The jet is here now. Be safe and let us know when you arrive. Benjamin and Andres will be coming with you,” Oscar says from around his cigar, clapping Dante on the shoulder.

They follow us outside, it is dark but I see the sun creeping beyond the horizon, ready to emerge. Gabriela gives Dante a small hug and pulls back to offer me a small, fleeting smile. I guess she must have had a good night's sleep because she’s not acting like a total bitch today. I’ll take it.

I hear the jet before I see it, it’s descending from the sky and the grass blows rapidly beneath it. Dante grabs my hand and walks me to it as Benjamin and Andres trail behind us with our luggage. We step inside and all sounds from the outside are blocked out. The interior is cream colored and nice, and the seats look comfortable enough to sleep in. Dante walks the two of us to the back before closing a large partition, sitting me down in a seat and ringing a bell before he sits across from me.

A stewardess appears moments later, carrying a tray of steaming espresso cups and plates that smell of delicious eggs.

“Eggs benedict for you both. Please let me know if you need any cream or sugar for your espresso.” She smiles at us and Dante thanks her before dismissing her, leaving us alone to eat our breakfast at the table between us.

I sit back after a few bites, my stomach full of nerves so not much food can squeeze into it. I take a sip of espresso and sit back in my chair, staring at the earth below us as we fly.

“The flight is just under an hour. We should be there and checked into our room by seven. You can rest in the meantime,” Dante says before sipping his espresso.

“I’m too nervous to sleep,” I say, not looking at him as I speak.

“I know a way to ease your stress, mi ciela,” he says, his voice rich and smooth like chocolate. I snort at him.

“As much as I would love to join the mile high club with you, I’m afraid not this morning.” I try to tease him, but fail.

You can hear the stress and worry in my voice. It’s unmistakable. Dante reaches across the table and grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my skin. It calms me slightly, but the worry still stretches along the inside of my veins.

“He won’t get to you, Esmeralda. I won’t let him. You’re mine and I’ll make sure of it. Forever.” I turn my head towards him when he whispers the last word, my eyes wide.


“Forever is quite a long time,” I say quietly, holding his warm gaze.

“Not nearly long enough,” he says, like it’s a matter of fact.

We stay like that for the rest of the plane ride. Holding hands and stealing warm glances until the jet touches the ground.

We all step out of the plane, and I can see the sun is up and shining, its orange glow warming me as I look at the desert around us. There’s a black limo waiting for us, and we all step inside. I can't help but stare out of the window as we drive through Vegas. It’s morning, but the city is alive with lights and color. Nobody sleeps here, you can see it. It’s a constant motion that never slows or stops. I can’t help but be left in total awe.

The car comes to a stop and Benjamin hops out, holding the door for Dante and me. We step out and I am greeted by the sight of a huge, gold building. I can see the giant, crystal chandelier hanging in the lobby from outside. People in suits and dresses walk in and out of the revolving doors. Dante guides us inside as the men trail behind us. We reach the desk and he completes the check-in before walking us to an elevator that carries us up to the penthouse suite.

It is just he and I that enter the room. Which, thank God, because this room was obviously meant for a couple. It is double the size of Dante’s quarters and the bed itself is large enough to take up a whole wall of space, the linens a velvet gold. I run my fingers across it as I walk to the window, staring out at the city below us. It is alive and bustling even though the dawn of the day just rose. I feel Dante creep up behind me, his hands resting on my hips as his lips run along the length of my neck. I lean back into his touch as he groans.

“I packed your bathing suit. Though, I doubt we will need it for the jacuzzi in the bathroom. Care to try it out now?” He whispers into my skin and I shiver in delight, though my nerves are still present.

“I need a drink,” I say, and I turn to look at him.

His eyebrows are raised, and a small smile plays with his full lips.

“It’s seven in the morning, Emmie,” he proclaims, but his smile is full now.

“When in Rome,” I say and he laughs, a full and big belly laugh. I am immediately in love with it and even more in love with him.

“Vegas, baby,” he says as his nose touches mine. I smile through my words.

“Vegas, baby.” I can’t help but lose myself in his sudden and passionate kiss, my worry slipping away with each heated brush of his lips against mine.